00 Editorial 01 Editor’s Mail Box 02 Campus Update ............................................../ Surjya Chutia 07 Academic World Around 08 Panorama Personality 14 An Engineer from IIT, now a Farmer Exam and Education 16 "‹¸Ú> ëA¡ïź δšìA¢¡ ....../ ³èº : ë™àìW¡ó¡ ëóø¡S¡ ëºr¡Wô¡¤à\¢à¹; ">å : ¹àoà W¡à}³àÒü Career 19 ëA¡[¹Ú๠ë\¸à[t¡ .............................................../ >ã[º³ ë\¸à[t¡ ëÎ>àš[t¡ 24 Advice for students Entering XI 25 Exam Schedule - 2009 26. Career Tabloid Science and Tech. 27. Greatest Total Solar Eclipse of the Century ......../ Uday Narayan Deka 30. Total Solar Eclipse-2009 : How to Observe it Safely.../ Dr. Rajib Bordoloi 33. Waste Management at Personal Level........................../ Anirban Ghosh 35. št¡}K¹ "Š±ét¡ \ã¯>îźã .................................../ ¹ç¡‰ >à¹àÚo ¤¹A¡àA¡t¡ã 39. [ÅÇ¡¹ [¤A¡àÅ "à¹ç¡ ¤õ[‡ý¡ ............................................../ l¡0 ¹ê¡šàºã KîK Language and Literature 41 A Perspective of the Assamese Language .................../ Rajen Barua 45 My Rendezvous with Prague : ........ Czech Rep../ Dr. Rajib Bordoloi 50 šøoÚ>¹ ƒåÅ ¤á¹¹ šàát¡ ...‘¹ç¡[W¡>à= A¡à³¹ê¡šã’(?)¹ ŦìA¡àÈ / l¡0 냯¤øt¡ ų¢à 54 šì=¹ šòàW¡àºã ................................................../ l¡0 "[\t¡ A塳๠[Î}Ò 59 Wå¡[i¡ K¿ : *®¡à¹ i¡àÒü³ ................................/ ³èº : "\”zà ">å : ÎåÅà”z A¡¹ 64 Wå¡[i¡ K¿ : "š¹à‹ã............................................................/ ¹[gt¡à ų¢à 69 A¡[¤t¡à : ë>೺ ³àÒàt¡à, ">å¹ê¡š ¤¹à, i¡³àW¡ ëÎàìoà¯àº Social Science 71 State, Patriarchy and Women .................../ Dr. Swarna Lata Baruah 78. Indian Philosophy — Some Reflections ................/ Dr. Bandana Puzari 83 Health Issues in Developing Countries ......................./ Anita Baruwa Students’ Column 85 A¡[¤t¡à : ÎåÅà”z ëAò¡à¯¹, ºÛ¡ì\¸à[t¡ ¤¹ç¡¯à, \Ú”z[\; ¤¹ç¡¯à 86 Wå¡[i¡ K¿ : ëÎl¡ü\ãÚà ¹ê¡³àºJ> .............................................../ "´¬¹ ³¹ào¡ Editorial Board Patron : Dr. Bhuban Gogoi Adviser : Dr. Achyut Borthakur, President, ACTA, Tinsukia College Unit Editor in Chief : Rana K. Changmai Executive Editor : Sushanta Kar Editors : Monika Devi, Rashmi Dutta, Mayuri Sarma Baruah, Manashi Rajkhowa, Nilimjyoti Senapati, Surjya Chutia, Dr. Kamalesh Kalita Students’ Representatives : Pankaj Gohain, (Magazine Secretaty, TCSU) Published by : Secretary, Assam College Teachers’ Association (ACTA), Tinsukia College Unit, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia - 786125 Contact : Web : http://sites.google.com/site/pragyan06now Cell : 9954226966 email : [email protected], [email protected] Printed at : The Assam Computers (Govt. app ‘A’ Category Press) email : [email protected] Tinsukia - 786125 (Assam) It’s very meaningful for the North East I’ll try to be a contributor Finally, I was able to read the magazine (online). It is a very nice and professional publication. Coming out of Tinsukia, I think it is very I will try to contribute meaningful for all in the North East. I will send some literary contribution valuable article on North East in Assamese and English in near future. I’m delighted to see the report Region. I am sorry to see my of the visit of two students to the Space Talk event at St Anthony’s name being mistakenly typed college in Shillong. Please, thank them on behalf of Friends of Assam wrongly. It is written as and Seven Sisters. Please send me full names and the classes of the Mohem Naorem. It must be students as well as of the teacher who attended there so that FASS may Mohen Naorem. Anyway, issue a Certificate to each of them. Please keep up the good work. what’s in a name? Our Thanks mission is to promote and Rajen Barua work for welfare of our Chairman, Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters, HQ, Houston, USA region. I will read the journal email : [email protected] and try to be a regular contributor if possible in I salute your effort ! every issue now. This was easy to open (on-line) and read. Very fine job! That must I also publish a magazine have been a lot of work. I salute your effort. Keep it up.... to promote our culture, Chandan Mahanta language and identity. I St. Louis, Missouri State, USA; e-mail : [email protected] would like to send some copies for the college and This time it’s a bit different editorial staffs, do send me Heartiest congratulations to the whole team of Pragyan for the your mailing address. successful completion of six years long journey. Long live Pragyan! Mohen Naorem Pragyan this time is little different from its previous issues. Like to Editor read the cover story which is quite appropriate as we hardly remember The Manipur Journal the great people who contributed a lot for the development of our Imphal, Manipur-795004 culture and society. e-mail:[email protected] Tanusree Sarker Lecturer in Political Science, (Editor’s Note: We are sorry Women’s College, Tinsukia.; email : [email protected] for the mistakes we have made with Mohen’s name in Totally fit for all his article “North East Girls I’ve just downloaded (and read) the (March, 09) issue....and trying to are Very Beautiful” download the other issues of Pragyan. But I can say that the issue is published in the March,09 totally fit for all kinds of students as well as General Readers....I’ll issue of Pragyan. We simply try my best to make it more popular... regret for that. We’ll be * Partho Gogoi cautious next time. ) Ex-H.S. Student,2004-06 batch 1 / /Vol. VII, Issue - I, June '09 It has scholarly articles I got your Pragyan sent by post. Magazine has scholarly articles. ‘šø`¡à>’ "γãÚà It is good looking and well composed. Îà[Òt¡¸t¡ &A¡ >tå¡> MB Qasmi, Mumbai e-mail:[email protected] >à³ íÒ ¹*A¡¡ >³ÑH๠"à¹ç¡ [¤×¤¤ãÚà *ºK It’s really nice \>àìºòà¡ú ¤×[ƒ>¹ š¹à Òü-ë³Òüº >A¡[¹ Òàìt¡ì¹ [º[J³ ¤å[º* [º[J¤îº I’ve visited the Pragyan’s site. It is really a nice journal. I’ve visited ¤àA¡ã =à[A¡ ™àÚ¡ú ... "àìšà>àìºàA¡¹ your personal orkut profile as well. It’s great to know that you are a Bengali literature teacher in our college. Please, give my respect ‡à¹à šøA¡à[Åt¡ ‘šø`¡à>’& >tå¡> ™åK¹ to Sri Rana Changmai sir and all other teachers of my college. áày-áàyãA¡ "à¹ç¡ `¡à> [ƒÚA¡¡ú ®¡àº Thank you. ®¡à¹t¡ãÚ >àK[¹A¡ A¡[¹ K[Øn¡ ët¡àºA¡¡ú * Anirban Ghosh – an alumni ®¡àº >àK[¹A¡¹ "à¹ç¡ šøAõ¡t¡ ë>tõ¡â«¹ Chittaranjan Loco Works, West Bengal "®¡à¯¡ú ëƒl¡üt¡à¹ (Ѭà‹ã>t¡à Î}Nøà³ã e-mail: [email protected] šà>ã¹à³ ƒàΠδš[A¢¡t¡ Î}¤àƒ, ³àW¢¡ 2009, šø`¡à>) A¡=à "à¹ç¡ ë³à¹ Provide more current tips (">å¤àƒ) A¡[¤t¡à šøA¡àÅ A¡¹à¹ A¡à¹ìo ¤×ìt¡à ‹>¸¤àƒ¡ú As a regular reader of Pragyan I hope to get some new and useful information from this. If we get some current study and career tips P¡¯àÒài¡ã ë¤à³à¹ >K¹ã¡ú t¡àt¡ then the usefulness of Pragyan will increase and the market value `¡à>¹ Îå-W¡ZW¢¡à¹ "®¡à¯¡ú >¹A¡àÎå¹¹ of this will increase. This journal will serve as the Gita of students γÚì¤à¹ ®¡àº "à[ạú ÒüÚ๠š¹à and ex-students. Òü}¹à\ã Å¦ì¹ ®¡¹à "àW¡[¹t¡ "γãÚ๠* Biki ( nick name) ƒÒAå¡[¹³à> "àìºàW¡>ã *ºàÚ¡ú t¡à¹ B’com 2nd year "à‹à [¤W¡[ºt¡ ë™ï¯> δšA¢¡ãÚ¡ú [t¡[>Wå¡A¡ãÚ๠[>[W¡>à "¯ìÒ[ºt¡ k¡àÒü¹ I’ll contribute š¹à *ìºà¯à `¡à> γõ‡ý¡ ‘šø`¡à>’ &A¡ >tå¡> šƒìÛ¡š¡ú γÚt¡ ³Òü [ƒAô¡ƒÅ¢ã I’m an ex-student of Tinsukia College. I had Major in History. It’s [A¡áå ëºJà [º[J =à[A¡³¡ú ([W¡[A¡;Îà really nice to see this college journal (on-line). I will definitely try ÅàÑ|, ëÎ>à-¤à[Ò>ã "à[ƒ δšìA¢¡)¡ú to contribute something to Pragyan. Best of luck. ‘šø`¡à>’ "γãÚà Îà[Òt¡¸t¡ &A¡ * Mamoon – an Alumni >tå¡> >à³ íÒ ¹*A¡¡ú ‘šø`¡à>’¹ γèÒ ÎƒÎ¸-΃θàîº ë³à¹ "à”z[¹A¡ Prochesta Ashadharon Aõ¡t¡`¡t¡à `¡àš> A¡[¹ìºà¡ú l¡à@ [¤A¡àÅ A塳๠ƒàÎ Prochesta Ashadharon ! Antorikata Nirvejal ! Antorik Shubheccha ! šøàv¡û¡> ®¡à¹t¡ãÚ [¤³à> ¤à[Ò>ã¹ [W¡[A¡;A,¡ Paramita (Prajna) Bhowal ¹àÒüì>à \à}Kº &l¡ô쮡e¡à¹, an Alumni of 1984 batch ¤à}Kàºå¹ç¡-37 commented in Pragyan’s website. * Scribed in Pragyan’s Orkut Profile Readers may choose whatever language they feel comfort with to write in mail box. But for better communication we prefer English and Assamese. – Editor /Vol. VII, Issue - I, June '09 / 2 1 CWSD Observed International Women’s Day As per the guidelines of U.G.C, the ‘Cell for International Women’s Day. A group of members Women Studies and Development’ (CWSD) of of the cell felicitated Dr. Swarnalata Boruah, Tinsukia College was set up in the year 2005. Retired Prof. & HoD of History department, Since its inception, the cell has been organizing Dibrugarh University, Ex-president of Indian various programmes and workshops for bringing History Congress (2006) — Mediaeval period, awareness among the womenfolk in different renowned feminist of the state, and also one of aspects such as health and hygiene, social equality, the pioneers of the women movement in the self dependence etc. in different times. The cell country, at her residence at Dibrugarh, who has also observes International Women’s Day been suffering illness since long days.
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