Y. iv►. c. A. EDITION THE WEEKLY SPECTRUM EDITED AND CONTROLLED BY THE STUDENTS OF NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. XXXVI--No. 25 NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 1917 Five Cents a Copy NOTICE ALL STUDENTS A MEETING OF ALL THE MANA- SHOULD REMEMBER THE FIRST - PHI KIIPP PHI AN- GERS FOR CLASS BASETBALL RED CROSS INN BASEBALL GAME OF THE SEAL AND TRAC KIS CALLED FOR TO- SON AT MOORHEAD THIS AFTER- DAY AT 4:30 IN THE COACHE'S NOON WHEN THE AGGIE NINE NOUNCES ELECTION OFFICE IN THE ARMORY. EVERY- STARTED RT A. C. WILL MEET CONCORDIA IN THE ONE SHOULD BE PRESENT. FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON. LARGE NUMBER ENROLL FOR MEMBERS FROM THE 1917 CLASS WORK WHICH WAS STARTED SELECTED—THIRTEEN TO BE- LAST FRIDAY. COME MEMBERS. PLANS FOR NErl The interest and enthusiasm of THE LOYALTY DAY The Phi Kappa Phi fraternity the A. C. girls in the taking up of announced those who had been the First Aid w(Ah... -4-kows that they elected to membership from the BUILDING WILL are not falling DC._ 41 ve the call NOM A SUCCESS present senior class last week. for patriotism. Last 1, 1„ °!.Y---:, . ' T1- ing the class in First Aid to (-0:y Thirteen of the class of 1917 have 'clE NUMBER OF CITIZENS • been able to meet the requirements BE 0111110 HERE Injured was organized with an en- 'I SCHOOL CHILDREN RE- for membership. rollment of thirty-seven. As the SPOND TO CALL FOR DEMON- PRESIDENT LADD'S SUGGESTION class is limited to twenty-five an- The Phi Kappa Phi fraternity is STARTION ON THURSDAY. THAT THE PLANS FOR THE NEW other class will have to be organ- an honorary fraternity whose mem- ADDITION TO SCIENCE HALL ized. bers are selected from among those BE DRAWN BY ENGINEERING Miss Neth who has charge of the A. C. PROMINENT who have the highest class aver- DEPARTMENT ADOPTED. work of the auxiliary on the cam- ages in their class. The require- pus acted as temporary chairman. CADET BATALION AND BAND ments for membership are that an Miss Borthwick was elected secre- ARE BIG FEATURES OF UNI- average of 85 per cent should have SAVE EXPENSE tary to take charge -of the class FORMED MEMBERS OF THE been received during the last three roll. A member is required to be PARADE. years of the college course. Mem- WILL ALSO ADD PRESTIGE TO present at 80 per cent of the clas- bership is open to both men and THE ARCHITECTURAL DEPART- ses in order to be permitted to The Loyalty Day demonstration women and there is no limitation MENT. take the examinations. in Fargo in common with the as regards the course of study be- Dr. Oftedahl will have charge .rif other cities of the country on the ing pursued. In accordance with the recom- one class of the First Aid. The 142 anniversary of the Battle of The Ideal chapter was establish- mendation by President Ladd the class opened on Friday evening Lexington passed all expectations. ed in 1913. There are now four- Board of Regents in session here with a discussion of the history The day was a disagreeable day teen chapters among the various last Thursday instructed Mr. Ward of the Red Cross Association and a from the standpoint of the weather- states of the Union. Those who of the Architecture department of brief summary of its work. conditions, rain falling all during have been elected to membership the college to go ahead and draw Anyone who is interested in the the parade and during the morning. this year are Aleanor Kindred, up plans for the addition to Science First Aid work is asked to be pres- In spite of this fact the greatest Mathias A. Thorfinnson, Martin Ha- Hall. This addition was provided ent at the next meeting on Wednes- number who ever participated in gen, Nina E. Larson, William W. for in the appropriations made by day night. The class will meet a parade in, Fargo took part. All Mendenhall, Charity M. Pinney, the last session of the legislature twice a week, on Friday and on the lodges, schools, and other or- Alfred R. Matters, Andrew M. in session at Bismarck. The re- Wednesday. The expense includes ganizations in the city were rep- Challey, Delia Johnson, Mary Gib- sult of this action will be a saving a membership fee of one dollar, a resented by groups all of whom car-, bens, Lillian Hanson, and Oscar to the state of some $3,000, and First Aid Manual, and bandages for ried the United States flag. Arthur Schollander. will also give more prestige to the practical work, the entire expense The details of the arrangements department at the college. not exceeding $1.75. for the big parade were carried out Members of last year's botany While it is planned that the Those in charge are anxious of as planned and by 2:30' Thursday class might do business if they of- building shall not be constructed having as many as possible enroll the most of the organizations were fered their plant guides for sale. at once providing the war con- in these classes. The time for the in line for the parade. Promptly The members of this year's class tinues and threatens to reduce the meeting of the second class and at 3:00 the head of the march could use a few but don't just know enrollment here next year, it is other details will be talked over at started down Broadway from who has been in the class. (Continued on page 2) the meeting tonight. (Continued from page 2) OUR FUTURE HOME HERE PROGRESS SHOWN — PLANS ARE DRAWN AND CONTRACT WILL BE LET AS FINANCES COME IN. No event, perhaps, is looked for- ward to with greater interest by A. C. students than the actual con- 's,•■•••• )'tit struction of our new Y. M. C. A. building which is to be a home for all students. At times we are even inclined to be a little impa- tient and feel that things are not moving as fast as they might, yet when we look back over the events that have carried us toward our goal and see how rapidly these -- • have followed one after another ,....•■••••••• •■ we must admit that things are mov- ing. With a successful campus Sri E.LIA AN 4, GAGE.. • A R. c r..) • • campaign last year followed by a f. A Lco• ok T11 PA KOTA. summer campaign, successful in spite of crop failure, and a success- ful campaign in Fargo this past to make for economy and strength -Those of us who have left or are mer's campaign by a number of the winter, we certainly have been go- in construction. There is no 'need leaving look forward to having students. But even then the hard- ing some. to mention what this building will that building as a home to come to est part of the game is still left. The permanent plans have now mean to us. We are all looking when we visit our Alma Mater, and We admire a baseball team when been drawn by Ashelman and Gage, forward to using the large lobby, feel proud to have had a share in it is going well, when all the men and approved of by the Board of comfortable reading rooms, and building this greatest of all monu- are working together so that the Trustees. The picture on this parlors; the bowling alleys, game ments ever erected at the college. team is like one piece of finely ad- page is a drawing of the building rooms, and shower baths; the com- The game is not quite over. justed mechanism; but we all ad- as it actually will look when seen mittee rooms and the large audi- There is still some money needed mire that team most when it is from the campus. The building torium. The girls also have not which will be raised from alumni bringing in the final winning score. includes all the features previously been forgotten for they will find and friends of the institution Who A good team is made up of good planned only the details of arrange- the ladies waiting room conven- have not yet contributed. This players, well trained; but a win- ment having been changed in order ient when waiting for street cars. will be taken care of in this sum- (Continued on page 2) 2 ' THE WEEKLY SPECTRUM special work, which is available NEW PLANS DRAWN Hendrickson & Eggum there if at any place. (Continued from page 1) GENEVA THIS YEN Last year the Agricultural Col- hoped to have the plans completed lege was represented by ten in order that if there is an early BETTER SHOES peace is declared and the prospect LARGE DELEGATION SHOULD men and each man will speak of for a larger number of students be- LET US DO REPRESENT THE AGRICULTUR- his experience there as one of the greatest things of his life. ing in attendance next year con- AN COLLEGE. Your Shoes The following men were there tinues good the construction can be rushed with all possible speed. REPAIRING The Geneva Conference is a last year: M. A. Thorfinnson, W. Among the other items of busi- gathering of men from all the Col- A. Stewart, Wm. Mortenson, Wayne 7 Bdwy. ness transacted by the board at leges and Universities of the North- Underwood, Ray Drewry, Glen Liv- their meeting last week was to car- Opposite wast, for the purpose of discussing ingston, Roy Dunbar, John Schulze, ry out their proposal to reward 10c Store student problems and giving the Oliver Finstad and Paul Horn.
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