Vol. 18 No. 37 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay,Ilawaii September l9, I9G9 Super Sky Pilot Lands At K-Bay Reporting to K-Bay is between the chaplain and the former Force Chap- a Marine is confidential. lain for FMFPac, Navy It cannot be used in court, I. Captain Bradford W. and even the chaplain's Long. Holding a rank e- records cannot be sub- !I poenaed. quivalent to a Marine Sgt. Patten Col., Chaplain Long will Chaplain Long ex- SSgt. Laferriere be the senior chaplain plained that 'every effort for both the Brigade and is made to alleviate any the Air Station. problem a Marine might bring to them. But some- Navy- Marine Corps Medal, A native of Lebanon, times the problem is of Penn., Chaplain Long has a nature that the chap- dedicated over 20 years lain can do little. as a Navy Chaplain. Most Marines should not Two Bronze Stars Given of this time was with hesitate to bring even the Marines. Chaplain those problems to their Three men were re- carried out to sea by a participation in amphib- Long also has 10 years chaplain. For, as Chap- cently presented medals riptide, he directed an ious operations and was experience as a civilian lain Long aptly put it, during ceremonies held onlooker to notify the instrumental in the ex- commanding minister in the Phil- "If we can't help by their local rescue squad and peditious repair of 13 adelphia area. He is a the Marine, we certainly officers. then entered the dan- battle- damaged air- Methodist. won't hurt him." The Navy / Marine gerous waters. craft." About K-Bay Chaplain Corps Medal was pre- After swimming sev- Captain Camper, "on Long said, "You hear, sented to Sgt. Clarence eral hundred yards he numerous occasions, of course, about the bad F. Patten III from V M FA- reached the exhausted supervtsect the recovery side of a base. But I've 235. Captain Donald swimmer, gave the man of aircraft forced down found some really ded- "A" Camper,VMFA-212, his swim fins and "guided in enemy-controlled ter- icated people. Really good and SSgt. Gerald J. La- the man back through the ritory and disregarded people. Frankly, I've been ferriere, 1181S, received treacherous current and his own safety to provide impressed." the Bronze Star Medal surf," saving the life of guidance and assistance One of the most im- with Combat "V". the swimmer. to his maintenance portant aspects of the Sergeant Patten was While serving with team." chaplain's job is the awarded the medal Tor HMM-265, Mag-15, 9th Staff Sergeant La- "right of privileged his heroism while at MAB, as Maintenance ferriere was cited for his communication". It Sunset Beach on March Control Officer, Captain exceptional initiative and means, basically, that 9, 1969. Hearing a call Camper "assisted in pre- an extensive knowledge everything which passes (Implant Lung for help from a man being paring the squadron for (See Medals, P.3) 1/27 Returns From Hawaiian Hospitality The officers and men lo" sang out their views After the last thanks Big Islanders remem- when 1/27 trained not far of 1/27 returned to K- to the leatherneck audi- was exchanged between bered the battalion from from Hilo, for the assault Bay last week after three ence. trooper and trouper, a long time before -- on Iwo Jima. weeks of training on the With the kind of smiles "Sing Out Hilo" piled in- Big Island.the of the more that sell toothpaste, the to their buses and left memorable events ex- Hiloites charmed the K- Pohokuloa to the night's perienced by the Ma- Bay Marines with such cold quiet. rines during the later varied numbers as "What of Color is God's Skin?," The next few days saw phases their exercise the battalion in the field was the appearance of a "The Cherry Blossom program youthful group of songs- continuing their Dance." "Bamboo of intensive training. ters called 'Sing Out Hi- Dance," One number One off with "From Marine's opinion has it lo.' started that "the lava terrain is "Sing Out, Hilo", a the Halls of Monte- great training for the ar- group modeled on the na- zuma--" and every man tillery, With was standing. mortars, recoil- tionally known "Up less rifles and air People," visited 1/27 at We appreciate that support. But the lava is their Pohakuloa training each one of you," a bad for manuevering of site on the Big Island. comely lass addressed troops" The 80 throat throng are the audience, "are what boys and girls ages 12 you are; Marines!" At Hilo a movie mana- to 24 from the Hilo area, Their last number was ger gave free admission the Big Island's main climaxed by a standing to the Marines for his community. ovation. LtCol. Hunter, double feature. This is The show started off 1/27 CO, went backstage just a small example of with a display of sheer to personally thank the the Big Island hospitality 1/27 enjoyed while on li- exuberance that did not troupers. "Three cheers b diminish at the last act. for the Marines!" shouted berty there. and one little girl and led SING OUT HILO - Tells it like it is as they entertained 1127 at Poha- Strong on patriotism Perhaps some of the kuloa. (USMC Photo by PFC Bruce Jewett) optimisim, "Sing Out, Hi- each hurrah. September Page 2 WINDWARD MARINE 19, 1969 Forum Editorial Roving Reporter Q - What is the CFC? The WindBag "It is the Combined Federal Campaign, but I don't know what EDITOR'S NOTE: This is CFC Needs You! the first pertinent question sub- its purpose is." world over have been PFC R. L. Jenkins Jenkins mitted to the Windy Forum. The American servicemen the H&HS Windy will continue to print and noted for helping those in need. Be it a Marine seek the answers to all queries and giving candy to a baby thousand of miles from "It's the Combined Federal questions which bear relevance to home in a war-torn nation or response to disaster Campaign, its for Charity and I'm K-Bay personnel and their depend- in his own back yard, he has been there-ready, all for it." ents. willing and able to lend a hand, Cpl. D. Piepkorn Congratulations and five free now H&HS LPs go to Maj. J. P. Stanton for The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is his nomination of 'Windtag' for under way at K-Bay. This is your opportunity to "It's the Combined Federal Campaign. It combines all the the name of the Windy Forum. stand up and be counted; to count your blessings single, campaigns into one, so by and not your dollars. Now is the time to express giving to one you can give to 55 Q "1 thought the exchange your desire to aid any of more than national all." was supposed to operate on a non- E. Cockrell and local health and welfare agencies. Sgt. W. profit basis. I understand, how- HMIS The campaign goal is 100% participation. Each ever, that it does not. What hap- individual's goal should be to ask himself a simple Ed's. Note - The Combined pens to profits derived from such yourself in the Federal Campaign (CFC) has more facilities as snack bars, clothing question, and act accordingly. Put outlets, etc.?" who need. "How important is it than SO national and local health position of those and welfare agencies. Through CFC (Submitted by Mrs. Mary Kay to me, and thousands like me, to get help?" such worthwhile organizations as Bigley, dependent) Picture yourself as a child aided by Big Brothers CARE, American Cancer Society, of Hawaii, as a victim of cancer, one in desperate Palolo Chinese Home, Mental A - "The 'Exchange must such as the Youth Drug Health Association of Hawaii re- realize a profit from the sale of need of an organization merchandise and other services in of Hawaii. What if you, or a loved one, were ceive funds so that they may con- Clinic tinue their research and communi- order to provide The Command suffering from Hemophilia, Muscular Dystrophy, ty services. See the Editorial to with sufficient funds for the Re- Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis or required open- the left to see how the CFC serves creational Program. The Exchange must also redistribute profits back heart surgery? Yes, "How important is it to me, your community. Cockrell and thousands like me, to get help?" to the Exchange in the form of increased capital to provide for Who can dispute the growing need for assistance additional inventory of merchan- to such organizations as the Kuakini Home which dise, a reserve account for equip- provides a home for elderly men in need of constant ment and improvement needs, and care or the Legal Aid Society which gives legal a reserve for contingencies to off- assistance for those who cannot afford private legal set surveys and price changes. The Exchange is currently contributing help or a host of others equally in need and deserving $15,000.00 each month to Special of your assistance. Services and plans to distribute an additional $20,000.00 at the end As noted in Windy last week, Radio tin. was the first unit to re- of the Exchange Accounting port 100% participation in the CFC Drive. Within two days the unit Year." submitted an average of approximately S4 per man. Windy congratu- (Capt. G. V. Messinger, Marine lates the men of Sub Unit One, First Radio Bn.
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