Roman Catholic Parishes of Our Lady of Fatima, Wilmington † St. Joachim, Readsboro † St. John Bosco, Stamford, Vermont 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2020 OUR LADY OF FATIMA ST. JOHN BOSCO 96 East Main St, Wilmington ST. JOACHIM Located at: MASS TIMES: Located at: 818 Main Rd, Stamford 342 Tunnel Street, Readsboro Saturday…………….……..5:30pm Sunday……………………….9:00am Tues thru Fri………….…..12:00pm MASS TIMES: First Saturdays ………….12:00pm MASS TIMES: Saturday………….…………..4:00pm RECONCILIATION Sunday………………………..10:30am Fri, 56 pm, Sun, 8:158:45 am RECONCILIATION: ADORATION RECONCILIATION: Saturday……………3:15pm3:45pm Friday……………..5:00pm6:00pm Sunday after 10:30am Mass Bulletin Deadline: submit a week before in writing PARISH OFFICE Administrator: Rev. Fr. Ilayaraja Amaladass, HGN PLEASE REMEMBER OUR CHURCHES IN YOUR WILL Tri Parish Secretary: Doreen O’Connor OUR LADY OF FATIMA PARISH Tri Parish Bookkeeper: Gail Smith Parish Council & Choir: Ginny Cunningham 7792885 Director of Religious Ed: Mary Kaufmann, 4642451 Mailing Address: PO BOX 188 Finance Council: Bob Rode (413) 3374323 Wilmington VT 05363 Director of Religious Ed: Mary Kaufmann, 4642451 Telephone: 8024647329 Organist: Julie Olsson, (802) 8744366 Email: [email protected] Ladies Guild: Geri Kogut, 4643457 Website: www.ourladyoffatima.vermont OLF Rosary Group: Ann Marie Scott, 3803682 catholic.org SAINT JOACHIM PARISH Office Hours: Tues 8:30am4:30pm Parish Council : Ernie Bolognani, 4237709 Wed & Thurs 8:30am2:30pm Finance Council & CCD Coordinator: Sue Bailey, 4237050 Online Giving: osvonlinegiving.com/3026 Music Director: Joan DeGusto, (413) 3398354 Baptism: parents have to commit to raising their Ladies of St Anne: Sandy Daviau, (413) 3398343 children in the Catholic faith. SAINT JOHN BOSCO PARISH Marriage: please call six months in advance to allow Parish Council: Jim Bushika, 6941483 for the Pre Cana instructions required by the Diocese. Finance Council: Greg Betti, (413) 6648665 Anointing of the sick: immediately call the office. CCD Coordinator & Ladies of St. Anne: Bonnie Whitney, RCIA and House Blessings: please call the office (413) 6636867 Parish membership: register at the office Music Contacts: April Bentley & Denise Chesbro We practice our faith by worshipping the Triune God through Eucharistic Celebration, the Sacraments and Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. We live the gospel values through service to all people by evangelizing, teaching and praying. T) &+& S' + O$ $+ T S"&$ 20, 2020 ST.JOACHIM OUR LADY OF FATIMA Parish Hall (802) 4235533 Tri Parish Office (802)4647329 Holy Eucharist Intentions OLF Lamp September 20 Sun Sep 20 For Jonah Ferguson & Brittany 1. For David Rigo 2. For peace in our communities Sun Sep 27 RIP Esther Marchegiani HOLY EUCHARIST INTENTIONS Sat Sep 19 RIP Aldwin Baricuatro Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 6, 2020 Sun Sep 20 RIP 7th year birthday remembrance of Sunday Collections $383, Catholic University $65, Eleanor Meisner Utility $105, Renovation $25, Donations in memory of : Mon Sep 21 NO MASS $375 Total $953 Tues Sep 22 In thanksgiving by Chris Wed Sep 23 Healing for Patty Murphy Thurs Sep 24 Healing for Carroll Havreluk Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 13, 2020 Sunday Collections $690, Catholic University $35, Fri Sep 25 For the spiritual growth of Timothy Mullen Utility $20, Renovation $296, Town of Readsboro $100, Donations in memory of : $50 5:006:00pm Holy Hour: Total $1,191 Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions & Benediction Sat Sep 26 For James & Margaret Dame Sun Sep 27 In memory of Charles Francis Richter We ask all those who are able, to clean the pews where you were sitting with sanitizer spray and paper Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 5 & 6, 2020 towels located at the back of the church, so as to keep the church clean and safe. Sunday Collections $1,138, Catholic University $157, Votive candles $158, On line giving $341 Total $ 1,794 ST.JOHN BOSCO SacristyN(802) 694 1950 Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 12 & 13, 2020 Sunday Collections $810, On line giving $541, Music Holy Eucharist Intentions ministry $20, Votive Candles $ 52 Total $1,423 Sat Sep 19 Birthday remembrance of Lou Whitcomb Sat Sep 26 11th anniversary remembrance of Harry Saunders Church cleaningNthank you: April Bentley, Carol EthierKipp, Nancy Torres, Laurie Kuzia, and Joan Scott St. John Bosco ~ Rosary Rally ~ Oct. 10th September Linens: Carol EthierKipp Facing the coronavirus crisis, social upheaval and the sins of abortion, homosexuality, satanism and the growing rate of drug addiction and suicide Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 5, 2020 among young people, our nation desperately needs Sunday Collections $271, Catholic University $46, a supernatural solution. The solution was given by Donation $50, Gift for Prolife $60 the Blessed Mother at Fatima in 1917 when She Total $427 told people to pray the rosary for world peace. In answer to Our Lady's request, American Needs Fat- ima is planning 20,000 public rosaries on Saturday, Your Sacrificial Offering for Sept. 12, 2020 October 10th. As part of this nationwide rosary, Not available at publication time. please join us outside at St. John Bosco’s parking lot for a public recitation of the rosary beginning at noon. Because of coronavirus, no food or bev- erage will be provided.Please bring your own chair. Hope to see you on the 10th of October. W G$&+ A""$& +!'$ &, !)%" !( “F!$ + &!'&% $ !& +!'$ &!'&%, !$ $ +!'$ )+% + )+%, %+% & !$.” (I% 55:8) Be there for your children Diocesan Christ Our Hope Capital Campaign A little boy greets his father as he returns from work To learn more about the campaign with a question: “Daddy, how much do you make an visit:www.christourhopevt.org hour?” The father is surprised and says: “Look, son, not even your mother knows. Don’t bother me now, Proverbs 28:27: “He that giveth unto the poor I’m tired.” shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” “But Daddy, just tell me please! How much do you make an hour?” the boy insists. The father finally God calls us to support the most vulnerable among gives up and replies: “Twenty dollars.” us and the Christ Our Hope: Building a Vibrant “Okay, Daddy,” the boy continues, “Could you loan Church campaign offers us the opportunity to do me ten dollars?” The father yells at him: “So that that. A portion of the dollars raised will fund an en- was the reason you asked how much I earn, right? dowment for Catholic Charities so it may expand its Now, go to sleep and don’t bother me anymore!” ability to serve the needy. This is a pressing need At night the father thinks over what he said and because Catholic Charities cannot serve on average starts feeling guilty. Maybe his son needed to buy 70 families or 280 people per month. something. Finally, he goes to his son’s room. “Are you asleep, son?” asks the father. “No, Daddy. Beyond that need, the campaign offers great hope Why?” replies the boy. “Here’s the money you asked at home here at Our Lady of Fatima TriParish. Six- for earlier,” the father said. “Thanks, Daddy!” replies ty cents of every dollar will come back to us so we the boy and receives the money. may address our various needs. Then he reaches under his pillow and brings out While considering your gift, it is worth remember- some more money. “Now I have enough! Now I have ing that a key provision of the CARES Act states twenty dollars!” says the boy to his father, “Daddy, could you sell me one hour of your time?” that a donor may deduct 100% of any gift to a qualified charity against their 2020 adjusted gross A big message for this man and for all of us, and the income. Please note this deduction expires at the message is that we need to invest more of our time end of 2020. in our family life. Volunteers are now making outreach calls to dis- cuss the campaign and answer your questions. Once you identify your gift, please complete and return your pledge form or give online by visiting this website: christourhopevt.org. Diocesan News: Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmations that were postponed in Spring have been rescheduled for September and October. Candidates will be allowed to bring their sponsor plus four guests, unless otherwise noted on the schedule. All the confirmation liturgies will take place outside of Mass; thus communion will NOT be distributed, even at Confirmations on Sun- day. A separate rehearsal with candidates will not be required this fall. Special 24 Hour Adoration of the Confirmation for our candidates from Wilmington, Reads- Blessed Sacrament boro and Stamford will take place on Saturday October Starting Tuesday October 13th after the 12:00pm 3rd at 11:30am at Sacred HeartFrancis de Sales Church Mass until Wednesday October 14th in Bennington. In honor of our patroness, Our Lady of Fatima, and to unite with her Immaculate Heart and the Eucha- ristic Heart of Jesus in asking their intercession to bring peace and conversion to our nation and an end to the corona virus pandemic. Please join us in prayer and reparation for our nation and the world. A signup sheet for hourly slots is posted at the side entrance of church. 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