PUBLICATIONS 2020 AXE AUTONOMISATION Documents publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture / Published refereed papers 1. Aloulou, H., Mokhtari, M., & Abdulrazak, B. (2020). Pilot site deployment of an IoT solution for older adults' early behavior change detection. Sensors, 20(7), 1888. 2. Sadek, I., Heng, T. T. S., Seet, E., & Abdulrazak, B. (2020). A new approach for detecting sleep apnea using a contactless bed sensor: comparison study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e18297. 3. Cossette, B., Bruneau, M.-A., Couturier, Y., Gilbert, S., Boyer, D., Ricard, J., McDonald, T., Labarre, K., et al. (Arcand, M.) (2020). Optimizing Practices, Use, care and Services- AntiPsychotics (OPUS-AP) in long-term care centers in Québec, Canada: a strategy for best practices. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(2), 212-219. 4. Beaulieu, M., Cadieux-Genesse, J., & St-Martin, K. (2020). COVID-19 and residential care facilities: issues and concerns identified by the international network prevention of elder abuse (INPEA). Journal of Adult Protection, 22(6), 385-389. 5. Beaulieu, M., Maillé, I., Bédard-Lessard, J., Carbonneau, H., Éthier, S., Fortier, J., Morin, C., & Sévigny, A. (2020). Promising practices of non-profit organizations to respond to the challenges faced in countering the mistreatment of older adults. Voluntas. International Journal of voluntary and Nonprofit Organisations, 31(6), 1359-1370. 6. Éthier, S., Beaulieu, M., Perroux, M., Andrianova, A., Fortier, M., Boisclair, F., & Guay, M.-C. (2020). Favoriser la bientraitance pour que proche aidance ne rime plus avec maltraitance. Intervention, 151, 33-46. 7. Éthier, S., Lauzer, C., Marcoux, L., Carbonneau, H., & Beaulieu, M. (2020). Le groupe SEMA : un groupe « philo-éducatif » innovateur pour partager son expérience morale comme proche aidant. Groupwork, 29(1), 46-63. 8. Fraser, S., Lagacé, M., Bongué, B., Ndeye, N., Guyot, J., Bechard, L., Garcia, L., Taler, V., CCNA Social Inclusion and Stigma Working Group. (Beaulieu, M., Garon, S., Levasseur, M.) (2020). Ageism and COVID-19. What does our society's response say about us? Age and Ageing, 49(5), 692-695. 9. Maillé, I., Beaulieu, M., & Éthier, S. (2020). Dla mnie to bylo wspaniale. Powiedzialam sobie: Nie jestem sama! Glosy starszych osob - ofiar naduzyc, ktore otrzymaly bezposrednie wsparcie od organizacji non-profitm [I found it marvelous. I said to myself: I am not alone! –Voices of mistreated older persons who received direct services from non-for-profit agencies]. Polish Social Gerontology Journal, 2(19), 140-158. 10. Moulias, R., Monfort, J.-C., Beaulieu, M., Simon-Marzais, M., Isern-Real, M.-H., Poch, B., Pépin, M., Cadilhac, J.-C., Martinent, E., & Moulias, S. (2020). Pratiques professionnelles inappropriées et maltraitances. Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Gériatrie, 20, 112-123. Étudiants / Students 1 11. Nobels, A., Vandeviver, C., Beaulieu, M., Inescu, A. C., Nisen, L., Van Den Noortgate, N., Vander Beken, T., Lemmens, G., & Keygnaert, I. (2020). "Too grey to be true?" sexual violence in older adults - a critical interpretive synthesis of evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 4117. 12. Zhu, L., Duval, C., Boissy, P., Montero Odasso, M., Zou, G., Jog, M., & Speechley, M. (2020). Comparing GPS-based community mobility measures with self-report assessments in older adults with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Gerontology, Series A: Medical Sciences, 75(12), 2361-2370. 13. Carrier, A., Freeman, A., Desrosiers, J., & Levasseur, M. (2020). Institutional context: what elements shape how community occupational therapists think about their clients' care? Health and social Care in the Community, 28(4), 1209-1219. 14. Caughlin, S., Mehta, S., Corriveau, H., Eng, J. J., Eskes, G., Kairy, D., Meltzer, J., Sakakibara, B., & Teasell, R. W. (2020). Implementing telerehabilitation after stroke: lessons learned from Canadian trials. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(6), 710-719. 15. Luc, M., Corriveau, H., Boire, G., Filiatrault, J., Beaulieu, M.-C., Dagenais, P., & Gaboury, I. (2020). Implementing a fracture follow-up liaison service: perspective of key stakeholders. Rheumatology International, 40(4), 607-614. 16. Mountain, A., Lindsay, M. P., Teasell, R., Salbach, N. M., de Jong, A., Foley, N., Bhogal, S., et al. (Corriveau, H.) (2020). Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: rehabilitation, recovery, and community participation following stroke. Part two: transitions and community participation following stroke. International Journal of Stroke, 15(7), 789-806. 17. Chiu, Y., Vanasse, A., Courteau, J., Chouinard, M.-C., Dubois, M.-F., Dubuc, N., Elazhary, N., Dufour, I., & Hudon, C. (2020). Persistent frequent emergency department users with chronic conditions: a population-based cohort study. PLOS ONE, 15(2), e0229022. 18. Hudon, C., Courteau, J., Chiu, Y. M., Chouinard, M.-C., Dubois, M.-F., Dubuc, N., Elazhary, N., Racine-Hemmings, F., Dufour, I., & Vanasse, A. (2020). Risk of frequent ED utilisation among an ambulatory care sensitive condition population: a population-based cohort study. Medical Care, 58(3), 248-256. 19. Dufour, I., Chiu, Y., Courteau, J., Chouinard, M.-C., Dubuc, N., & Hudon, C. (2020). Frequent emergency department use by older adults with ambulatory care sensitive conditions: a population- based cohort study. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 20(4), 317-323. 20. Cumyn, A., Barton, A., Dault, R., Cloutier, A.-M., Jalbert, R., & Éthier, J.-F. (2020). Informed consent within a learning health system: a scoping review. Learning Health Systems, 4(2), e10206. 21. Lacasse, A., Cauvier Charest, É., Dault, R., Cloutier, A.-M., Choinière, M., Blais, L., Vanasse, A., & TORSADE Cohort Working Group (Éthier, J.-F.) (2020). Validity of algorithms for identification of individuals suffering from chronic noncancer pain in administrative databases: a systematic review. Pain Medicine, 21(9), 1825-1839. 22. Lacasse, A., Pagé, M. G., Choinière, M., Dorais, M., Vissandjée, B., Nguena Nguefack, H. L., Katz, J., Samb, O. M., Vanasse, A., & TORSADE Cohort Working Group (Éthier, J.-F.) (2020). Conducting gender-based analysis of existing databases when self-reported gender data are unavailable: the GENDER Index in a working population. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111(2), 155-168. 23. Todd Dahl, L., Katz, A., McGrail, K., Diverty, B., Éthier, J.-F., Gavin, G., McDonald, J. T., Paprica, P. A., et al. (2020). The SPOR-Canadian Data Platform: a national initiative to facilitate data rich multi-jurisdictional research. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(1), 36. Étudiants / Students 2 24. Kenfack Ngankam, H., Pigot, H., Lorrain, D., Viens, I., & Giroux, S. (2020). Context awareness architecture for ambient assisted living applications: case study of nighttime wandering. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7, 1-13. 25. Lussier, M., Aboujaoudé, A., Couture, M., Moreau, M., Laliberté, C., Giroux, S., Pigot, H., Gaboury, S., Bouchard, K., et al. (2020). Using ambient assisted living to monitor older adults with Alzheimer disease: single-case study to validate the monitoring report. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(11), e20215. 26. Lussier, M., Couture, M., Moreau, M., Laliberté, C., Giroux, S., Pigot, H., Gaboury, S., Bouchard, K., Belchior, P., Bottari, C., Paré, G., Consel, C., & Bier, N. (2020). Integrating an ambient assisted living monitoring system into clinical decision-making in home care: an embedded case-study. Gerontology, 19(1), 77-92. 27. Yaddaden, A., Couture, M., Gagnon-Roy, M., Belchior, P., Lussier, M., Bottari, C., Giroux, S., Pigot, H., & Bier, N. (2020). Using a cognitive orthosis to support older adults during meal preparation: clinicians' perspective on COOK technology. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7, 1-12. 28. Godbout, L., Genest-Grégoire, A., Guay, J.-H., & Pham, A. (2020). La pandémie immunise-t-elle les Québécois contre l'impôt? Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques, 46(S2), S166-S181. 29. Godbout, L., & Robert-Angers, M. (2020). Relancer l'économie en la verdissant : quelques réflexions. Vecteur environnement, 53(3), 12-15. 30. Gosselin, J. S., Godbout, L., Gagné-Dubé, T., & St-Cerny, S. (2020). Finances of the nation. The economic response of governmenets in Canada to COVID-19 in the first three months of the crisis. Canadian Tax Journal, 68(3), 863-890. 31. Pham, A., Genest-Grégoire, A., Godbout, L., & Guay, J.-H. (2020). Tax literacy: a Canadian perspective. Canadian Tax Journal, 68(4), 987-1007. 32. Guay, M., Latulippe, K., Auger, C., Giroux, D., Séguin-Tremblay, N., Gauthier, J., Genest, C., Morales, E., & Vincent, C. (2020). Self-selection of bathroom-assistive technology: development of an electronic decision support system (Hygiene 2.0). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(8), e16175. 33. Guay, M., Vinet, M., Bombardier, A.-M., Hamel, M., Sveistrup, H., Demers, L., & Smeesters, C. (2020). Force applied to a grab bar during bathtub transfers. Clinical Biomechanics, 80(December), 105109. 34. Talbot-Coulombe, C., & Guay, M. (2020). Occupational therapy training on palliative end-of-life care: scoping review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(10), 609-619. 35. Lebel, K., Duval, C., Goubault, É., Bogard, S., & Blanchet, P. J. (2020). Can we predict the motor performance of patients with Parkinson's disease based on their symptomatology? Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, 189. 36. Lebel, K., Duval, C.,
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