Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-14-2000 The BG News September 14, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 14, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6680. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6680 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University THURSDAY September 14, 2000 T-STORMS HIGH: 73 I LOW 50 www.bgnews.com independent student press VOLUME 90 ISSUE 13 Plain Residence halls clothes continue police change By Ben Schart around STAFF WRIIE R Students on campus may notice vast improvements to residence halls after a summer city of major renovations. The upgrades occurred all over cam- pus as one of the most expan- By Stelanie Sizemor t MANAGING t 0110R sive renovation projects in years, lim Zentmeyer, associate You and your friends decide director of Residence life and to throw a three keg party one the Division of Student Affairs, random Saturday night. helped improve living condi- Everything is going well. People tions in Offenhauer, McDonald, are everywhere and everyone Conklin, Rodgers, Kohl, seems to be having a good time. Founders, Kreischer, Harshman By 11 p.m., the party begins to and several Greek units. really pick up tnd you lose track "This last year we have been of who is cot ling through the very ambitious in upgrading the door. There are people in your living standard across campus," house that you do not recog- Zentmeyer said. The improve- nize. ments range from security At 11:30 p.m., two males upgrades in Founders to com- dressed like ordinary students plete room renovations in take police badges out of their Offenhauer East. shirts and tell everyone to stop New furniture in Conklin, where they an; and provide IDs. Offenhauer and McDonald has You arc ticketed for furnishing passed major fire safety tests. to minors and several others are "The furniture fares very well ticketed for underage con- under extreme conditions," sumption. Zentmeyer said. Believe it or not, this can hap- Caroline Langendorfer, junior pen and is happening according elementary education major to the Bowling Green Police and resident advisor in Department. Offenhauer, is extremely "Yes, we do have plain- pleased with the new look. clothed officers in unmarked "Everyone thinks that it looks cars patrolling the streets of like a hotel now," she said. Bowling Green," said l.t. Brad Tom Heed BG News According to Zentmeyer, this Connor, the police information is a common reaction to many COFFEEHOUSES: Grounds for Thoughts, Cosmos and Java Supreme are competing with two other coffee shops downtown, Fortunes officer for the BGPD. "We use of the new rooms, especially in them as a tool to keep everyone and Treasures and Sam's Place, for business. Offenhauer. The red, yellow and safe." green furniture in the building According to Connor, these has been replaced with oak fur- officers arc working the streets nishings and the dimly lit hall- in cars and they have the right to ways are now equipped with enter any public establishment. With the addition of three new bright fluorescent lighting. "They can enter bars and coffeehouses downtown, the It makes for a "much more liquor stores because these are homier environment, with a public places," Connor said. BrewirfUp businesses seem to be... higher level of quality and a bet- "They also can enter a party if it ter overall appearance," seems to be open to the public." Zentmeyer said. Connor said that a party is The rooms in Offenhauer considered open to the public aren't the only improvements to when the officers see people the building The ground floor from off the: treet enter a house and cntryway have been com- or property and are not checked pletely redesigned with a lobby for any identification. COMPETITION connecting the two buildings. "If it looks like people are just By Craig Gilford abundance of them, with ihe Grounds for Thoughts and problem," said Elizabeth Smith, With a centralized front desk, walking into a party, then our CAMPUS EDITOR additions of Java Supreme, Sam's Place offer a library a manager at Grounds for security for the entire complex officers can do the same," he As people walk through the Sam's Place and Fortunes and atmosphere, with couches and Thoughts. "We'll keep our regu- has improved. said. "When parties are like that, city of Bowling Green, they will Treasures. reading material readily avail- lars. 1 don't think it'll |the com- Langendorfer thinks that the they arc open to the public." notice many changes, ranging With so many coffee shops in able. Cosmos and Java petition!, hurt us too much. new look makes it "a lot easier The unmarked officers are on from the big renovation project town, one must wonder how Supreme offer tables where you People are used to what we for people to feel social and be the look out for mostly misde- to a great deal of many new they can possibly attract busi- can eat and drink outside. Both have." responsible for their floors." meanors like open containers, businesses that have come to ness. Each of these places pro- offer pastries and a deli beyond The new places feel that they McDonald North and East littering, underage consump- town in the last several months, vides something different to its the regular coffees. Fortunes will be able to attract their share have undergone improvements tion and disorderly conduct. including three new coffee customers. and Treasures is unique in that of customers, as well. with the addition of lofts in every "They are out to help the rest shops. "Each coffee shop is attract- it also offers psychic readings. According to Ed Henry, who room, new furniture, paint, car- of our force deal with other Bowling Green has never had ing their own clientele," said The shops that have been in has been an employee at Java pet, lights and vertical blinds. problems," he said. "Our a shortage of coffee shops, with Earlene Kilpatrick, executive town for a while feel that they Supreme since the week before Personal entry devices, PEDs, unmarked cars do not make Cosmos and Grounds for director of the Downtown will be able to remain successful the place opened three weeks have also been modernized to traffic stops, they are only ticket- Thoughts having been in town BusincssAssociation. "Theyare through regular patrons. increase security and safety in ing or arresting |icople who are for years. Now the city has an each unique in their own way." "I don't think we'll have a COFFEE. PAGE 2 the high traffic building while in parked cars, out on the streets increasing accessibility for resi- or at parties." Emma Kendrick. sophomore dents. undecided major, witnessed Mike Orlando, a sophomore these officers ticketing someone management information sys- outside a local bar last weekend. tems major and RA in Mac "Two guys that looked like East, thinks "the renovations your everyday students got out make Mac the best dam resi- of a regular looking car and CAGED IN dence hall on campus." busted two girls," she said. He enjoys the increased num- "They put their badges away ber of wall outlets and movable afterward and drove off." FOR48 shelves and desks. After living in Kendrick was unsure of the the new Mac, Orlando says it laws that were broken in the HOURS would be hard to live anywhere incident, but does not think else. these officers are right. Behind bars: Kevin Yania, For the first time in three "These guys looked like peo- sophomore political science and years, Conklin North is now an ple that I am friends with. I had criminal justice major, thinks active residence hall after some no idea," she said. "1 do not inside the box for Push America, of the biggest changes on cam- think this is right, especially the national outreach project of pus. Planning started last sum- since they are going into bars Pi Kappa Phi. The goal of Push mer to make Conklin "virtually a and parties. Students should Americais to raise awareness, brand new building," Zentmeyer said. have some rights of privacy, funds and manpower to benefit too." the severely handicapped. Since New windows, carpet, paint, restrooms, plumbing, PEDs, Jackie Walters, junior child 1977, the fraternity has raised heating, furniture and air condi- and family community services more than $4 million. major, agrees with Kendrick in tioning, along with the rebuild- that she thinks the police have ing of the south wall made the gone too far. Conklin renovations one the nunrnfnurn n»or t D„r.rt Rf N . nrunwATirmc DAPC 1 i rtt.-^rrV.-~w i , 2 Thursday, September 14, BG NEWSj Residence halls renovated RENOVATIONS. FROM PAGE 1 ments include renovations in | Conklin East that mirror those in I biggest priorities of the project. Conklin North, major work on , The re-opening of the hall also the rooms in Kohl and Rodgers | made up for the loss of space and the possibility of installing after Prout Hall's demolition. new windows in Offcnhauer. Residents of Kohl Hall may be The Division of Student Affairs pleased with electrical renova- is always planning renovations tions to prevent power outages to provide students with a high , that were rampant last year.
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