ARV 5 iv**c Cdm FEB 23 1930 Editorial Weather o;. V liuly, Cooler, Cloudy Easy On Pockrthoook (Cmttiifttnrt latly (Eamjma (See Pane 2) 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' VOL CXIV, No. 16 Oltices in Student Union Building STORKS. CONNECDCL.T Complete UPl Wire Service MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1960 Pres. Jorgensen Favors Trustees Up All Residence Loyalty Oath; Also Accepts Natl Defense Statement Fees To $49 Per Semester By Richard McGurk vestigatlons and decisions by The administration counted Mr, Trail pointed out, how- the Board of Trust -c- up its total number of campus ever, thai noi all students will By JOHN D. PERRY. JR. fidavits. One is an affirmation The other affidavit -of the T ic Hoard of Tins;, News Editor of loyalty to the United States N.D.E.A. Loan application is The Board ha- recently been rooms, it then divided the rev- be pa ', i 0 m i i N se tut IOI isad ai i oaa the board investigating Univeraity fi- rnuc from those rooms b) the mester, Some will feel an In- President forgenaen has government. It stairs: a statement concerning sub- Balsas to $tn per semestei i"i nancial problems, total number the rooms , reg mater been misrepresented in some "I do solemnly swear or af- versive organizations, known each student's room, to be M Trail said 'lie raise fig- would house. Finally II added for example. Ol icrs will pay newspapers recently, concern- firm that I will bear true faitti as the "Disclaimer Clause," levied on all university resi- urea were arrived ai this way: 110 lo the average obtained. $16. ing the "Loyalty Oath." iin and allegiance to the United it stales: dences .starting m September. says he is in favor of "an af- States of America, and will "I do not believe in. and am The raise, which will aver- firmative" loyalty oal'.i. support and defend the con- not a member of. and do not s,1, age about (10, has become nee- Several newspapers have ution_ and laws of the support any organization that psaar) because <>f "ln< rea led Donald Miller's Singing Wins carried, over the past month, United States against all ene- believes in or teaches I'.ie over- o|»'ijting and maintenance mies re stories' indicating that the ' f° 'gn and domestic' throw of the United States Boats," according to Dr. Ar- v,, President and the University PRESIDENT JORGKNsi N K" rnment by force »r vio- (University Photo) wood northby, director o! StU- are opposed to the loyalty has Indicated that to Ulo *"** or bv any 1"«,8al or un- denl personnel. Di. Northby l0 sl Local HUB Talent Show oath provisions'of the Nation- Daily Campus "The University » '<utional means." made the announcement al Dalai Education Act has never objected to a pool- Q»,- THIS POINT t.'ie Presl Morgenthau Thursday nlgfiil al a meeting By Sally Harris Lo n ? . Pros'-am- UVS affirmation of loyalty. As a,,.,,,.' slalwl ,hat .-rue Univer- of the Student Univeraity Re- Campus Heeler Actually/ t'.ie trouble stems a land-grant state University sily is , postered as support- lations Committee. Don Millrr. a folk tlngei fiom popular confusion over an! wif.i a program of mill- ing the pOSilion 0f the Amer- Talks Today One "element" resulting In the content of the affidavits tap- science and having many „,,„ Association of Land-Grant the Increase, according lo Uni- from Sigma i' ii. is the winner which are a part of the loan other governmental programs, Colleges and State Univer- On Policies veraity Comptroller John M. of the Local Talent Show held application. we are constantly giving posi- sitics ... in urging that t'.ie Trail, has been an Interdepart- in lha HUB lasl Tnursdaj There are two oaths or af- live affirmation of loyalty." mental "shilt" In State Of Con- disclaimer clause be elimin- Dr. Hans J. Morgenthau, night. As a result, he will be ated from the loan provision one of the nation's leading po- necticut financial maponalbll sen) to the Regional Talent of the N.D.E.A." litical scientists will deliver ites. Many colleges have rejected the thud annual Kuan Mi.Ma- Show at the University of THK SHIFT IN responsibil- the whole N.D.E.A. loan pro- hOn Lecture tonight al BilS New Hampshire, USA Convention itics has resulted in pan from gram because of the disclaim- in the Little I'.ieater. Governor Ribicoff's 'austerity' er portion. Outstanding among The eminent University of '£o^ wMAlia oresented *?,AN ""INFORMALfvmmJU' renditionrenffl,uon them are Bryn Mawr, Prince- Chicago professor will offer „„,.,6 ,. .... !•"»""" of "A Horse Named Kill" and parlier this yeai. Convenes Tonite ton, U. of Richmond, Swart'.i- his views on "The 1'iisis in "A Story .Named John Henry" The ahlfi moans that act more, Wellesley (Mass.), Am- American Foreign Policy." '} I bj Mr. Miller possessed a pro- uies which were previously^ The United Staudents Asso- that with the interest already icrst i.MaVs.i, Harvard. Ober- Currently on leave from al flavor, Master of ciation will hold their nom- shown by the various persons paid for directly by state funds i 'eieiniinies for I he evening lin, Radcliffe, Yale, Antioch, Chicago Dr. Morgenthau is a is now being taken care of by ination convention in Engine- running for different positions Was Gar) llolton of Hurley Grinned and eight others. member of the institute for the agency t Uconn, in Balk ciing 201 at 7:30 tonight. All on the Senate, the USA Party iiaii. lie presented Miller with BV FAB the largest group Advanced Study, Princeton, casci Itself, living units are urged to send is confident it will give the a "gold trophy for a memo- is made up of those institu- N.J., and an associate of the HOWKVIK. Mr. Trail said. representatives to the convert- students of Uconn the capable tions, such as the University Washington Center for For- rable performance indeed. tion. "A raise in residence rates and excellent candidates that of Connecticut, w'.io are pro- eign Policy Reseaich. would have been necessarj in SECOND PLACE went to Each living unit has one we have given m the past." testing the disclaimer clause DR. MORGK.NTHAU, w 3 any event." the Sig Ep Sophomores, a vote for each ten members of Both rampaignes will be car- but, for various reasons, are originally came from Gcr- Mr. Trail said increased per singing gioup including Roger the USA Party living in their ried over WHUS starling at participating in the loan pro- many, holds degrees both from sonnel charges were among DcLuca, Chuck Neuse. Dave respective dorms. 7:30 and run until all the can- gram. from the Universities of Mu- the costs forcing the raise. Wrgnall. Steve Drlggers, and The USA Party has many didates are nominated. President Jorgensen. through nich and Frankfurt. Applications .More Don Brodaskv. The latter, candidates campaigning al- his assistant, Clark L. Bailey, Other officers of the USA From 1931, 33 Dr. Morgan- There vein also be an in- dressed as an unforgetable ready, and a large selection of f.iau served as active Presi- Party are: George Balco, Tau gave the reason for Uconn's crease In application fees "Beatnick in Red," add.-,| the candidates is expected to be Kappa Epsilon, vice-president action. dent of the Fiankforl Labor from $5 to $10—to become ef- nominated for the various final touch with his drums. Gloria Favata, Phi Mu. re- "At this time we do not be- Court. (active some time after Sep. Senate positions. Their rendition of "Joaey" was cording secretary; Kitty Kuhl- lieve that we should take a Just a few countries In tember. The platform for the USA done iii Ihc true Kingston Trio mann, Kappa Gamma, COP position wiitn respect to this Which Dr. Morgenthau has Mi. Northby said that so far fashion. There was a touch of Party will he releaSOQ the day responding secretary; and Jeff loan program wvhich would re- taught arc: Spain. Swit/er- as he knew f.iere were no tui- Calypso, when they sang "The following the convention, and Ossen, Phi Epsilon Pi, treas- suit in any student . being land, Gennany and America, tion or out of state fee raises Banana Boat Song." "The will be printed In the Campus urer. unable to get a federal loan His busy schedule has had anticipated in the immediate Drunker"*" Doom." one of 3avid Barton, Also: Charles Watras, Chi and thereby being unable to turn on the constant run. His future. t'leir own oiiginal composi- President of the USA. stated Phi, scrgcant-at-arms; and attend college." lectures are among some of tions enlightened their rich, that many new ideas nad Judy Estorly, Alpha Delta Pi, According to Mr. John Pow- the more popular ones. His ASSISTANT lo the Presl- full harmony, been Incorporated m the Plat- Historian. Members of the ers, local representative of lectures in the universities dent. Clark Bailey, told the form, because of the interest Executive Committee are: the loan program through his here in the States range from Campus that the residence fee OTHBB PBBFORMBff in noted in tha. ■campaignes of Sara Eiajrin, Alpha Epsilbn administrative' position, the Harvard 16 California. > raises were the result of in- .-laded the PI Befa I'hl HI Is those persons interested in Phi, Carl Detrochlo, Delta N.D.E.A. loan prog mm is f,ie Notes, s singing group com- running for the Senate. Zeta and Reed Davis, Alpha only student loan program posed of Bev Green how. Anne Barton stated, "I am sure Zeta Omega.
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