MENOMINEE RANGE HISTORY – EARLY DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J. Cummings] CONSTRUCTION OF THE [sic – Quinnesec] early next fall – possibly MENOMINEE RANGE RAILROAD in time for the shipment of some ore before AND INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF the close of navigation. The building of this line is attracting a great deal of attention to THE BREEN, BREITUNG AND the new iron field, and negotiations are now QUINNESEC MINES AS in progress looking to the extension of the REPORTED IN THE MINING railway from the Quinesaik across the river JOURNAL, MARQUETTE, to the newly discovered deposits in MARQUETTE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Wisconsin. The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, Number 445 County, Michigan, Number 452 [Saturday, January 27, 1877], page 4, [Saturday, March 17, 1877], page 4, column 1 column 1 Work on the Menominee Range FROM the Menominee Herald we learn Railroad is being pushed rapidly forward. that a new company has been organized The road commences at a point on the under the name of the Menominee Mining Chicago & Northwestern railway, twenty- company, to which has been transferred three miles from Escanaba, and forty-two the leases of the Breen, Breitung and from Menominee, at which buildings to be Quinnesaik [sic – Quinnesec] properties, used as offices, stores, boarding houses originally and lately held by the Milwaukee and dwellings have been erected. Three Iron company. Mr. Whitehead, the hundred men are at present employed, superintendent for the new company, is on which force will be increased as soon as the ground and expected to have a force of arrangements can be made for their miners at work on the Breen deposit this accommodation. It is intended to have the week. road built to the Breen mine on section 22, township 39 north of range 28 west, at the The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette opening of navigation, when active work will County, Michigan, Number 453 commence at that mine. [Saturday, March 24, 1877], page 4, column 1 The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, Number 449 By a letter just received from a member [Saturday, February 24, 1877], page 4, of the engineering corps on the line of the column 1 Menominee Range railway, we learn that work is progressing favorably to the Work on the Menomenee [sic – completion of the road to the Quinesaik Menominee] Range Railway is being [sic – Quinnesec] mine by the first of pushed with great vigor, there being a force August next. The frost is a hindrance of not less than 600 men employed[.] rendering it necessary to use blasting Clark, Lipe & Co. have a sub contract for powder in loosening the ground in grading. that part of the line west of the Breen mine, Arrangements were being made to and there is no reason to doubt but that the commence work in the Breen and track will be completed to the Quinesaik Quinesaik mines during this week, to put them in shape to produce ore. There is a 1 MENOMINEE RANGE HISTORY – EARLY DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J. Cummings] prospect of considerable work being done the coming summer along the line of this THE MENOMINEE RANGE road in the way of prospecting for mineral RAILROAD. – We are informed, by parties [sic]. interested in the matter, that there is a probability that this road will be continued The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette this season to the Menominee river. This County, Michigan, Number 455 will be done if the parties owning mineral [Saturday, April 14, 1877], page 4, lands on the line of the proposed extension column 1 manifest enough interest in the matter to give the company suitable encouragement WORK at the Breen mine, Menominee as to the development of the properties county, is being pushed vigorously under which are known to be rich in mineral [sic]. the efficient management of Supt. Brown It would be a matter of considerable who is ably assisted by Capt. Louis economy to the company to build the road Whitehead, formerly of this county. About now on the completion of the present twenty-five miners are operating on the contract, while the men and materials are property, and the company will be able to on the spot, and while wages are low. We commence shipments as soon as the trust that the interested parties will arouse railway is completed and the necessary themselves on this subject. rolling stock arrives. At the Breitung mine there is a force of ten or fifteen men The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette engaged in getting things in shape for the County, Michigan, Number 462 early shipment of ore. [Saturday, May 26, 1877], page 4, column 1 The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, Number 460 JOHN N. ARMSTRONG has received [Saturday, May 12, 1877], page 4, the appointment of mining captain of the column 1 Breitung mine on the Menominee range, and left for that locality last Saturday FROM a letter received by us we learn accompanied by his family. Capt. that the work at the Breen mine, on the Armstrong has had a large experience Menominee range, is progressing favorably. among the mines and minerals of Lake The quantity and quality of the ore which is Superior, and we predict for him a being developed surpasses the most successful career in his new field of hopeful expectations of the company, and operations. mining operations will be prosecuted as rapidly as the means of transportation will The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette warrant. It is the intention of the company County, Michigan, Number 463 to mine and ship 25,000 or 30,000 tons this [Saturday, June 2, 1877], page 4, season, if no untoward circumstances arise column 1 to interfere with their calculations. SOME 300 men are now employed on The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette the western end of the Menominee range County, Michigan, Number 460 railway, and the contractors expect to [Saturday, May 12, 1877], page 4, increase this force to 500 shortly. It is column 2 expected to have the grade completed to 2 MENOMINEE RANGE HISTORY – EARLY DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J. Cummings] the Quinnesec mine before August 1st, here. Their docks and pockets are all and the proprietors of that mine visited the completed and partially filled with ore. The location last Monday and selected the route docks will hold one thousand tons, and the for the sidings to tap the openings. captain tells me he has things so arranged Everything is being made in readiness for that he could load and send off three train the shipment of ore as soon as the track is loads of ore a day. They have stripped and laid. left exposed ore enough to employ a large gang of miners all summer to take out, and AT the Breen mine, on the Menominee are still stripping. There has been a new range, work is progressing satisfactorily. town site laid out and it is called Some 300 tons of fair ore are now in stock. “Waucedah.” About half a mile from the Stripping is still in progress, and since our mine the company are [sic – is] building a last letter from that section about 225 feet number of quite neat cottages at the Breen more of the vein has been uncovered. The location. The railway bridge across the company are [sic] building some substantial Sturgeon river is nearly completed – its houses on the location for the whole length being nearly 500 feet. accommodation of their men, and for offices At the Breitung mine things are indeed and a store. active, both mining and railroad building; I also ought to say fishing, for finer trout I LETTERS FROM THE MENOMINEE never saw taken in any part of the country, RANGE MINES DOCUMENTED IN weighing form one-half up to three pounds. Other fish are equally abundant. But this is THE MINING JOURNAL, digressing. The head-quarters of the three MARQUETTE, MARQUETTE mines – the Breen, Breitung and COUNTY, MICHIGAN Quinnesec – are located at the Breitung mine, and it really is a lovely spot, The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette overlooking a beautiful lake. Also at the County, Michigan, Number 464 Breitung they are ready to take out ore; [Saturday, June 9, 1877], page 1, they have a large tract stripped, the ore column 5 laying only about from twelve to eighteen inches below the surface; it is of first [To the Editor] quality. There is being put into the bed a tunnel one hundred feet long; they also LETTER FROM THE MENOMINEE have a stope finished from which they will RANGE MINES: – The railway is take ore, and would be ready for shipping, completed to within three miles of the but their docks and pockets are not Breen mine; the contractor expects to have completed yet. But there is a large force of it in and considerably west of that point by men at work on them, and everything will the fourth of July. The grading on the be ready as soon as the railroad is ready. western end is approaching completion The gentlemen who constitute the rapidly, and will be ready for the iron as company made their first visit the fore part soon as the contractor is ready to lay it. of this week, and expressed themselves as The working force has been heavily highly pleased and perfectly satisfied with increased. the manner in which everything was At the Breen mine the mining company conducted, and highly complimented the is ready to ship on the first train that arrives 3 MENOMINEE RANGE HISTORY – EARLY DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J.
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