PRMCffiffiMBruG OF I NITERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ASIA PACIFIC REGION CONFERENCE ,+}FryffH3 Master Plan of Togean Islands Marine Tourism Qodarian Pramukanto Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia; email : [email protected] Setia Hadi Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bo gor Agriaitural Univers ity (l PB) Center For Regionol System Analysis, Planning, and Development (CRESTPENT), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia Abstract Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Japan, and Australia. It is the only place in the world where atoll, laguna, Togean islands is one of major tourist destination fringing reef, barier reef, and lagoon can be all found in Tomini Bay, Central Sulawesi. The area lies in together. the hearth of global marine biodiversity, so call The beautiful seascape with small group of islands, "coral triangle." The beoutiful seascape with small white sandy beaches, and underwater scenery with group of islands, and underwaler scenery with numerous coral reef, wall, pinnacles, unique numerous coral reef, unique crealures, ofers great creatures, coral garden offers great spectacular dive spectacular dive site for tourists. Moreover, some site. Diving, snorkeling, fishing, sunbathing, sight- endemic species of marine and terreslrial ecosystem seeing, nature tracks, roaming the village, are a lead- and ethnic group, such as Baja people lead the area ing activities of Togean islands marine tourism as the richest tourislict. Those nature and cultural (Figure l). This tourist area is supported by dive diversity should be managed for sustainability of resorts, cottages, bungalows, and other tourism. Therefore the master plan to guide the accommodations. development of marine tourism is needed. Moreover, some endemic species of marine and The research consists of preparation, field terrestrial ecosystem and ethnic group, such as Baja surveys, analysis and interprelation of data, people or the sea gypsies, lead the area as the richest synthesis, and preparing mdster Plan stages. The touristict area within the triangle. Those diversity of Masler Plan of Morine Tourism was developed marine resources and local community should be based on lhe assessmenl of aqualic, terrestrial, managed for sustainabiliry of tourism. Therefore the cultural and feasibility of potential objecls and master plan to guide the development of marine marine tourism attraction and formulaled into six tourism is needed. f;4orine Tourism Development Area (MTDA). Keywords: master plan, marine tourism, Togean islands, coral triangle. 1. Introduction Indonesia is an archipelago that is rich in diverse natural and cultural resources. Country with an area of marine waters by two{hirds (3.650.000 km2) of the region and l7 480 islands with long coastline of about 95 181 km is the potential for marine tourism. Togean islands is one of major tourist destination in Tomini Bay, Central Sulawesi. The area lies in Figure 1. Objects and attractions of the hearth of global marine biodiversity, so call Togean marine tourism "coral triangle," composed of Indonesia, Philippines, 2. Metodologi Table 1. Objects and Attractions of Marine Tourism of Tojo The research was conducted at Togean Islands of Una-Una Regency, Central Tojo Una-Una Regency, Central Sulawesi province, Sulawesi for four months. This research method consists of the following stages: Preparation, Field surveys, Analysis and interpretation of data, Synthesis, and Master PIan. Preparation phase performed desk studies to prepare the preliminary information that includes: marine potency for tourism, preparation of base map, thematic map, preparation of marine tourism resource typology as the basis in preparing Analysis Unit. Field survey conducted to collect primary data and secondary data, such as climate, bathymetry, monographs, statistical data, annual reports and other supporting information. Analysis of the potential for marine tourism carried out by assessing the aquatic, terrestrial, cultural and feasibility of objects and attractions on every unit ofanalysis. Base on objects and attractions of marine tourism potential devevoped a master plan. Master plan is based on the concept of marine tourism space (functions, activities and facilities) that will be developed. Space concept is a fundamental philosophical is used in the preparation of spatial structure in marine tourism development plan- 3. Data Analysis As the leading sectors, marine tourism Tojo Una_ Una distinguished by the orientation of tourism to the aquatic and terrestrial areas. Aquatic area includes waters that are influenced by the pattern of tides, waves and currents- While the terrestrial land area which is bounded by the waters in the direction of the inland. Details of the location of objects and marine tourism attraction is presented in Table l. 3.1. Spatial Analysis Unit Analysis of the potential for marine tourism and tourist attractions are spatially done on the unit of analysis. This unit consists of bottom depth, the presence of shallow water, the presence of small islands, coral reefs (barrier, fringing), atolls and lagoons, Iagoon and mangrove vegetation existence. Dishidros bathymetric maps based on interpretation of 1990 (scale l: 75 000), AMS 1957 bathymetric map (scale 1: 250 000), and barhymetric maps MCRMP 2004 (scale l; 50 000) can delineate the space into 47 analysis units (Table 2 and Figure 2) . Table 2. Spatial Analysis Unit of Tojo Una- Table 3. Una Regency, Central Sulawesi -i"d-r. ")"' r"r'i-i;*:--'_Y''-.--: -_ "! -- - I ; !* j -.j... i.. ..: I-: : ,ti 9_.1:111i|1ll]$tt.l..i,:-.i..: *-i'--i --i- -i i iIL 2I. (rhrlns t I 3t. aortirna,( 35. 16 I id. POTEiiCY OF lvlARlNE TClLretM )A1EX qS U' ffi Iffi ${ 1S lNr3 slils. r.APOFANALYSIS UNIT fBie ffirex*ffi.H mg'sr@t "*. E ** ** "a'" ** *,ffi_.r--.* Figure 3. Potency of Marine Tourism of Tojo Una-Una Regency, Central Sutawesi ,..,* ',."^ .-'-"*,.*" 4. Master PIan Marine Tourism Figure 2. Map of Spasiat Analysis Unit of Tojo In the development Una-Una Regency, Central Sulawesi of marine tourism in Togean islands, Tojo Una-Una, the concept of the proposed development are: (1.) Improving the quality of the 3.2. Assessment of Potential Objects and object and marine tourism attraction Attraction of Marine Tourism through improved facilities, infrastructure, institutional, Analysis performed on marine tourism potential of human resources and promotion, (2.) preservation of each unit of analysis is based on the criteria of aquatic conservation area a type of coral reefs aquatic, terrestrial and feasibility of potential objects (barrier reef, fringing reef, lagoon, atolls and lagoons, and marine tourism attraction. Tabulation the of small islands), as well as terestrial (Malenge island results of potential assessmet of objects and protected areas with endemic habitat for several attraction is presented in Table 3 and Figure 3. species, such as tarsiers), living culture and Tourism", 4. MTDA rvith the theme "Aquatic preservation of cultural communities such as Bajo, Tourism", 5. MTDA E with the theme "Aquatic- Bongbongko, Bugis and Gorontalo and (3.) Cultural Tourism", and MTDA C' with the theme integrated development of tourist activity and the " Beach-Terrestrial Tourisrn". activity of mariculture, seaweed cultivation, cultured pearls as objects and attractions. Table 4. Marine Tourism Development Area Delineation of the nrarine tourism development is ;u rD;\ tLem * ol'j*R tnd A{rfdi{tr':. liffi..i.i- %;iij;; (;i;;;;:ti;;;ri. i,;i; :.i;; f ( ii;;*- ai;;;;;l l. ii*ili';tn' based on the following criteria, namely: I .) linlx- I'.{r 'f(ryrr i,;iiln )xw.{;r:5F)L l*l'r tx!(r. Prrir I e8lh t. 1 :x..t!rts lleB{ liilwnia. Ldidif ..{Frl*}i, Uniformity of object types and intrinsic character and XiBr lie{m- iial! 'FolM ti lslet. lrrjo (:.sn' .\,$l PGr f.f*sh.^rd Krel*' }.hffdul{i tourist appeal, (2.) The location ofthe access patterns Sit{s k.. eryw }cel\ litxc lE$L lhlr tx&*. *r8lubi ir.. UstrBxr of common objects and marine tourism attraction, (3) iiqbulBrrl. Ca*. XcBi cHrt the proximity of marine attractions with the service **.trrE- i']ld lkBtw. ,,si.rltre, 5t'n)a Il ufd )F1t itHu t!tsr uma Rs! centers, and (4) the proximity of the object lldh Pirwrlb Ttl!tr li;lrt. ft!\ Xrdidi.i l}N N0. !rld'*s* Pmgsrix lsirpinni. lribd0l, Peg@p. ir, distribution and attractions, geographically. Based on llili$lr. lxud\all. eidHl *d.bisri Lsdls* bcBi,'l il4s i{, lnipi ir,, these delineation criteria can be developed Kiirdiri ii. Cmt B, h&c fi Il)x/ar regionalzaion based on physiographic unit, ( th3 5p{ (y&rrtr. LwlHlilr- Psc 'IIlr l*h b6d! lh$in iL M.kr# ir. $ttlt ecological and geographical. &im*l oklcoie: Iogffi r6eSc t,lrixuB raSuer). logtr $@d Spatial arrangement of the Master PIan of Marine l.Yardtus hltw b8@lr*r. $n habiN s 'piE i&tr' (raarjfrse }rftuM Tourism can be formulated into 6 (six) Marine n*.:@rl Tres Tsis {fPrrb tXffiI &{[slm- r*t.0al &, Tourism Development Areas (MTDA) that carries a sni* snly bceh t&ulat} ii.. Y*e i5. I r6ni. hG&rL * r specific theme, namely: l. MTDA A with the theme [email protected](r rrE-xxarurle iltrr] r ,ffi, E.Et with TgKffi*lr,'ls llle 8el- (qe tsoll.F.l, .f,l re, "Aquatic -Mariculture Tourism ", 2. MTDA B XtlWU $d srrie $dy tr*h iIi$Xki t{e<r! the theme "Aquatic -Beach Tourism", 3. MTDA C SIDAZ I iIffiq}i$.l*r txrr Sr*t t8ffib6?!sE $d*. Crse* (dnB, 136l ,lqs $m. tl&b.re frs irL with the theme "Beach-Terrestrial Tourism", 4. nlli Bdrf)xd.,ffi pste$rd d ** the theme "Aquatic Tourism", 5. MTDA D with ltr ! *uti{r{t{ t. {te. \Yh{. *xl} k} i\lsbtr, Tr*rha,h. MTDA E with the theme "Aquatic-Cultural Tourism", : .r:oaer'trrr. lmp*u K.riL ,\!ir*, lxntx!. tlc l'!du, \tkrDst i nrr, *ae-r'1r .lmxn{, libi{.l hirilr nl lirc T}.
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