7%« Deist Spring print* ail O/ £hm IMC^I and Comty Nmm*, and PRINTS fT FIRST, VOLUME XLII. HARTFORD, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913. NO. 15. DAM AT FAMOUS RED BENTON HARBOR POLICE MltLiFO BE REBUILT Desperadoes^'^Shooting Up the MUDDLE REACHES COURTS lEw cmuip The dam at the old ''Red Mill" in Proceedings have been instituted in Silver Creek, townshilt, Gass county, is Town/' Disturb Village Fathers the circuit court at St. Joseph to com­ being rebuilt and the mill will again pel .Mayor Miller of Benton Barbor to be operated for the grinding of buck­ OFFH ME That Hartford had suddenly shifted pistol disturbed the evening quietude. recognize the action of the common wheat and feisd. The "Red Mill" is S to the western frontier was theTh e "firing squad" was discovered in council in dismisaing the entire pol­ one of the oldest ingitntionB in Silver momentary impresion of the members the act ot laying out a pattern for a rail ice force, with the exception of the Creek, s relic of pioneer daj's. and has Hartford Chiiutauqua Association of the village council and the entire vil­ fence along east Main street, and thechief . When the council discharged the long been a township landmark. Roll Is In Hands of Treasurer and rs Reorganized To Manage lage polico force, who V7ere gathered night squad of the police immediately four pnlicemen this mayor vetoed the Contributions to Exchequer Assembly In 1914. Poultry Show at Decatur. at the town ball during: the regular gave chase The desperadoes demon­ action, and instructed the policemen to meeting of the council Mcnday evening. strated their ability to run as tlje crow continue on their beats. The council of Public Are Due. A poultry show will be held at Deca­ It was shortly after the evening train flies,and the night police squad soon re­ carried their resolution over the may­ tur December 10 to 13. Itjs the first had arrived from Watervliet that two turned, puffing furiously, and reported or's veto, and have now carried the annual, show of the Decatur poultry young men passed the council chambers, through Captain Wm. Sternaman that matter into the courts. An allegation FRANK SIMPSON IS PRESIDENT 1 association. afld a revolver shot was heard. The the bandits had disappeared over the that the policemen retained the fees RATE IS $22.52 ON tl.OOIl police force made a unanimous rush for eastern horizon. The councilmanio body paid to them in jiistice courts instead Plans Are Launched To Make the street, entertaining visions of rob­ resumed its deliberate discussion of of turning them into the city treasury s bers and desperadoes. No sooner had the electric service problem; to adjourn prompted their discharge by the con-Big Increase In State Tax Makes Hartford Chautauqua a More they gained the open that three more in the small hours of the morning with cil. The controversy between the Tax Burden Heaviest Known Notable Event. flashes of fife and as many reports of a mayor and the cbuncil, coupled with out a further display of fireworks. In Years. GOUTY IF MOIIDER the question as to whether the pollce- mt>n are now real policemen or only A reorganisiation of the Hartford WIFE GIVES BLOOD imitations, has aroused considerable The taxpayers of Hartford township Chautauqua association, which will pro- Marvey Ivens Must Pay Penalty TO SAVE HUSBAND TAX MEN COMMENCE interest in the city. will this year be required to contribute •iote the Hartford Chautauqua to be for Killing Joseph Wells-Wife 8 total of $26,464.27 in taxes, and the held in 1914 onaer the direction of the DOWAGIAC—By giving almost a taxpayer who thought taxes were high Lincoln Chautauqua system of Chicago, Is Released. qaurt of her life blood, Mrs. Chester PEW IN VILUiGE a year ago will find, when be comes to was effected at a meeting held at the Bradlieid ol this city has saved her hus­ NDIANS "TflLK OVER" band's life. Bradfiield is now well on make his contribution to the public ex­ town hall last Thursday evening. In the circuit court at CassopoliB last the road to recovery. chequer., that the past twelve months In the election of officers a majority Friday Marvej* iVens, a Dowagiac col­ state Tax Commission Began Re­ A few days ago Mrs. Bradtield was hae made a decided increase in the pub­ •f those who carried the initial Chau­ ored man was convicted of murder in view of Real Estate Values In CHCflGO LAND CUM called to Kalamazoo where her husband lic demands. Much of the increase is tauqua to a successful conclusion last the second degree for the killing of Jos­ was confined in the state hospital. His Village Yesterday. attributed to the increase in state taxes. summer were re-elected. Frank Simpson eph Wells, also colored, at Dowagiac mind had weakened, but under pro­ Hartford Redmen Hold Two Pow Supervisor Charles Anderson com- isjagain president of the association. in September. per care his mental faculties were im­ jpleted the tax roll of the townshin last Eh". B. W, Diniens declined a re-election The verdict was^a surprise to Ivens, Representatives of the state tax corrii- Wows, Just to "Talk It Over," proving. Physically, however, he con- week, and Treasurer Lee Harley bviBan as secretary, and W.H. Bialabbeld was who expected that his plea of self de­ mission yesterday began the work (if They Declare. tinned to'grow weaker and as a last re­ the collection of taxes Monday. elected tc succeed him. J. H. Conrad fense would be accepted by the jury reviewing the asaeseed valuation of all 8 - sort the doctors decided on the trans­ was re-e'ceted as the association's and result in hrs acquittal. He was re­ real estate in the village uf Hartford, The rate of taxation in the village of fusion of new blood into bis veins. When Although the Hartford and Silver treasurer, while Dr. Dinieus was made manded to jail by Judge DeaVoignes and expect to complete their review Hartford this year is %t2.bZ upon each the csae was explained to Mrs. Brad- Creek bands of Pottawattamie Indians Uie adve-tising manager and press to await sentence. wjtt?in ten days. Work in the village $1,000 of valuation, as compared with field she at once insisted that she be al­ are not directly interested in a claim $19.47 upon each $1,000 last year. Out agent of ''^e associ^ition. Otlicers summoiied to the Welle home isjunder the diretction of Fayette Har­ lowed to furnish the blood. for 1200,000,000 about to be filed by side the village the rate varies from The vice presidents are Dr. A.Elgas, one ijvenjng in early September found ris of Detroit and S, H.Rowe of Flush­ -500 Ottawa and Chippewa Indians in $20.5! to $23.08 upon eacti $1000, ac­ Miss Adalyn Humphrey and Mrs. Fred WellB lying dead in his dooryard, his Baring her arm, she allowed an artery ing, two members of the commission. to be tapped. A tube was inesrted in northern Michigan against the United cording to the demands of the school Bishop ef riartforrt, Mrs. Vannie Bal­ jugular vein having been severed with They are assisted by G.S. Cole of Bs- her husband's arm and for svereal min­ States government, they will neverthe districts in which the property is locat­ four of BsngoT, Mrs Chas. Doncombe a razor.' Ivens was arrested for the canaba in the capacity of clerk. utes the wife's blood flowed into the les watch the proceedings as on the out­ ed. In the township outside the village •f Keeler and Mrs, Tim Carney of crime, and the evidence showed that husband's body. Bradfield showed im­ The tax commissioners will viait come of this claim may depend the final the school tax is less, but a road repair Lawrence. the rnurder was the result of a drunken mediate signs of improvement and heever y piece of real estate in the vil­ will soon be home. disposition of the Cbicago land claitcs tax of $2.50 on each $1,000 is added, Committees to look after the various deb'AT'ch, in which Wells and his wife lage and place their value upon it. In which have been made by them. which makes but little ditference in tbe phases of ;he Chautauqua work were had quarreled over atteation.s paid by future assessments the local assessing »amed. The ticket committee is com­ Ivens to the w<)man. ofllcers are jprohifaited from reducing Two pow-wows of the Hartford band rate. posed of J. H Conrad, Mrs. J. J. Gar­ of Indians have recently been held at For the first time in years the volume rison, Mrs.M.J.Olds, Mies Mertie C^n- Mrs. Wells was arrested witn Ivens, SIIITE PHYSIC! VISITS the tax commission's figures, although THE Hartford town hall, the last one away. Miss Frankie Hurlbut. Mrs. J. charged with being an accomplice, but tDey may raise ;hero when the circum of state tax /Jecnanded from Hartford last Friday, when both their claim to D. Stewart a..d Kev. J. S. Hamilton. throughout the trial she maintained stances warrant it. township is greater than the. schoo) the Chicago lake front property and the The committee on grounds . which that she did not know who killed her BENTONIIBOR LEPEB In appraising the VI-iue of real estate tax. A year ago Hartford's apportion­ will look' after the arrangemt'nts for suit to be brought by their tribesmen husband.
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