Mar 2021 New AV List

Mar 2021 New AV List

Mar 2021 New AV List TITLE COPY CALL# AUTHOR Chernobyl [videorecording] : a 5-part PN 1992.77 Mazin, Craig, miniseries / HBO Miniseries presents ; in .C44 2020 DVD association with Sky ; a Sister Pictures production ; a Mighty Mint production ; a Word Games production ; directed by Johan Renck ; written by Craig Mazin ; created by Craig 半生緣 [videorecording] = Eighteen springs / PN 1997 .B367 許鞍華. 出品人, 黃百鳴, 梁鳳儀 ; 監製, 許鞍華, 王羽 ; 2020 DVD 導演, 許鞍華 ; 天山電影製片廠, 東方電影出品有限公司, 上海安氏影視傳播有限公司. 82 年生的金智英 [videorecording] = Kim Ji- PN 1997.2 .A182 Yoo, Young-A. Young, born 1982 = 82 년생 김지영 / Lotte 2020 DVD Entertainment presents ; Bombaram Film Corp. production ; written by Yoo Young-A ; directed by Kim Do-Young. 1917 [videorecording] = 1917 : 逆戰救兵 / a PN 1997.2 Mendes, Sam. DreamWorks Pictures and Reliance .A1917 2020 Entertainment presentation ; in association DVD with New Republic Pictures ; a Neal Street Production ; produced in association with Mogambo ; directed by Sam Mendes ; written by Sam Mendes & Krysty Wilson-Cairns ; produced by Sam Mendes [and 4 others]. Bad education [videorecording] = 壞教育 / an PN 1997.2 Finley, Cory. Automatik/Sight Unseen production ; a Slater .B3343 2020 Hall production ; directed by Cory Finley ; DVD screenplay by Mike Makowsky ; produced by Fred Berger, Eddie Vaisman, Julia Lebedev, Oren Moverman, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, produced by Mike Makowsky. 白頭山 [videorecording] : 火山浩劫 = Ashfall = PN 1997.2 .B344 李海準, 백두산 / CJ Entertainment and Dexter Studios 2020 DVD present ; a Dexter Pictures production in association with Perfect Storm Film and CJ Entertainment ; 導演, 監製, 李海準, 金丙書. 爸媽死了, 我卻不想哭 [videorecording] = We PN 1997.2 .B365 二宮慶多. are little zombies = 2019 DVD ウィーアーリトルゾンビーズ / 導演/作家, Battle of Jangsari [videorecording] = 倖存者 / PN 1997.2 Kwak, Kyŏng- Warner Bros. Pictures and Korea Investment .B3885 2020 t'aek, Partners present ; a Taewon Entertainment DVD Production ; produced by Chung Tae-won, Kim Dong-won ; written by Lee Man-hee ; original story, Chung Tae-won ; Adapted by Kwak Kyung-Taek ; directed by Kwak Kyung- taek and Kim Tae-hun. Berlin, I love you [videorecording] = PN 1997.2 Benbihy, 柏林我愛你 / Highland Film Group and VX 119 .B4755 2020 Emmanuel, Media Capital present ; a Walk on Water Fims DVD production ; in association with Ever So Close ; with the support of Medienboard Berlin- Brandenburg and Deutscher Filmförderfonds. Bloodshot [videorecording] = 喋血戰士 / PN 1997.2 .B56 Wilson, David S. Columbia Pictures presents ; in association 2020 DVD F. with Bona Film Group Co. Ltd., Annabell Pictures and The Hideaway Entertainment ; an Original Film production ; in association with Valiant Entertainment ; story by Jeff Wadlow ; screenplay by Jeff Wadlow and Eric Heisserer ; produced by Neal H. Moritz, Toby Jaffe, Dinesh Shamdasani, Vin Diesel ; directed by 第 1 頁,共 5 頁 Mar 2021 TITLE COPY CALL# AUTHOR Birds of prey [videorecording]: (and the PN 1997.2 .B573 Yan, Cathy. fantabulous emancipation of one Harley 2020 DVD Quinn) = 猛禽暴隊 : 解瘋小丑女 / Warner Bros. Pictures presents ; a Luckychap Entertainment production, A Clubhouse Pictures production ; produced by Margot Robbie, Bryan Unkeless, Sue Kroll ; written by Christina Hodson ; directed by Cathy Yan. Bombshell [videorecording] = 爆炸性醜聞 / PN 1997.2 Roach, Jay. Lionsgate presents ; in association with .B6637 2020 Creative Wealth Media and Annapurna DVD Pictures ; a Bron Studios, Denver and Delilah, Gramsci and Lighthouse Management & Media production ; produced by Aaron L. Gilbert, Jay Roach, Robert Graf, Michelle Graham, Charles Randolph, Margaret Riley, Charlize Theron, Beth Kono, A.J. Dix ; written by Charles Randolph ; directed by Jay Roach. The Cave [videorecording] = 奇蹟救援 / E PN 1997.2 .C38 Liu, Allen, Stars Films presents ; a De Warrenne Pictures 2020 DVD and Salty Pictures production ; produced by Allen Liu, Tom Waller ; Story by Don Linder, Katrina Grose and Tom Waller ; written and directed by Tom Waller. Cats [videorecording] / a Universal Pictures PN 1997.2 Hooper, Tom, presentation ; in association with Perfect .C387 2020 DVD World Pictures ; a Working Title and Amblin Entertainment production ; in association with Monumental Pictures and The Really Useful Group ; a film by Tom Hooper ; directed by Tom Hooper ; produced by Debra Hayward, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Tom Hooper ; screenplay by Lee Hall & Tom Hooper. 中國機長 [videorecording] = The captain / PN 1997.2 劉偉強, 出品, 北京博納影業集團有限公司, .C4644 2020 阿里巴巴影業(北京)集團有限公司, DVD 華夏電影發行有限責任公司 [and eighteen others] ; 導演, 劉偉強 ; 監製, 李錦文 ; 編劇, 於勇敢. Dark waters [videorecording] = 追擊黑水真相 / PN 1997.2 Haynes, Todd. Participant presents ; a Willi Hill/Killer Content .D3753 2020 production ; a Todd Haynes film ; produced by DVD Mark Ruffalo, Christine Vachon, Pamela Koffler ; screenplay by Mario Correa and Matthew Michael Carnahan ; directed by Todd 大象席地而坐 [videorecording] = An elephant PN 1997.2 胡遷, sitting still / 導演/編劇, 胡波. .D386 2020 DVD Dolittle [ videorecording] / a Universal Pictures PN 1997.2 Gaghan, presentation ; in association with Perfect .D738 2020 DVD Stephen. World Pictures ; a Roth/Kirschenbaum Films/Team Downey production ; produced by Joe Roth, Jeff Kirschenbaum, Susan Downey ; screen story by Thomas Shepherd, Stephen Gaghan, Dan Gregor & Doug Mand ; directed by Stephen Gaghan. The farewell [videorecording] = 別告訴她 / A24 PN 1997.2 Wang, Lulu and Ray Production, Big Beach, Kindred Spirit .F3849 2020 presents ; in association with Depth of Field, DVD Seesaw ; written and directed by Lulu Wang ; produced by Daniele Melia [and 7 others] ; a Big Beach production. 第 2 頁,共 5 頁 Mar 2021 TITLE COPY CALL# AUTHOR Ford v Ferrari [videorecording] = 極速傳奇 : PN 1997.2 .F678 Mangold, James. 福特決戰法拉利 / Twentieth Century Fox 2020 DVD presents ; in association with TSG Entertainment ; a Chernin Entertainment, Turnpike Films production ; a film by James Mangold ; produced by Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, James Mangold ; written by Jez Butterworth & John-Henry Butterworth and Jason Keller ; directed by James Mangold. The Gentlemen [videorecording] = 瘋狂紳士幫 PN 1997.2 Ritchie, Guy. / Miramax presents ; a Toff Guy production ; a .G4675 2020 film by Guy Ritchie ; produced by Guy Ritchie, DVD Ivan Atkinson, Bill Block ; story by Guy Ritchie, Ivan Atkinson & Marn Davies ; screenplay by Guy Ritchie ; directed by Guy Ritchie. 好狗特攻隊 [videorecording] = Mr.Zoo : the PN 1997.2 Kim, Tae-Yun. missing VIP = 미스터 주 : 사라진 VIP / Korean .H3646 2020 Investment Partners Co. Ltd. and Littlebig DVD Pictures presents ; a Leeyang Film prodction ; a HJ Film Ltd co-production ; directed and written by Kim Tae-Yun ; produced by Nam 江湖無難事 [videorecording] = The gangs, the PN 1997.2 高炳權. Oscars, and the walking dead / 出品, .J5364 2020 DVD 滿滿額娛樂股份有限公司, 華映娛樂股份有限公司, 內容物數位電影製作有限公司 [and five others] ; 製片, 鹿路電影有限公司, 發條映画有限公司, 犢影制作電影有限公司 ; 導演, 高炳權 ; 編劇, 蔡顗禾, 馮勃棣, 高炳權 ; 監製, 徐國倫. Jojo Rabbit [videorecording] = 陽光兔仔兵 / PN 1997.2 .J656 Waititi, Taika. Fox Searchlight Pictures presents ; in 2020 DVD association with TSG Entertainment ; a Defender and Piki Films production ; screenplay by Taika Waititi ; directed by Taika Waititi ; produced by Carthew Neal, Taika Judy [videorecording] = 星夢女神 : 茱地嘉蘭 / PN 1997.2 .J839 Quilter, Peter. LD Entertainment, Roadside Attractions, 2020b DVD Pathé Productions, BBC Films and Ingenious Media present ; a Calamity Films production ; directed by Rupert Goold ; screenplay by Tom Edge ; produced by David Livingstone. The King of Staten Island [videorecording] / PN 1997.2 Apatow, Judd, Universal Pictures presents ; in association .K5646 2020 with Perfect World Pictures ; an Apatow DVD Company production ; produced by Judd Apatow, Barry Mendel ; written by Judd Apatow, Pete Davidson, Dave Sirus ; directed Les plus belles années d'une vie PN 1997.2 .L47 Lelouch, Claude, [videorecording] = 浮生年華 / Metropolitan 2020 DVD Films, Davis Films, Les Films 13, France 2 Cinéma presents ; directed by Claude Lelouch ; screenplay, Claude Lelouch ; producer, Samuel Hadida, Victor Hadida, Claude 樂園 [videorecording] = The paradise / PN 1997.2 .L49 廖士涵, 製作公司, 新世紀南向開發有限公司 ; 導演, 2020 DVD 廖士涵 ; 監製, 王禮霖 ; 編劇, 梁秀紅, 陳定寧. 乜代宗師 [videorecording] = The grand PN 1997.2 黃子華, grandmaster / 春風影業有限公司 出品 ; .M544 2020 DVD 出品人, 李佩詩, 鄺文偉 ; 編劇, 黃子華, 鍾繼昌 ; 監製, 鄺文偉, 鍾繼昌, 區褘麟 ; 導演, 黃子華. 那個我最親愛的陌生人 [videorecording] = PN 1997.2 張作驥. Synapses / 導演, 張作驥 ; 編劇, 張作驥, 謝青嵐 .N345 2020 DVD ; 監製/製片人, 高文宏. 第 3 頁,共 5 頁 Mar 2021 TITLE COPY CALL# AUTHOR 人間失格 [videorecording] : 太宰治和他的女人 PN 1997.2 蜷川実花, = No longer human = 人間失格 : 太宰治と 3 .N5644 2020 人の女たち / 監督, 蜷川実花 ; 脚本, 早船歌江子 DVD ; 製作, 池田史嗣(企画・プロデュース), 秋田周平, 宇田充. 攀登者 [videorecording] = The climbers / PN 1997.2 .P364 李仁港, 導演/編劇, 李仁港 ; 監製,徐克, 曾佩珊 ; 編劇, 2020 DVD 阿來 ; 出品人, 任仲倫. Paradise Hills [videorecording] = 天堂山莊 / PN 1997.2 Waddington, Nostromo Pictures presents ; Nostromo .P3735 2019 Alice. Pictures and Colina Paraiso AIE production ; DVD written by Brian Deleeuw and Nacho Vigalondo ; produced by Adrián Guerra, Núria Valls ; directed by Alice Waddington. The professor and the madman PN 1997.2 Komarnicki, [videorecording] = 牛津解密 / Voltage Pictures .P7644 2020 Todd. presents ; a Voltage Pictures and Fábrica de DVD Cine production ; a Definition Films, 22H22, Zik Zak Filmworks and Caviar Antwerp co- production ; in association with Fastnet Films ; produced by Nicolas Chartier, Gastón Pavlovich ; screenplay by Todd Komarnicki and P.B. Shemran ; directed by P.B. Shemran. 錢力遊戲 [videorecording] = Money = 돈 / PN 1997.2 朴樓利. 導演/編劇, 朴樓利 ; 製片商, Sanai Pictures, .Q536 2019 DVD Moonlight Film. 少年的你 [videorecording] = Better days / PN 1997.2 曾國祥, 好孩子製作, 胖小孩影視製作

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