t 162$:C~mnecticut Avenue, NW, vYas~ipgt9n DC 20009 • 202-462-6969 Summer 1994 ,paul Mo·n~~it.; R¢ttirns to M~:li~~:;s2a 1 LESBIAN, G.AY .J\t(~t~ ::::;''.:. phy nominees are City Poet, by Brad Gooch and James BIO<iRAPHJ~k r{(:ia~i?fiY p~~I\. ,us~ R?liJPi\ of his dog,l Broughton' s Coming Unl?,µ,t;; DEMONSTRATE. : toned. The other Lesbfa)i .MAINSTREAM APPEAL Biography/ Autobi9gr~,Plf¥ finalists are Forty-Thi!~ _Sepf · !f!t:~:r~1r:1, tembers by J ewellf Washington, DC; March 1, Gq;rpe~/ t\'ElC to read from and How Am I to be Headff:Leti .r ·sign his new book, Last 1994-Many gay men and ters of Lillian Smith;\ ed. ~}. lesbians find themselves Rose Gladney, Mary Reriau\f ,. l Watch of the Night alienated and shunned by by David Sweetman, and\ I (Harcourt Brace.) This the society into which Family Values by Phyllis j is a collection of ten can orsJer;:?autpgrap.g.~ { they are born. Yet 1993 saw Burke. ! essays from a foremost copie~ from our tip- a torrent of lesbian and gay I It is, of course, the merit of ,!i gay activist about the comingstgnings. Your 1 biographies and autobiogra­ these authors that accounts for 1 meaning of mortal order must be placed I phies that captured the atten­ their recognition. Yet the tion of the literary establish­ l things, of what at least 24 hours before l Lambda Literary Awards, held ment, and which makes the ! endures in the heart, the signing. Please call l. on the eve of the American Lambda Literary Award Gay ! challenging the spirit, 1-800-621-6969 to place Booksellers Association's an­ I and Lesbian Biography/ Auto­ nual convention, have helped "even as time grows an order.O ! biography categories among create a climate in which it has short." Monette gives - l ~y,.,,.__.._....x,.;,,x,«-.,.o,,qc.-.,_...,~,.,,ox-:,..<· ·*.-,."""""-""'-"~ "'' ~ ... .,. .••, ,.,,,.-y- ··"'-«""°''"""" -.-.,. ... -..,.. ...,v==•v-.:,..,:.. • .-.-.-. .... ,~..,...,.,,.....,......x,v.•••-.v-.1 this years strongest. become difficult for that merit Whether it's Jean Genet to be ignored. Finalists Ed­ imprisoned in pre-war France, mund White and Jewelle Go­ Tw~nty or Marguerite Yourcenar re­ mez were speakers at the first treating to rustic Maine, Rein­ Lambda Literary Awards ban­ aldo Arenas hiding in Castro's quet in 1989, and among the Cuba or LiUian Smith fighting first year's Lammy winners racial iequity in rural Georgia, were Dorothy Allison and Lars Eighner living on the For the past twenty years, and lesbian periodical in the call or write, and we will list of titles, whether hardcov­ Paul Monette, whose National Lambda Rising has worked to country. In addition to our in­ check if the title is available in er or paperback, and the cover streets in contemporary Aus­ Book Awards last year marked bring the best quality service house mailing list, Lambda our warehouse. If you are price (if you know it) to Julie tin, Texas or Jewelle Gomez the full acceptance of gay and and the largest in-stock inven­ Rising News is distributed in looking for a book we do not Bremer, our used and rare growing up in segregated lesbian literary writers by the tory of gay and lesbian litera­ over 35 gay and lesbian news have in stock, we will be book buyer. Julie will get back Boston, the stories of their literary establishment. ture, music, films, and gifts to publications around the coun­ happy to order it for you and to you with a price for your lives are resonating with read­ the gay community. Starting try. ship it to you when it comes in books, and on your approval, "We are very pleased by the ers-both straight and gay. in 1974 with one store in But our size and circulation from our suppliers. send you payment. role the Lammys have played Edmund White's Genet, for Washington, DC, Lambda doesn't detract from our mis­ We don't stop at books that But books are only the in bringing gay and lesbian lit­ instance, has already received Rising has now grown to three sion of serving our customers are in print, though. Lambda beginning of the story. We erature to wide-spread public retail stores: our main location quickly and efficiently, and· of Rising also carries an exten­ also stay abreast of what's the prestigious National Book -attention," said L. Page "Dea- in Washington, plus stores in offering the latest publications sive collection of used and happening in gay and lesbian Critics Circle Award for biog­ con" Maccubbin, publisher of Baltimore, Maryland and and gifts of interest to the gay rare books no longer in print. music and keep an extensive raphy. Other finalists for the· the Lambda Book Report, which Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. In and lesbian reader. Our stores Just because your favorite title selection of titles in both CD Lambda Literary Awards­ sponsors the Lambda Literary a'ddition to our stores, Lambda stock virtually every gay and has gone out of print, don't and Cassette. We also keep the including Before Night Falls lesbian title in stock. The titles give up yet! Let us search our latest video releases in stock of Awards. In addition to Ed­ Rising has continued to grow by Reinaldo Arenas, Mar­ through our mail order divi­ listed in Lambda Rising News warehouse for you and see if interest to the gay and lesbian mund White's Genet, Mark guerite Yoitrcenar, by Josy­ sion and the Lambda Rising are only a small selection of we have the title. If not, we community. But if there is a Doty' s My Alexandria also anne Savigneau, and Travels News. With a circulation of titles available (we spotlight will be happy to hold a specific title you are interested won the National Book Critics with Lizbeth, by Lars Eigh­ well over 500,000 quarterly new releases in our catalog to request for you, and call you in, please call us first. We Circle award for Poetry. And catalogs, Lambda Rising give you the latest information when the title comes in. probably already have it in ner-recei ved front page Tony Kushner's Angels i,p;., . News is now the largest gay available on what's being pub­ And if you have used books stock! Sunday New York Times Book America: Millenium ,,,.,. lished.) If there is a title you (they must have gay and les­ Lambda Rising also offers Review notices. The other gay See "Lammys" on page 2 are interested in but do not see bian content!) that you would services for other retailers and men's biography/ autobiogra- listed in our catalog, please like to sell, please serid us a See "20 Years" on page 2 ::-=\i+.:tiendit!i1!,llilI!llil.i~;,i~t,:lirJ!illWt!!J!m1l~J;~;:;;::t:&;? · -;·.::·:Q1t~ttit:t~:;::1::~;~:~:;:t .. ~.::11zr;::1~;~:1:~~t.Jz... : ;;;.:.;:22\f: :He~~~~~J)t~~~·.4~~;;J:. .;i Jt;i.:~;.i~)ti~;l~:;:~;·f;~~;~~--~l;J~\,'.;ij:f Hlst~ij~:~;~i,i~~~.;i::;~;:.. ~~:.*!~:.;.~:;;;~~:.;·+··••··~~i:14:. -._ HumOr.~,lil:t:l~~~:;J:~;t .~.~~;~li••~~~~~~, •• i'..·•i~-~-·-·-···~;;j:J :J t-::: 1ea~a_ -· , fS/.Ai:ll~~·····~:;~~-~:4:.~~~~~;~ ...... ~:-1:4 ··::t: Ma-·~!~;:::;~~:~;: .. ~···•_;~:~-~,:~~~~:;:~;~;.. ~;~; ...... :~~:23~:::.· :-.: :Mus,l.:iii:i[!~~ •• ::-~;~ ••. ~~.~;;:.:,.~ .. il};;~~~;~~;.~~~·~:~;;:~:i]::l:9: ~a-.a;~~~-~~·;7~;~ ~! ·· Trav~l.d~~);Jl;t~~~;J!;t..... J~;i!~;.~i;~l~~ ..... fr•...• .,~ll,'l.zi -· :... :~ttf:·t1j:;z:::!ftjf :::::;;1tr:::f E::::t~ -· · VtdeOi •• !.li!1: ••••~::i~ .... ~~::1~. •. _,-~;;;:~~-.. ~~:.:·~.2o;.;2:1· \ -Fkttilllt WO:menrs~~~-i:::~ ... ~~.:.~::~.~···~i:~ .....• ~ .~~8 Wo~ ...t~ Jiiud1;$·~··~~;;;~~·~~1t:~;~'.:•• ;••. i~; ....... ~~~:; j;():::ii .•·.· c.ay siulti~~:~ .. ::J;(~~~J'.tiL ••. ::t.:l~t:~::: ....: •. 9 Young i~trs.~~.~ ... ~:J:f:::i:.;t; ..~ .••.••:..: ...:;;~jjj < We Ship Books Anywhere! Overnight Delivery Available (at slight-additional charge) 1 .
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