N.D. MUST STOP TROJAN TERRORS volume II, no. XII University of Notre Dame October 14, 1967 "'· •, <i .·• .•. .l ..:": ... ' ,.....,~:···:''... '"' ~-: . r ·. I-~ \ :'.-_, ··~,. <- ' ""'~. '' JOHN DAVIDSON, rising young singer, crews have been on campus this week in ian George Carlin, folk singer Judy Col­ interviews two St. Mary's girls as they preparation for an October 27th special, lins, folk-rock Spanky and Our Gang and get off the Notre Dame-Saint Mary's JOHN DAVIDSON AT NOTRE DAME. the Notre Dame Glee Club. shuttle bus. Davidson and ABC camera The variety show will also feature corned- BY TERRY O'NEIL -As if collegiate football Southern Cal has not won in ND ed all last season. The Trojan Terrors are tail­ The 1967 Fighting Irish foot­ weren't already confused enough, Stadium since 1939 and trails in USC, meanwhile, showed de­ back 0 .J. Simpson, fullback Dan ball season comes to an early cli­ oddsmakers have selected the the overall series 25-11-2. fensive weakness last Saturday Scott, flanker Jim Lawrence and max at 1 :30 this afternoon when Irish by 12 points today, despite -Trojan Coach John McKay despite its 30-0 pasting of Stan­ quarterback Steve Sogge. SimQ­ top-ranked Southern California Southern Cal's superiority in the has made sure a sellout, Home­ ford. The Trojans gave up 338 son, Lawrence and split end Earl visits ND Stadium for a battle ratings. Pre-season favorites Not­ coming throng will be plenty total yards, including 148 thr­ McCullouch form three-fourths with more angles than a polygon. re Dame, Michigan State, Alaba­ aroused today. At a press con­ ough the air and 135 on kickoff of the world-record 440-yard re­ Among the many slants on ma, Miami and Houston have ference Monday, he recalled the and punt returns. The latter fi­ lay team. today's tussle: scrambled the national grid pic­ 1964 game and criticized bois­ gures indicate success today for Simpson has an amazing per­ -Notre Dame, No. 5 this ture after only four weeks by terous Irish fans. "I should have Irish passer Terry Hanratty and sonal record to match his amaz­ week with a 2-1 record, must suffering losses or ties. pulled my team off the field. return specialist Tom Schoen. ing first name. OJ. (Orenthal win to retain any hope of suc­ -The Trojans will be trying You can't hear anything. You Notre Dame's primary job James) transferred to USC this cessfully defending its National to avenge the worst defeat in have to go with what you call in will be to contain a team which fall after scoring 54 touchdowns Championship. After bowing to their history, a 51-0 thumping the huddle," said McKay. Coach Ara Parseghian calls, "the in two seasons at City College of Purdue two weeks ago, the Gold­ which the Irish administered be­ Most experts are looking for fastest ever assembled." Indeed, San Francisco. He piled up en Domers will need seven stra­ fore 88,520 spectators in Los a high-scoring con test. Notre the backfield looks more like 2,552 yards in 260 tries for a ight victories and some Irish Angeles Coliseum last Nov. 26. Dame's defense has yielded 41 Hell's Angels on the Los Angeles 9.8 yard average. In his freshman Luck to top the year-end polls -Notre Dame will be seeking points in three games this year, Freeway than four football play­ year, he gained 304 yards and again in 196 /'. its eighth straight home triumph. compared to 38 tallies surrender- ers. continued on page 3 - page 2 THE OBSERVER October 14, 1967 ND Campus News Roundup Notre Dame's Pentecostal · The Peace Torch Marathon • The Action Student Party captured 13 of 49 crossroads."that it must find a role for itself or Movement is a coterie of stu- held a rally on the Notre Dame Senate seats in Wednesday's elections. The ASP wither away into obscurity. To ASP's Kichliam, dents decidedly concerned about campus Monday night, on route ran 23 candidated, electing 10. The showing was there is the need to legislate. The ASP view is living and sharing their religious to the Student Mobilization de­ according to ASP's Chairman Jon Sherry, "short that the Senate must be a legislative body. ideas. As their leader-apparent monstration in Washington, D.C. of what we expected." Several candidates offer­ Jim Byrnes put it at their first More man l 00 students sh­ ::lthers, mapping the role of the Senate, see co­ ing strong alternatives to ASP were triumphant, gathering October 3, they gather owed up for the speeches and operation betwe~n the Faculty Senate and its most particularly in Holy Cross, Breen-Phillips, together "to take Christ serious- waited patiently for the arrival Student counterpart on issues such as cuts and and Walsh. pass-fail. ly ... to praise God and to really of the "torch" which was car­ rejoice in the salvation He's giv- ried up to Notre Dame by John ASP's major triumph came off-campus, where en us." Beaver, co<hairman of the Mich- it swept five Senate seats. Ed Kickham, one of The prayer meeting began iana Committee to End The War the five newly elected Senators, pointed out that • John H. Pearson won an election Tuesday with a fervent invocation in the The speakers were jeered by many ASP members moved off-campus. This evening as the first senator ever to represen carpeted basement lounge of a few but the vast majority of the fact, plus the prominence of candidates such as Moreau Hall in the Student Senate. Pearson Farley Hall. Several of the ori- audience was responsive to the Don Hynes and Paul Higgins, can be given as captured 43% of the.votes cast, and defeated gina! devote, il\cluding Kevin pleas of the Marathon members. rellson for ASP's success. Junior Mike Me CaffetlY and Sophomore Ken Ranahan of the St. Mary's Col- The Marathon will continue In tl;e vanuus halls, ASP faired less well Guentert. lege Theology Department, Dr. on to Baltimore which they hope. Prominent ASP leaders were defeated in Alumm, Moreau houses fifty ND undergraduates stu- William Storey of the Notre to) reach on Oct. 19. The last where incumbant ASP Senator Bill Kelly went dying for the priesthood in the Congregation of Dame Theology Department and leg of their journey will then down to defeat, and Walsh, where SAP's former Holy Cross and a number of dioceses around the Father James Connelly were pre- be to Washington on the 21st Presidential Candidate Denny O'Dea was de- counfry. Moreau's admission to the Senate is the sent, as well as a handful ce stu- where they will carry their sym- feated by Dowd and John Hicke. most recent step in its dramatic emergence over dents who became involved soon bol of peace in the demonstra- Where is the Senate going now that it has been the past year from isolation to growing promin- after the movement was organiz- tion that day. selected? Dowd feels that it has "reached a ence in the overall activity of the campus. ed last spring. The theme was ex- pository, and the initiated did al- r----------------------------------------------.;_--· most all the talking. Some thirty others, occuping chairs and cou­ The Star Publishing Co., ches or seated on the floor, lis­ tened quietly. A song followed opening re­ Niles, Mich. brings you ..... marks and served as aiJt intro­ duction for the rest of the dis- cussion. The chorus included the lines: *Process color (see Observer, Pg. No. 1). "Alleluia, I want to sing all about it/ Alleluia, I can't live * Commercial wf'!b offset printing of highest quality. without it/ Now I'm /ivin' in AND ................ the new creation/ Now I'm drinkin' from the well of sal­ vation"' • fhe Faculty Senate, a major The award winning .................. ir.nova tion of this academic year, is presently in the process of for­ mation. With a formula of one representative for every ten fac­ NILES DAILY STAR ulty members, the four major colleges are determining election Inland Daily Press Association Women's Michigan Press Association procedures. Election of Senate *Local Government News Award *'Best Single News Story members should be completed by the end of the month. Michigan League of Home Dailies The mganization of the Sen­ General Excellence Awards ate after elections will determine Typographical excellence in large part the prominence of - News Content its role. First, it shall decide up­ Advertising on its own procedures and rules, thus determirung how it is to op­ a Michigan Federation of Music Clubs Michigan Press Association erate. Secondly, a committee * General Excellence, member stated that it must ex­ *'Outstanding News & Feature amine possible areas of special­ Coverage, Local Music Classified Advertising ization, thus clarifying the 1ssues it shall concern itself witt.. In this latter respect, the prevailing opinion is that the senate shall have to do considerable research into such matters as stud~::nt pub· lication, speaker policy, and dis­ ciplinary policies. FIRST Daily Offset Newspaper In Southwestern Michigan • A number of prominent Not­ re Dame faculty members have met to establish a Phi Beta Kappa Chapter on the campus. A total of 35 Charter Members !•···························································································································" were present to launch the chap­ - - ter. -~ Editorial Consultant, Howard B. Taylor, says in a recent edition of Editor & Publisher magazine, "bible" of the -~ : newspaper field: : : : • Two Notre Dami! students :- .- and a friend were arrested Satur­ : "The Dail~ Star is veritably a model of functional, readable makeup. : day morning by Niles police on ~ Heads_ are m the all-down style for easy writing and easy reading.
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