— ALAMANCE LAUNDRY Gleaners and Dyers Telephone 560 I The First National Bank | I of Burlington, North Carolina i C Your money is safe when deposited with us—4% interest on savings 5 $ and time deposits TUs JH 5 Capital $ 60,000.00 % > Resources 1,300,000.00 5 i Officers i 5 W. W. liASLEY, President J. M. BEOWNING, Vico-Prest. ? J A. L. DAVIS, Cashier B. W. MALONE, Asst. Cashier J ^ I SERVICE % Dunng the 15 3rears of our life we have tried to emphasize f this one word in all its meaning- .? EVIDENCE llttAfI % We have grown from Capital of $15,060.00 in 1906, to over < ^'^«" 5 J $200,000. This i ^ ®^^ every line we can give you the best of service. t ftll— g Insurance, Loans, Real Estate § i ^ ALARfANCE INSURANCE & REAL i ESTATE COMPANY i < BurUngton, N. C. W. E. SHARP, Mgr. -J >. i Capital. ,.....,. ,....$300,000.00 i* J < Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 < This \ AlamanceBank&TrustCo. \ (The Bank with the Chimes) jj ^ i Oldest, Largest and Strongest in the County > ? % COLE'S DAIRY LUNCH ROOM Cleanliness and Prompt Service Our Motto — ; ,S' DIRECTORY rmm«t:«mt:mmmjm«mt««:::mm«« ._.—,+ ^Pickett, Fust Viee-Pres. ^os.; Wv^W. Brown, Sec. j ?as. ; W. R. Froshwatcr, ,l)('|)ai'tuuMit Library OF THE University of NortK Carolina Tiiis book was presented by Co»T^rr>eyoiauL oervice^ Co \2X-0.U Trust Co. j uenirai Loan i i Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 Burlington, N. C. Telephone 122 j { | We Pay 6 Per cent Interest, Semi-Annually j j DIRKCTOKS M. 15. Smith •j. M. liio wiling j Dr. .). A. rickctt Goo. W. Patterson .1. A. Mey R. T. Kornodle \V. W. P>iwvii C. I). Johnston A. V. Ray Boone T — .4. 4. 5tmmm: jmmmmmmmmmmmmma When Writing- Advertisers Please Mention the Directory SPECIAL ADVERTISERS' DIRECTORY ; ft ^ + Quality Printing Ours is an office thoroughly equipped to handle all kinds of book and commercial printing, at prices consistent with the class of service %iDe render. o o^ This bookmust not I LO taken from the Librai CD CO building. o We do the h o for people wh 362^1 ! I of that class add you to ou I H * H•nmmm«m:mm:mnmmwjn»»«m When Writing' Adver 4 SPECIAL ADVERTISERS' DIRECTORY «mmm:;«jmmmmmmn«mtmtn:mn:mmm:::mmmmn:m«mn««j:«m«m«n««:«: _.._,. + , , „ _^ I United Store Co., Inc. ! Heavy and Fancy Groceries | H H Dry Goods and Shoes I H j TIRES AMERICA TUBES j 1 ^ I Phone No. 272 101 Logan Street j H I Prices Always Right \ •f*"^"''' — Bl^^il Don't Waste Your Time figuring— why the Burlington Rollor Cover Company charges you more for your work than most slio])s. t'oi- fit the end of the year it lias cost you less. Don't waste your time figuring why a black hen lays a white egg. Just get the egg. MORAL: Patronize the Burlington Roller Cover Company Work Done Upon Receipt of Order-»-Day or Night J. A. FOWTjER, Proprietor Phones—Shop, 123-J; Res., 779-J Burlington, N. C. n ntttntn:«:»:mmmmmmt:tm«?t: »»»tmwmmmm«n vriieii Writingr Advertisers Please Mention the Directory BURLINGTON, GRAHAM AND HAW RIVER, N. C. OIT^k^ D I RECTORY Vol. II 1920-1921 Vol. II Containing an Alphabetically Arranged List of Names, a Classified Business Directory and Much Useful Information Classified as Miscellaneous • • • • . GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations 101 Graham Directory 234-263 Advertisers' Special Directory 2-14 Haw River Directory 264-275 Alphabetical List of Names 101-275 Hospitals and Homes 13 Banks 12 Hotels 285 Banks and Trust Companies 277 Judiciary 12 Business Directory 276-292 Miscellaneous Directory 11-13 Business Organizations 12 Organizations 12 Cemeteries 13 Newspapers 13 Chamber of Commerce 12 Postoffices 12 Churches 12 Preface 7 City Government 11 Public Schools 13 Clergymen 279 Rural Routes and Carriers 12 County Government 12 Street Directory 9-10 Educational 13 Title Page 5 Fire Department 11 United States Government 12 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Alamance Bank & Trust Co. .front cover Haskell's left bot lines Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Co.. Hay Wm E left side lines front cover Home Ice Co right side lines Alamance Laundry front cover Hotel Graham p 8 Alamance Lumber Co (Inc) . .back cover Jeffcoat G H Dr card at name Auto Tire Exchange p 8 Kirkman Plumbing & Heating Co (Inc) Belk-Stevens Co (Inc) right bot lines left side lines Bradley-Freeman Drug Co... left side lines Kirkman Transfer Co p 13 Brov/n W W Motor Co left top lines Leath James M inside back cover Burke W Levi left top lines MacConnell Electric Supply & Construc- Burlington Candy Kitchen, .right top lines tion Co (Inc) p 14 Main Street Garage left bot lines Burlington Drug Co (Inc) . .right top lines Burlington Hardware Co (Inc) May's Ice Cream Co (Inc). .left side lines right top lines Midway Lumber Co (Inc) Burlington Printing Co (Inc) p 3 right bot lines and p 8 Burlington Roller Cover Co p 4 Pearson Remedy Co (Inc) back cover Burtner Furniture Co (Inc) .right side lines Piedmont Hotel (The) back cover Sellars B A & Sons (Inc) Gates J W ( Inc) Stencils insert opp 200-201 Central Loan & Trust Co (Inc) inside front cover Smith M B left top lines Cole's Dairy Lunch Room front cover Standard Realty & Security Co (Inc) . Efird's Department Store. ..right side lines initial letter lines Farrell-Hayes Drug Co (The) Tisdale J M right bot lines right top lines Trollinger H W back cover First National Bank (The) ... .front cover Troy Machine Works right top lines First Savings Bank left bot lines United Store Co (Inc) p 4 Goodman Benj right side lines Vestal B J Co left bot lines Graham Hotel p 8 Whitted J D & L B left top lines ttttsttntttttttt A Word to the Wise is to Advertisf lUUUHUtfSt fxxittttxfv tnmtttmmtximmtxxmtntutmtmitttmmitmittmunimtixtttntxntmmtinntmmi Burlington^ N. C. '"—"—"«— PREFACE Mo city or town of today can expect to prosper or progress without § f making adequate municij)ai improvements; without such it will never « bo looked upon as being any good, or having any future; but simply I will be called dead or a has-been. In business circles, the City Directory 1 $ is just as important to the health and vigor of a business, whatever line ! li it may be, as municipal improvements are to the health and vigor of a I H tOAvn; they both go hand in hand; they both mean progress; for they both stand for EFFICIENCY which fact is being more vividly demonstrated every day; for there are thousands of City Directories in use now, where there were to be ! H found comparatively very few only a very short period ago. H The business world has awakened to the realization of this need; and there are few towns of any consequence that do not have a City Directory. Just how^ up-to-date or complete the Directory is, depends in most cases upon the support accorded to tlic publishers, ))rovided^ of course, that they know their business. It is an old saying that you can judge a man by the clothes he wears—w^hether this be true or not matters little; we all know that it is generally done; often no doubt to the disadvantage of some one. Just as much as man is judged by his clothes, just so much is the business life and activity of a town or community judged by its Directory; because the Directojy is the most complete and the only recognized standard book of reference regarding the citizens of a com- munity, their address, occupation or kind of business in which they are engaged. When you consult a Directory of a town, you can easily deter- mine if it is up to the standard, and if you find it to be well patronized, you need not be told that it belongs to a live community^—the fact is self-evident. It is therefore with pleasure that we present Vol. II of the Burlington and Graham, N. C, City Directory, for the fact is self-evident that we are doing business in a live communitv. COIMMEECIAL SERVICE CO. Asheville, N. C. 4k CO xtxtixxtixiittttxxtttsixx txttttsstutitix ttxtxtimiiuiiiiittmitiXim SPECIAL ADVERTISERS' DIRECTORY +._« Auto Tire Exchange W. LUTHER OATES "VULCANIZER" Gasoline, Greases, Oils, Supplies. Tires and Tubes—Storage Batteries I Recharged and Rebuilt—Free Air and Water at Curb Special Attention Ladies and Children j Given STORE PHONE 176 Midway Lumber Co. (Incorporated) Manufacturers and Dealers in All Kinds of LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED, FLOORING, CEILING, MOULDING, LATHS, SHINGLES, BUILDING MATERIAL BURLINGTON, N. C. 4* a.^HH— ti. ^.—« HOTEL GRAHAM GRAHAM, N. C. American or European Plan Up-to-Date Cafe and Pool Parlor in Connection Stop With Me Once and You'll Stop Again W. W. GARRETT. Propr. When Writingr Advertisers Please Mention the Directory Burlington, North Carolina Street Directory Vol. II THE PIEDMONT SERIES 1920-21 STREET DIRECTORY ADAMS AV—n from 607 Rail- KIVETT—w from Peele road av 1 e of Elmira KIVETT ALLEY—s from 522 s ALAMANCE ROAD—e from 701 Railroad av to Kivett Main, 1 s of Morehead KIME—n from 715 Main ANDREW—w from Main, 1 n of LAKESIDE AV—n from Sou Ry Front tracks, 1 w of Hall av ANTHONY- LEXINGTON AV—n and s from APPLE—\v from 301 Union Webb av, 2 e of Main Church av LOGAN—n from Sou Ry tracks ASKEW—w from Peele, 1 n of MAIN—s from Sou Ry tracks, Fiont the prin business street of the BELLEMONT — Cotton Mills city and the dividing line for Village 21/^ miles s e of city streets running east and west BROAD—n and s from Webb av, MAR TOWN—A colored settle- 3 e of Main ment east end of Alamance rd CAMERON—n and s from 601 MEANS—e from Main e Davis MEBANE—n and s from 501 E CHURCH—s from Park av, 1 w Davis, 1 e of Broad of Wright MENDENHALL—n and s from COLLEGE HILL—a colored set- Webb av, 3 e of Main tlement n w of city on Glencoe MIDWAY—A settlement bet Bur- Road lington and Graham along Sou DAVIS—8 and w from Main, 1 s Ry tracks of Front MOORE—e
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