NEMATODE SURVEY OF CHICKPEA PRODUCTION AREAS IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA S.S. Ali1 and S.B. Sharma2 Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur - 208 024, India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arzd Tropics (ICRISAT) Patancheru - 502 324, India Summary. Random surveys were taken in chickpea fields in Rajasthan, which is an important pulse growing state in India. Infesta- tions due to Meloklogyne incognita and M. javanica were observed in sandy soils of Jaipur, Jhunjhunu and Swai Madhaopur both in rainfed and irrigated situations estimating 20.30% yield loss. Monocropping of chickpea supported higher populations of root- knot neinatodes than cereals-chickpea cropping system. Heterodera szuarupi was reported for the first time on chickpea and its in- cidence was recorded froin Ajmer, Alwar, Bikaner, Jaipur, Nagaur, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Swai Madhopur and Tonk,districts. The le- sion neinatodes (P~at~lenchustbornei and Pratylenchus spp.) were predominant in north eastern region and were associated with Rhzzoctonza bataticola. District wise distribution of pathogenic species are also provided. Chickpea is a widely cultivated cool-season grain perature falls below zero degree. Chickpea cultivars legume in India and accounts for more than 43 % of the GNG 146 wilt resistant, GNG 149 Aschochyta blight re- world's chickpea production. It is mainly grown in soils sistant, GNG 114, Kabuli gram, RS 10, RS 11 and local with residua1 moisture in the post rainfall season as a land races are widely cultivated in the surveyed districts. sole crop or as a crop mixed with wheat, mustard and Soil and root samples were collected at random from sorghum. Rajasthan State is an important chickpea the rhizosphere of chickpea plants in February when growing region in India with over one million ha culti- the plants were in the flowering stage at most of the 141 vated thus ranking third both in area and production locations. The samples were collected from individua1 (Anonymous, 1995). fields from villages within tehsils (administrative sub- Many species of plant parasitic nematodes are pre- unit of a district) of each of the 11 districts. Samples sent in the major chickpea growing regions of India and were drawn from cropping systems prevailing in the re- some of these species are highly damaging to chickpea gion like pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), chickpea production (Sharma et al., 1993; Ali, 1995). In Ra- (Cicer arietinum L.)-mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) jasthan, three species of the root-knot nematodes Wilczek], groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-chickpea, (Meloidogyne spp.) have been reported to be associated mothbean [Vigna acontifolia Uacq) Marechall-chickpea with chickpea (Mathur et al.,1969; Ali, 1995). There is, + sesame (Sesamunz indicum L.), chickpea + mustard however, a lack of information on the distribution and (Brassica rapa L.), fallow-chickpea. Composite samples abundance of plant parasitic nematodes in the major were collected 15-20 cm deep with a 20 cm long soil chickpea growing regions of Rajasthan. sampler. Each soil sample comprised 5-10 soil cores The objective of this study was to investigate the dis- while root samples consisted of 10-15 g of randomly se- tribution of plant parasitic nematodes that are potential- lected roots. When the samples were being collected, ly important to chickpea cultivation in Rajasthan. the farmers and villagers were intelviewed to collect da- ta on previous crop history, cropping pattern, fertilizer, irrigation and pesticide inputs. Wherever possible, data MATERIALS AND METHODS on easily identifiable pests and diseases were also col- lected. Surveys were conducted in the major chickpea grow- In the laboratory, nematodes were extracted from ing districts of Rajasthan in February 1996. The 11 dis- 100 cm3 soil samples by sieving and decanting method tricts that were identified for surveys included Ajmer, and modified Baermann funnels. Cysts were collected Alwar, Bikaner, Churu, Ganganagar, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, from soil and roots on a 180-pm pore (80 mesh) sieve. Nagaur, Swai Madhopur, Sikar and Tonk. More than The cysts of Heterodera spp. were hand-picked and eggs 80% of the total chickpea production in Rajasthan and juveniles in the cysts were counted. Root-knot ne- (Anon., 1995) are raised in these districts. The survey matode females (Meloidogyne spp.) were extracted from covered physiographic zones of arid western plains, irri- the galls and species identification was based on per- gated north western plains, transitional plains of inland ineal pattern morphology. The nematode populations drainage, semi-arid eastern plains, and flood-prone east- were identified and their numbers were assessed using a ern plains of Rajasthan. The soil type in these districts binocular microscope. ranged from desert sandy soils to clay loam. The maxi- Data on nematode population densities were mum temperature ranges from 38 OC to 49 OC, in Chu- analysed to assess the average density of each nematode ru, Sikar and Bikaner districts while, the minimum tem- species, and frequency of occurrence in each district. RESULTS greater in Jhunjhunu district followed by Ajmer district while it was absent in desert sandy soils of Bikaner and Species of nematodes found in chickpea rhizosphere Churu districts. were Aphelenchoides sp., Basiria sp., Boleodorus sp., The average population of the stunt nematode (Ty- Criconenzoides sp., Heterodera swarupi Sharma et al., lenchorhynchus sp.) was highest in Ajmer district while Helicotylenchus dihystera (Cobb) Sher, H. indicus Sid- minimum in Bikaner district. The spira1 nematodes (He- diqi, H. retusus Siddiqi et Brown, Helicotylenchus spp., licotylenchus sp.) were very widespread and recorded in Hoplolaimus spp., Hemicriconemoides cocophilus (Loos) al1 the districts sampled. Chitwood et Birchfield, Macroposthonia ornata (Raski) De Grisse et Loof, Malenchus spp., Meloidogyne incog- nita (Kofoid et White) Chitw., M. javanica (Treub) DISCUSSION Chitw., Merlinius brevidens (Allen) Siddiqi, Merlinius sp., Paratylenchus spp., Pratylenchus thornei Sher et Chickpea is one of the major pulse crop of the winter Allen, Pratylenchus spp., Rotylenchulus reniformis Lin- in India and is highly susceptible to root-knot, lesion ford et Oliveira, Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodz' Siddqi et and reniform and other ectoparasitic nematodes (Ali, Basir, Tylenchorhynchus spp., Tylenchus spp. and 1995) with an estimated 20-25% yield loss in Rajasthan. Xiphinema sp. Species of Meloidogyne, Rotylenchulus, Root-knot nematode is also posing a threat to the culti- Tylenchorhychus, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus and vation of chickpea in other chickpea growing regions of Merlinius were ubiquitous and were found in almost al1 the country where 15-20% yield losses are incurred the districts except in desert sandy soil. (Ali, 1992; 1995). M. yavanica was widespread in the eastern region of Lesion nematodes are predominant urhere chickpea the state. While roots infected with M. incognita were is grown as a monocrop in loamy and clay soils or pearl generally devoid of rhizobium nodules. Severe damage millet-chickpea cropping system in rainfed situations or to chickpea roots due to root-knot nematode infection when chickpea is intercropped with mustard in irrigat- was observed in the northeastern region and irrigated ed conditions (Ali, 1995; 1997). Lesion nematodes are north western plains. emerging as a new problem in the cultivation of this The highest number of root-knot nematodes was re- crop and are associated with dry root-rot of chickpea covered from Jaipur district which was identified as the caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola in Churu, Bikaner, most heavily infested ( 100% frequency) followed by Ganganagar, Nagaur and Sikar districts of Rajasthan. Jhunjhunu district with 66% frequency, although the H. swarupi was reported for the first time on chick- percentage of root-knot infested root samples were pea in Rajasthan (Sharma et al., 1998). The incidence of 78% in Swai Madhopur. The lowest root-knot nema- the chickpea cyst nematode, H. swarz~pi,on chickpea tode population was recovered from Bikaner. was reported from Ajmer, Alwar, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jhun- Lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and an jhunu, Nagaur, Swai Madhopur, Sikar and Tonk dis- unidentified Pratylenchus sp.) were predominant mainly tricts of Rajasthan and in high nunlber at a few places in the northeastern region and flood-prone eastern indicating that chickpea nlay be a good host. plains of the state. Lesion nematodes were extracted in large numbers from roots having extensive dark brown and black areas. These nematodes are a limiting factor ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to chickpea cultivation in Ajmer, Ganganagar, Jhun- jhunu, Nagaur, Alwar, Tonk and Jaipur districts. In Swai The senior author thanks Mr. Nainluddin, Pulse Madhopur 92.8% frequency of occurence of infestation Pathologist of the Institute, for isolation and identifica- of lesion nematodes was recorded, while Sikar district tion of Rhizoctonia bataticola from chickpea root sam- was least infested by this nematode. ples. He is grateful to the Director, Indian Institute of At least four species of cyst nematodes were found in Pulses Research, Kanpur, India, for providing facilities soil samples. Preliminary investigations based on cone and encouragement the present investigation. top morphology revealed that the cysts urere of Het- erodera avenae Wollenweber, H. cajani Koshy, H. graminis Stynes and H. zeae Koshy, Swarup et Sethi. LITERATURE CITED Unidentified cysts later described as Heterodera
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