Dfrtrflwtfon Today tf\ 01 y r DIAL SH 1.0010 Urui >MM VOL. 85. NO. 252 **"'• •«••*»» ""** *"•*• * en* *"•<«• RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Little Commotion Greets High Court Rule Ban Bible Reading, Prayer in Schools WASHINGTON (AP)-The Su- nominational prayer composed by "The Supreme Court has its Pennsylvania and Maryland, spe- wrote Justice Tom C. Clark In by parents, who, as Unitarians or on Saturday because of her re- Congress could submit to tin preme Court's sweeping decision New York authorities for the function and we have ours," com- cifically barred Bible-reading and the majority opinion. atheists, said the exercises were ligious beliefs is entitled to unem- states a resolution to change the outlawing required Bible readings state's public schools. mented Senate Democratic lead- the recital of the Lord's Prayer He said the decision in no way offensive to their beliefs. ployment compensation. First Amendment of the Constitu- and the recitation of the Lord's That decision brought-down, a er Mike Mansfield, a Catholic. as part of required classroom ex- shows hostility toward religion. The court also, in a brief order, The noticeable lack of congres- tion, which deals with the sepa- Prayer in public schools appeared storm of criticism on the tribunal, Many state officials, meanwhile ercises in public schools. "Nothing 'we have said here" in- set aside a Florida Supreme Court sional reaction to the historic ration of church and state, but hurriedly read the decision to see Neutral Position dicates that the study of the Bible decision which had upheld the prayer decision was attributed by there was no strong sentiment for today to have been accepted with especially from Congress. if it required changes in their But there appeared to be no or of religion "when presented ob- practice of opening devotionals hi one leader to the legislators' pre- that approach either. little commotion in or out of Con- MUd ReadSea public schools. Thirty-nine states room under the' decision for a jectively as part of a secular pro- Miami schools. occupation with turmoil over civil Rep. Frank J. Becker, R-N.Y., gress.. '" ' ..: '" - But congressional reaction to sow allow rooming devotional ex- teacher to hold such exercises on gram of education" is, prohibited. Another Case rights. said, however, he would push for • The (tiling, affecting* thousands Monday's 8 to 1 ruling was com- ercises in public schools. Many her own since public school teach- The two cases resulted from In another case involving the Short of impeachment, there is such an amendment. He said tha of classrooms all across the land, paratively mild. Generally, the clergymen stressed a greater im ers are government employes. requirements in Baltimore, Md., question of government and re- little Congress could do about the court has a trend to "deny the was obviously expected, however, feeling seemed to be that inter- portance of religious instruction 'In the relationship between and Abingdon, Pa., that public ligion, the tribunal ruled 7 to 2 court's ruling anyway,, and there existence of Almighty God, a Su- in vie*,of the court's action last preting the laws and the Con- in churches and homes. man and religion, the state Is schools be opened daily with de- that a Seventh day Adventist who were no serious suggestions along preme Being, in our public year against use of a non-de- stitution was the courtls job. The court, acting on cases from firmly committed to neutrality," votlonals. The suits were brought lost her job for refusing to work that line. schools." TwoSpaceFlightsReaction to Decision RED BANK -While school of- gretted the decision he didn't "Parents should begin to in- Drawing ToClose ficials withheld comment, local think it is a cause for despair. fuse the home with prayer and religious leaders were divided in "The decision Is an indication fill out usually empty churches MOSCOW (AP)-Soviet cosmo- ver, but they had no idea of the their reaction to the VS. Su- of an estrangement between re- and synagogues," Rabbi Rosen- naut Valery Bykovsky's space purpose of the maneuver. preme Court decision outlawing ligion and public life," Rev. Mr. thai said. flight appeared to be drawing to It was believed that if the 28- required-Bible reading and the Rotteriberg said, "and while I The decision Indicates that a close today as it neared a new year-old Soviet air force pilot recitation of the Lord's Prayer regret that trend, I am not tre- America has departed from a record. His woman space partner should return to earth ahead ol in public schools. mendously upset." way of life that was largely was expected to return to earth schedule the Russians probably Msgr. Eminent A. Monahan, "The Hebrew-Christian tradi- Protestant historically and "re- soon after him. would cut short the flight of space pastor of St. James Catholic tion will continue to influence flects a wider religious base, tak- woman Valentina Tereshkova Bykovsky needed to stay aloft Church, called the decision "un- Western culture; there are other ing into consideration the differ- who was still whirling around the until about 3 p.m. Moscow time-r- brtunate." ways in which the church can ences of religious background" earth in an adjoining orbit. g a.m. EST—to equal the 64-orbit The decision was not unex- mold life In our land," Rev. Rot- among our citizens, Rev. Mr, Valentina today began her 30th record set by Soviet Maj. Andrian pected in the light of other re- tenberg stated. • Lowden declared. trip around the world after sur- cent Supreme Court decisions, Nikdlayev last August in just un- Rev. Stanley Mugridge, pastor passing the American record of Msgr. Monahan said. The court Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosenthal of der four days. of the Red Bank Baptist Church, 22 orbits set last month by Maj was trying to make the break Congregation Bnai Israel, Rum- Losing Speed said the decision Is "in line with Leroy Gordon Cooper Jr. between church and state com- son, and Rev. W. Gorden Low- the policy of the separation ot Western observers said Bykov- M Orbits plete, he said. He added that den, pastor of the Red Bank church and state and in line with sky's Vostok 5 space capsule Bykovsky. this morning had in his opinion, the decision would Methodist Church and president historical Baptist tradition." seemed to be losing speed and completed 60 orbits and was near- weaken the influence of religion of the Red Bank Council of altitude. His original altitude ing the end of his fourth day in on public life. Churches, agreed that religion Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs, Red Bank school superintendent; Dr. John range, 112.4-146 miles, had space. The girl was approaching Rev. Isaac C. Rotteriberg, pas- never belonged in public schools, F, Klnney, superintendent ot dropped to 102.5-125.5 miles. the end of her second day. tor of the New Shrewsbury Re- and said the decision would put Rumson-Fair Haven Regional, BEFORE VENTURE INTO SPACE —Ru»ia'» Valentina Tereshkova, 26, and Lt. Col. They said his dwindling orbit Tass, the Soviet news agency, formed Church and former presi- religion back in the home and and Paul Lefever, Middletown Valery Bykoysky, 28, who are orbiting, the earth in separate spaceships, are shown could make it dangerous to re- said the two space travelers slept dent of the Red Bank Council of the church where, they said, it belonged. shortly before Bykowky was launched in his spactihip, Voitok 5. This picture wai main In space much longer. They soundly for seven hours during Churches, said that while he re- (See REACTION, Page 2) speculated that the change in the die night. She awoke about 5:50 released by T«i, th» Soviet news agency. ,-;- ..: Z, IAP Wirtphotb) orbit was the result of a maneu- a.m.-9:5D p.m. Monday EST- and he woke up about 7 A.M. "The cosmonauts reported to Election Circulars Probed the earth on the normal progress of the flight, the faultless opera- FREEHOLD — Chief of Mon- Mrs. Wilson is opposed by H. within legal requirements. tion of flight systems and that mouth County Detectives John M. Craig Lee; Mr. Penn is testing He said his office records con- §iie to Bloii Subdivisions they feel perfectly well," the Tass Gawler said last night circulars Councilman Vincent G. Ronca, tain the names of persons who announcement said. mailed to Long Branch voters in and Mr. Cioffi opposes Council- have caused the material to be FREEHOLD-OHicials, of the Marlboro Township divisions and to declare the composition of the Planning Board today's municipal election by the man Julius E, Tomalni. printed as, he said, is demanded Committee filed suit in Superior Court here yesterdgfseeking unlawful. - • • Branch Publishing Co. will be In his statement, Mr. Garr by a new law signed two weeks to set aside preliminary approval by the Township^Corarnlttee The plaintiffs challenge the preliminary approval given Issues Warning presented to a Grand Jury for contended the circulars were ago by Gov. Richard "J. Hughes. to three major housing development'subdivisions wUch'%>uld by the Township Committee on May 2 to the U. S. Homer Cor- investigation. contain 1,187 lots. poration for a 445-lot development on a 275-acre site on the. ingt The wit. was filed by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Baumaiv west side of Rt. 9 south of Rt. 520; Big Brook, Inc., for a A complaint that some of the Jr., East Francis Dr., and Mr.
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