Τα Φραγματα Τησ Ελλα∆Ασ the Dams of Greece

Τα Φραγματα Τησ Ελλα∆Ασ the Dams of Greece

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΜΕΓΑΛΩΝ ΦΡΑΓΜΑΤΩΝ GREEK COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS ΤΑ ΦΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑ∆ΑΣ THE DAMS OF GREECE ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2013 NOVEMBER ΕΗΙΗ ΕΙΤΟΗ ΕΓΑΩ ΦΑΓΑΤΩ GREEK COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS ΦΑΓΜΑΑ Η ΕΑ∆Α DAMS IN GREECE 2013 Η Ελληνι Επιοπ Μγάλν Φαγµάν ν γγυάαι για ην αια ν πιχόµνν ο παόν πληοφοιν αι ν υνιά ην χη ου , χ ποηγοµνη πιαη από ον ιιοη ά Έγου. The Greek Committee on Large Dams does not guarantee the accuracy of information included herewith and discourages their use, without prior verification with the dam owner. Copyright 2013 by Greek Committee on Large Dams All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission from the Greek Committee on Large Dams. Printed in Greece. ΦΑΓΜΑΑ Η ΕΑ∆Α DAMS IN GREECE ΕΗΗ ΕΗ ΜΕΓΑΩ ΦΑΓΜΑΩ GREEK COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS ∆IΗ Μ BOARD ουν Γώρο Dounias Georgios Dr. όο Chairman Μπναών Αραµ Bensasson Avraam Α’ Ανιπόο Α’ Vice Chairman φανο ωννη Stefanakos Ioannis, Dr ’ Ανιπόο ’ Vice Chairman απαχαη Χαρ Papachatzaki Chara Γαµµαα General Secretary χου οφα Siachou Sofia αµα Cashier αρααχνη υα Karasachinidis Odysseas Μλο Member ααρου ρα Lazaridou Serafeina Μλο Member οου ∆ηµρο Nikolaou Dimitrios Μλο Member φαορο Μχη Stephadouros Michail Μλο Member Ανααόπουο ωναννο Anastasopoulos Konstantinos Επιµο όο Honorary Chairman Μουφη όαο Moutafis Nikolaos, Dr. Επιµο όο Honorary Chairman Ε Μ (Ε..) SUPERVISING BOARD (S.B) Μαρονοη οφο Maronikolakis Sofoklis οάµνο Ε. S.B. Head Θανόπουο ωννη Thanopoulos Yannis Dr. Μλο Ε. S.B. Member Αναόπουο Αανρο Anastopoulos Alexandros Μλο Ε. S.B. Member. ΜΑ∆Α ΕΓΑΑ ΜΗΩ ΦΑΓΜΑΩ DAMS REGISTER WORK GROUP απαχαη Χαρ Papachatzaki Chara υνονι Coordinator . ααρου, Μ. φου, µπα Ε, S. Lazaridou, Μ. Nifakou, Rabias Ε, . αρ, . ρα S. Sarla, P. Tsira Μλη Members Γ. Μπρµπη G. Birbilis υνγάη Contributor Γ FOREWORD ο παόν χο παου ο ηο ων This publication presents the Register of Greek γων Εηνν Φαγµων που ονα Large Dams in operation, as well as a ουγα, α α µα υνοπ summarized description for 60 of the large dams πγαφ γα 60 από α µγα φγµαα η in Greece. Εα. µφωνα µ ον οµό η ∆νο Εποπ According to the definition of the International γων Φαγµων (ICOLD), µγα Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), dams are χααηονα α φγµαα µ ο νω ων identified as large if they are higher than 15m, 15m από ο αο ηµο η µωη, measured from the deepest part of the µ χωηόηα αµυα νω ων 3x106m3, foundation, or if they form a reservoir with a φόον χουν ο µγαο ων 5m. ο capacity over 3x106m3 and their height is ηο νονα πη α α αναχµαα greater than 5m. Dikes or ponds that meet the ωποµων µνοαµνν, ν πηον α above criteria have also been included in the πααπνω α. ∆όη Αµό ηου Register. A Register Number has been assigned φγµα, µφωνα µ η χονοογα to each Dam, according to the date it was put in ναη η ουγα ου. operation. Η υογ οχων χ µ ην ααη The collection of data on the status and α ανπυη ων γων Φαγµων ην development of Large Dams in Greece, was Εα, νη από ην ΕΕΦ η αα initiated by GCOLD in the 1960s, in order to ου 1960, α παα η νηµωη ου update the Dam Register of ICOLD. In 1974, the ααόγου η ICOLD. ο 1974 όη από issue “Large Dams in Greece” was published by ην ΕΕΦ ο χο «γα Φγµαα ην GCOLD, translated in both English and French Εα» µαφαµνο α Αγγ α α including a detailed description of the dams of Γα που πµαν αναυ πγαφ that time. GCOLD continued with the collection ων υφαµνων, ό, φαγµων. Η ΕΕΦ of data and in 2008, on the occasion of the 1st υνχ η υογ οχων α ο 2008, µ Hellenic Conference on Large Dams, the Greek αφοµ η ογνωη ου 1ου ανηνου Dams Register Work Group was formed and, υνου γων Φαγµων, υη with the contribution of TCG Central & Western µα Εγαα ηου Εηνν Thessaly and the Conference’s Scientific and Φαγµων α υµπηη ο αογο ων Organizing Committees, the Record of Dam- γων, µ η υµο ου ΕΕ Κν & Projects was completed. The Work Group was ∆υ Θαα α η Επηµον α then expanded with new members and γανω Εποπ ου υνου. η continued collecting and processing data. υνχα, η µα Εγαα η ΕΕΦ, υνη µ να µη α υνχ η υογ α πγαα οχων. Η παοα οη ου ηου, που γνα The current version of the Dams’ Register was µ αφοµ ο 2ο αννο υνο prepared on the occasion of the 2st Hellenic Φαγµων α αµυων, παµν 128 Conference on Dams and Reservoirs and it φγµαα. υµπαµνα α ο φγµα includes 128 Dams. The Messochora Dam that η οχα που χ οοηω πο was completed a long time ago has also been ποο α αόµη ν χ ουγ. Η included, but it has not yet been put in η οµνων η ΕΕΦ παµν α operation. The GCOLD’s database also includes φγµαα υπό ααυ α οποα ν dams under construction that are not included παµνονα ην παοα οη. in the current publication. ο ηο Φαγµων ν µπο να ωη The Register of Dams cannot be considered ω π α γα ηµανό αµό complete, since important data are missing for a φαγµων πουν ουη οχα. Επη, significant number of dams. Furthermore, some ποα από α οχα που πχονα information included in this publication is based Γ FOREWORD αποον µ, όγω η αν upon estimated figures, due to the lack of πηοφον. Η µα Εγαα υνχ ο accurate data. The Work Group continues γο η α πααα γα ην αποο collecting data in order to produce a complete υµπηωµαν οχων, µ οπό η database for Greece. It would be appreciated if ηµουγα µα που η οµνων γα the Group could be informed of any additional ον Εαό χο. available data. ο παόν χο παµν πη φωογα- The present publication also includes φ α υνοπ οχα γα 60 από α photographs and summarized data for 60 of the µγα φγµαα η Εα. όχο η large dams in Greece. It is GCOLD’s target to ΕΕΦ να να υγν α να gather and publish informative data for all dams πηοφοα οχα γα όα α φγµαα in Greece. The present issue intends to display ην Εα. Η παοα οη αποοπ ο the progress made in the previous decades and να ανα ην πόοο που υνη to imprint the current situation. ποηγοµν α α να απουπ ην χουα ααη. Η υογ ων οχων γν µ ην οα The presented data have been gathered with ων αµοων πην ων πουγων, ων the help of the responsible Regional Authorities, φν, η ∆ΕΗ, η Ε∆Α, ην Ministries, PPC, EYDAP, Designers and α Κααυαν, µ αναηη οχων Contractors, through research in books and α α νυπα α α που µ papers, as well as in the internet. Valuable αυα αναηη. ηµαν πηγ information and material included in the current πηοφον α υο που παµνα publication has been borrowed from the 1974 ο παόν απαν η οη η ΕΕΦ ου GCOLD’s publication and the 2006 publication 1974, α η οη ων φαγµων α on the dams and ponds of the Ministry of Rural µνοαµνν ου πουγου Αγο Development and Food. Ανπυη α οφµων ου 2006. Ευχαοµ µ όου όου µ We would like to acknowledge all the people οποονπο όπο οηαν ην who helped in this effort. Without their ποπα αυ, χω ην υµο ων contribution this publication would not have οποων ν α αν φ η οοωη η been made possible. Special thanks are due to παοα οη. αω υχαοµ the former chairman of GCOLD Dr . outafis ον πην πόο η ΕΕΦ ∆. ουφη for checking the contents of this issue. γα ον γχο ων πχοµνων ου χου. Ανα, οµο 2013 Athens, November 2013 όο η ΕΕΦ The Chairman of GCOLD Γγο ουν Georgios Dounias πµ η Έοη The curators of the issue ανα φου οφα α Mariangela Nifakou Sofia Sarla ΑΑ ΕΕΧΜΕΩ TABLE OF CONTENTS λ. Page Μηρώο Μων Φραµων Register of Large Dams 1 ην Εα in Greece ΧΑΗ ΦΑΓΜΑΩ 3 MAP OF DAMS ΜΗΩ ΦΑΓΜΑΩ 5 REGISTER OF DAMS ΜΓΑΦΕ-ΕΕΗΓΗΕ 15 ABBREVIATIONS-EXPLANATIONS αρουαη Επµνων Presentation of Selected 19 Φραµων Dams ΜΑ ΦΑΓΜΑ Α.Μ.i R.N.ii DAM NAME Μαανα 1 20 1 Marathonas οου 3 22 3 Louros άνα 4 24 4 Ladonas αυπο 5 26 5 Tavropos α 6 28 6 Perdikas µαν 7 30 7 Kremasta ηνιο Ηλα 8 32 8 Pinios Helias ααου 9 34 9 Kastraki ολυφου 10 36 10 Polifito Μόνου 12 38 12 Mornos ουναου 13 40 13 Pournari Αµάν 14 42 14 Assomata φηιά 16 44 16 Sfikia Απολαιά 17 46 17 Apolakkia άου 19 47 19 Stratos ηγν Αου 21 48 21 Piges Aoou Μααου 25 49 25 Marathi Εγγαν (ιµνοαµν) 30 50 30 Eggares (pond) υφιά 31 51 31 Zifia ααάλη 36 52 36 Katakali Μυλοπόα 39 53 39 Mylopota Θηαυο 45 54 45 Thissavros αχν (ου) 40 56 40 Raches (Pezi) Άν Μά 49 57 49 Ano Mera Φνο (∆όα) 47 58 47 Feneos (Doxa) λαανόυη 54 60 54 Platanovrissi ουναου 55 62 55 Pournari II ιαου Αυπάλαια 51 64 51 Livadi Astypalea ογγά 60 65 60 Logga i Α.M: Aιµό Μηου Φάγµαο ii R.N: Dam Register Number ΑΑ ΕΕΧΜΕΩ TABLE OF CONTENTS λ. Page ΜΑ ΦΑΓΜΑ Α.Μ.iii R.N.iv DAM NAME Εηνου 64 66 64 Evinos Γαιν 70 68 70 Gratini ολου 69 70 69 Tourlos Εο 71 71 71 Eressos µοόου 73 72 73 Smokovo νο 78 74 78 Steno αναγιιο 77 76 77 Panagiotiko απνα 80 77 80 Rapentossa Φανµνη άου 81 78 81 Faneromeni Naxos Φανµνη Μαά 82 79 82 Faneromeni Messara ιαου άµου 84 80 84 Livadi Patmos ιαου άια 85 81 85 Livadi Larissa ιανου 90 82 90 Sissani Αγα αάα 92 84 92 Agia Varvara Γαουά 93 86 93 Gadouras ∆άη (∆ιααη) 88 88 88 Deskati (Diastavrossi) λαάνη 97 89 97 Platani αµόια 98 90 98 Pramoritsa απαιά 108 92 108 Papadia νου-Μαχαιν 101 94 101 Ini-Machera οαµν (Αµαου) 110 95 110 Potamon (Amariou) Αάν-Αµάοο 112 96 112 Artzan-Amatovo Μόουνου 114 97 114 Messovouno οουνα 116 98 116 Roukouna άα 117 99 117 Taka Γυνη 119 100 119 Gyrtoni άχου 118 102 118 Vrachos ∆αφνονάα 120 103 120 Dafnozonara Απολµη 126 104 126 Aposselemis λανα 127 106 127 Ilarionas Μοχα 128 108 128 Messochora Αφαηό Ευρρο Φραµων 109 Alphabetical Index of Dams iii Α.M: Aιµό Μηου Φάγµαο iv R.N: Dam Register Number ΦΑΓΑΑ Η ΕΑ∆Α DAMS IN GREECE Ω ΓΩ ΦΓΩ Σ ∆ REGISTER OF LARGE DAMS IN GRECE i) Αµό ηου (A.M) Φγµαο, χ ο µφωνα µ ην χονοογα πω ου.

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