„ municipality alm-fiic) rate _l'l.ll> (VlVMIS. M \|Iti:t( .2.1 M-n m BARRINGTQ>, IIJJN018, THI11SI>AV. JINK *», 1188 James Doyle Carries dp Find Relief From Summer ^te«n Committees Summer and Season's on i$ Flower Garden HSat at Bar ring ton's Pool; Plan Local Park Bo 175 At tend Annual for Departed Friend Fhat Sweltering Heat Appointed by Lions Swimming andDiving Instruction Wave Arrive Together A man who devotes his time Votes 26 Per Cen Alumni Banquet at and Interest to u Jtlyilntf memorial Sun mer arrived at 10:23 a, in. -,t Monday Meeting to n departed, frhjml is James The nrrlvi 1 of summer attended by port was voted'by. the nark district riic»d|y and brought, with It a Itayle, for many years an infl- warmer weaklier that drove the mer­ eoinmlsslonera at a meeting last night. Appropriation Cut constantly rising temperature School Auditorium mate friend and keen admirer of cury up intc (he OO'H made the North It will, be in the form of a ¢2.50 that teached its maximum late -j A. W. Meyer who died Wti sum- Sid*1 park sv intnilng- pool a.mecca for mtnthly ticket Which will entitle the Wednesday afternoon whon the i ' -— , ilt.i„w -Kleports Wntht on , roer. thoNe scekim relief from the. swelter­ pewon to w 10m it is issued admission Commissioners Lead Munici­ lk«rm)metfv registered 08 de­ Dancing Is Added to Usual („n\i'ntio0 Held ing hent. \ 'eilnesday, when the heat to the pool as often and as many grees In the shade, according to • vt.itt Mr. Doyle, or "Jim" an he 1» pal Organizational in unofficial rending. Although a' was most ii tmse, the' attendance at times durilns the! month at he wishes. Features; Ray Jure Is Kockf odd eommonly culled, may be seen on Ttcse tlcltetlt wi|l be non-transferable record> for this year, there.is the pool was looted to 847, the high Economy Move the grounds| almost any day oft an! wijl be kood for iswimsonly. The little Comparison with last.sum­ Elected President mark for thfi season. The day, found the week pruning shrubbery, tickets*will be s|old at the pool only mer •• iihen there were several' «,>!•>- ;vl'|ioinlwl trimming the borders of flower 136 adults in d 211 children in the anl will go in srtle July, 1,'Mrs.Kuth heat vaves during- July whlejj beds, or i any other work to pre­ pool gettirigf jrellef from the torrid • The board of comhiissionernmi: s of :, «i,l. tit of the D. Purcellj i ool jnanuger, stated, sent (lie mercury in the neigh- jOhe'hundred and. seventy/five alum­ serve the gardens, a fit memorial; sun Barrington Park district 1J lead borhoi |d of 100 degreiss. ijhe heaji, ni of the Barrington high , school, at iIn- club's During '• tl ie wfeeft ending' Wednes- the. way for other municipal organ: to the late Mr. Meyer, a public Free" swinibnbg and diving instruc­ wave was,, broken! "Wednesday! Vi da;r, there <ferej, 1,600^admissions to tiohs in the way of cutting down ranging from the old grade of the two- ,, iv . night at spirited man whose chief diver­ tion is beini planned again for this night iy a light thunder shower,' th« pool. (H these 299 were ticket penditures as a fax reducing measure. year-high school in 1800, to members .,,. anointments | sion was working in bis/flower year. A swi n ning ai^d diving exhibi­ and], fi in. and cooler weather en­ admissions, 1502 [cash admissions, and The board | at the regular \ meetih; > i-.tr period. | garden. • . tion also is b»ing planned for July. sued <n Thursday. of the' recently graduated Class of 96Ji free admissipns- to local children Wednesday night voted a. reduction "I have kjiowri Mr. Meyer for, Miss Dola B ?ver, Instructor last y£ar/ 1932, ^athcr'ed Friday night for their v a report for | between the hours of ; 10 a. m. and $1,300 in appropriation for jpark d|,^' Witi the arrival of summer many years," the . 67-year-bld is expected 1o be'I re-engaged for this annual' banquet and election of offl ,-:,,1--,1 the State j 6 ;). m. Tie ratio between children trict ° maintenance ( for | the comi: came he Jorigest day (of the year. gardener sk\it, with deep • affec­ year.;. ,..,,.' p and adult patrons for the week'was year, making a Wepiuction of 26 Tuesdi y the sun rose ait 5:1.4, cers. ,Ray Jurs was elected head of i;„, Kforjl on \ tion, "but for the past, seven An .^iddjti nnl concession to prop tw> to one; there were 541 adult ad- .cent. ..J , . ;; [: a. xa. nd set at; 8:28 p. m., day-, the group for thel coming year. ..•liliii'i'n t' Mr. years I have worked regularly in erty owners in Barrington who are miiisions anjl 1,1*19 children admis- light t lying time. "According to 1 ,The appropriation for thlp- M'i-m Barring- , his gardens during the Summer paying raxei for the support of the sio: is. i comin \«path r expeijts there vjtfll be Beginning with the dinner at 7 year totals $3,6p0 whereas the , I>.-i\ _v unit I/, j months. I want to keep them - appi little . lerceptible change in the p. m. an\l terminating ;wjth the last priation for last year was $4jOpO. TJi| : Sy.u-is aml ; looking just like he had them.? length of the days for tlije next ( greatest reduction-'ivas; Inade, in th! .d.ahce at ll*:30"p. m., t^e'large ^audi­ I .i-.n-" qnccn. ' Air. Doyle is a native of Har­ Births Increase, Deaths ' | -ten da; [s, Jbut about July ll short-1 M9 Pupilsupil Enroll amount allotted for the maintenansite: ? torium was filled w.ith graduates re­ ^):!li/..-lti.«ll l>V ' vard, bul. he is now living ,nt the ! Decrej su Records Reveal ^r eve lings will be noticed. Af- '. T.l.MlU'Tlt. I home of Mr. and Jlrs. N. O. of grounds whicb •< pas slas1ie<]f $5' \er thii the days.are a feW min­ calling, post memories uii] renewing i mOp minpDiiu of Reductiop - pf • $2<K I were mitde i 1 , "iv il.'IN lll't'll IMagge, 11"> Garfield street. The utes si lorier each'day. old acquaintances. - * An -increas- irt the n-umber of l)i|rths each off the funds, for streets '-. an- vr> >•!' lnmors Meyer estate is one-half a blocjk ( Daily Bible Schoolsalaries, ' Appropriatiohfe fori buil-1| A three course dinner w|ns prepared ,•! ii'.' '•I'toii.d•'. square and includes four home?,«- and ii decre is > in the ' tnimber: of. ing", sewerage and drainage^ irouml by the women of the Bjnptist church -. i --.-!-••<•,,utral- • t wo" facing Main-street and two deaths in Bi rrington townsh'i^ since and equipment, | and miscellaneous i -i nil. much ou Garfield street. ' ' ; and was served by :'clung \Jomen Jan. 1, 103S is sjhown by'xt'report 1'he Daily] Vacation Bible school cidental expenses were each cut $101 i-i.'fii .under . opened Mont ay in the pubjic-school : of the .church. The men was supple- from A. C. Bi randt, village clerk, No reductions were made in the a:fr • :'l .-,!' ,-f i lie ! bui ding with an enrollment of 119 mented fey group singing of such, old From Jan. 1, 1 )32 to-June 1, 19S2 propriations for the light; pcjlibe, arjtj . j. purjls. Tlie, school ineets^ each morn­ water funds. time favorites as Sweet Adeline and - . r .ig-poiitti'd , there were 3 ! births against 27 (lur­ ing for a Jbrief assembly period at The various amounts approved ar| My Wild Irish Rose, lndj by'N, O. "I which "a loc|l pastor speaks ,to the 222 Laki County ing the sa|n i five months of 1^31, passed by the board-follow: if.- ebidren. Plagge.,. • .In.. K. H. j Schwemm, This year :h»r: had been 1G deaths 1 Building !„...„...,.... % 40(: The president, E-. M "!:..llll. | The teaohe-s of the school are plan icjs. Follow- u'pi-'.'to June [, ivhile there were 20, Lights ',.„ ..„..^..., ... 2Cki a|!pn^ngPp^ was master* Of ceremon l-'ililu sllllldcr, j Election Judges ninr a prpgiam to be given- on Fri lo organiza­ I. :). .Miller. j f<jr the same- period last year. V! day. evening, July; 1, as the closing Sewerage] and drainqge . •• 4Ctl' ing a brief resume of Police?1.. ...J...,.,...,:?.,.- tion's activities, interstosrsed with t 't.'irrh, chr,, , exercises. Iietails of the program : ICO Grounds and. equipment •"'T One Yo nth Caught; Sik- Com- humorous quirks, he iili IJOlilu'ce d 'Eb- \l. liuemillin, j • have hot yet been completed ; 40(i Named by Roaftl Streets man S. Snfith. superintc ylenf of tho !-l;i, H. The tenches' and enrollment by i wo pani HIS Give Selves Up M.j Busine, i Houses Water ., schools, who presented he 40 mem­ clatses are ap follows: Kindergarten, ." |28(l bers of the grnduuting chifw of 1032 to K Mi*a.Grace Gastle, assisted by Ruth Salaries •.....„ . 5(1(1 its Participators! i "•"" ; One Democratic and Two de- Co-oi eruieWith Maintenance of grounds the' alumni, - The clas i president, W.-llar, K. A. "Wi idenbet'k fcifh 20 enrolled the first .1,00(1 Louis Holko, responded The* first day; prlmarsj, Miss Marie Hoovneeke, Misc. incidental expenses .:- '3C0 publican' Judges Appointed **^\ Le, non Carnival Seven youths were apprehended las portion of the*program was completed II.
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