fi v v UOKDAT, DfiCBMBER IS. 1N9 iMl l|rraUt Manchester Stwes Open All Day Tomorrow Tbs Mandiester brandi cF tbs : Holy Family Mothsi's Circle win The Manebostsr Oi^itor cf The annual meeting of Moa-^ Manchester DupUcate Bridge Hadassah and Sisterhood of TOm- CABUCRA REPAIR Oub had its second largest crowd W.C.T.U. will hold its annual hold their Christmas buffet supper Savings Group Chester Lodge of Mesons will ^ Christmas party for the White Rib­ 4nd grab bag tomorrow evening at ple Beth Sholom will hold a Joint SERVICE The Weather A bout Tow n heldtoraorrow at Masonic Temple in iU first season of play under meeting tomorrow evening at the the affiliation of the American bon Recrulta and their mothers, $:S0, at the home of Mrs. William Avenge Dally Net Press Run ; M U. a. Wsathse i at 7:80 p.m. Following the r ^ - tomorrow afternoon at three Morteno, 9 Stephen street. Temple. Mrs. Abraham J. Feld­ Ray Dwysr’s Pksts Shop Contract Bridge League, last Fri­ man, wife o f Rabbi Fsldnian of M a k ^ R e p o rl For Um Meath e f Novomhsv, t949 I Ohutar N®. M, 0.1I.S. Ing of reports and the transaction day night. ] ^ h t and one-half ta­ o’clock in the South Methodist Nsbi n Now of bustoMS, offleem for the Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis* Temple Beth IsraM In West Hart­ n m Nnaonni s is m ’ ftTOM Muonle T«mple. bles were present. Six and one- eburch. A brief bustness meeting ford will be guest speaker. A can­ oftanwoBi eleartag and y 09m iiag « t S o’clock. A Ing year will be elected, and there half has been the average since the at 2:80 will precede the part)^ tern, wiU meet tomorrow evening Shows Chreatest Increase tM. 9899 will be a social hour. ^ (n Odd Fellows hall. Bfiection of of- dlelight ceremony will be held 9,7 9 6 Mer toalghti Wedaeeday j party wUl follow In tho club started in September. Tour­ Mrs. Leonard Lincoln of Devon commemorating the birthday of tM»qMt bolt In chmi^ of Mn. naments will be held every Friday b ii ^ w l ll entertain the chilcLmn ficera will be held and plans made In Business Period of Maraher of tho A rn O i Members of Mary C. Keeney for the annual Christmas party in Henrietta Ssold, founder of Hadas­ MM7 - gjntUi and Mxo. Minnie evening during the holiday season. with dolls from her interesting col­ sah. Pill sea o f Clrwilattoas Manchester^A CUy of VtOage Charm ____and tboir laifo oommlt Tent No. 14 Daughters of Union Some individual and team-of-four lection. The boys and girls will connection with the next meeting The Loan Agsodation on December 27. post Grand Chan­ ^ Kofnalunanta will bo oorved Veterans of Civil Ww, are re- matches are planned-for tbo.5®5* give recitations and songs. Ice Tbs Robertson F.TJt. win sMet Y our oad thcoo ottoadlns ora ookod to quested to meet tonight at 7.M at ing weeks. Results of Fridays emsm snd cookies will be served cellor Harry Blanchard will show Wednesday, December 14, at eight At the December meeting of Watktn’s Funeral Hmne, Bast motion pictures tomorrow evening MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, DECEBfBER 18, 1949 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS brine a ae-cwit gift (or Uw g n ito - tournament were: (North and and candy canes will be presented. 'o’clock at the schooL Afterthe the Directors o f Manchester Sav­ VOL. L X «., NO. $J on fs «s 19) b u . It la bopod than will be a Center street, to pay their last re­ South) WiUlam RusseU and of the ‘D oky" convention ho at­ business meeting two plays will be ings and Loon Association, Inc., Xmas Gift Store good attandonco of the members. spects to their late member, Mrs. George B. Howe, 112; Harold Hills The North Methodist WSCS will tended last summer. Refreshments presented by the Community Play­ held Dee. 9, the reports of the of­ Oflloen «nd membem planning to Minnie Leidholdt and George Siemsen. 109; Mr. aim hold a Christmas party following will be served. ers, “The Llttleot Ahgel,” and ficers showed that the businesa of ARTHUR DRUG STORES go bgr bun to Palmer. Moeo., Tues­ Mm. W. D, Keith, !(» % . the business session. Wednesday "A Fii^t Before Christmas." Ger­ the Association is steadily in- *Cracker B«rrer P«rley FoimerBoss day evening ora reminded to be at Thp Ladies Sewing Circle of Con­ and West) feobert Wiley afternoon at two o’clock at the Tbs Stanley g^ u p of the South creosliig, both in savings and cordia Lutheran church will hold ald ChappeU will load ih chorus the Itoaonlo Tenmle by 6:16 pjn. Gust^son, 116%; church. Each member is asked to MethodUt WSCS wUl hold its singing and Mrs. Lester Wolcott mortgages, the six-month period Committee Given Four Persons Killed, and if otormy by 6:00 o’clock. their meeting and Christmas party Server and Miss Betty Dsiadus. Chtlstmaa meeting tomorrow eve­ now dosing Showing by far the 91; Mrs. Catherine Dillon and bring (S 25-cent gUt for exchange. will be the accompanist. A social Avers Bullitt • y tonight at 6:30. ning at 7:45 at the church. Mem­ time with refreshments wlU follow. greatest increase of any such pe­ St. Mory'i Guild will have its James L. Baker, 85. bers are requested to bring a 26- riod during the Assodation's ex­ Parents are reminded to register The' December meeting of the final naeotlng and Christmas party cent gift and their Stanley “Pal" James B. Tuttlel ICVN, son of istence. A dividend o f 8 per cent IN SU RE tlniraday aftamoon at two o'clock their children for the Pine Civic The Christmas dinner party of Keeney Street Parent - Teacher Report on Plans Said Hiss R ed gifts. Hostsosos will bo Elisabeth was dedored fbr the period end- Association, Inc., Christmas party, Club will be held at the school to­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Tuttle of at tba home of the president, Mrs. the former Red Cross yolunUer Bennett. Elisabeth Patterson, Jen Hudson street, has returned to his in r Dec. hi, 1949; NcRINNEY^ROTHERS 19 Survive as Plane Clayton AUis<m of 896 East Cen­ not later than Thursday, with Mm. Nurses’ -Aides will be held at U»e morrow evening at 7:80. Dr. Wil­ This AasociationA has never paid Eugene Freeman, 2-1593. The liam Benedict of the State Depart­ nle Conrad, Muriel Carlson, Bertha ship, the U.S.8. EUyson, DM8. ter otxMt. Each member is asked Country Club. Wednee^y evening MacFayden, Helen Matlett Betty at Charleston, 8. C. after a 16-day dividends o f less than 9 per cent Hornb^ck Upholds Rep­ party will be held Saturday after­ at 6:30. Dr. Amos Friend will ment of Health will be the guest SMBUtasl** *t 5 " S o60 to provide a 26-cent gift, and to Turklngton and Hattie Fancy. leave. per annum. For Steel Plant notify Mm. Allison by Wednesday noon at the Y.M.C.A. between 2 show movies of his recent Euro­ speaker. He will shdw a motion utation of Defendant at the latest if they plan to attend. and 4. pean trip. Membem who have not picture entitled "A Message to as yet had transporUtlon provided Parents." In Denying Papers for them should contact Mm. Irene Connecticut Develop­ Crashes in Potomac Brennen, 7521, immediately. Hunt Locates Passed to Spy Ring Tbs Connecticut State Board of ment Commission’s Ad­ Examinem la optometry, of which Capital Airliner Wan* A meeUng and C h rlsto ssp j^ y Dr. Eugene Davis of Main street is visory Group Told of Missing Child New York, Dec. IS—(F)— A for­ Power Plants Small Boy Tries to Get of the Infant a member, is eanducting examlnoi- mer superior of Algier Hiss In the Music From Red "Radio” ders Off Radar Path Mothem’ a rcle tlons at the State Capitol Tuesday, Progress Made; New state departmant testified today Wednesday evening at the home of Wednesday and Thursday of this a former U.8. ambassador In 1947 Attleboro, Maas., Dee. IS.— Leading into Fogbound Mm. James J. Bar^. week. • London Engineer Re­ German Police Find K ept R unning drive. The meeting wlU begin had referred to Him aa a Commu­ (F>—Investigating two false Airport; Number of promptly at 8 o’clock. ports on Surveys Made Lost Son of Ameri' nist. fire alarms sounded two min­ The annual meeting of the Man< Tbe witness was Dr. Stanley K. Wildcat Strikers Call utes apart yesterday, police Factors Given Credit cheater Rod and Gun Club will be can Deputy in Berlin Hombeck, former ambassador to discovered tracks of a toy Psl Gamma chapter held on Saturday evening Decem­ t J a a , Sigma Phi wlU hold their C^riid- H artford, Dec, 13.— (/P)— The Netherlands, called aa a de­ Mass Meetings to Pro* wagon leading from the box. For High Rescue Rate; mas dinner tomorrow night at 6.30 ber 17, when a roast beef dinner The Connecticut Develop­ fense witness In the aecond Hiss ' 'Ihey followed the trail to will be served at 6:80 by Albert BsrUn, Doc. U —m — Gorman Luck and Relative at the home of Mrs. Horace BlsseU lierjury trial. test British Action the nearby home o f a three Todd and his assistants. Membem ment commission’s Advisory police headqusrtera roportod they on Spencer street.
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