lontana mourns loss of MSU President Mike Malone provost, remembered Malone's who had a particular affection vn Lehmann passion for history. for the students. nem News Editor "Michael was someone, no "Michael involved the matter what the issue, that could students more than any bring up a piece of history or a president I know or even heard Michael Malone, '.\1SU storv that not onlv enlightened of," Dooley said. "He was ·ident, scholar, and avid and.entertained, but also made someone who took pride in his rian died Dec. 21 of a heart an important point," Dooley work, but especially in the k at Gallatin Field Airport. said. students and faculty." Malone had just returned as59. Malone had authored nine Malone had arrived at the books and 20 articles during his from Spokane after meeting with rt on a late flight. He then career, and at the time of his officials from Washington State e parking lot in his car and death, he was under contract University who were considering eled a few yards before with Yale University Press for a him for the position of president. ·ng a light post. Efforts by tenth book about western Malone turned it down. citing his ·ersb\ to resuscitate him American history since 1930. commitment to MSU. >d and he was pronounced Under l\lalone's ASMSU president Jared at the scene. Malone was leader hip O\'e r the past nine Harris felt that Malone was one­ nosed in 1995 with vears. '.\!SU sav. great strides in o f-a-kind. "He's the be t aiomyopath)- an enlarged its growth. The EPS Building, administrator I've ever met weakened heart which was AgBioScience Building, concerned with student issues. t likely brought about by a renoYation. to the Fieldhouse He always made it a priority to and :\1a1tel Stadium and other hear what students had lo say," Shocked h) his une:-.1Jected imprO\·ements took place during Harris said. "l\1ike l\lalone is ing. many people described his tenure Student enrollment going to be missed by the one as an amiable. warm- also is at an all-time high. students. Ile was the biggest 1ted man who was willing to "Ile always cared about the student adYocate I\·e eyer met." with anyone. appearance on.ISU and he Look Sen. :\lax Baucus. D­ ~ '.\lichael was always \\illing a special interest in ho\\ the :\lontana, expressed the t down and discuss any issue. facilities were being operated," sentiments of many of those matter how controYersial." Stump said. \'110 kne\\ :\lalone, in saying I Tom Slump. \ice president ;\lalone also O\·ersaw the .. ~lonlana has lost one of its 1dministration and finance. consolidation of the finest sons. We are so lucky to was WI} personable. highly uniYersities in Great Falls. haYe known him. He wa a >Jligent. but he could speak to Ha\Te, Billings and Bozeman wonderful person, friend and Photo courtesy ofi\.lontann State University one, at any leYel. and that's into one system. historian who touched t made him so personable." l\lalone is also thousands of lives in Montana i\JSU President Alike i\.Jalo11e died 1111expectedly on December 21 at Dave Dooley, interim remembered as a president and all OYe r the world ... the age of59 from a heart attack. Testing belief Big win in the Big Sky Montana Shakespeare in the 'Cats shock Weber State in Parks presents Shadowlands, a conference home opener play about reconciling loss. page 11 page 7 ASMSU Friday January 14, 1999 Issue 30 Volume 94 SU searches for new president For another 10 years ef ore next Legislature session MSU receives accreditation Discussions for choosing an interim president administrator at MSU. .son Lehmann will begin next week when the Board of Regents M arcus Hibdon Accreditation nent News Editor will convene in Helena. Crofts will make his Exponent Editor essentially ensures that a recommendation to the Board at the meeting and university provides a level of The MSU provost search has been scrapped he hopes to have a permanent president in place It looks as if a degree education similar in quality .e to the untimely death of President Mike between September and December. from Montana State to other schools and is alone. Instead, the focus will be shifted to ASMSU president Jared Harris and the University will be worth a lot mandatory for participation 1ding a new . senate had more than the paper it's in government programs. esident for established a written on when students "Your eligibility for a SU before "The vice presidents have agreed that we will manage g 0 0 d apply for employment or · whole host of federal e 2001 the university as a group, and I would serve as relationship graduate schools after programs, including financial ~gislatur e coordinator and point of contact." over the years walking down the graduation aid and student loan ~gin s next with President aisles at MSU-Bozeman-at programs, depend on your inuary. The -Dave Dooley, l 11teri111 Vice Proms/ Malone and least for the next 10 years. accreditation," Dooley said. )mmissioner they hope to The Northwest "The ability ofyo ur graduates Higher have a solid Association of Schools and to be competitive in looking :iucation, Ri chard Crofts, and MSU's vice relationship in the future with the next president. Colleges released a report for employment or graduate ·esidents \\ill take O\'er the operations of MSU "We've offered some input and we know J an. 6 giving MSU a green schools is dependent upon 1til an interim replacement can be found. some of the people we've mentioned are on ti1e light on reaccredidation for having a degree from an "The Yice presidents haw agreed that we list," Harris said. the next 10 years, according accredited university ... ill manage the uniYersit) as a group, and I would People on the list, according to llarris. are to Dave Dooley, interim •r.·e as coordinator and point of contact, " those in the universit) system and ex-presidents provost and chief ~el' Accreditation page -l 1terim pro\'Ost Daw Doole) said. from ;-..1su and other uniwr ·ities. Would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of MSU President Mike Malone. The Exponent He will be missed. January 14, 2000 2 Opinions, Editorials and Letters from the Montana State Univcrsitv Communi Loss of President Malone leaves its mark on Rozema: on that starry night last Monday canopy ofthe heavens, there stood that continues to blow down, and creation still - resurrecting 101 John Christopherson they could breathe him back. But two solitary figures - a young in, and through all the years of hearts, giving breath to all who Guest Columnist to no avail. Bending over, mother, named Mary and her human history-with all ofits cold breathless. breathless. The silence broken by husband, J 0.5Cph - attending a new winter's night ofthe soul, of doubt As promised to Abrah i (In memory of President frustrated finitude: "But he was born baby, lying in a manger. and despair, of feeling lonely, and Sarah of an even ol Mike Malone) so young. So fu1l of promise! Passers-by that included some abandoned ... by family, friends, testament, there will benowa.11 Out of the star spangled Why? Why?!" Again, the feeling uncertain poor shepherds and a yes, even by GQd - the Christmas out of the covenant. There wil night of Montana's big sky a of abandonment, loss, loneliness. few sagely folk joined together message would have us ponder no abandonment. There wiI t small light began to appear over So here we are in the round this little body - hoping anew: "Why was this baby, called no loneliness that will have the the Gallatin Airport. A delayed Season of Christmas, December against hope with dreams for life Emmanuel ("God with us~), born word Remember, this One b Horizon flight from Spokane 241h, with its message of"comfort thatwould be different, tlmtwould in all places, a barn?~ No, not among us is not some tourist. 1 slowly made its descent and and joy." On the eve of a new be nevv. For they knew, even before some warm and cozy inn - not is One born on earth. This b< found its wa} onto the cold millennium. The brink of the 21" us enlightened moderns (or even the I-Ioli-day. this Christ child couldn't be b tarmac - cradled on the fielding century with its hearkening \'Oice post:modems) - tl1at what even the The child of Christmas in an inn, because the only pect feet of the Bridger Mountains. of nouveau noels. But where is wisest ofhomo sapiens can plan is couldn'tgetintoaninn because he's who stay m inns are people vi The wings of this night carried a it? The newness. The comfo1t too small for us to live. Would not some traveler. He's going move out They stay a night ; Yef) special passenger. He was nndjoy. Where do we look for it, there be abandonment again? nowhere. He has to be born on then leave. But"this, this~ does the well-below·d president of a hear it in such silent times? Oh, Alone in the cold dark night? earth because he's not going to leave. And we have God's l small university town - prolific silent night, unholy night. Our Death and life. But it is pack-up and leave. Word on it - from cradle to cro historian, scholar, master weaver lives chronicled by the Tuesday more than a coincidence of Here finally, is the good news, hanging in there with us - for of Montana tales, family man, morning headline: MSU In opposites in these two stories.
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