V; — 2 * - THE HERALD. Sat.. July 18, 1961 A** if-;. cnMip OMHoim iw cwuoT HOT W g M W « « » N " “ I tension,,,page 4 ■ h l > < - t, ^ ‘ ' • ■ . ...I ■ n i M ih n w fv l i MANCHESTER S M iof CW iin Dtpoount 646-8428 RRUCR UTVINCHYK, OmMr/Opwirtar Serving the Manchester, Conn. 341 LYDAU ST.. MANCHRRTRR Mancheeter'wree Monday, July 20, 1981 HAS IT! 25 Cents ' 9 for 100 yeare Mmlh GHUFFE MHO w n / 763 ROUT! 12 TALCOrrVILLf,CT. MAIN ST. 648^1181 101 2IHR.T0WMG MAIN ST. 643-001S FEATURING THIS WEEK ... MANCHESTEfl •COMM.ITI COILIWON MMIM •rOMIQN AND AMimCAN CAN* 6 4 lp M I0 YANKEE ALUMINUM / in postal talks HMnWMIE ro a SERVICES WINBOin tm m EU /=43l1SIC SALES— SERWCE— IWSrALLATlOW Situation critical; YMSIBIIliUMNlM SERVICE SMCMURTS IN OLAB8 A SORHN RflMIR •designs, 20 WARREN aTREBT ' walkout is likely MIAAOAO ttA H T MANCMKIIA CON*! OA040 MANCHESTER, CONN. Mjfict«fler Prefessional Pari,, Sml* A -1 Belly CalliWhef, Prop WASHINGTON (UPI) - MiliUnt tone. postal union leaders said today there “ There is a positive attitude,” he has been "absolutely no progress” said. Wf SERVICE AND INST AUINDUSTMAL AND COMMERCIAL K-rAUTOM OTIVE in bargaining to avert a possible Fidandis said there had been AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION nationwide mail strike at midnight “ healthy discussions,” but would HEATING and SHEET METAL KEN MMITHWAin tonight, but a federal mediator not say whether there was any 209 BROAD ST. __ 643*8844 reported a new "positive attitude." progress toward an agreement. "The situation is critical,” Meantime, in nearby Rockville, New England Mechanical Services, Inc. SPCCttUZINM: American Postal Workers President Md., the Postal Service moved • STARTERS Moe Biller said in a tape-recorded closer to agreement with two 166 TUNNEL RD. • GENERATORS •TUNE UPS telephone message. smaller unions — the 63,000-member VERNON, CT. 06066 "There’s been absolutely no National Rural Letter Carriers • ALTERNATORS OMMNG progress,” he said, adding that no Association and the 39,000-member 871-1111 items in the new contract have been Mail Handlers Division of the agreed to by union negotiators. Laborers International Union of .SvrripiAf oi'd'P .vr*- Biller and Letter Carriers Presi­ North America. CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER’S dent Vincent Sombrotto have Bargaining with the smaller un­ TEL. 8 ^ ^ p - p a u t o threatened to take their 500,000 ions was expected to move to PARTS Pentiand The fhrfst members o ff the job at midnight, Washington for the final day. “MiTO PARTS FOR LESS" 24 BIRCH ST. when the purrent three-year con­ Neither union has joined the strike TEL. 643-6247 tracts expire, unless an agreement threat, promising to adhere to bin­ HOURS ding arbitration required by federal • TO 0 MON.-FRI. 043-4444 is near. A final bargaining effort 8TOO SAT. A SUN. F.T.D. was set for today to avert the first law if an agreement cannot be 907 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) MASTER CHARBE nationwide postal walkout since reached. AMERICAN EXPRESR WORLO WIOE 1970. The Postal Service discounted the MANCHESTER SERVICE “ Any reports that there is even pessimistic assessment by the BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY minute progress in negotiations are major unions, saying "there erroneous,” Sombrotto said early appears to be progress.” FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. today, charging that Postal Service 'The Postal Service said it had not IGAP -N- CORK PKCMGE STORE 646-0228 S7S-32S8I negotiators have bargained in “ a changed its economic package, 4BB-489 No. Main St. I COMPUTE LINE OF WILTON CWE DECOMTNIIS most frivolous and capricious way.” calling for a three-year wage freeze, Mandiottor, Conn. In case of a strike. Postmaster a cap on cost-of-living adjustments General William Bolger has and a lim it on employer payments 649-0591 101 t^fNTRN ST. MANCHiOtRH. CONN promised to waive federal statutes for health insurance. Officials said Kt’inodeled & Hiiliir/(rd Tom Raimondo and Dick Suhie owners of vinyl and aluminum shutters, and aluminum Mon. • Sal. 10-S to allow others to deliver the mail. the package would cost 12.5 billion Thurs.. 10*9 To Heller Serre Ton Yankee Aluminum Services, which hafi been ser­ railings. We also have a new line of prime replace* The Justice Department has over three years and "add 3 cents to LIQUOR - BEER • CORDIALS vicing homeowners in Manchester and surroun­ m^t windows. Expert glass and screen repair is threatened criminal and civil sanc­ the price of mailing a letter.” It W f/iiiK f-nfeos A Specialty tions against any strikers. Lars* SalDctlon ol ding towns for over 20 years, are shown here with done at our workshop bn 20 Warrmi Street. Our dis­ The major unions have demanded ImoorlDd A OpniDatic Wlius When bargaining recessed at U a sample from our wide_ selection of storm win­ play, room and workshop'are open Monday thru p.m. E D T Sunday, Letter Carriers 5 percent annual basic wage in­ dows and docNTS. We offer a complete line of com­ FrMay 0:004:00 and Saturday 9:00-12:00 or call for Secretary-Treasurer Richard creases in each of three years, a 2.7 percent onetime .adjustment to MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. bination windows, 35 styles of storm dpors in any a estimate at 649-1106. MMKHESTER o v e r AS The Birch Street parking lot came alive July 18 to 18. as the first annual O’Connell told reporters there had color, aluminum canopies and roll-up awnings. YEARS Republican Town Committee carnival brought rides, games and food to the been “ no substantive agreement on cover past inflation and a new cost- downtown area. Carnival Chairman Louis Kocsis said the committee raised any article” in the contract. ofliving formula providing a Icent MHMNMLCO. EXPERIENCE increase in hourly wages for every Parking lot comes allv^ funds for the fall election as hoped, and expects It will become an annual But despite the lack of outward progress, federal mediator Nicholas 0.25 point in crea^ in the Consumer •FOUL WEATHER SUITS 0pp. Rail Cenwtary CALL 649-SB07 event. (HeraK| photo by Pinto) Price Index. •BOOTS •HOSE Fidandis earlier noted a change in •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATOflS QUALITY HARRISON ST. MEMORIALS MANCHESTER 5 G/sn Rd. • M anchettw • 643-5107 J. B. ELECTR Strong y.S, of top of summit agenda Spring Cpji lot quality tlMiii ClespingT carpal cleaning... the Schmidt was "fast-moving and cor­ forecast inflation rates would EVERYTHING IN GLASS Middte" E ast c ris is and economics.” I Bane-Clena ‘w4y MONTEBELLO, Quebec (U P I) - ’Trudeau’s suggested agenda was dial” and the president was pleased decline “ in the not too distant future •WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT' CALL developm ents in Poland, Reagan moved to defuse a Leaders of the world’s seven Ifu^est “ accepted rathe> quickly;” the of­ with the courtly tenor of his first en­ and* there w ill be a corresponding Afghanistan and Namibia. threatened U.S.-Europe showdown MUilhMMIKS Industrial democracies quickly ficial said. counter with the socialist Mitterand drop in interest rates.” agreed to place tha intenistional Im- The burden of American economic over fallout to his economic policies 4STNe.MalnSI. p W sessions will center on world — the ideological opposite to “ Many countries of the world suf­ J.A. WHITE GLASS CO.. policy on its chief trading partners in speedy private meetings Sunday 648-6086 of a strong U.S. dollar on the Reagan’s conservatism. fer from the high interest rates of ’ Wa do a lota moca ttian top of their summit agenda today, “ will no doubt be one of the prin- with West German Chancellor the United States,” Schmidt had clean carpata" “ Mitterrand made it clear he was relegating the Middte East, Poland cipid subjects under discussion,” Helmut Schmidt and French Presi­ said in an interview before Reagan’s , ol'EH .10 yt:iHs KXPEHiEyi i: not going to attempt to lecture the FREE ESTIMATES and Afghanistan to later sessions. the Canadian official said. dent Francois Mitterrand. |31 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER 24N0URSam6i Related story U.S. on economics,” Haig said. arrival. President, Ronald Reagan will He airanged a breakfast meeting “ The high valuCof the U.S. dollar •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STORE FRONTS FUUVINSUMUI “ The v ^ le economic side of sum­ “ But, at the same time, he said it •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC. today with British Prime Minister- r mitry will be on the table first stress his h ^ interest rate policies could have a profound effect not means we have to pay higher prices on page 24 Margaret Thatcher at this 135-acre thing,” a senior Canadian official to combat inflation “ are not used as only on western Europe but global for imported oil. That, in turn, a weapon against other countries,” retreat. Reagan also planned his ■aid of the agenda setting out 10 economies as a whole.” affects our standard of living. So, it first m eet^ with Italian Prime L S . ELECTRONICS hours of formal talks at the secluded a White Rouse aide said. “ The presi­ Mitterrand suggested “ the tolera­ is not an ideological problem. It is a FAMOUS BRAND ST€REO a MUSIC AMPS a TV Minister Giovanni SpadoUni. Chateau Montebello resort about 40 economic problems, trade and dent is expected to be firm but will tion level (of European economies) practical problem that we face due say that the U.S. will be a depen­ U.S. Secretary of State Alexander TELEVISION - APPLIANCES SALES ANp SERVICE miles north of Ottawa. financial israes. Later sessions will has lim its,” Haig said, and Reagan to Reagan’s economic policies.” JIWCIIKSTKR rnnaitian Prime Minister Pierre concentrate on the deteriorating dable partner in international Haip said Reagan’s meeting with c 3 3 HONE MPMVUniT — .
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