July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 21 CONTENTS The Marcel Grossmann Meetings | Publications in this Series and Sponsors . v Organizing Committees . vii Marcel Grossmann Awards . ix Preface . xiii Inaugural Address . xix Marcel Grossmann Award Essay . xxi PART A PLENARY AND REVIEW TALKS A Brief History of X-Ray Astronomy in Germany Truemper, Joachim E. 3 On the Discovery of the Kerr metric Kerr, Roy Patrick . 9 Chaos and Symmetry in String Cosmology Damour, Thibault . 39 Hidden Symmetries, Cosmological Singularities and the E10=K(E10) Sigma Model Kleinschmidt, Axel; Nicolai, Herman . 49 The Nature of Generic Cosmological Singularities Uggla, Claes . 73 QCD and String Theory Klebanov, Igor R. 90 The Cosmic String Inverse Problem Polchinski, Joseph . 105 Loop Quantum Gravity: Four Recent Advances and a Dozen Frequently Asked Questions Ashtekar, Abhay . 126 String Theory Landscape and the Standard Model of Particle Physics Lust,¨ Dieter . 148 The Status of the Virgo Gravitational Wave Detector Bizouard, Marie-Anne; for the Virgo collaboration . 177 July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 22 Analytical Modeling of Binary Black Holes Coalescence Buonanno, Alessandra . 197 Binary Pulsars and General Relativistic Effects Kramer, Michael . 225 Space Astronometry and Relativity Mignard, Fran¸cois; Klioner, Sergei A. 245 Neutrino Astronomy 2006 Halzen, Francis . 272 Dark Matter and Sterile Neutrinos Biermann, Peter L.; Munyaneza, Faustin . 291 Supercomputer Simulations of the Joint Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Quasars Springel, Volker . 309 CMB Observations: From BOOMERanG to Planck : : : and Beyond De Bernardis, Paolo . 326 The Origins and the Early Evolution of Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes Djorgovski, S. George; Volonteri, Marta; Springel, Volker; Bromm, Volker; Meylan, Georges . 340 On Gamma Ray Bursts Ruffini, Remo; Bernardini, Maria Grazia; Bianco, Carlo Luciano; Caito, Letizia; Chardonnet, Pascal; Cherubini, Christian; Dainotti, Maria Giovanna; Fraschetti, Federico; Geralico, Andrea; Guida, Roberto; Patricelli, Barbara; Rotondo, Michael; Rueda Hernandez, Jorge Armando; Vereshchagin, Gregory; Xue, She-Sheng . 368 Passion for Precision Theodor, H¨ansch W. 506 The Genesis of General Relativity Renn, Juer¨ gen . 532 Superposition of Fields of Two Reissner-Nordstr¨om Sources Alekseev, George A.; Belinski, V.A. 543 Quasiperiodic Oscillations due to Axisymmetric and Non- axisymmetric Shock Oscillations in Black Hole Accretion Chakrabarti, Sandip K.; Debnath, D.; Pal, P.S.; Nandi, A.; Sarkar, R.; Samanta, M.M.; Wiita, P.J.; Ghosh, H.; Som, D. 569 Power Spectra of Black Holes (BH) and Neutron Stars (NS) as a Probe of Hydrodynamical Structure of the Source: Diffusion Theory and its Application to X-ray Observations of NS and July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 23 BH Sources Titarchuk, Lev; Shaposhnikov, Nikolai; Arefiev, Vadim . 589 Quark Matter in Compact Stars: Astrophysical Implications and Possible Signatures Bombaci, Ignazio . 605 Gauge Gravity and Electroweak Theory Hestenes, David . 629 Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Strings and Black Rings) Kunz, Jutta . 648 Some Remarks on Microlensing Towards LMC and M31 Jetzer, Philippe . 663 OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb | Gravity Reveals First Cool Rocky/Icy Exoplanet Dominik, Martin . 670 Theoretical Gravitational Lensing | Beyond the Weak-Field Small-Angle Approximation Perlick, Volker . 680 Nonsingular Collapse of Spherically Symmetric Charged Dust Krasinski,´ Andrzej; Bolejko, Krzysztof . 700 Quantum Cosmology Standpoint Vargas Moniz, Paulo . 708 Gamma Ray Burst Host Galaxies and the Link to Star-Formation Fynbo, Johan P.U.; Hjorth, Jens; Malesani, Daniele; Sollerman, Jesper; Watson, Darach J.; Jakobsson, P´all; Gorosabel, Javier; Jaunsen, Andreas O. 726 Gamma-Ray Bursts with and without Supernova Fireworks Della Valle, Massimo . 736 Talking about Singularities Cotsakis, Spiros . 758 Time Machines and Quantum Theory Hadley, Mark J. 778 Slowly and Rigidly Rotating Perfect Fluid Balls of Petrov Type D Bradley, Michael; Eriksson, Daniel; Fodor, Gyula; R´acz, Istv´an . 795 Numerical Wave Optics and the Lensing of Gravitational Waves by Globular Clusters Moylan, Andrew J.; McClelland, David E.; Scott, Susan M.; Searle, Antony C.; Bicknell, Geoff V. 807 July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 24 Inflation, Bifurcations of Nonlinear Curvature Lagrangians and Dark Energy Mielke, Eckehard W.; Kusmartsev, Fjodor V.; Schunck, Franz E. 824 Virgo Data Analysis for C6 and C7 Engineering Runs Cuoco, Elena et al. 844 Leopold Ernst Halpern and the Generalization of General Relativity Overduin, James M.; Plendl, Hans S. 870 Post-Newtonian Approximations, Compact Binaries, and Strong Field Tests of Gravity Blanchet, Luc; Grishchuk, L.P.; Sch¨afer, Gerhard . 881 Tests of Lorentz Symmetry in the Photon Sector Herrmann, Sven; Senger, Alexander; M¨oehle, Katharina; Kovalchuk, Evgeny; Peters, Achim; . 895 OPTIS { High Precision Test of Special and General Relativity in Space L¨aemmerzahl, Claus; Dittus, Hansj¨org; Hackmann, Eva; Scheithauer, Silvia; Peters, Achim; Schiller, Stephan . 905 Testing Special and General Relativity: Clocks and Trajectories Dittus, Hansj¨org; L¨ammerzahl, Claus; Peters, Achim; Salomon, Christophe . 916 Laboratory Limits for Temporal Variations of Fundamental Constants: An Update Peik, Ekkehard; Lipphardt, Burghard; Schnatz, Harald; Tamm, Christian; Weyers, Stefan; Wynands, Robert . 941 Some Old and Some New Opportunities for Quantum Gravity Phenomenology Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni . 952 Visualization of Relativistic Effects Ruder, Hanns; Nollert, Hans-Peter; Mul¨ ler, Thomas; Borchers, Marc . 972 PART B PARALLEL SESSIONS • Dark Matter Chairperson: Biermann, Peter Impact of Dark Matter on Reionization and Heating Mapelli, Michela; Ripamonti, Emanuele . 979 July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 25 Impact of Dark Matter Decays and Annihilations on Structure Formation Ripamonti, Emanuele; Mapelli, Michela . 982 Thermal and Chemical Evolution of the Primordial Clouds in Warm Dark Matter Models with keV Sterile Neutrinos in One- Zone Approximation Stasielak, Jaroslaw; Biermann, Peter L.; Kusenko, Alexander . 985 Restrictions on Sterile Neutrino Parameters from Astrophysical Observations Ruchayskiy, Oleg . 988 Upper Limits on Density of Dark Matter in Solar System Khriplovich, Iosif; Pitjeva, Elena . 991 The Observed Properties of Dark Matter on Small Astrophysical Scales Gilmore, Gerard . 994 Is Dark Matter Futile on the Brane? Gergely, L´aszl´o A.´ . 997 Direct X-Ray Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Warm Dark Matter Watson, Casey R. 1000 Limits on the Dark Matter Particle Mass from Black Hole Growth in Galaxies Munyaneza, Faustin . 1003 Dark Matter: The Case of Sterile Neutrino Shaposhnikov, Mikhail . 1006 • Neutrino Masses: Experimental Chairperson: Drexlin, Guido Neutrino Background, Diffuse Backgrounds and CMB: Is the Picture Consistent? Popa, Lucia Aurelia; Vasile, Ana . 1019 Constraining the Cosmological Lepton Asymmetry through Cosmic Microwave Background Observations Lattanzi, Massimiliano; Ruffini, Remo; Vereshchagin, Gregory V. 1022 Possible Neutrino-Antineutrino Oscillation under Gravity and its Consequences Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata . 1025 How Gravity Can Distinguish Between Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos Singh, Dinesh; Mobed, Nader; Papini, Giorgio . 1028 July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 26 • Cosmic Rays Chairperson: Schlickeiser, Reinhard Anisotropies of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Serpico, Pasquale D. 1033 Recent Progress in Describing Cosmic Ray Transport Tautz, Robert C. 1036 Propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Towards a New Astronomy Mattei, Alvise; Chardonnet, P. 1039 • Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Observations Chairperson: Pian, Elena Extragalactic X-Ray Jets Worrall, Diana M. 1045 Initial Results from the Suzaku Satellite Dotani, Tadayasu; The Suzaku Team . 1048 Soft Gamma Repeaters and Magnetars Hurley, Kevin C. 1051 • Theoretical Models of Observations from Black Hole Candidates Chairperson: Chakrabarti, Sandip K. Epicyclic Frequencies and Resonant Phenomena Near Black Holes: The Current Status Aliev, Alikram N. 1057 Humpy LNRF-Velocity Profiles in Accretion Discs Orbiting Rapidly Rotating Kerr Black Holes Stuchl´ık, Zdenˇek; Slan´y, Petr; T¨or¨ok, Gabriel . 1060 Standing Shocks in Pseudo-Kerr Geometry Mondal, Soumen; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. 1063 Properties of Accretion Shock Waves in Viscous Flows with Cooling Effects Das, Santabrata; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. 1066 Model of Radiating Annuli near Black Holes for Iron Kα Line Profile Interpretations Zakharov, Alexander F. 1069 QPOs due to Centrifugally Supported Shocks around Stellar-Mass and Supermassive Black Holes Okuda, Toru; Teresi, Vincenzo; Molteni, Diego . 1072 July 21, 2008 11:37 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9.75in x 6.5in contents 27 Observing the Flares of Sgr A* with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer Paumard, Thibaut; Mul¨ ler, Thomas; Genzel, Reinhard; Eisen- hauser, Frank; Gillessen, Stefan . 1075 Simulating VLBI Images of Sgr A* Noble, Scott C.; Leung, Po Kin; Gammie, Charles F.; Book, Laura G. 1078 • Astrophysical Black Holes Chairperson: Chakrabarti, Sandip K. Astrophysical Black Holes | Do They Have Boundary Layers? Chakrabarti, Sandip K.; Ghosh, Himadri; Som, Debopam . 1085 Secondary Perturbation Effects in Keplerian Accretion Disks: Elliptical Instability
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