Speaking to the Eye © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. MEDIevAL IDENTITIes: SOCIO-CULTURAL SPACes Editorial Board under the auspices of the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Hull Adrian P. Tudor, University of Hull Anu Mänd, Tallinna Ülikool (Tallinn University) Lesley A. Coote, University of Hull Ildar H. Garipzanov, Universitetet i Oslo Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet, Université de Toulouse-II-Le Mirail Catherine Emerson, National University of Ireland, Galway Previously published volumes in this series are listed at the back of the book. Volume 2 © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. Speaking to the Eye Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150–1650) Edited by Thérèse de Hemptinne, Veerle Fraeters, and María Eugenia Góngora © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Speaking to the eye : sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650). -- (Medieval identities ; 2) 1. Visual communication--History--To 1500. 2. Visual communication--History--16th century. 3. Imagery (Psychology) 4. Literature, Medieval--Psychological aspects. 5. Literature, Modern--15th and 16th centuries--Psychological aspects. 6. Christian art and symbolism--Early works to 1800. 7. Art and literature. 8. Ekphrasis. I. Series II. Hemptinne, Therese de editor of compilation. III. Fraeters, Veerle, 1963- editor of compilation. IV. Gongora, Maria Eugenia editor of compilation. 302.2'22'0902-dc23 ISBN-13: 9782503534206 © 2013, Brepols Publishers n.v., Turnhout, Belgium All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. D/2013/0095/171 ISBN: 978-2-503-53420-6 e-ISBN: 978-2-503-54046-7 Printed in the E.U. on acid-free paper © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. Contents Illustrations vii Acknowledgements xi The Mediating Power of Images and Texts: The Dynamics of Sight and Insight in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Art VEERLE FRAETERS and JÜRgeN PIETERS 1 Prologue Image of Thought: Hugh of Saint-Victor and Richard of Saint-Victor on Thinking INEKE VAN ’T SPIJKER 17 Part One: Spiritual Vision Seeing and Knowing, Reading and Imagi ning in the Liber divinorum operum by Hildegard of Bingen MARÍA EUgeNIA GÓNGORA 49 The Appearance of Queen Reason: Cons truction and Pragmatics of the Imagery in Vision 9 of Hadewijch VEERLE FRAETERs 65 How Gendered was Clairvoyance in the Thirteenth Century? The Case of Simon of Aulne JEROEN DEPLOIge 95 © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. vi Contents Part Two: Text and Image Interactions Visualizing the Spiritual: Images in the Life and Teachings of Henry Suso (c. 1295–1366) JOSÉ VAN AeLST 129 Programming Women’s Prayer: Textual and Pictorial Components in Middle Dutch Psalters YOURI DesPLENTER 153 TheC loaked Lady of Floreffe:A llegorizing Monastic History in the Fifteenth-Century Chronique de Floreffe STeveN VANDERPUTTEN 173 Part Three: Agency of Pictures Nourished by Inwardness: The Beato Chiarito Tabernacle (c. 1340) BARBARA BAERT 213 The Diptych of the Lentulus Letter: Building Textual and Visual Evidence for Christ’s Appearance STIJN BUSSELs 241 Groaning Paintings and Weeping Viewers: A Gellian Perspective on Visual Persuasion CAROLINE VAN ECK 259 Epilogue Reading Blindly: Huygens in the Wake of Augustine LISE GOsseye and JÜRgeN PIETERS 287 Index 305 © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. Illustrations Plates Plate 1, p. xiii. ‘Suso and the dog with the mat’, Stuttgart, Württem bergische Landesbibliothek, K7. Anonymous coloured woodcut, Ulm, c. 1470–90. Plate 2, p. xiv. ‘The Servant and the Passion’,Büchlein der ewigen Weis heit of Henry Suso, Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, MS 2929, v fol. 109 . Slightly before 1370. Plate 3, p. xv. ‘The Mystical Way’,Vita of Henry Suso, Strasbourg, Bibliothèque r nationale et universitaire, MS 2929, fol. 82 . Slightly before 1370. Plate 4, p. xvi. Pacino di Bonaguida (?), ‘Chiarito tabernacle’, Los Angeles, The Getty Museum. c. 1340. Plate 5, p. xvii. Netherlandish master, Diptych with the Lentullus Letter and Christ in Profile, Utrecht, Museum Catharijneconvent. c. 1500. Plate 6, p. xviii. Rogier van der Weyden, Crucifixion Triptych, detail of the right wing, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. 1445. c Plate 7, p. xix. Hans Memling, Christ Giving His Blessing, Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum of Art. 1478. Plate 8, p. xx. Giovanni Bellini, Brera Pietà , Milano, Galleria della Brera. c. 1460. © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. viii ILLUSTRATIONS Figures Figure 1, p. 71. ‘Sapientia regina. O-initial at the beginning of the Book Ecclesiasticus’, Bible Limoges, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS lat. 8, t. II, fol. 74v. Ninth century. Figure 2, p. 72. ‘Maria as mulier amicta sole’, Rotschild Canticles, New Haven, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, MS 404, fol. 64r. Northern France, c. 1300. Figure 3, p. 79. ‘Fides of Agen. Detail from a miniature in a psalter’, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, MS 76 F 5, fol. 34v. North-western France, c. 1200. Figure 4, p. 107. ‘Last Judgement; fresco detail’, Albi, Cathedral of Sainte- Cécile. c. 1474–84. Figure 5, p. 108. Pierre Jouet, Communion scene in which the host jumps out of Simon’s mouth. From La Vie du bienheureux frère Simon, convers à l’abbaye d ’A u l n e , ed. by Dorlodot, 1621. Figure 6, p. 109. Pierre Jouet, Simon seated, sustained by an angel, on a fragile branch above a pit in which a demon is throwing black pigs. From La Vie du bienheureux frère Simon, convers à l’abbaye d’Aulne, ed. by Dorlodot, 1621. Figure 7, p. 110. Pierre Jouet, Simon unmasks a woman who is having an incestuous relationship with her son. From La Vie du bienheureux frère Simon, convers à l’abbaye d’Aulne, ed. by Dorlodot, 1621. Figure 8, p. 114. Pierre Jouet, An apostate conversus tries to kill Simon. From La Vie du bienheureux frère Simon, convers à l’abbaye d’Aulne, ed. by Dorlodot, 1621. Figure 9, p. 115. Pierre Jouet, Simon reminding Innocent III at the time of the Fourth Lateran Council of the famous vision of Our Lady’s cloak. Figure 10, p. 133. ‘The Servant embracing Eternal Wisdom’,Vita of Henry v Suso, Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, MS 2929, fol. 8 . Slightly before 1370. Figure 11, p. 137. Anonymous, ‘ : section of a wall with 66 scenes’, Martyr scenes northern-side aisle of former Dominican church, Sankt Nikolaus auf der Insel, present Steinberger Inselhotel. Constance, 1300–20. © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. ILLUSTRATIONS ix Figure 12, p. 142. ‘The Apparition of a Crucified Seraph’,Vita of Henry Suso, Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, MS 2929, fol. 65v. Slightly before 1370. Figure 13, p. 158. ‘Historiated initial adjoining Psalm 68, Salvum me fac Deus: A depiction of King David, author of this Psalm as was believed, lying naked in the water and holding up his hands to God or to God’s hand’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 9020/23, fol. 165v. Utrecht? 1431. Figure 14, p. 160. ‘Historiated Initials Adjoining Psalm 26 and Psalm 38’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 9020/23, fols 158v and 161r. Utrecht? 1431. Figure 15, p. 163. ‘Historiated initials accompanying Psalm 52’, Brussels, BRB/ KBB, MS 9020/23, fol. 163v. Utrecht? 1431. Figure 16, p. 168. ‘King David praying with his psalterium beside him, an image generally found in Books of Hours where it accompanies the seven penitential psalms’, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, MS 135 K 40, fol. 78v. Delft,c . 1480. Figure 17, p. 187. ‘Saint Norbertus, founder of the order of Prémontré and of the monastic community of Floreffe’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 18064–69, v fol. 206 . Figure 18, p. 189. ‘Simon Fau presents a copy of the to Chronique de Floreffe v Abbot Lucas d’Eyck’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 18064–69, fol. 187 . Figure 19, p. 192. ‘The author resting, with a representation of the abbey of Floreffe and its immediate surroundings’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 18064–69, v fol. 191 . Figure 20, p. 197. ‘The cloaked lady of Floreffe protecting the abbot and his r monks’, Brussels, BRB/KBB, MS 18064–69, fol. 198 . Figure 21, p. 214. Pacino di Bonaguida (?), ‘Chiarito tabernacle; detail’, Los Angeles, The Getty Museum.c . 1340. Figure 22, p. 219. Pacino di Bonaguida (?), ‘Chiarito tabernacle; predella’, Los Angeles, The Getty Museum.c . 1340. © BREPOLS PUBLISHERS THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. x ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 23, p. 222. ‘Apostle communion, stûma paten, silver’, İstanbul, Arkeoloji Müzesi, 565–578. Figure 24, p. 223. ‘Apostle communion; part of a polyptych’, Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani. Early fourteenth century. Figure 25, p. 224. ‘Example of fistulae’, from Thesaurus of Religious Objects, ed. by Perrin, p. 150. Figure 26, p. 225. ‘Apse mosaic with parousia’, Roma, Santa Prudenziana. Fifth century. Figure 27, p. 233. ‘Vera icon on parchment’, Schwerin, Staatliches Museum Schwerin. Fifteenth century. Figure 28, p. 245. Hans Burgmaier, Lentulus Letter with Christ in Profile, München, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung.
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