ICE dlllill UIIIIIIIIIII.llblll~iIIllllllll~I~__ :.Imll!IIH_ _ __ .IIIIIJIIU~l~lilllll~IOOI~~I.HI~!IIIUIWIII~I".111 Renville County Farmer Wednesday, February 17,2021 Page 8 Legals: Your Right to Know CITY OF GLENBURN FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 2020 366-6888 or 711; TTY, (800) 366-6889 Cash Balance Transfers Transfers Balance Notice to Creditors or 711; Voice, (800) 435-8590 or 71l. 11112020 Receipts In Out Disburse~ents 12/3112020 PROBATE NO. 38-2021-PR-00004 Alternative formats of the Action Plan General Fund ESTATE OF are available upon request. General Fund $ 711,968.85 $ 245,946.11 $ 7,144.45 $ 69,047.01 $ 232,592.00 $ 663,424.40 CYNTHIA L. McLAIN 19c Chelsey Dr. 2013 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Improvements 75,148.14 22,846.84 33,438.75 64,556.23 RENVILLE COUNTY, STATE OF Highwax Fund ~3.209.58 29,769.68 48,317.59 111.296.85 0.00 NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of Mohall City Total AU Major the Estate of Cynthia L. McLain, De- REG ULAR MEETING OF THE Govnt. Funds $ 820.326.57 $ 298,562.63 $ 55,462.04 ($ 69,047.01) $377J27.~0 $ 727,980.63 ceased. MOHALL CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 2/8/2021 that the undersigned have been ap- City Council Rooms Non Major Funds: pointed personal representatives of the 7:00 p.m. Special Funds above estate. All persons having claims The meeting was called to order City Park $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 352.46 $ 352.46 $0.00 against the said deceased are required to with Mayor Witteman presiding. Roll Public Recreation RV Park 11,453.25 7,320.00 105.00 18,668.25 present their claims within three months call was taken. Cemetery 0.00 2,239.47 2,239.47 0.00 after the date of the first publication of PRESENT: Mayor Tom Witte- Emergenc): R~serv~ 6,257.38 0.00 Q,OQ 6,257.38 this notice or said claims will be forever man, Council Members Jim Bender, Total AU Special Funds $ 17,710.63 $ 9,559.47 $ 352.46 $ 2,696.93 $ 24,925.63 barred. Claims must either be presented Robyn Larson, Dawn Larson, and to Kimberly Lien or Kelly T. McLain, Mary Marmon. Total of Major and personal representatives of the estate, in ABSENT: LaVonne Erickson. Non Major $ 838,037.20 $ 308,122.10 $ 55,814.50 ($ 69,047.01) $ 380,024.53 $ 752,906.26 care of Maxson Law Office, P.C., at OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: 1015 South Broadway - Suite 15, Arlyn Johnson, Gary Buelow, Justin Minot, ND 5870 I, or filed with the Ahmann, and Will Butler with Mideon- Enterprise Funds Court. tinent Communications. Water $ 42,316.78 $ 94,823.37 $ 88,542.17 $ 48,597.98 Dated this 4th day of February, Moved by Marmon, and seconded Water Tower Project 7,222.02 133,033.00 $ 7,144.45 133,110.57 0.00 2021. by Bender, to approve the minutes of SRF Loan Water Tower 0.00 0.00 $ 20,376.96 20,372.96 0.00 ~fun the Regular Council Meeting on Janu- Sewer 107,353.28 21,359.00 22,990.27 105,722.01 Kimberly Lien, ary l lth, 2021. All voted "aye". None Sewer Loan 75,471.59 30,945.13 26,900.00 79,516.72 Personal Representative voted "nay". The motion carried. Sewer Reserve 27,741.67 0.88 0.00 27,742.55 Moved by Bender, and seconded Garbage 12.l76.88 33,016.53 34.084.5Q 11A08.91 :KefhJ. 5. .Mdain by Marmon, to add the 2021 Mohall Kelly T. McLain, Car Show, Library Board Report, and Total Enterprise Funds $ 272,2B2.22 s 313,177.91 s 20,376.96 ($ 7,144.45) s Jl!!,lllllMZ s 272,988.17 Personal Representative Sales Tax Committee discussion to the Jacob C. Maxson (JD #06747) Agenda as additional items. All voted Total AU Funds MAXSON LAW OFFICE, P.C. "aye". None voted "nay". Motion car- Cash Balance $ 1,110,319.42 $ 621,300.01 s 76,191.46 ($ 76,191.46) $ 706,025.00 $ 1,025,894.43 Town and Country Center ried. 1015 South Broadway - Suite 15 Will Butler from Midcontinent Water Tower Project Minot, ND 58701 Communications attended to answer Grant Acct. $ 213.45 $ 360,100.75 s 360,100.76 $ 213.44 Attorneys for Personal Representa- any questions concerning the renewal of tives the Cable Communications Franchise tion and the need to check into proper ing. Discussed storm drains that will A. COVID LEAVE: Supt. Camp- First publication on the 10th day in the City of Mohall. Moved by Mar- insurance for such event. The Council need repairs in the Spring. He also re- MLS School bell requests to extend the FFCRA Em- of February, 2021. mon to introduce the following Ordi- supports the scheduled Car Show on ported on the pressure valve at the ployee Paid Leave until the end of the July 17th, 2021. NAWS vault that NAWS replaced last MOHALL LANSFORD school year. Motion made by Mr. 18-20c nance Amendment: SHERWOOD BOARD OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Mary Marmon presented a Library month. Undlin, second by Mr. Savelkoul, to ap- Board Meeting report. Marmon asked Moved by R. Larson, and sec- EDUCATION PROCEEDINGS prove as requested. Motion carried. Sherwood City THE CABLE Regular Meeting COMMUNICATIONS about checking into getting the Librar- onded by D. Larson, to approve the Jan- B.2021 - 2022 CALENDAR: FARM LAND FOR RENT ian a City cell phone to allow her to uary 2021 Financial Statements for the January 12, 2021 Supt. Campbell reviewed the calendar REGULATORY ORDINANCE MLS Board RoomlStem Room ON BIDS WHEREAS, Midcontinent Com- keep the public updated via social City, Sales Tax Fund, Airport, and the options for the following school year. Written Bids are invited on the fol- media. She also informed the Council fmal 2020 Financial Statement. All 7:00 a.m. Motion made by Mr. Undlin, second by munications ("M ideo") holds a cable PRESENT: Jim Vendsel, Presi- lowing described farm land located in communications franchise (nFran- that the Librarian would be paid for her voted "aye". None voted "nay". Mo- ~r. Ac~erson, to approve calendar op- Colquhoun Township, Renville County, Board meeting hours. Marmon also re- tion carried. dent, Sheldon Ackerson, Terry Savelk- tion #5 'for the 2021 - 2022 school year. chise") for the construction and opera- oul, David Steeves, Trent Johnson, North Dakota tion of a cable communications system ported on the Mohall Community Cen- Moved by Bender, and seconded Motion: carried. Township 164 North, Range 85 ter. She presented an idea to purchase by D. Larson, to pay the approved bills. Vance Undlin, and Jennifer Becker. within the City of Mohall, North ADM: Keith Campbell, Brian Olson, C. POLICY UPDATES: Policy West Dakota CGrantorn); and Dust Free Air Purification Technology By roll call vote: Council Members Section 36: N Y2 SE 'I. Quarter, for the Mohall Community Center and Bender, R. Larson, Marmon, and D. and Janet Asheim. Others: Faye Beck, BDA authorizes the Board to adopt WHEREAS, Grantor and Midco Wayne Brackenbury, and Heidi New- policies with one reading when the 58.79 tillable acres have mutually agreed to extend the term the Library to reduce the Covid-19, Larson voted "aye". None voted "nay". gard. Board 1eems this action necessary. Mrs. Bids are for the 58.79 tillable acres of the Franchise by adopting this Ordi- MS-2 Bacteriophage, and Staphylococ- Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 7:00 Becke~ moved to adopt, seconded by only. n cus pathogens in the air. Marmon will BILLS LIST nance Amendment ("Amendment ) and a.m. by President Vendsel. All bids must be submitted to the present more information at the March 2/8/2021 Mr. Steeves, the following policies with to make such other changes as are mu- Motion made by Mr. Ackerson, one reading as written to expedite the City of Sherwood no later than Mon- tually agreed upon herein. Council Meeting. Discussed signage at Federal Withholding #1 $1,873.08 second by Mr. Johnson, to approve the comple~i?n of the MLS School District day, March 8th, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT the Mohall Community Center. Mayor Federal Withholding #2 2,476.93 Any questions, contact the Sher- Witteman will gather and present sig- Federal Withholding #3 1,988.21 minutes of the December 8th, 2020 reg- Policy Manual: ABBC, Noncurricular ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN- ular meeting. Motion carried. Motion Use of District Equipment; DDDB, wood City Hall at 459-2261. The prop- CIL OF THE CITY OF MOHALL, nage information at the March Council NDPERS #1 62.50 erty is owned by the City of Sherwood. Meeting. Marmon will also present in- NDPERS #2 62.50 by Mr. Savelkoul, second by Mrs. Long Term Professional Leave; NORTH DAKOTA: Becker, to approve the agenda. Motion DDDB-BR, Long Term Professional The Sherwood City Council re- 1. The Term of the Franchise in formation at the March Council Meet- NDPERS #3 62.50 carried. Motion made by Mr. Savelk- Leave i Board Regulations; DGAA, serves the right to reject any or all bids. Section 2, Sub. 4 is hereby amended to ing on a Security Camera system for the NDPERS 1,966.77 Those submitting bids are able to ver- Mohall Community Center. Payroll #1 5,958.29 oul, second by Mrs. Becker, to approve Teacher ..'Grievance; DI, Personnel expire ten (10) years after the current the financial reports and payment of the Recordss I>I"BR, PerS<lnnel Records bally raise their bid on bid opening day.
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