51. Rubiaceae Coprosma rhamnoides (r) Near trig. Campanulaceae. Wahlenbergia gracilis (r) In grass. Compositae. Olearia furfuracea (r) Near trig. •Cirsium lanceolatum (o) In grass. Helminthia echioides (f) " " Crepis capillaris (f) " " 'Hypochaeris radicata (f) " " *H. glabra (o) •Erechtites scaberula (o) " " •Erigeron canadensis (f) " Nothopanax arboreum is recorded in the Botanical Society account of the trip but it is believed that this is in error. One or two plants of Pseudopanax lessonii growing in Pohutukawa of the Eastern slopes were very large-leaved and a specimen from one of them was accepted as N. arboreum until carefully investigated. (r) = rare; (1) = local; (a) = abundant; (f) = frequent; (o) = occasional PRELIMINARY SPECIES LIST OP MARINE ALGAE PROM THE WEST COAST -Auckland - Jane Trevarthen. The area included extends from the southern rock platforms at Muriwai, southwards to the Ninepins at Whatipu. Although extensive collecting has been carried out at Anawhata, Bethell's, Whatipu and Karekare the lists are by no means complete, as much of the material (especially in the Rhodophyceae) has not yet been identified. Only very sparse collecting has been done at Piha and Muriwai. Full ecological notes have been taken during collecting, however, only brief notes are given in this article as space is limited, also the dates of collection of fertile material aro included only for the more uncommon species. Species included from the records of Prof. Chapman or Vivienne Dellow are indicated by initials, V.J.C. or U.V.D. respectively. * N.B. The tidal limits given are only approximations. CYANOPHYCEAE. Entophysalidaceae. Placoma vesiculosa. H.W.S.' Piha. (Seasonal). V.J.C. Rivulariaceae. Dichothrix gypsophila. At outflow of fresh water on way to the Gap. Piha, April 194 6. V.J.C. Rivularia atra. Near outflow of fresh water. Piha, April1946 Oscillatoriaceae. Symploca muralis. Muriwai, May 1946. V.J.C. Schizothrix lacustris. Piha - at outflow of fresh water, mixed with Dichothrix. April 1946. V.J.C. CHLOROPHYCEAE. Ulotricales. Ulvaceae. Ulva lactuca var. rigida. Common, both in pools and in sublittoral especially at Anawhata and Piha. Letterstedtia petiolata. Common in upper mid-tidal pools all along the coast. Enteromorpha intestinalis f. brevis. Not uncommon where fresh water seepage. Anawhata. Enteromorpha acanthophora. Occurs here and there along coast in higher mid-tidal pools E. bulbosa. High tidal crevice. Piha 1946. V.J.C. 52. Siphonocladales. Cladophoraceae . Chaetomorpha aerea. High tidal pools all along the coast. C. longiarticulata. High tidal pools. Anawhata, January 1950. Cladophoropsis harpestica, in lower tidal pools and channels. Anawhata, January 1953. Siphonales, Bryopsideae. Bryopsis plumosa. Common in occurence in mid-tidal pools all along the coast. Codiaceae. Codium adherens. Sparse and local. Small specimens found at Whatipu. Codium fragile. Not uncommon in intertidal pools, S. Muriwai. Chaetophorales. Chaetophoraceae. Sporocladopsis n.z. On Du::T:.1] ea, drift Anawhata, January 1950. PHAEOPHYCEAE, Ectocarpales. Ectocarpaceae. Pylaiella novae zelandiae. Common in high tidal pools in rock platforms all along the coast. Tilopterida3.es. TitoPteridaceae7 Actinospora pusilla. Dictyotales. Dictyotaceae. Zonaria subarticulata. Stunted plants found in pools at Anawhata and Bethell's. Glossophora kunthii. In lower tidal pools and at L.W.N, on rock platforms. Distributed sporadically along the coast. Chordariales. Myrionemataceae. Ralfsia verrucosa. Common encrusting lower tidal boulders and on mussel shells. Occurs all along the coast. Haplospongidion saxigenum (?). On mussel shells at Anawhata. Chordariaceae. papenfussiella lutea. Very sparse at L.W.N, level on rocks, North Karekare, January 1952. Splachnidiaceae. Splachnidium rugosum. Stunted plants found here and there along the coast. Seasonal. Punctariales. Encoeliaceae. Ilea fascia. Fairly frequent in occurence along the coast in sheltered mid-tidal pools. Scytosiphon lomentaria. At L.W.N, on sheltered, gently sloping rock platform. North Karekare, January 1952. Also found at Piha, October 1946. Colpomenia sinuosa. Piha, 1946. U.V.P. Scytothanmnus australis. On fairly flat, mussel-covered rock platform at about mid-tidal level at North Anawhata, Bethell?s and Piha. Fucales. Cystoseiraceae. """Carpophyllum maschalocarpum. Found in lower tidal pools and at L.W.S Whatipu. C. flexuosum. Found in drift at Whatipu. Landsburgia quercifolia. Specimen found at Whatipu, April 1950 with abundant conceptacles. 53. Hormosiraceae. Hormosira banksii. In the more sheltered situations along the coast, e.g. in pools at N. Anawhata and at Bethell's. Abundant, but local. Notheia anomala Found on Hormosira banksii at Nth, Anawhata where it is fairly plentiful. Durvilleaceae. Durvillea antarctica. Abundant on lower intertidal rocks where exposed, throughout the area. RHODOPHYCEAE. Bangiales. Bangiaceae. Porphyra umbilicalis. Upper littoral pools, Whatipu, February 1950. (Only collected at the one locality). P. subtumens. On Durvillea antarctica. Distribution as for Durvillea. Common in drift on most beaches. P. columbina var. novae zelandiae. Occurring at high tidal levels where moderately sheltered. Collected tetrasporic in Jan. at Anawhata and Bethell's. Erythrocladia irregularis. Endophytic in •""Sertularia bispinosa (hydroid) and found wherever S. bispinosa occurs in abundance. Bangia fuscopurpurea. Common in all the West Coast streams. Nemalionales. Acrochaetiaceae. Acrochaetium "sp On Carpophyllum maschalocarpum. Drift, Whatipu August 1950 (only collected at the one locality) Helminthocladiaceae. Helminthocladia australis. Sporadic at L.W.N, and fringing fairly steeply sloping rock platform. North Karekare, January 1952. Chaetangiaceae. Chaotangium~corneum. Piha, October 1946. U.V.D. Gelidiales. Gelidiaceae. Caulacanthus spinellus. Muriwai, tetrasporic, June 1950, also Piha 1946, Gelidium caulacantheum. Stunted, exposed forms and pool form, both at N. Anawhata. Fairly common but local in distribution. Also at Piha. G. pusillum. Common but local, at high tidal levels all along coast. G. longipes. Bethell's. Fringing upper intertidal pools, February 1950. Local but not uncommon. Pterocladia lucida. Distributed fairly generally along the coast at low water and in sublittoral. Cryptonemiales. Grateioupiace"ae. Aeodes nitidissima (?) (The large, leathery sheet alga so common on boulders at L.W.N, at Anawhata is temporarily placed as Aeodes nitidissima). Grateloupia intestinalis. Fringing lower littoral boulders N. Karekare January 1950 and 1952. G. prolifera. Lower littoral. Uncommon, isolated specimens found at Karekare, Anawhata and Bethell's. Pachymenia himantophora. Distributed fairly generally along the coast at lower mid-tidal levels, fringing rock platforms. (Cystocarpic plants collected at N. Anawhata in January). Apophloea sinclairii. At high neap level, Piha 1946-47. U.V.D. Corallinaceae. Corallina officinalis. Basal portion coating lower littoral and sublittoral rocks throughout. Erect portion found frequently along coast in mid-tidal pools 54. Corallina hombroniana, (An extremely variable species and difficult to identify). Occurring in pools here and there along the coast. Jania sp. Mid-littoral pools, Bethell's. Lithothamnion sp, Encrusting pools and lower tidal limits on rock platforms and rocks all along the coast. Melobesia sp. Encrusting rocks at lower levels and in pools or epiphytic on various algae, e.g. Lenormandia chauvinii. Gigartinales, Nemastomaceae. Nemastoma oligarthra. Pound on rocks at Ninepins, Whatipu, Aug. 1950 Very sparse in occurence. Plocamiaceae. Plocamium angustrum. In pools at Muriwai. Cystocarpic in June. Also in pools at Karekare. Gracilariaceae. Gracilaria paradoxa (?) Abundantly cystocarpic at Anawhata in May and January. Occurs in mid and upper littoral pools Melanthalia abcissa. In lower littoral pools or sub-littoral. Distributed fairly generally along the coast. Tylotus proliferus. In intertidal pools and channels at Bethell's, Karekare and Anawhata. Curdiaea engelhartii (?) Cystocarpic plants found at N. Anawhata in January. At L.W.N, in sand. Mychodeaceae. Ahnfeltia sp. Not common in lower littoral pools and channels at Bethell's, Karekare South and Anawhata. Phyllophoraceae. Gymnogongrus humilis. At L.W.,N, on boulders - growing in close proximity to sand. Bethell's, January 1950. G. nodiferus. Not uncommon in intertidal channels at Anawhata and Bethell's. G. vermicularis. Several plants found in intertidal channels at Anawhata. Gigartinaceae. Gigartina atropurpurea. Widely distributed along the coast towards low water. Tetrasporic and carposporic generally throughout the year. G. cranwellae. Also widely distributed at low water and in intertidal channels. G. chapmanii (?) Mid-tidal pools at Whatipu. G. macrocarpa. Lower intertidal reaches of rock platforms. Bethell's, Anawhata, Karekare and Piha. G. alveata. Often abundant in a wide intertidal zone where moderately sheltered. G. decipiens. Not common and occuring at lower littoral levels. Rhodymeniales. Champiaceae. Champia novae zelandiae var. dolichopoda. In mid-tidal pools N. Anawhata, Bethell's and Piha. Sporadic in distribution and seasonal. Pound tetrasporic in January at Anawhata. Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodymenia leptophylla. Intertidal pools, Whatipu and Anawhata. Pound cystocarpic at Whatipu in August. Lophurella caespitosa.. Here and there along the coast in mid-littoral position on rock platforms. Ceramiales. Ceramiaceae. Ceramium sp. Intertidal pools throughout.
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