Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish “Where Miracles Happen” 1035 Turner Avenue Drexel Hill PA 19026 Phone: (610)789-7676 Fax: (610)789-9539 www.stbl.org March 11, 2018 — Fourth Sunday of Lent ____________________________________________________________________________ Mass Schedule Sunday Masses Holy Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Vigil Mass: 7:00pm — Holy Day: 8:30am Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am Sunday (Summer): 8:00am and 10:00am Weekday Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday—Thursday 8:30am Saturday: 3:30pm — 4:15pm Friday—4:00pm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pastor Director of Religious Education Reverend Christopher J. Papa Marykate Murphy Resident School Principal Rev. Hugh J. Dougherty Mrs. Joanne Montie Weekend Assistant Parish Business Manager Reverend John T. Kelly, S.J. Robert J. Helmig Permanent Deacons Administrative Secretary Deacon Thomas P. Fitzpatrick Helen V. Kraus Deacon Michael J. Kubiak Parish Music Coordinator Deacon Francis B. Burke, Retired Dorothy Toomey 0234 Page Two March 11, 2018 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Today, approximately halfway through Lent, we celebrate Laetare (“Rejoice”) Sunday. “Rejoice” is the first word of today’s entrance antiphon, and we rejoice because we know that the love God bears for us is stronger than any trials, hardships, or sufferings we may endure, even death. We know that the sacrifice that we are building toward holds the greatest victory imaginable: our salvation. Parish Information NEW FAMILIES VISITS TO THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT can be Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish! To register in the parish, made in the Chapel. please come to the rectory on Sunday mornings between 9:00am and 12:00noon. We are eager to greet new members of RECITATION OF THE ROSARY takes place every Monday our parish community and look forward to meeting you. through Thursday at 8:00am in the church and on Wednesday evenings along with the Miraculous Medal Novena at 7:00pm RECTORY OFFICE HOURS in the Chapel. The rectory office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm. During the summer NOVENA TO ST. LEONIE AVIAT takes place every Tues- the rectory will close at 3:00pm on Fridays. Items for the day at 7:00pm in the Chapel. Sunday newsletter must be at the rectory by Monday at noon for publication the following Sunday. FLAME OF LOVE PRAYER CENACLE takes place every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Chapel. BAPTISMS HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE takes place in the chapel on the last Baptisms are held at 12 noon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Sunday of the month at 7:00pm. month. Parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class held in the Wright Center at 12 noon on the first Sunday of every other month (please refer to the bulletin for exact dates). Registra- RESPECT LIFE GROUP information can be obtained by call- tion for the class is required. In order to arrange for a baptism, ing Doris Hurd at 610-789-2708. the parents must be active members of the parish for six MEN’S PRAYER GROUP meets in the chapel every Tuesday months. To register, please call the rectory office at 610/789- at 7:30pm - call Tom Fitzgerald at 610-446-3667. 7676. Godparents should be practicing Catholics, confirmed and at least 16 years of age. If not from this parish, sponsors must have a letter of eligibility from their parish stating that MUSIC MINISTRY is open to all who wish to share their they have been actively participating for six months. St. Ber- time and talent in praise and thanksgiving to God – call Dottie nadette Parishioners must be registered and actively participat- Toomey at 610/449-4013 for rehearsal times. ing for six months to receive a letter of eligibility. MARRIAGES ST. BERNADETTE MARTHAS AND A JOSEPH are a ded- We request that couples contemplating marriage call the recto- icated group who clean the church every Thursday after the ry to make an appointment with the priest. At this initial inter- 8:30am Mass; new volunteers always welcome—call Johanna view, the date and time of your request will be recorded and Ryan at 484-988-2414. you will receive a copy of the Parish Wedding Guidelines. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK/COMMUNION CALLS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ave Maria Council #4063 A priest will administer Holy Communion to parishioners who serve St Bernadette Parish invites interested men 18 years of are unable to come to Church. If you desire, Eucharistic Minis- age and older to join in fraternity and the service to our parish ters can bring Communion each week. Please contact the Rec- and greater community; contact [email protected] tory to be placed on our Sick List. Parishioners who are to undergo serious surgery at a hospital are encouraged to make an appointment at the Rectory before going to the hospital. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meetings are held ever Thursday at 9:30am in O’Brien Hall. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Bernadette School offers sessions for Pre-School and Kin- dergarten and conducts full-time classes from first through ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE Casseroles to feed the homeless spon- eighth grades. CCD classes are held in the parish school for all sored by St. John’s Hospice in Philadelphia are collected in students attending public school. CCD classes are held on O’Brien Hall before the weekend Masses that precede the first Monday evenings at 6:45pm. Adults seeking religious instruc- Thursday of the month. Casserole pans are available in the tion should call Marykate Murphy, Director of Religious Edu- main entrance of church. Call Mary at 610/789-6206. cation at (610) 789-7676 ext. 212. The RCIA Program begins in October. FOOD PANTRY Non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry can be place in SAINT BERNADETTE PARISH ON FACEBOOK bags and left in the vestibules of church. Any monetary dona- We can be found at “Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish”. tions or donations of gift cards should be sent to Fr. Papa. If Check out the page and “like” us to keep up with the latest par- you have a question, call the Food Pantry at 610-789-7676 ext. ish news. 213. 0234 Page Three March 11, 2018 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 10 Thursday, March 15 4:30pm Elizabeth McGeady 8:30am Aloysius & Kathryn Gallagher Sunday, March 11 Friday, March 16 7:00am 4:00pm Regina Freas 9:00am Ray & Rita Fossett 11:00am Robert Markley (3rd Anniv.) Monday, March 12 Saturday, March 17 8:30am Matthew Anzideo 4:30pm Arthur & Marie DeLuca Tuesday, March 13 Sunday, March 18 8:30am 7:00am John Reif 9:00am Edward Organ (1st Anniv.) Wednesday, March 14 11:00am Mary Copley (1st Anniv.) 8:30am FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL REFLECTION THE ANNUAL BEGINNING OF This week’s readings are: THE SUMMER PARTY First Reading - 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 Friday, May 25 Second Reading - Ephesians 2:4-10 There will be a second collection on Palm Sun- Gospel - John 3:14-21 day (March 25) and Easter Sunday (April 1) will be to cover the cost of the Parish “Beginning of the Summer Next week’s readings will be: Party” to be held the Friday evening of Memorial Day Week- First Reading - Jeremiah 31:31-34 end—May 25 (rain date Sunday, May 27). As always, all are Second Reading - Hebrews 5:7-9 welcome. We had a wonderful time last year! Looking for- Gospel - John 12:20-33 ward to seeing everyone! March 13 Blood Drive 20 First Penance - 7:00pm The Easter Food Drive continues and will conclude on Palm 25 Palm Sunday Sunday, March 25. We will be collecting spiral hams, for our April 1 Easter Sunday parish families in need. Hams can be dropped off to the Wright Center after the 11am Mass on Sundays. Items needed for the Easter Food Drive are: cereal, instant oatmeal, breakfast bars/granola bars/protein bars, Pop tarts, pancake syrup, pancake mix, crackers/cookies/snacks, juice, Mass intentions are still available for 2018 and can be sched- tea, coffee, peanut butter and jelly, unsweetened apple sauce, uled at the rectory during regular business hours. What a won- mac and cheese, condiments, salad dressing, instant mashed derful way to remember a deceased loved one on their birthday, potatoes, instant side dishes, pasta/pasta sauce, canned fruit, anniversary of death, etc. Mass intentions can also be made for canned soup, low sodium chicken broth, Chef Boyardee items. “special intentions” designated for the living. All non-perishable items are accepted including toiletries, laun- dry pods, Clorox wipes, etc. If anyone would like to get service hours and help out at the pantry, contact Amy Sandman at 610-931-5692. God bless! “60 Years of Giving Hope to All” The Catholic Charities Appeal is the Archdiocese of Philadel- phia’s single most important annual fundraising initiative and PALM SUNDAY/EASTER SUNDAY we’re counting on your support. This year, the Catholic Chari- ties Appeal will be a channel of hope for tens of thousands of BULLETINS DEADLINE people through countless organizations and ministries in the All items for the bulletins for Palm Sunday (March 25) Archdiocese, and a positive source for good in all facets of the and Easter Sunday (April 1) must be at the rectory no Church in Philadelphia. We are depending on you to give hope later than noon on Monday, March 19. Thank you! this year to those who need it the most. 0234 Page Four March 11, 2018 FINANCIAL FACTS Envelopes Mailed Out in March, 2018 — 1,231 Sunday, March 4, 2018 Sunday, March 5, 2017 Envelopes Used: 276 Envelopes Used: 351 Weekly: $12,260 vs Target of $15,000 (a) Weekly: $15,035 vs Target of $15,000 (a) $10,408 Collection + $1,852 Parish Giving $12,066 Collection + $2,969 Parish Giving Mass Attendance: 768 Mass Attendance: 934 Poor Box: $98 Poor Box: $207 (a) Weekly target necessary to fund Parish operating expenses and avoid operating deficit.
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