R ;-GANANOQUE & ' NAPAN4jTj . :,.. rioe, ~42.0 0 , .. y•'~ ,. •: • ;e . • t .• 4 0- . ~~".• <" •~. ~ •~ ~ ` ~ 'r . ~~Y î~ B1fU., '5ITEA* BOOK ARD JOB- PRTr1TP1R,8,4"N :11 :,~, . _ i•- 3~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ • . i• l ~ ;,. ~ ~~~;,r- . • ~ar ~. I' _ K ,L._ lrbq 0 - - - . - 1 , . DIRECTORYj -OF THE-- IMPORTERS, CITY OF KINGSTON WHOLESgLE & RETAIL -wITFI VILLAGES OF- BRITIf N & OGEIG% DRY GOODS BARRIEFIELO, POSTMOUTH & CATAAAQUI, Keep constantly on hand a full stock of the following Goode : -AND TO«'NS OF- LYONS BLACK MANTILLA VELVETS, BLACK AND OOLORED BILKS, BLACK QIIIPIIRE LACES, REAL FRENCH KID GLOVES, GANANOQUE & NAPANEE, IRISH POPLINS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, FOR 7.8-73-4. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, MOURNING GOODS, BLACK SUPER BROAD CLOTHS, Compiled by RICHARDSON & PUNCHARD, TORONTO. GENT'8 FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. SPrice S2.00• A CALL Is MOST AEs?BCTFUI►LY soLICITED. SHAW & MINNES, HENRY & BRO'S. STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, NAPANEE. 1873. JOHN HENDERSO1", !KINGSTON FOUNDRY, I)IP^I ItTPI; uf Ili: IN(,rt^iT^^:^1, ON-r. BOOKS, sTATIONEAY, MUSIC, PERZODICALS, àeû'^^^^^ ^ F." fa 31IA.NI'PAC7URERtl OP PICTURES, JEWELLRY, FANCY COODS 8 ROOM PAPER, Steam 1111n(- and I3oilers, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, (Land and Marine) from 6 to I(N) Horse Power, ( :riet, Saw Mill, Tannery and Distillery Machinery. (;ae \1'orka Fittings. Potash Kettles, (castlip up), KINUSTOIN, ONT. Coolerr, &c., and every description of Brase and Iron castinge. Orders for Castings, Boilers and Forge Work, Promptly Ezecuted OWRN TIERNEY. FAMILY GROCER, "E^A^^r ^^ ^^^g^^r^ T WINE & SPIRIT MEIICHANT, & SHIP CHANDLER Ontario St., izear Cor. cf Princess St., JO-SEPHDOIN39LLY, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in KINGSTON, ONT- Groceries, Wiii.es, and LicTuors• Vesse& and Si oumGnats su1>plierl ulitli Groceries and Pro- PRINCFSS STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. risiwrs on the most Liberal Ternis. ALLEN ] S20'8. CIIINA T hOUSE, TUG BOAT OPFICE, & RAM11 Ja, Wholesale and Retail South Corner oJ 'Chtrence & Ontario Streets. Grocers and "Wine Merchants, J. F. ALLEN. T. F. ALLEN. FERGUSON BLOCK, Princees St. KINGSTON. 39 A U L`.J F 0^ ^ L..f l.v^°°J TI JOHN McKENZIE, KINGSTON, ONT., Wholesale & Retail Dealer in 3IA210FACTCRE104 OF COOIKING STOVES, (OXR, 0 E E ^' ' 1) US 9 11131) mil F And all kinds of Agricu.ltzcral Im,plenzents fi•om Eight to I Ten Horse Power, witle T/^resher and Separator, and Licquors, Saw Mill C+'carinJ, SECOIYD.DOOR ABOVE dPcl;Cfl,WL.EAtHER STORE, LAKE BROTHERS. PRINCESS STKErT, KINGSTON- N. McNEIL, Mr121E, C0111E-MHE BSELE FITTER gritbh gtmerican gott11 DEALER IN A ND- STOVES AND TINWARE, BROOK STREET, KINGSTON. HARWOOD HOUSE, BATHS, WATER. CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, &O., fitted Up WI the most appTOVed KINGSTON, ONT. principle. Captain H. E. Swales Win. Davis. - - - S Proprietors rflHE Proprietors would respectfully inform the public that these Sit CROWN & SONS, I well established WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DF.ALERII IX and popular Hotels, are now connected by a large and spacious covered Hall, and no expense has been spared 18A in thoroughly refitting and fur nishing them in the most modern style HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, 011.5 weth every regard to comfort and luxury, while the management will AND MANUFACTURERS OF always be unexceptionable and no pains will be spared in ministering TIN, IRON AND OOPPERWARE, to the comfort of guests. Both lieuses aro favorably situated facing and overlooking the beautiful Bay of Quinte, and River St. Lawrence. Martin's Buildings, Princess st., Both Hotels are within ten minutes' walk of the Banks, Post Office, KINGSTON, ONT. Express Office, and the Steamboat landings. pe Orden thankfully received and carefully a ttended to. isn CEO. M. WILKINSON, D. McEWEN & SON Tea, Wine and Spirit Dealer, INGINKE j,S5 MACHINISTS* —IMP( DF — BOILER-MAKERS & BLACKSMITHS, INA, CUES ge EABT:z ENWABE Ont. Opposite Victoria Foundry, Queen st., Kingston, WHOLESALE & .0, RETAIL, Steamboat, Stationary Engines and Boilers made and repaired. Also No's. 72 and 73, Wellington St., - KINGSTON, ONT. Mill and Agricultural work executed with neatnesa and dispatch, Ship- stnithing in all its branches. :47- All ORDERS attended to on the shortest notice. .1■11■11, 831111PRIVIS girir;, LI JOIN eite NO 4, MARKET SQUARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL — — ONT. Grocers, Wine de Spirit Merchants, BR BECUTPRIS PliOPRIECTeat Brock Street, near Market Square MHIS House is within a few steps of the Wolfe Island it Cape Vincent Ferry Wharf. Good Yards, Stables and Driving Houe. KINGSTON, ONT. ers Horse Deal- and Drovers will find it to their advantage to stop at this House. Bag- JOHN FIALLIGAN. THOMAS FARRELL. gage taken to and from the Boats. Charges $1, per day. Stages call at this House daily for all parts of the country. INGSTON DIRICTORY FRANCIS TRIUKTI STEAMBOAT, SHIP, and every description of BLACKSMITH WORK, Executed in a Superior manner and with dispatch. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF STREETS, COR of KING & PRINCESS STREETS, KINGSTON, Ont. sIloWINte F. T. is prepared to receive all orders for LOCATION AND DIRECTION STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL WORK, —41111.— KanieeescialiRety pairsin MarEne and Land and for all descriptionsBieraoifI bron I Adelaide st from Division st to Ordnance Lands. Agnew's Lane Barrie west, (unlimited) Albert et, 46 King to Union Repairing and Piecing Boiler Tubes, Albert, North, York " City Limits ALL UPON REASONABLE TERMS Alfred 41 Alice " Ucicn Alice Gordon " Albert A1 AL -WAIMA1TED0 Anne 46 Begot «. Ilamilton's Lane Arch Stuart " Union Begot West " Queen st, crossing Princess ACRICULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Balaclava 44 Peek* " North 13arrack Harbour " .Royal Artillery Park ISAAC MUNSON, *citify. JOHN C. COOPHR, President. Barrie h ing " Picard crossing Princess. HIRAM DEWEY, General Agent, Bartlett, north Bartlett, south Intersecting Smith at ESTABLISHED 1853. ASSETS, $740,000.00. BJ y from Wellington t9 Balaclava Deposited a ith the Minister of Finance for Canadian Policy Holden especially, Beverly King " Union $100,000.00. Bond Head Artillery Park" North - Brock if Harbor " Gordon Farm Property and Private Residences against loss or damage Insures Carlisle York «« Uppo r James st by Fire or Lightning. Market value of Stock 400 per cent. Perfect Security. Safe Risks. Reasonable Rates. Head Office for Canada, Ontario Street. Cataraqui Great Cataraqui River to Grove Cemetery Lane Patrick " North R. W. VANDEWATERS, . Agent for Kingston and Vici nity Centre, West King " Union Charles 44 Montreal " Patrick 1) A_ 1-i. E R , Cherry it Upper James 1« City Limits E. H. Clarence Harbor " Bagot Successor to E. W. PALMER - - Eicablished 1819. Clergy t Earl " Ordnance crossing Prin Colborne Sydenham " Division College 44 Union 4‘ Johnson 1.41 itnb Zeotlitcarq, College, west 44 Union " Colborne hentizt Collingwood 41 King " Johnson it Fancy Articles and genuine Patent Medicine& Prescriptions carefully prepared. , Court West " Barrie Division st 44 Brock " City limits, crossing P. Imuorter and dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Painta. Dye Stuffi, Perfum- Durham, intersecting Macdonnell st ery, Garden Seeds, &c., &c. Earl st, from Harbor to Barrie st MARKET PLACE, KINGSTON. Elizabeth st, from Union to Johnson st 12 KIN0870X DIUCtOln. KINGSTON DULICTORY. 13 Ellerbeck Lane, north from King Stuart's Lane, from Chatham st Etterbeek Place. north from King Sydenham West, from West to Johnson Ellice, west from north to Baget Sydenham East, from Princess to George Emily, from Harbor to King Third st, intersecting Stuart's Lane Fifth at, Intersecting Stuart's Lane Thomas, from Division to Montreal et First id Union et, from Harbor to Bagot st George st front King to Stuart Victoria [Williamsville] from Johnson to City Limita, crosaing 1'. George eaat 64 Montreal " Patrick Victoria, from Division to Ordnanoe Lands Gordon Stuart " Princess Water, from Railway to Montreal et, nr G T Depot Gore Harbor " itagot West, from Harbor to Earl st Grove Cataraqui " The Marsh William, from Harbor to Barrie in Hamilton's Lano, frotn Ellis to Picard Yong, from Barrie to West st Hill at, intersecting Elizabeth York, from Barrie to Ordnance Lands James, upper from Diviaion to Carlisle J amea 46 Montreal " Patrick Lands Jenkin's Lano " Divisiou " Ordnance t John it Montreal " Patrick John, eaat " Division " Mordtreal 7 lit "Mamma âtintbarie," Johnson Harbor " City Limite Joseph Division " Montreal " Portsmouth" Cataraqui River King 1, ffl'11 .11.1%/1 Macdonnell Union Princess Maitland Harbor " King Mo ntreal " Princess " G T Station Napier Wellington Park BOOK AND JOB Nelson Johnson to City Limits, crossing Princess 16 Bagot, north North Rideau " O'Kill Knight " Barrie 66 P Ontario West to Great Cataraqui River, crossing 66 Cataraqui to The Marsh rinliq Orchard Office, Ordnance Rideau " Barrie Park Regent " Victoria •••••• Lands Parke g. Montreal " City Patrick Cemetery Lane to City Lands near Depot. Estab'd 1853, and ever since. Picard Picard to George north Pine 6: Patrick to Ordnance Lands Place D'Armes 44 Ontario to Wellington 3DT:1731A.S ST:REET, Plum gg Upper James to Patrick EMUS:Me care 66 Harbor to City Limits Princess UR Office has recently been replenished with New Presses, New 64 James et, to Patrick; Quobec Uprer O Types, and every requiaite for executing all kinds of Queen Ontario to Division Queen, west 66 King to Union Rodan st d, Balaclava to George et etain,Orizanitntal &en% etinting Regent 66 Johnson to Princess Riaeau Barrack to Grove Book and Pamphkt Work. River 46 Cataraqui River to Grove Second id Division to Ordnance Lands 46 We employ first-class wo•kmen, and SiM000 Harbor to King can guarantee satisfaction in re- Sixth, intersecting Stuatt's Lane gard to both quality and price. frein Barrie to Gordon Stuart, IIENRY dr BRO. STL IMILT ECKINS,' KINGSTON IS Publimbed every aftentoon, and contains the latest general, bcal rit 1 and Telegraphic News, up to the hour of going to press. Annual Subscription $6.00. The Daily News ie the official organ of the Dio- °WI t1ttght jnetitute, cese of Ontario.
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