Brandes talks break down Lao~~eJg as Blacks emaand amnesty By Mike Fedsow and Chrlie Mann Chances for an agreement between officials of Brandeis University and the Black students occupying Ford Hall were apparently set back Saturday with the suspension of the students by Brandeis President Abrams. The suspension and threat of expulsion brought no apparent reaction from ! -4 m~~~~~5~i the Black students who, as of press time, remained intent on occupying the buil- ding until their demands are met. The suspensions came at a time when many felt that an agreement between the faculty and Black students was near. The suspension and threat of expulsion brought no apparent reaction from pi 7z e Te eI~hVI : 1 at :I~AenEBpu~1~811the Black students who, as of press time, remained intent on occupying the bui- voum88 Nws6 BigMsahsts Tedy aua , 9FE ding until their demands are met. The susp The Brandeis administration has essentially agreed to nine of the ten de- mands and has turned to tihe faculty for approval the tenth - an African studies A__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ department. The faculty has taken a stand of refusing to approve anything as long as the building is occupied while the Black students maintain the opposite. Negotiaion Proposals and counter-proposals were offered Sunrday as both sides appeared to be in a stalemate. Randy Bailey, one of the Black students, proposed a negoti- ating team composed of a black representative, two members of the faculty and two members of the administration. The plan was not accepted by the admini- stration. Abrams countered with a plan for the formation of three committees with members from each side to conside/'the African stadies department, the rest of the proposals, and the timing and vacating of Ford Hall. The Black students have rejected Abranm's proposals. War averted Inunction ied Abrams has a court irnjunction at his disposal if the negotiations fail com- pletely. The injunction is a restraining order ordering the students to leave Ford Ta os deOt' e Hall and commit no disruption of any university activities. However, Abrams appears int;tn on playing a jnoderate role and would hesitate to call police in. Support for the Blacklstudents was organized at a meeting at the MIT Stu- By Steve Cahart in Europe and a history of Sino-Soviet The Soviet Union permitted the create their own difficulties. Another dent Center Sunday evening. About 50 students from MIT, Harvard, North- border conflicts which could grow as eastern, and Boston University met and fonrmed thie Ford Hall Solidarity Com- formnation of a common market in innovation was the use of the Instit- the Chinese attempted to divert their rnittee. Expressing the goal of augmenting the struggle of the Brandeis Afro- eastern Eu6pe among Czechoslavakia, utes computer timne sharing system, population's attention from a food American Society, the committee plans to distribute ten thousand copiesof the Rurnania, Yugoslavia, Austria, East CTSS' as a teletype system to deliver shortage. China was known to possess Brandeis Black Bulletin from Ford Hall. Germany, and Hungary, and the United mnssages between teams. To simulate intermediate range nuclear missiles, a States refrained from invading Niaragua. geographic isolation, each team re- Amnest demanded few of which had apparently been After lengthy discussion, the Committee demanded, "compete amnesty for as rebels seized power in a world crisis mnained in a single room all day, with a placed.in Albania. Shortly after noon al involved," and condemned the Brandeis administration for suspending the /mulation held at the Institute Sat- console as its only link to the world, the. Nicaraguan dictatorship was oaver- students. The meeting was highlighted by the viiit of several students from uWay. The simulation was run by a thrown by rebels which, accrding to the radical white support, the students came to relay a The crisis simulation was a term student control team, which projected Brandeis. Representing the old government, were using Chinese request that students from other schools stay off the Brandeis campus. project in 21.556, Soviet-American the world situation in February, 1972, arns. The problems encountered in building support for the Black students on the Diplomacy, taught by Professor Diane on the basis of research done concern- Confict expected Brandeis Campus were discussed, including the aspect that the Black students Clemens. The simulation differed ing current facts and trends in Europe, The control team fully expected have felt alienated from the rest of the student body and have not really tried to iigaificantly from conventional war China, the USA, and the USSR. The that one or more of the potential persuade the rest of the students that their demands have merit. gaming in that it was designed prim- world situation which the teams dis- the scenario would conflicts lurking in While generally agreeing with the visiting Brandeis students, most at the aily to test student reactions to being covered as they opened their massive disagreernet become a source of major meeting felt that the issue didn't involve just Black students but has relevance forced to make national policy under information packets early Saturday between the big powers. Statements for students on every campus. A demonstration of support was suggested but pssuie. National teams were present- morning included a newly-established made by the various teams in the class eastern European common market this was countered with the argument that the Black students did not want the ed with a situation which could evolve period preceding the simulation indic- which might provoke a US-USSR clash support as much as agreement and respect. h a number of ways and allowed to ated that weeks of study of one nation (Pleae tm to page 2) had cultivated each group's national pride to a remarkable extent. Closed circuit TV system Strange things happened, however, when the teams received their nuclear proposed to blanket MIT weapons and other accoutrements of national power on Saturday. Initially, most teams bombarded control with requests for intelligence information A ten-channel closed-circuit tel- "3. The evolution of new styles of concerning other states' defense vision system costing around $2.7 individual and corporate behavio strength. Yet the bomb damage cal- million, for the MIT campus was recent- consistent with the gowing demands culators and megadeath notes the ly proposed by Mr. Peter Buttner, exec- of increasingly complex social utile officer of the Freshman Advisory teams brought with them, all sides systems." chose to negotiate and maneuver in the Council. On a ten-channel system, transmit- feature of Mr. diplomatic arena rather than risk war. The most unusual ting eighteen hours per day, there the feature of In the meantime, the Soviets all butt Buttner's proposal is would be 1260 program hours per receivers ignored China in favor of the EuropeanI Institute-provided personal week available. Buttnher proposed that for every student, faculty member and situation. Their initial action to approximately 50%0 of these time slots the possibility that eastern Oaff member. Other receivers would be be allocated to the general purpose of counteract Europe might unite economically provided in public areas and work making the decision-making process areas. against the Soviet Union was not of a more generally publicized to p greater military nature, but was instead a coan- Benefits portion of the MIT communaity. It was to East Genrmany The 'benefits which Mr. Buttner said also noted that if a particular peeting fidential message admission to at organizational meetirng would be derived from the system are: were televised, one might be able to requesting that that seek Supporters of Brandeis black students listen (Pleae maa to page .J held Sunday night in the Student Center. "1. The achievement of a dramatic engage in less demading, but neverthe- increase in the extent and quality of less necessary work while viewing the both internal communication - be- meeting instead of having to attend in Harvard coed tween and among the various elements person. of the Institute; and external cornmmuni- cation - to and from the larger com- Rebroadcasts munities of which we are a part; Such meetings would also be re- Mystery surround sl aing "2. The development of more broadcast during the evening hours for effective patterns of time and space the benefit of students who would not 23 year-old with less student at Harvard. As a result, about utilization; (Piearm to pae ?) The bnrtal slaying of a the area to view the incident Harvard graduate student, Jane Britton, fright than a crime of this nature 100 fellow students of Miss Brittoan has aroused speculation on the part of usually engenders. have been or will be questioned by the certain Harvard undergraduates that "Mystic funeral" police. the murder might possibly have been Mysterious aspects were added to Weapon mcog committed by someone under the the incident when certaim "rites" which Miss Britton's body was found at influence of a hallucinogenic drug. had been performed on the gir as she 12:40 Tuesday morning in her The absence of any trademarks of was dying were identified by Professor tow-room apartment, which is not far the "Boston Stranagler" type of slaying, Stephen W'ilimas, chairman of the from Harvard Yard. Death was such as stockings used as murder Harvard Anthropology departmnent, as apparently the result of five blows on weapons, and the fact that apparently being part of an ancient Persian burial the back of the head with a maeive Miss Britton was neither robbed nor ritual. These "rites" included sprinklng object, perhaps arn archeological assaulted, has enabled many students in the girl's body with red oehre, a fragment which she ws known to have pigment used in pottery for many kept in her room, but which pot thousands of years by most primitive hawe been unable to find so far.
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