I " " y 'A ■^- • ^.- V :."i-% • . “ j ■■ r 4 »• » e >•* ■•“ ♦ f « . ■"•• * f '•.V 1 ,i , _■ ■V" t b b v ^ t h ^ -------------------------------- FhreoMt by U.' S; Weether Barcaii, NET'PRESS BUN t,,m,^. ^ - y * •<'• - •■■ *b**' ■' " New Haven ' I AVERAGE DAILY diRfitJLATlON eolin. state Library— Costt®. for the Montti of September, 19t 9 Cloudy, pouibly showers, tonight; >>' 5357 Thursday partly cloudy. ' Membera of tke Aadit BoMao ot ClrcnlNtloBB PRICE THREE CBNtS SOUTH MANCH5STER, CONN., WEDNESDAY^ OC^BER 16, 1929. VOL. VU V., NO. 14. (Classified Advertising on Pfigc 12) & LISPING GIRLS MAY NOW Famous Scientist in U. S. FATHERUVING GET JOBS IN TALKIES W1FEAGED70 SUGAR MEN PAID New York, Oct. i6.—Do you MacDONALb W stutter, lisp or drawl? USES AXE TO $'T0,000 A Y E A R AFTER HIS GIRL If you do, don’t reform your speech. Hold it. There may be money in it—in the talkies. KHISPOUSE TRIESMURDit They call them “character voices,” and George Fltzmaurice, FOR PROPAGANDA United Artists director, is au­ thority for the statement that Couple Married Nearly 50 Great Britain’s Premier Re­ Rockville Home Scene of At­ peculiarities in speech have be­ come as redeemable at the box ceives Enthusiastic Re- Witness at Senate Probe office as peculiarities of appear­ Years — Husband, Heavy MACDONALD’S VISIT | tempt at Patricide— &rl ance have since the days of Bar- num. ception at the A. F. of L A good lisper in one of the pic­ Drinker, Made Life for GREAT PEACE m o v e ! Says Father Had Repeat­ tures Fltzmaurice recently di­ rected was paid $50 for one day's Convention. ___ ! tion This Year Was Used work.‘In the old days he would Her Most Miserable. edly Abused Her. have got $7.50 like any other Toronto, Ont., Oct. 1 6 — (A P) — President Says U. S. and for Pamphlets and Pdbli- extra. Summit, N. J., Oct. 16.— (AP) «s>- _______________ — -----------------<*• Down a human lane of applauding Sixteen-year-old Jeanette Gerich, Mrs. Laura Mathilda Titus, white and cheering delegates, Ramsay catipns^Had Little Ef­ an evening school student at the haired and wrinkled by seventy Great Britain Are Now MacDonald today entered, the con­ Connecticut Business College here, years of life, today slew her 78 year MURDER, SUICIDE vention hall of th«l American Feder­ is being held by Rockville and State old husband with an axe. Closer Together. fect on Tariff Rates, He police after having confessed that ation of Labor. The victim, James Titus married she fired five shots at her father in Accompanied by his daughter Tells Senators. a fit of rage late last night while IN WALLINGFORD her 49 years ago. Ishbel and escorted by a committee he was sleeping in a chair beside Mrs. Titus confessed the klllin" to Washington, Oct. 16.—(AP) — of Labor leaders, the premier of President Hoover today sent a tele­ the kitchen stove in their home on police after brief questioning. Washington, Oct. 16.— (A P )—An South street in Rockville. The fath­ Great Britain and the leader of gram to Prime Minister Ramsay Small Woman annual expenditure of $70,000 by er, Steve Gerich, 58 years old, is in East Hartford Bookkeeper England’s Labor Party received a MacDonald expressing the ' convic­ the Rockville a ty hospital in a se­ The woman, weighing little more thunderous welcome as he entered toe United States Beet Sugar As­ tion that the welcome accorded the rious condition and may not live, than 100 pounds, and hard of hear­ the hall and mounted the platform sociation with headquarters in ing, said she slew her husband be­ to be greeted by William- Green, British statesman in this country two of the bullets having hit him. Kills West Haven Woman Washington was listed today before The girl, an unusually attractive cause she couldn’t endure his abuses Federation president. “is an earnest of the gratification any longer. He drank heavily, she toe Senate lobby committee by H. A . blonde, said she shot her father be­ “No more warm hearted recep­ felt in this country that the peoples cause he had abused her and some and Then Himself. said, and was intoxicated this morn­ tion has come to him than you «rlve Austin, secretary and treasurer of ing when she struck lum twice with of Great Britain and the United of the other eleven children in the here,” President Green started his toe organization. an axe. address of welcome, but he “''s States have been brought even closer family until she could bear it no BULLETIN! Appearing as a witness at toe About 3:45 a. m., she said, in ler halted by a storm of applause. Con­ together by your visit.” longer. The shooting wai. the cul­ Wallingford, Oct. 16— (AP)— committee’s second day of inquiiy mination of one of many outbreaks confession to Police Chief John P. tinuing, he bailed the visit of the The President’s message was sent Deaths of Mrs. Anna Bryan Murphy, her husband got up and into reports o^ efforts to in­ of family trouble. In desperation, Ayres, 41, talented advertising premier as "an unique occasion” and said that labor’s sympathies in response to a telegram received fluence Congress in drafting tho Jeanette told police, she went to manager, and William fl. Gay­ went into the yard. He returned about a half hour were with Mr. McDonald’s efforts to from Mr. MacDonald yesterday just tariff bill, he testified that during the pantry, got a .32 caliber revol­ lord, a bookkeeper of Hartford, qs he was leaving the United States ver and then fired five tiroes from later and asked her when she was “mobilize the agencies of p^ace.” the first nine months of this year by bullet, was summed up today for Canada. the association had expended .ap­ close range at her father. going to get up, pulled the bed “ He’s among true friends here by Medical Examiner Dr. J. H. covers off her, and went dow7n stairs. Hoover’s Message. proximately $56,000 and that of this- Await Outcome Buffum, today as “death by today,” Green .concluded, “ we knew “ I only express the feelings of the No official action will be taken Husitand Drunk ^ him in the old days, as the chief of much had been contributed to publi­ mutual agreement” giving offi­ ■ ShorUy after Mrs. Titus got up people of this country.” Mr. Hoover cations and pamphlets relating t.o against Jeanette until the outcome cial weight to the theory that the Labor Party: we know him to­ said, “when T say that we were all of her father's Injuries become defi­ and went downstadrs, where she day as the spokesman of Great sugar production. there was a suicide pact. found her husband lying on the floor grateful for the opportunity of “ Only IncldentoL” nitely known. At the Rockville City Britain. It affords me great honor manifesting oui; sincere appreciation hospital where Gerich was taken of the living room. to present to you the Honorable Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon­ Wallingford, Oct. 16 — (AP) — Mrs. Titus then said she sat down of the spi^t in which you came to tana, asked If “ the real purpose” of after first being treated at the of­ Ramsay MacDonald, Premier of us.! fice of Dr. John F. Flaherty, it Police were convinced today that at a writing desk which she could Above is Madame Marie Curie, the famous French scientist and co­ Great Britain.” toe publications was not to spread watch the prostrate form of her hus­ “The welcome you havo received toe idea of a high tariff but Austin was stated that his condition was Mrs. Anna Bryan Ayres, advertising discoverer of radium with, her late husband, who is now in the United Cheering, the audience cnme to is an earnest of the gratification band, and debated with herself insisted this was “only incidental." very serious. Dr. Flaherty, however, expert, had been shot to death by States. Below are her two daughters. Mile. Eva Curie (left), an ac­ its feet, and held the premier’s ac­ felt in this country that the peoples whether she would kill the man The witness alri) said a number sxpressed the opinion that the man William Gaylord, a bookkeeper, who complished musician, and Mme. Irenb Chirie-JoUot (right), who is follow­ knowledgement back for minutes (rf Great Britain and the United whom she had married in Milltown of “press-releases,” had been sent would probably fecover. then killed himself. Their bodies ing her mother as a scientist. while the hall resdu^ed.. ,, , States have been.brought even closer In Rockville City Court this in 1880. “ I had to- modify spixvi,.«rr^flgq*. to Washington newspaper cor­ “Will I, or won't I ? ” she asked itogotheir'by'your visit Mrs. Hoover morning, Jeanette was not put to were found yesterday in a room .it ments, to come here, ’ Mr. MacDon­ respondents and to newspapers herself. “God above, must I go also Joins me in thanking you and plea but was bound over to the Tol­ an Inn, ald said. “I have been intlroduced wo both send our best wishes for a throughout the country. Mrs. Ayres, 41, was the divorced through today what 1 have been land County Superior Court on to you in the name of the great of­ pleasant visit in Canada and a good It was estimated by Austin that wife of Ernest Ayres, former Am­ through for the last week and four charge of “ assault with Intent to fice I hold, but I want you to feel voyage home.” 90 per cent, of toe sugar product! ■'n herst professor and mother of three days.” PRESIDENT TO SPEAK in toe country was represented in kill ” She was held under, $7,000 The prime minister’s telegram to children.
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