Ban Mai Nai Soi Temporary Shelter Profile July 2016 Verified Populaon - July 2016 Background Ban Mai Nai Soi camp, so-calleD Site 1, is the result of consoliDaon of 10,220 * Ban Tractor anD Ban Kwai camps in 1996. IniOally, Ban Mai Nai Soi accommoDateD arounD 1,800 refugees from the two original camps. Populaon profile The camp populaon grew gradually Due to ongoing fighOng at the borDering area in Myanmar. Gender Female 49% Male 51% Due to its iniOal seng which was close to the neighboring Thai villages, the camp was relocateD to the present locaon. Age 18 years anD above: 56% 5-17 years: 33% Below 5 years: 11% Ethnicity Karenni 94% Shan/Thai Yai 3% Other 3% Religion Animist 51% ChrisOan 33% BuDDhist 15% Other 1% *According to Verifica#on Exercise conducted from Jan-Apr 2015 and suBsequent changes to-date Locaon Ban Mai Nai Soi camp is in Muang District, Mae Hong Son Province, approximately 2 km. from the Thai-Myanmar border and Governance approximately 26 km. from Mae Hong Son town anD takes about 45 The Ministry of Interior (MOI) is responsible for minutes to reach the camp. It has a surface area of 551 acres (2.23 administraon in nine camps. Ban Mai Nai Soi Camp sq.km.). CommanDer is the District Officer of Muang District. A refugee Camp Commi`ee is Directly involveD in camp UNHCR Ac%vi%es governance, anD receiveD support from the Karenni • ensure access to asylum, legal, material anD physical protecOon. Refugee Commi`ee (KnRC). • Work towarDs the eliminaon of sexual anD genDer-baseD violence Some personnel from the Military Taskforce 7 are anD improve the quality of response. staoneD near the camp to monitor security. Territory • ensure chilD protecOon through the promoOon anD applicaon of Defense Volunteers, known as Or Sors, are employeD a ChilD ProtecOon Framework. anD traineD by the MOI to proviDe internal camp • Strengthen self-reliance anD help secure livelihooD opportuniOes. security. • Secure Durable soluOons for all refugees from Myanmar. Rese?lement Sta%s%cs Departures by Country oF Rese?lement un#l May 2016 Total (persons) 3% 6% un#l May 2016 20,433 16,451 15,014 Submitted Accepted Departed USA 5% 11,000 10,000 Australia 9,000 Finland 8,000 7,000 Other** 6,000 5,000 86% 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 **Norway, New Zealand, Canada, - Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Access to Asylum ThailanD is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee ConvenOon anD its 1967 Protocol anD Does not have legislaon regulang the status of refugees. In accorDance with MOI regulaons, admission to the camps anD access to asylum in ThailanD is the responsibility of the Provincial ADmission BoarDs (PAB). Unlike the other borDer province, Mae Hong Son DevelopeD a large backlog of PAB case Due to stricter applicaon of eligibility criteria. However, the PAB was able to clear the backlogs in 2009. With UNHCR support in 2012, RTG starteD conDucOng a "Fast Track" proceDure that proviDes access to the PAB to the unregistereD camp resiDents in the nine temporary shelters if they are immeDiate family members of those who were already rese`leD anD/or of the registereD camp resiDents who are in process of rese`lement. There have also been submissions for persons with protecOon anD meDical concerns. This is not a general registraon PAB exercise anD the conDiOons are strict. Humanitarian Organizaons Health • Health informaon system Premiere Urgence AiDe MeDicale Internaonale (PU-AMI) • Health services Internaonal Rescue Commi`ee (IRC) Water, Hygiene & Sanitaon • Water anD sanitaon Internaonal Rescue Commi`ee (IRC) Protecon and Community Services* • Training anD awareness raising on legal relateD issues Internaonal Rescue Commi`ee (IRC) Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) • Women’s protecOon anD empowerment Internaonal Rescue Commi`ee (IRC) Women’s ProtecOon anD empowerment (WPe) - working closely with UNHCR • Life Development skills for chilDren Catholic Office for emergency Relief anD Refugees (COeRR) • ChilD protecOon, assistance for vulnerable inDiviDuals Catholic Office for emergency Relief anD Refugees (COeRR) • Prosthesis, Disability social inclusion anD mine risk eDucaon HanDicap Internaonal (HI) • Psycho-social assistance Internaonal Rescue Commi`ee (IRC) Registra%on • Registraon anD Status Determinaon Ministry of Interior (MOI) Shelter • Repair materials for shelters The Border Consorum (TBC) Non-Food Items (NFIs) • NFI DistribuOon The Border Consorum (TBC) Food and Nutri%on • FooD DistribuOon The Border Consorum (TBC) Livelihoods • LivelihooDs Agency for Technical Cooperaon anD Development (ACTeD) • LivelihooDs (agricultural project) Catholic Office for emergency Relief anD Refugees (COeRR) • Agriculture anD markeOng for prepareDness The Border Consorum (TBC) Educaon • eDucaon Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) • Nursery school, women stuDy program Women’s eDucaon for ADvancement anD empowerment (WeAVe) Rese?lement • Post-approval rese`lement services Internaonal Organizaon for Migraon (IOM) • The US rese`lement service IRC Rese`lement Support Center (IRC-RSC) UNHCR financially supporteD For upDateD sectoral informaon from Ban Mai Nai Soi Camp, please consult: h`ps://www.unhcr.or.th anD hp://www.commonservice.info.
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