'I I ass lers llPage The Ni ht Disco Died ict by 11J .ruhais.sio• e invited 10 drop Disnici or DuP­ L [or Kids Fishing ro noon Sunday, J..·well l'orest Pre- ing and advance nily evenL Prizes 1 four age groups cies ca1egorles­ us-as well as10 g Uie excitement ;he catches o fis h Preserve Districl ; Dl>'trict 3. "ll's 1 gear; ba.il'will be he free derby will :ipams can regis- 1ple regimering a1 ;omplcte lhe reg­ :)'\vish. t~·weU Is on the d. a quaner-mile l mile east of U Vishor Services ,,-eek.days a1(630) \i' t 11, l t' l-IU I ~) J H-f'd 1- •·ll .org. Disco Demolition - a radlo Statton stunt to blow up disco records on the field between games of a White Sox double header In 1979 - Is fruuastic family the subject of an Interactive summer exhibitopening at the Elmhurst History Museum, 11-s and inrroduce 1g. • said Joe CruJ. reser.-e Disu:lct or Elniliurst exhWi,t woks at what happened at 1979's Disco Dernolitimi B v PATRIC£ Roen£ f.1.lffl1 un.t /ftUl)'Y ,\ftt.\f'V• If you go 1f The date July 12, 1979, may nol immed~1tcly What: Disco Demotttlorc lune 11 ring a beU for every Chicagoan, bul fo r !hose The Nighl Disco Died I Forest who .spent that munmer wenring black bond Whell: r to 5 p.f11. S"nday T-shlns, lls1ening IO rock music o n FM radio, and Tuesday lllrough nnd sporting long. $hnggy lmlistylcs. ii ~m n ds Friday, 1 lo 5 p.111, out as a memorable moment fro m the 5Cl'll(>­ Suntlay. Friday. June 9 to book of their young-adult lives - n was the SiJnday, lid 8 nlghtdlscodled. Where: Bmhurstllistory More tht10 a ia\• area residents \\'t!fe at Comiskey Park that night - possibly 10 see Museum. t 20 E. Palk a baseball double header - hm more thnn Ave ~ Elmhurst Ukely 10 n11end Teen 'lighL The event w;i; Cost: Free envisioned as a hook 1.0 fill empty stndhnn arty Info: 1•1W1v.elm~lllS\lllato­ seats in the middle of a dismal While Sox sea· I ov•1 ts\ U J l" A l l !'loA l-KI ~ ry,019 or (630) 833-1457 son and promo1e WLUP-FM's new deejay, In an event now known as Disco De moll Ifon , radio OJ Steve Sieve Dahl. Dahl W'JS rostering an an ci--Oisco Dahl packed Comiskey Park with rock fans ready to bum disco nd c:ampaii;n on ChicaRo airwaves ofter being records between games of a White Sox double header. Music, fired from a local rJdio sauion that S\litched baseball and history fans can learn more Utls summer at the c:uhwal ond social comcxr. 10 n dlsco furmaL Fueled by n 91l-cem ticket Elmhurst History Museum. rhe music nnd the promotion Hall price fa r funs who bro11gh1 th:u launched Dnhl's career dl~co records to blow up 2017, anti petl­ ID new heights and propelled disco down thr 1 between games of the ple nre still lalking drain. The exhibit's media sponsor islhe Loop doubleheader. 1he C\'CDI "l'»e heard a 101 of discussion nbou1iL radio station WLUP-PM 97.9, which is cele­ quicldy careened our of The E.lrnhum brnring tl1e station's 40th mmivcrsary till.!; year. tr r"bi.u,lri" conttol aher more than oYer Lhe ''cnr-s abom Disco Hls1oiy Museum Lance Tnwzcr, lllmburst History Muse­ [ his1odc Mavs­ ;;o.ooo attendees packed Dcrnoli1ion.... It made me present.; n ne\\' um's cumtor of exhibits, worked \\1tl1 Hoek­ n party feanning !be pnrk and its emirons exhibi1 that exnm­ sr:rn and Nnlldn on n prior exhibit of Na1kin's ~ a sflent auction In lbew;ikeoftheexplo­ wonder, whm is ii about 1b is ines the story of Iconic rock phorographs. 1he publication of sion, unruly funs mok over s1ory 1 hat still has people that July night enll­ their booldn 20 15 reignited llis curiosiiyabom m . Sundtr.'. June the field causing base­ Lled "Disc(• Dem­ Disco Demolition. Peabody 'Estate, ball funs ro shake !heir rnJking:tbou1it38 ye;us Jmer?" oliiinn: The Night "I've heard n lol or discussion over tlie years Tlc~-ets are S65 heads in disrna}' and the Luter Ta"'-z:er, Dim> Died." The abo11r Disco DamoUtion, and the book.resur· hased online or White Sox 10 evenmallv exhibil - open Frt­ Elmhurst tustorr~1 ti.setun reeled a lo1 of the lore and personal accounts even! is for ages forfeit lhe second game dny, Juno 9. through about the stJbjec1: Tawzcr said. "IL made t11e and older and to the Decrol1 Tigers. Sunday, Oct. 8 - wonder, what is it about this s1oiy that slill has be held inside Af1cr ~J e smoke deared, was inspir•'<i by a people talking about ii 38 years later/ Digging chere's inclern­ Ii is said 1bm dJsco met ils book with the same a little deeper into the del:l!ls got my wheels wcathcr. i\nend­ demise and Disco Demolilion (as It eventu· tllle by Dnhl and journalist Duve Hoekstra ruming." are encouraged ally became known) remains one ofChicngo's "ill1 phoros by Paul Natldn. 'The exhibit con­ ·rawzer added that working wtth Hoeksun lress up, wear a mosrillfamous baseball ltlst0ry rnomenL'- rentls wrllten b)' Hoekstra. anti Nalkin agaln was appealing. or wear business 'Jhe verdict is sllJJ OUL on hnw nnd whv lhe Through video rooragc. cclectlr anilacts. "Dave has a thought·provnldng. 1al. promotion affec1ed Chlcngo's boseball· nnd tnter\-iews. roemornbilla and Jllall:in's pbo­ oceeds from the music hiscmy, bul ur.1• thh1g's ror sureo il's rograpbs. "Disco Demolition· explores the See EXHIBIT on PAGE 3 ir will help fund hall's ongoing /////17//////////////////17//////////////171717///////////////////////////l7/4W////4W///17////////////////17//17///////////17///////////////////////////////////////////17////////17////////17 DAILY Ht:R,\LD SE<Tll()N ~ PAGE 3 ND d Discover, adventure and sports camps in Bensenville Bv Ct:RI JonNsos Intended to help kids appre· Schoolhouse in Ben.<en•ille. enriching environment nvnilnble Mondav, June 12. llnfvnrllV Pn1* fH.wwl cinte their n11turaJ surround· Kn0\\1Jng the summer heat Ad\'Cnture Camp offers n through Frldny. Aug. JO, anti lngs llS weU as to gh"' them will undoubtedly tag along, all little of e\'erything. Campers can be reserved per day, per Kids can journey batk in hands-on "-'Pedences or of tbe Bensenvi.lle Park Dis· \\i ll make crafts, play games1 week or per session. time and make discoveries U> \\1tat it was like to grow up ttict campers have the oppor­ go on fi eld trips, .swim ancl For parems who have n see what lhe pas! was like al on a funn. Kids will be able tunity to swim at the Bensen­ \<islt the librucy. Spons Camp demanding work schedule, the ne\\l!SI camp on Ben.sen· play games, enjoy themed ville Water Pruk and Splash helps kids in1prove skills and the program offers before­ ville Parle District's summer nciMties, go on hikes ro \oiew Pad. develop sponsmansblp ln a und after-camp child care iu c;imp roster. native plants and learn about The park district also offers varicryof spons; kids or au skill addition 10 a free health Jw 1cb For the seronrl year. the dis· animals this summer at summerlong camps for 6- IC\'Cls arc welcome. roune.1· of the lllli10Js Food trict is offering a two-week 11ischcr l'nrm, one of the old­ io 10-ycar-olds including A Teen Leadership Camp Bank. Contpers 1nee1 ut the Discover Crunp for ages 6 to est remaining homesteads in themed camps. ac!venrure for 11- to 15-year--0lds p•rk tlisttkL's Deer Grove lei· 10 from 9 n.m. to 3 p.m. week­ DuPage County. und sporrs camps. All offe r includes swimming, field sure Center, 1000 W. Wood days from July 10 to 21 at The campers aL<o \\ill go an opporhtnil)• for children trips, games and crafts. and SL1 Bensem111e. Fischec Farm. 16W680 Grand on field trips to Volkening m make new friends, 11')' new an opponuniry to lead the For !nformnlion. visit A''e.. BenscnviHe. Heritage Farm in Schawn­ !hings, and ha\'e fun while younger camps. beusenv.illepar!«lislrlct.urg ur The camp progcam is burg and to the Cbutehville being supen'ised in a safe aud Summetlong camps are call (630) 766-7015 Exhibit: Why are people still talking about it? "lltere have been twmer. Veeck; Disco Demolition programs ous articles. n tlocw11eritarv. • Personal items frbm dO\\·n-to·eart.h, and humor­ books, nnd even a 'Dnmk RiS· Dahl including his trnde­ ous way of telling n story, and tory' program on the subject. mnrl; Hawruinn shirt, -On Cm.bmu:dfiTJm P"f!' 1 ily n brief quesrion-<1nd-nn· I think his writlng St)'ie reso· Dnhl himself ndmllS to being You 1hink I'm Disco' record. swer ses:rion. Tickets: S6..'i0, notes with 1odnv's audiences,• tired of discussing the ~'llb· Insane Coho Ups fun club souod. Professor and film his­ m'llilable at1hemcr box office. Taw2ersaid. · 1\ vns well awlire ject, • Taw·.eer said. "Bur what I membership card, and other torian Peter H;miey ofTribecn in addition. monthly fumily of Nntldn's extensive phu10 thought we could accomplish memorabilia: AllShpoim College and Fan­ programs explore e:dJibiHe­ archive, too, as he \';'U5 one was 10 fl ll in some or the gaps • A one-of-a-kind Hamer dango's New York 6hn critic laccd themes through learning hie or just n few photographers and put as.Ide some or the guitar on Joan from Cheap Erik Da''is will introduce the andcraftactivltiesforages5 to at Comiskey that nighL h go1 m15concep1ions through the Trick's lead ~ itorist nnd song­ film chm brought disco ou1 of 12 \\oith a caregil'er.
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