SUI's YOUR§ ,'Oempcra# IState Charter Is Revoked By GARY SPURGEON without stale sanction. constitution. eral other Democratic oCliclals ly futished. He said that there group would lose VIrJ few 01 Mltnagl.,., Editor The charges against the SUI • Had only one faculty ad­ Niemeyer Group Reforms; on various oecasions, but to DO was no further official action its members. He said th.inga The charter of the SUI Young club were aired in a 2~ page viser instead of a board of (ac­ avail. that could be taken by Nie­ keeping members from desert­ report signed by Loren Mit· meyer. Demoerats has been revoked by uity advisers and the Caculty "At this point of frustration, ing bIs group were that the ac­ the Executive Council of the chell. executive secretary of the Niemeyer's group cannot use state organization. adviser rarely attcndt'd Execu­ Strawn. Forms Official Club the State President decided to the name of Young Demoerats tion of the statAl commlttee Young Demoeralic Clubs of call a special meeting of the Iowa. The charges stated that the tive Council m tings. because the YO 's is an incorpo­ pretty well discredits It and State Executive Committee to rated organizaUon and the Immediately afler the revoca· SUI Young Democrats: • Old not follow the constitu· that his ClUb would continue to discuss the situation," he wrote. name Is protected by law, rWl much Buperior programs. tion, Sunday in Des Moines the • Did not use official memo tional requirement for rt'moval "The matter Is, of course, one bership cards. Dave Lustbader, statAl YD state council granted a new of oCficers. Tbis was an obvious whlcb should lIave, and could treasurer, said. A possible road block Cacing charter to another group head· • Did not pay chapter dues reference to the removal of have been settled most efree­ the new organization is getting ed by Dennis Gray, AS, Maple· on time. However, Niemeyer indicated recognized as a student organi­ Strawn. tively at the loeill level, but that there was no restrictions ton. This is the group formed • Failed to send nolice of tqe the state organizaUon is not 0b­ zation . The Code of Student by Fred Strawn, AI, Garrison, election of new officers to the "J was very reluctant to so­ against using the name Young Life states that a new organiza­ 'vocate outside interference with liged to sit Idly by and watcfl Demoerats. "It's possible to former first vice president of state organization before the th e abuses continue If th tion "will serve an area of stu· the original club. codstllutionsl deadline. the interhal workings of thc proU!ct the name of torpora· dent aeU vities not served by an UI YD':' ftlltchell wnllt. people responsible for correct­ tion when a new corporation • Violated lhe spirit of the existing organ zaUon or organi­ John Niemeyer, LS, Elkader, "Thus when the fIrSt hints of ing them at th local level re­ wants to register the same t constitution by a plio i n ~ I n g z a Ion s." Presumably, NIe­ president of the deposed group, the irreguLlriti ' and II 1I11 • fuse to act." name. but thl does not apply meyer's group would be the said his club would continue its chairmen to non·existing com· factionclUTle to my aUention, LUSTB4DER NIEMEYER The molion to revoke the to non· profit corporations like mittees just to gain ac,lded up­ existing organization in this regular meetings anll pro­ the Slate President. Statd T/'{'as· charter pa ed 14 in favor. 2 the Young Democrats," he said. area. grarns. He said that the SUI port of the Executive Commit· "We were a sured that an, ever. IMle change, and this urcr Dod myself travpled to against and 1 ab tention. The According to Strawn, S5 per­ Niemeyer. however, has not club had not received any tan· tee. Iowa City and dis us C<l the irregu] rities would be investi· lied) toward less, rather than vote to give th charIer to the sons have signed applications more. cooperation." given up the battl with the gible benefits from the SlatAl • Had ten u 0 u s afrHialion mtltter at some length with gated forthwith. and that the new group passed 14 in favor, to join the new group. "Many state organization. "} intend to organization in the past and with the state and national or· PrOfessor John Schmidhau er club would cooperate with the against and 3 abstained. Mitchell said he and the o more have indicated they wiU take our case to the clubs in ~ that he did not feel that his ganizations because of lack of (faculty adviser of SU ['S Young state organization." Mitchen treasurer came to Iowa City to Strawn told The Daily Io- join," he said. state and also to the state con· group would have any difficulty cooperation and the violation of Democrats ). continued. "There was, how· talk to Scbmldhauser and sev- wan that. the mailer w legal- But Niemeyer predicted his ventlon. A Little Warmer Slowly diminlllhl.,., cJoucllne.. ltnd It little wel'ftMf' todey. Highs ltround te. Clelt~ io jIltrttv cJoucly to­ oil Iowan nl,ht, Wltl'ftMf' In the Wilt IIIICI north. Little chMge Serving thf! State University of IC1WG and the People of Iowa CUll Weclne"'lty_ 10 Centa Per Copy AIIoelated Prete Leued Wtrf'JI aod Wlrepboto Iowa City, Iowa - TuClllay, November 5. 1963 oc a e • • • f'lrs ew rlSIS Polls Open to 8 p.m.- Russ Block Voters Decide City Counci(, Army Trucks ... New Atom Smaslier Installed Monday Park Board Posts Today ~!L~~!~b~~~,s, Thre City Council members I, Accelerator Army convoy tried to break and one Park Board m mber through a Soviet blockade 011 will be elected today, in the the highway lifeline to West bl nnial muniCipal election. Berlin early today but was The poll will b open from boxed in by at lea t ix Russian Tank Hoisted 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. armored personnel carriers. The Councilmen elected will The incident caused grave con· serve four.year terms, and the cern in Washington as the night Park Board member will serve a wore on and the Soviets contin­ six·year term. The four will take ued to block passage to the 12- Up To Tower office Jan. 2. vehicle convoy at the Mrlenborn Candidates for the council are: checkpoint on the western end of Eric E . Bergsten, 32. 212 W. Park the nO·mile autobahn Ilnldng Ber­ Rd . Bergsten is an SUI law pro­ lin to West Germany. Four Cranes, Two Rigs fessor . It appeared to have the makings Richard W. Burger, 38, 1500 of a new serious Soviet-American Washington St. Burger. a contrac· confrontation on the Berlin issue. Needed To Machine tor, is vice president of Burger THE .... MAN convoy first was Lift Construction Co. He is a member stopped at Marienborn at 8:01 a.m. of the Iowa City Planning and Iy HAROLD YAHNKE Monday. The Soviet orficer in Zoning <Almmlssion. manded that l5 passengers In three Staff Writer Dr. Richard W. Eckhardt. 45. of the trucks dismount and be An 18-ton tank, designed to have a part in the precise 1675 Ridge Rd .• is Chief of Medi· counted. cal Service at the Veterans Hos· J business of "atom smashing" at SUI was hoisted into the tower NESMITH WILSON BUXTON HOLZAEPFEL The convoy commander, Lt. John pita\. Lamb of North Augusta, S.C., re­ of the ion accelerator pwilding Monday afternoon. William C. Hubbard, 38, 300 Kim· LowelJ St., is an SUI gymnastics coin School. fused . Three cranes - two truc'k-mounted rigs and a stationary baJJ Rd. Hubbal'tl is vice president coach. THIRD WARD _ first precinct, The day passed without change. electric crane mounted inside the of Jackson's, Inc .• electrical appli. A fourth man will be elected to C. S. A. Ha Ii . Sec ond precmc,. t Hor · Then, around midnight, the convoy , ance dea Iers and con t rae t Drs. He the city council in loday's election suddenly moved forward, driving 8-story tower - were needed to set cording to schedule, Prof. Carlson is the only incumbent candidate. to serve a short term, from to- ace Mann School. ahead about a quarter of a mile the gigantic tank into position. said, the accelerator should be James H. Nesmith , 60. 256 Mago- morrow to January 2. Since no FOURTH WARD - first pre- before the Russians sent their RIC· hard R. Cis'ar on, assocla te'" ready to use by the bemnning of wan Rd ., is presl' den t 0 f PI urn be rs one has ffled for the post, this CIOC,. t Cent ra I J un Ior .H I'gb Sch 00I . blockading vehicles across the prOfessor, of physics, said the tank next semester. Supp Iy <AI ., pI um b'Ing an d h ea t'Ing position will be filled by write·in Second precinct, Civic CentAlr. road. Wls originally scheduled to be in- wholesalers. He served on the votes. Third precinct, Iowa City High A U.S. Army spokesman laid stalled about a month ago. The in- council (rom 1980 to 1961. P ll' J f th eI t' the blocking of the convoy W81 a h d John B. Wilson, eo, 501 Kimball 0 109 P aces or e ec Ion School. Fourth precinct, Herbert "flagrant violation of the Western ~tallation had to be delayed. how- HI- D m C tEl - S are' Hoover School. e~er. until electricians finished wir- 0 r OS xp aI n e Rd., is the owner of Wilson's port· .
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