DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS doi:10.3934/dcds.2013.33.2451 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Volume 33, Number 6, June 2013 pp. 2451{2467 TOPOLOGICAL ENTROPY AND DISTRIBUTIONAL CHAOS IN HEREDITARY SHIFTS WITH APPLICATIONS TO SPACING SHIFTS AND BETA SHIFTS Dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrzej Pelczar (1937-2010). Dominik Kwietniak Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Jagiellonian University in Krak´ow ul.Lojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Krak´ow,Poland (Communicated by Llu´ısAlsed`a) Abstract. Positive topological entropy and distributional chaos are charac- terized for hereditary shifts. A hereditary shift has positive topological entropy if and only if it is DC2-chaotic (or equivalently, DC3-chaotic) if and only if it is not uniquely ergodic. A hereditary shift is DC1-chaotic if and only if it is not proximal (has more than one minimal set). As every spacing shift and every beta shift is hereditary the results apply to those classes of shifts. Two open problems on topological entropy and distributional chaos of spacing shifts from an article of Banks et al. are solved thanks to this characterization. Moreover, it is shown that a spacing shift ΩP has positive topological entropy if and only if N n P is a set of Poincar´erecurrence. Using a result of Kˇr´ıˇzan example of a proximal spacing shift with positive entropy is constructed. Connections between spacing shifts and difference sets are revealed and the methods of this paper are used to obtain new proofs of some results on difference sets. 1. Introduction. A hereditary shift is a (one-sided) subshift X such that x 2 X and y ≤ x (coordinate-wise) imply y 2 X. As far as we know, hereditary shifts were introduced by Kerr and Li in [15, p. 882]). We are not aware of any further research on hereditary shifts. The notion of hereditary shift generalizes at least two classes of subshifts whose importance has been established in the literature: spacing shifts and beta shifts. Given β > 1 the (one-sided) beta shift Ωβ is a subset of Ωdβe = f0; 1;:::; bβcgN defined as the closure (with respect to the product topology) of the set of sequences arising as a β-expansion of numbers from [0; 1]. Beta shifts were first considered by R´enyi [28] and are a family of symbolic spaces with an extremely rich structure and a profound connection to number theory, tilings, and the dynamics of systems with discontinuities. By a spacing shift ΩP , where the parameter P is a subset of the positive integers N, we mean the set of all infinite binary sequences for which the occurrences of 1's have distances lying in P . In other words, ΩP contains only those sequences 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 37B10; Secondary: 37B05, 37B20, 37B40. Key words and phrases. Spacing shift, hereditary shift, beta shift, topological entropy, distri- butional chaos. Supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant Iuventus Plus IP 2011028771. 2451 2452 DOMINIK KWIETNIAK ! = (!i) that !i = !j = 1 and i 6= j imply ji − jj 2 P . Spacing shifts were introduced by Lau and Zame in [18] (see also [22, pp. 241-2]). Spacing shifts served for Lau and Zame as counterexamples. It seems that spacing shifts were hardly explored afterwards, except in [4, 14, 17] where again they were used to construct counterexamples. Recently, a more thorough study of spacing shifts was conducted in [5]. It was revealed that spacing shifts exhibit wide variety of interesting dynamics worthy of further investigation. Our work extends and completes the line of investigation of [5] to a broader class of hereditary shifts, which also contains all beta shifts. In particular, we solve two open problems (Questions 4 and 5 of [5]), regarding topological entropy and distributional chaos in the more general context of hereditary shifts. In order to classify hereditary shifts, notice first that the fixed point 01 belongs to any hereditary shift, hence the atomic measure µ0 carried by this fixed point is an invariant measure of the system. Therefore one can divide all hereditary shifts into two major classes: I. those with a unique invariant measure µ0 (uniquely ergodic ones), and II. those which have another invariant measure. Our main result (contained in Theorems 4.8, 4.9, and 5.4) states that for hereditary shifts the above classification coincides with at least three other natural classifi- cations: zero versus positive topological entropy, lack of any DC2, or even DC3 distributionally scrambled pair versus presence of uncountable set of distribution- ally scrambled pairs, that is, distributional chaos DC2 (or equivalently, DC3-chaos), and zero Banach density of occurrences of symbol 1 in all points of X versus exis- tence of a point in X with 1's appearing with positive upper Banach density. Recall here, that distributional chaos was introduced in the setting of maps of the interval, as an equivalent condition for positive topological entropy (see [29]). Al- though this equivalence does not hold in general, distributionally chaotic dynamics is a source of interesting research problems (see [8, 24, 25, 27]). Another classification of hereditary shifts is this A. those with a unique minimal set, consisting of a single fixed point 01 (proximal ones), and B. those which have another minimal set. Notice that any shift in class (I) must be in class (A), as any minimal set carries at least one invariant measure. In other words, the class (IB) is empty. In Theorem 5.5 we characterize hereditary shifts exhibiting distributional chaos of type 1 (DC1- chaos) as non-proximal shifts, that is, those in class (B). It is known that every beta shift is in class (IIB). It follows that every beta shift is DC1-chaotic. Next, we use our characterization of hereditary shifts with positive entropy as those presenting distributional chaos of type 2 (DC2-chaotic ones), and the example constructed by Kˇr´ıˇz[16] (and refined in [23] according to the idea of Ruzsa), to show in Theorem 5.6 the existence of a topologically weakly mixing spacing shift with unique minimal set 01 but not unique invariant measure, hence proving there exists a DC2-chaotic spacing shift, which is not DC1-chaotic (there exists a hereditary shift of class (IIA)). This answers [5, Question 4]. Finally, Theorem 7.1 proves that the class (IA) is also non-empty and there are non-spacing and non-beta hereditary shifts. Further, we prove in Theorem 4.13 that the entropy of a spacing shift ΩP is positive if and only if N n P is not a set of recurrence, or, equivalently, P inter- sects nontrivially any set of recurrence. Here, following Furstenberg (see [11, p. ENTROPY AND CHAOS IN HEREDITARY SHIFTS 2453 219]), we say that R ⊂ N is a set of recurrence if for every measure preserving system (X; X ; µ, T ) and any set A 2 X with µ(A) > 0 there is an r 2 R such that µ(T −r(A) \ A) > 0. The later result links the topological entropy of spacing shifts with the return times sets appearing in a generalization of Poincar´erecurrence the- orem. At first sight this connection is quite unexpected, since it ties a measure theoretic notion of Poincar´erecurrence with the notion of topological entropy of some subshift, which in turn may be expressed in combinatorial terms only. Unfor- tunately, the problem of intrinsic characterization of sets of recurrence is notoriously elusive, and our result turns out to be only its restatement. But we still believe that our approach opens the possibility to explore sets of recurrence from the new a perspective. Finally, we would like to point out a connection of spacing shifts with combina- torial number theory. It is possible to apply the results on spacing shifts to explore difference sets, that is, sets of the form A − A = fk − l : k; l 2 A; k > lg, where A ⊂ N. Identifying, as above, infinite binary sequences with characteristic func- tions of subsets of N one observes that for any P the spacing shift ΩP contains the sequences representing such sets A ⊂ N that A − A ⊂ P . Therefore it is natural to ask how the properties of a difference set P = A − A are related to the spacing shift ΩP . In this direction our work provides a topological version of the Furstenberg ergodic proof that for any set A with positive upper Banach density the set A − A contains the difference set of some set D with positive asymptotic density (see the proof of Theorem 4.5 below and [10, Corollary to thm. 3.20]). 2. Basic notions and conventions. A dynamical system is a pair (X; f), where X is a compact metric space, and f : X 7! X is a continuous map. We usually denote the metric on X by d. By an invariant set we mean any set K ⊂ X such that f(K) ⊂ K. Any nonempty, closed and invariant set K is identified with the subsystem (K; fjK ) of (X; f). A dynamical system is minimal if it has no proper subsystems. A point x 2 X is called a minimal if it belongs to some minimal subsystem. A pair (x; y) 2 X × X is a proximal pair if lim inf d(f n(x); f n(y)) = 0: n!1 We say that a dynamical system (X; f) is proximal if every pair in X × X is a proximal pair. By a Lebesgue space we mean a triple (X; X ; µ), where X is a Polish space, X is the σ-algebra of Borel sets on X, and µ is a probability measure on X .
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