Biodiversity Journal , 2012, 3 (4): 429-444 Catalogue of malgasy genera of Pselaphinae Latreille, 1802 and first data on the diversity of Pselaphid beetles popula - tion in the Amber Mountain National Park, Northern Ma - dagascar (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) Giorgio Sabella *, Fabio M. Viglianisi & Ettore Petralia Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences - section of Animal Biology "M. La Greca" of University, via Androne 81, - 95124 Catania, Italy; e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] *Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT The catalogue of the genera of Pselaphinae Latreille, 1802 from Madagascar is here presented. For each genus is given the bibliographic reference relative to the original description, its sy - nonyms and the number of total known species. A review of current knowledge about Psela - phinae from the National Park of Amber Mountain (Northern Madagascar) shows that for this area are at present known 16 genera (14 endemic to Madagascar and one of Amber Mountain) and 23 species, all malgasy endemic, 19 of which are known only for the Amber Mountain area. During faunistic researchs carried out in this district, from 18 to 31 March 2011, were collected seven genera ( Faronitopsis , Trissemus , Leichotrella , Ctnenistes , Acylotyrus , Ei - chiella and Rhynchoclaviger ) reported for the first time for Amber Mountain area. The rese - arch confirms the high biodiversity of malgasy Pselaphid fauna and some of its characteristics as the coexistence in the same area of more congeners species, sometimes very similar to each other, contrary to what occurs in temperate regions. Besides the classic environment of the soil, in Madagascar there are many species that live on herbaceous vegetation or on the bran - ches of trees, in particular those belonging to the tribe of Brachyglutini and Ctenistini. KEY WORDS Catalogue of genera; Pselaphinae; Madagascar; Amber Mountain; Biodiversity. Received 12.05.2012; accepted 08.12.2012; printed 30.12.2012 Proceedings of the 1 st International Congress “Insularity and Biodiversity”, May 11 th -13 th , 2012 - Palermo (Italy) INTRODUCTION (where 105, representing about 82%, are Malagasy endemics) for a total of 417 species, with 415 of The Malgasy Pselaphinae fauna is relatively them (equal to 99.5%) endemic to Madagascar. well-studied due to the works of Raffray (1890; Below is presented an exhaustive picture of the 1897; 1898; 1900; 1903; 1904); Wassmann (1891; current knowledge about pselafidofauna from Ma - 1893a; 1897); Fairmaire (1898a; 1898b); Jeannel dagascar, according to the classificatory scheme (1954a; 1954b; 1956a; 1959b; 1960a; 1960b; proposed by Newton & Chandler (1989) as modi - 1961b), Leleup (1969; 1972; 1976a; 1976b; 1977), fied by Bouchard et al. (2011). For each taxonomic Célis (1969; 1970), Dajoz (1982); Coulon (1986; group (supertribes and tribes) are indicated the 1989), Hlaváč (2005) and Hlaváč & Baňař (2012). number of genera and species, specifying the num - At present for Madagascar are known 128 ge - ber of taxa endemic to Madagascar. For each genus nera of subfamily Pselaphinae Latreille, 1802 is given the bibliographic reference relative to the 430 G. S ABELLA , F.M. V IGLIANISI & E. P ETRALIA original description, its synonym and the number of Asymoplectidius Jeannel, 1956a: 11 (1 sp.) E total known species; with E are highlighted the ge - Asymoplectus Raffray, 1897: 55 nera endemic to Madagascar. (54 spp., 9 spp. endemic to Madagascar) Asymoplectodes Jeannel 1960a: 75 (subgenus) Humbertella Newton & Chandler, 1989: 19 Genera of PSELAPHINAE from Madagascar NEW NAME for Humbertiella Jeannel, 1960b: 7 (preocc., not Saussure, 1869) (1 sp.) E Supertribus FARoNITAE Reitter, 1882 Neoplectidius Jeannel, 1960a: 84 (1 sp.) E 3 genera and 15 species all endemic to Madagascar. Neothesiastes Jeannel, 1960a: 73 (2 spp.) E Nesiotoplectus Jeannel, 1954a: 175 (15 spp.) E (in - Faronites Jeannel, 1954a: 153 (11 spp.) E cluding Comore islands) Faronitopsis Jeannel, 1960a: 54 (1 sp.) E Omotimiotes Jeannel, 1954a: 170 (1 sp.) E Parafaronus Jeannel, 1960a: 54 (3 spp.) E Pachyeuplectus Jeannel, 1954a: 179 (1 sp.) E Paraphiliopsis Jeannel, 1959a: 120; 1960a: 70 (5 spp.) E Supertribus EUPLECTITAE Streubel, 1839 Plectiastes Jeannel, 1960b: 9 (1 sp.) E 36 genera, 29 endemic to Madagascar; 147 species Plectodytes Jeannel, 1956a: 8 (2 spp.) E all endemic to Madagascar Pseudozibus Jeannel, 1956b: 365 (5 spp., 1 sp. endemic to Madagascar) Tribus Bithynoplectini Schaufuss, 1890 Aphiliopsis Besuchet, 1956: 369 12 genera, 10 endemic to Madagascar; 26 species Trimiophanes Jeannel, 1954a: 168 (16 spp.) E all endemic to Madagascar. Tribus Trichonychini Reitter, 1882 Anozethopsis Jeannel, 1956a: 6 (2 spp.) E 8 genera, 7 endemic to Madagascar; 51 species all Apozethopsus Jeannel, 1954a: 159 (3 spp.) E endemic to Madagascar. Basilewskyozethus Leleup, 1977: 76 (1 sp.) E Decazethodes Coulon, 1989: 232 (1 sp.) E Ambalavoa Dajoz, 1982: 487 (1 sp.) E Microzethinus Jeannel, 1954a: 165 (1 sp.) E Ankavena Jeannel, 1954a: 192 (2 spp.) E Microzethopsis Jeannel, 1960a: 64 (1 sp.) E Apotectus Newton & Chandler, 1989: 28 Nesiozethus Jeannel, 1954a: 164 (3 spp.) E NEW NAME for Autoplectus Raffray, 1883: 248 Petalozethopsis Jeannel, 1960b: 6 (1 sp.) E (preocc., not Balsamo-Crivelli, 1843) (7 spp., 6 en - Protozethopsus Jeannel, 1954a: 162 demic to Madagascar); known only from Madaga - (13 spp., 10 spp. endemic to Madagascar) scar and Angola Protozethus Jeannel 1954b: 62 (misspelling) Badensia Jeannel, 1954a: 193 (13 spp.) E Metazethopsis Jeannel, 1960a: 68 Imeriniella Jeannel, 1960b: 13 (3 spp.) E Trizethopsis Dajoz, 1982: 482 (1 sp.) E Imerinella Jeannel, 1960a: 110 (objective syno- Zethinomorphus Jeannel, 1960a: 66 (1 sp.) E nym of Imeriniella Jeannel, 1960) Zethopsiola Jeannel, 1954b: 86 Ranavala Raffray, 1898b: 224 (21 spp.) E (67 spp., 1 sp. endemic to Madagascar) Masoala Jeannel, 1954a: 190 (subgenus) Fanovana Jeannel, 1960a: 100 (subgenus) Tribus Euplectini Streubel, 1839 Ranavalidius Jeannel, 1959b: 204 (3 spp.) E 14 genera, 12 endemic to Madagascar; 70 species Ranavalodes Jeannel, 1960a: 99 (2 spp.) E all endemic to Madagascar. Supertribus BATRISITAE Reitter, 1882 Afroplectus Jeannel, 1952a: 130 9 genera, 8 endemic to Madagascar; 36 species, 35 (231 spp., 2 spp. endemic to Madagascar) endemic to Madagascar. Afroplectidius Jeannel 1952b: 200 (subgenus) Afroplectodes Jeannel, 1952b: 202 (subgenus) Tribus Batrisini Reitter, 1882 Afroplectaualax Jeannel, 1959b: 202 (subgenus) Aminosimus Raffray, 1898a: 267 (12 spp.) E Batrischema Newton & Chandler 1989: 34 Plectasymus Jeannel 1960a: 80 (subgenus) NEW NAME for Batrisoschema Jeannel, 1960a: Anotimus Dajoz, 1982: 484 (1 sp.) E 123 (preocc., not Reitter, 1883) (1 sp.) E Malgasy genera of Pselaphinae and Pselaphid beetles population in the Amber Mountain, Northern Madagascar 431 Batrisochorus Jeannel 1949a: 146 Tribus Iniocyphini Park, 1951 (16 spp., 1 sp. not endemic to Madagascar) 3 genera and 7 species all endemic to Madagascar. Batristellus Jeannel 1949b: 154 (subgenus) Batrisodella Jeannel, 1954a: 243 (2 spp.) E Capnites Raffray, 1898: 245 (1 sp.) E Batrisodites Jeannel, 1954a: 244 (19 spp.) E Sogaella Jeannel, 1960a: 125 (5 spp.) E Leiochrotina Jeannel, 1959b: 208 (preocc., not Batrisolius Jeannel, 1956a: 25 Westwood, 1883) Batrisomina Raffray, 1903: 316 (11 spp.) E Trichopnites Dajoz, 1982: 500 (1 sp.) E Batrixenus Newton & Chandler, 1989: 35 NEW NAME for Batrisoxenus Dajoz, 1982: 495 Supertribus PSELAPHITAE Latreille, 1802 (preocc., not Leleup, 1971) (1 sp.) E 28 genera, 19 endemic to Madagascar, 70 species Franzorella Leleup, 1977: 82 (1 sp.) E all endemic to Madagascar. Jochmansiella Leleup, 1976b: 307 (1 sp.) E Macrodelphus Leleup, 1977: 84 (1 sp.) E Tribus Ctenistini Blanchard, 1845 7 genera, 4 endemic to Madagascar; 13 species all endemic to Madagascar. Supertribus GoNIACERITAE Reitter, 1882 13 genera, 10 endemic to Madagascar; 88 species, Chenniopsis Raffray, 1904: 338 (1 sp.) E 87 endemic to Madagascar. Ctenisophanes Jeannel, 1954a: 259 (4 spp.) E Ctenistes Reichenbach, 1816: 75 Tribus Brachyglutini Raffray, 1904 (30 spp., 1 sp. endemic to Madagascar) 10 genera, 7 endemic to Madagascar, 81 species, 80 Dionyx Le Peletier & Serville, 1825: 221 endemic to Madagascar. Tecnesis Peyerimhoff, 1925: 59 (subgenus) Leptoctenistes Jeannel, 1956c: 167 (subgenus) Tectenis Jeannel, 1959a: 617 (misspelling of Tecnesis ) Baxyridius Jeannel, 1954a: 210 (2 spp.) E Tecnesites Jeannel, 1961a: 451 (subgenus) Bryaxella Raffray, 1903: 319 (1 sp.) E Desimia Reitter, 1882: 457 Leiochrotella Jeannel, 1954a: 231 (3 spp.) E (23 spp., 3 spp. endemic to Madagascar) Leiochrotidius Jeannel, 1960a: 161 (1 sp.) E Tetracis Sharp, 1874: 79 Madabaxyris Dajoz, 1982: 501 (1 sp.) E Desmia Leng, 1920: 132 (misspelling) Rabyxis Raffray, 1890: 124 (43 spp.) E Desimiella Jeannel, 1949a: 200 (subgenus) (1 sp. also in Comore islands) Xenodesimia Jeannel, 1959a: 632 (subgenus) Pseudobaxyris Jeannel 1960a: 129 (subgenus) Enoptostomus Schaum, 1864: 528 (23 spp., 2 spp. endemic to Madagascar) Reichenbachella Jeannel, 1949b: 80 Hynneophorus Leleup, 1972: 171 (1 sp.) E (19 spp., 1 sp. not endemic to Madagascar) Laphidioderomimus Leleup, 1972: 167 (1 sp.) E Reichenbachia Leach, 1826: 451 (340 spp., 20 spp. endemic to Madagascar) Tribus odontalgini Jeannel, 1949 Dierobia Thomson, 1859: 54 3 genera, 2 endemic to Madagascar; 5 species all Dicrobia Reitter, 1882: 474 (misspelling of Dierobia ) endemic to Madagascar. Reichenbachius Casey, 1906: 359
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