UNIVERSALISM IN PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA RIPE 2019 Edited by: Philip Savage, Mercedes Medina, & Gregory Ferrell Lowe Ferrell Lowe, G. & Savage, P. (2020). Universalism in public service media: Paradoxes, challenges, and development in Philip Savage, Mercedes Medina and Gregory Ferrell Lowe (eds.) Universalism in Public Service Media. Gteborg: Nordicom. NORDICOM 1 Logotyp Logotyp Nordicoms huvudlogotyp består av namnet Nordicoms huvudlogotyp består av namnet ”Nordicom”. Logotypen är det enskilt viktigaste ”Nordicom”. Logotypen är det enskilt viktigaste elementet i Nordicoms visuella identitet och den Centrum fr nordisk medieforskning Centrum fr nordisk medieforskning ska finnas med i allt material där Nordicom står som avsändare. Använd alltid godkända original, de kan laddas ner här. Logotypens tre versioner Nordicoms logotyp finns i tre godkända grundversioner. • Logotyp. • Logotyp med undertext. • Logotyp på platta. Centre for Nordic Media Research Centre for Nordic Media Research Logotyp med undertext ska användas i lite större Logotyp med undertext ska användas i lite större format för att presentera Nordicom. Logotyp format för att presenteraBased at the Nordicom. University of Gothenburg,Logotyp Nordicom is a Nordic non-proft knowledge Contacts på platta ska användas där det behövs något centre that collects and communicates facts and research in the feld of media and communication. The purpose of our work is to develop the knowledge of media’s role Editor Administration, sales Postal address grafiskt med mer tyngd. in society. We do this through: Johannes Bjerling, PhD Anne Claesson Nordicom phone: +46 766 18 12 39 phone: +46 31 786 12 16 University of Gothenburg Following and documenting media development in terms of media structure, • [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 713 media ownership, media economy, and media use. SE-405 30 Gteborg • Conducting the annual survey The Media Barometer, which measures the reach of various media forms in Sweden. ( • Publishing research literature, including the international research journals +46 31 786 00 00 @ www.nordicom.gu.se @Nordicom_News Nordicom Review and Nordic Journal of Media Studies. • Publishing newsletters on media trends in the Nordic region and policy issues [email protected] @NordicomNews @nordicom_pics in Europe. 4 4 • Continuously compiling information on how media research in the Nordic countries is developing. • The international research conference NordMedia, which is arranged in cooperation with the national media and communication associations in the Recent publications Nordic countries. D MEDIA, EXTREMISM AND FREE EXPRESSION OTHERING • GLOBAL DIVERSITIES TRANSNATIONAL I G THE GLOBAL AUDIENCES OF DANISH TELEVISION DRAMA AUDIENCES OF THE GLOBAL I T TITLE A TRANSNATIONAL OTHERING • GLOBAL DIVERSITIES L M This anthology addresses complex, interconnected issues, such as the rise of extremism and terrorism, diver- E D sity and minority rights, as well as the situation for freedom of expression in eight different countries, most of I INEQUALITIES are the unwanted companions of media and communication. A Digital Media IN Transnational Othering The Global Audiences of Danish Television Drama The Global them with a Muslim majority population. Extremists recruit terrorists through social media, and target minori- E Traditional analogue mass media were criticized for creating inequalities by Q ties as well as freedom loving people by utilizing their freedom of expression to threaten the rights of others. U Following the surprising and unprecedented international export of Danish television A This happens not least in countries with a long experience of dictatorship. Journalists face huge challenges Nordicom is fnanced by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry of L being biased, serving hegemonic interests, and accumulating far too much power drama in the early 2010s, this anthology explores the reception of these series among I T when reporting on these issues. The contributors are both academics and journalists, conveying their expe- I E riences from transnational research co-operation as well as reporting from the ground in confict areas. Thus, global audiences by tracing the travel of the series to seven diferent countries: Australia, in the hands of mighty industrial conglomerates. Under the digital regime, most S POLICIES AGAINST DIVIDES, DISTRUST AND DISCRIMINATION DISTRUST DIVIDES, POLICIES AGAINST this volume addresses itself to journalism students as well as professional journalists and others who need to Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Turkey, and the UK. Each contribution difers in terms inequalities survived, and new ones occurred. Knowledge gaps transformed into navigate in a world in which both extremists and authoritarian states may stife gender and minority rights, as of its theoretical and methodological position and reflects the diverse backgrounds of the Inequalitieswell as the right to report and express oneself freely. researchers and types of data collected. As a whole, the anthology provides insights on digital divides, news journalism is challenged by social networking sites, and – Global Diversities Audiences of global audience research in an age of multi-platform and multi-directional media flows, as Elisabeth Eide, (Dr. Art.) is professor of journalism studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, and has worked TRANSNATIONAL global corporate monopolies outperform national media companies. Algorith- well as on the complex nature of contemporary audiences located in diferent parts of the • Pia Majbritt Jensen & Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen (Eds.) at Oslo and Bergen Universities, as well as Punjab University and Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris. She has Elisabeth Eide, Kristin Skare Orgeret & Nil Mutluer Orgeret Elisabeth Eide, Kristin Skare world. The anthology ofers a novel contribution to research on Danish television drama, mic selection, surveillance, Big Data and the Internet of Things are creating new worked as an academic, writer and journalist, and published a large number of books and research articles DIGITAL MEDIA on confict journalism; climate journalism; gender and journalism; journalism and diversity and has received OTHERING the international circulation of audiovisual content produced in non-Anglophone contexts, Culture and the University of Gothenburg. Visit our website for more information inequalities which follow traditional patterns of class, gender, wealth and educa- several awards for her work. She has worked and travelled much in South Asia and the Middle East. and the phenomenon of Nordic Noir for both students and scholars. tion. This book revisits old and new media and communication inequalities in Kristin Skare Orgeret, (Dr. Art.) is professor of journalism and media studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, Pia Majbritt Jensen is Associate Professor at the Department of Media Studies and THE GLOBAL AUDIENCES OF PoliciesNorway. She has published extensivelyagainst within the feld of journalism in confict situations, safety of journalists, Nordic-Baltic Danish Television times of digital transition. It has been written in a collective efort by the members GLOBAL Journalism, Aarhus University. global journalism and media and gender. She has worked as a researcher and lecturer in several countries in Africa and Asia and is currently coordinating the Norhed project ”Bridging Gaps” – a cooperation between of THE EUROMEDIA RESEARCH GROUP. journalism schools in Uganda, Nepal, Norway and South Sudan. Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen is Associate Professor at the Department of English, Aarhus DANISH TELEVISION University. INEQUALITIES Nil Mutluer, (PhD) is the Einstein Foundation Senior Scholar at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. From DIVERSITIES 2016 to 2018 she was awarded the Philipp Schwartz Research Fellowship of Humboldt Foundation. She has published extensively in the areas of gender, (ethnic and religious) diversity, nationalism, migration, memory Divides,and Turkish politics in various academicDistrust and non-academic journals and newspapers. about Nordicom’s work and about our academic book publishing. Perspectives Drama | DRAMA JOSEF TRAPPEL POLICIES AGAINST DIVIDES, DISTRUST AND DISCRIMINATION MEDIA, EXTREMISM AND FREE EXPRESSION University of Gothenburg ( Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden ed. Telephone +46 31 786 00 00 • Fax + 46 31 786 46 55 3 > ) University of Gothenburg and Discrimination Nordicom, 2019 Pia Majbritt Jensen University of Gothenburg Nordicom, 2020 E-mail [email protected] Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden NORDICOM Telephone +46 31 786 00 00 • Fax + 46 31 786 46 55 NORDICOM Telephone +46 31 786 00 00 • Fax + 46 31 786 46 55 www.nordicom.gu.se 3 7 & Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen (Eds.) Kristin Solberg Elisabeth Eide, Kristin Skare Orgeret & Nil Mutluer is a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- (eds.) 3 > E-mail [email protected] 7 > E-mail [email protected] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- NORDICOM www.nordicom.gu.se NORDICOM 85521 NORDICOM www.nordicom.gu.se NORDICOM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 85510 789188 855183 ( ) 8 JOSEF TRAPPEL ed. 8 ISBN 978-91-88855-18- 9 78918 78918 ISBN 978-91-88855-21- 1 9 ISBN 978-91-88855-10- 9 Nordicom, 2019 1 www.nordicom.gu.se www.nordicom.gu.se Universalism in Public Service Media UNIVERSALISM IN PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA RIPE 2019 Edited by: Philip Savage, Mercedes Medina, & Gregory Ferrell Lowe NORDICOM Universalism in Public Service Media RIPE@2019 Edited by Philip Savage, Mercedes Medina, & Gregory Ferrell
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