REGISTERFIRST COAST June - July 2019 Ponte Vedra • Nocatee • Jacksonville The Beaches • St. Augustine • Amelia Island SUMMER FUN ON THE WATER WATERFRONT PROPERTIES WINING & DINING ON THE FIRST COAST THANK YOU JACKSONVILLE FOR PRICE REDUCED VOTING US THE BEST HOME ORGANIZER 3 YEARS IN A ROW! Ī 3UHPLHU1;LQGXVWULDOJUDGHņRRUFRDWLQJ Intracoastal Waterfront Condo Most Desired Oceanfront The Perfect Beach Escape RXWSHUIRUPVDQGRXWODVWVWUDGLWLRQDO Stunning Riverfront Estate HSR[\ņRRUV Exquisitely designed with exten- Mariana San Pablo 2ndstory condo Location in NE Florida Located between The Lodge and sive custom finishes this home featuring open floor plan, luxury This first-floor unit was totally the Cabana Beach Club, this sec- Ī 8QOLPLWHGņRRUFRORUVDQGSDWWHUQV instantly makes you feel you’ve amenities, and private balcony with renovated with the finest finishes & ond-story condo gives elevated water views. 2 bedrooms, 2.5 views of the beach while maintain- Ī $OOZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RXUHPSOR\HHV been swept away to a chateau in craftsmanship. Includes an office, baths $475,000 staurnia floors, mahogany doors ing the unit’s privacy and security. QRVXEFRQWUDFWRUV France. Featuring 5 bedrooms, 6 & built-in custom cabinetry. 2 Includes a large covered balcony full baths and 5 half baths. Ī /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG bedrooms & 2 bathrooms + powder and ground floor storage. 3 bed- Ī <RXUSURMHFWZLOOEHFXVWRPL]HGIRU\RXU $6,900,000. room $1,650,000 rooms & 3 bathrooms $1,625,000 LQGLYLGXDOQHHGV Ī &DOOIRUD)5((LQKRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWKRXUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HGGHVLJQHU DQGUHFHLYHD'GHVLJQ Ī ,I\RXģUHRYHUZKHOPHGDQGQRWVXUH PRICE REDUCED UNDER CONTRACT PRICE REDUCED ZKHUHWREHJLQZLWK\RXUSURMHFW “My newJLYHXVDFDOODQGZHZLOOWDNHFDUHRI closet is so beautiful. HYHU\WKLQJ Tim’sdesign solved all of my storage issues.” -SSavetacy,Ponte Vedra Sophisticated Oceanfront Oceanfront Oasis Build your dream home on Furnished Coastal Cottage $500 Retreat Stunning 210 ft oceanfront estate Ponte Vedra Blvd! With direct beach access and an Designed by Residential Designs on private gated 2-acre lot with 27 One of the last remaining 150 ft open floor plan this is the ideal “Tailored Living(904) took 645-0885 by Kevin Gray, Inc. and built by ft elevation. Impeccable, quality vacation home or rental property. ­ pristine oceanfront lots in the care of everything. Elwood Collier, this oceanfront home with spectacular views sought after estate section of Ponte Features new roof, 2 new AC units, home reflects the merging of throughout. Vedra Blvd. This incredible lot sits no HOA, and is being sold furnished. <RXUVSDFH'HŅQHG They areTailoredLiving.com the Must mention ad. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/31/19. beach living and architecture! 5 bedrooms, 6 full / 2 half baths comfortably protected at 27 ft 5 bedrooms, 4 baths $1,175,000 garage makeover Ī 3UHPLHU1;LQGXVWULDOJUDGHņRRUFRDWLQJFeaturing 4 bedrooms, 5 full and $5,250,000 elevation and a perfect distance ĪĪ 3UHPLHU1;LQGXVWULDOJUDGHņRRUFRDWLQJ 3UHPLHU1;LQGXVWULDOJUDGHņRRUFRDWLQJ3 half baths. 7,995,000. from the shoreline. $2,500,000 specialists.” RXWSHUIRUPVDQGRXWODVWVWUDGLWLRQDORXWSHUIRUPVDQGRXWODVWVWUDGLWLRQDORXWSHUIRUPVDQGRXWODVWVWUDGLWLRQDO -Kathy,Jacksonville HSR[\ņRRUVHSR[\ņRRUVHSR[\ņRRUV ĪĪĪ 8QOLPLWHGņRRUFRORUVDQGSDWWHUQV 8QOLPLWHGņRRUFRORUVDQGSDWWHUQV 8QOLPLWHGņRRUFRORUVDQGSDWWHUQV PRICE REDUCED ■ ■ ĪĪĪ $OOZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RXUHPSOR\HHV $OOZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RXUHPSOR\HHV $OOZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RXUHPSOR\HHV Custom garage Custom QRVXEFRQWUDFWRUV cabinets designed closet QRVXEFRQWUDFWRUVQRVXEFRQWUDFWRUV ĪĪĪ /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG ■ furnishings Clever garage ĪĪĪ <RXUSURMHFWZLOOEHFXVWRPL]HGIRU\RXU <RXUSURMHFWZLOOEHFXVWRPL]HGIRU\RXU <RXUSURMHFWZLOOEHFXVWRPL]HGIRU\RXU ■ LQGLYLGXDOQHHGVLQGLYLGXDOQHHGVLQGLYLGXDOQHHGV Waterfront Retreat Spectacular Water to Golf Design Oceanfront Oasis Guana and Ocean Views accessories Walk-In, reach- Located on a freshwater lagoon this Views With over 230 ft. of ocean With the Guana River to the west ĪĪĪ &DOOIRUD)5((LQKRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQ &DOOIRUD)5((LQKRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQ &DOOIRUD)5((LQKRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQhome offers the best of both indoor Situated on over half acre this frontage, this lush property will and the Atlantic Ocean to the ■ in, pantries and children’sclosets east, this oceanfront home offers Liquid polymer garage ZLWKRXUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HGGHVLJQHUZLWKRXUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HGGHVLJQHUZLWKRXUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HGGHVLJQHUand outdoor living. Designed for gorgeous home in The Plantation inspire your inner visionary and ■ entertaining and enjoying the offers stunning water to golf designer. Whether you are looking stunning panoramic views. Built floor coatings Our 3D design technologyDQGUHFHLYHD'GHVLJQDQGUHFHLYHD'GHVLJQDQGUHFHLYHD'GHVLJQ brings Florida weather, the backyard views. The home features a newly to build your dream home or with top engineering designs, this features a summer kitchen, two fire renovated kitchen, spa-like master renovate, this 1.6-acre estate home thoughtfully merges comfort your project to life!ĪĪĪ ,I\RXģUHRYHUZKHOPHGDQGQRWVXUH ,I\RXģUHRYHUZKHOPHGDQGQRWVXUH ,I\RXģUHRYHUZKHOPHGDQGQRWVXUHpits, and pool. bath, and saltwater pool. makes for the ideal place to call with sustainability. The ideal beach 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths $1,175,000 4 bedrooms, 4 baths $1,190,000 home. retreat. ZKHUHWREHJLQZLWK\RXUSURMHFWZKHUHWREHJLQZLWK\RXUSURMHFWZKHUHWREHJLQZLWK\RXUSURMHFW 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths 7 bedrooms, 7.5 baths JLYHXVDFDOODQGZHZLOOWDNHFDUHRIJLYHXVDFDOODQGZHZLOOWDNHFDUHRIJLYHXVDFDOODQGZHZLOOWDNHFDUHRI $3,900,000 $2,950,000 HYHU\WKLQJ HYHU\WKLQJHYHU\WKLQJ Save $500.00 on your next garage or closet project. Must mention ad. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 7/31/19 Garage Floor Coatings SaveSaveSave Elizabeth Hudgins, REALTOR® $500$500 904.553.2032 cell 904.280.0486 office direct ­ ­ ­ (904)(904)(904) 645-0885 645-0885 645-0885 904.645.0885 Your space. Defined. [email protected] www.elizabethhudgins.com “From Cottages to Castles” <RXUVSDFH'HŅQHG<RXUVSDFH'HŅQHG<RXUVSDFH'HŅQHGJacksonville’sstorage TailoredLiving.comTTailoredLiving.comTailoredLiving.comailoredLiving.com MustMustMust mentionmention mention ad. ad. Not Not valid valid with with any any other other offer. offer. Expires Expires 55 /31/15/31/1/31/199.9.. solution resource FCRFCRFCR TailoredLivingJax © 2017 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway since 2005 HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Information not verified or guaranteed. If your home is currently listed with a Broker, this is not intended as a solicitation. ST-7319 garage ■ closet ■ home office ■ pantry THANK YOU JACKSONVILLE FOR PRICE REDUCED VOTING US THE BEST HOME ORGANIZER 3 YEARS IN A ROW! Ī 3UHPLHU1;LQGXVWULDOJUDGHņRRUFRDWLQJ Intracoastal Waterfront Condo Most Desired Oceanfront The Perfect Beach Escape RXWSHUIRUPVDQGRXWODVWVWUDGLWLRQDO Stunning Riverfront Estate HSR[\ņRRUV Exquisitely designed with exten- Mariana San Pablo 2ndstory condo Location in NE Florida Located between The Lodge and sive custom finishes this home featuring open floor plan, luxury This first-floor unit was totally the Cabana Beach Club, this sec- Ī 8QOLPLWHGņRRUFRORUVDQGSDWWHUQV instantly makes you feel you’ve amenities, and private balcony with renovated with the finest finishes & ond-story condo gives elevated water views. 2 bedrooms, 2.5 views of the beach while maintain- Ī $OOZRUNSHUIRUPHGE\RXUHPSOR\HHV been swept away to a chateau in craftsmanship. Includes an office, baths $475,000 staurnia floors, mahogany doors ing the unit’s privacy and security. QRVXEFRQWUDFWRUV France. Featuring 5 bedrooms, 6 & built-in custom cabinetry. 2 Includes a large covered balcony full baths and 5 half baths. Ī /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG bedrooms & 2 bathrooms + powder and ground floor storage. 3 bed- Ī <RXUSURMHFWZLOOEHFXVWRPL]HGIRU\RXU $6,900,000. room $1,650,000 rooms & 3 bathrooms $1,625,000 LQGLYLGXDOQHHGV Ī &DOOIRUD)5((LQKRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWKRXUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HGGHVLJQHU DQGUHFHLYHD'GHVLJQ Ī ,I\RXģUHRYHUZKHOPHGDQGQRWVXUH PRICE REDUCED UNDER CONTRACT PRICE REDUCED ZKHUHWREHJLQZLWK\RXUSURMHFW “My newJLYHXVDFDOODQGZHZLOOWDNHFDUHRI closet is so beautiful. HYHU\WKLQJ Tim’sdesign solved all of my storage issues.” -SSavetacy,Ponte Vedra Sophisticated Oceanfront Oceanfront Oasis Build your dream home on Furnished Coastal Cottage $500 Retreat Stunning 210 ft oceanfront estate Ponte Vedra Blvd! With direct beach access and an Designed by Residential Designs on private gated 2-acre lot with 27 One of the last remaining 150 ft open floor plan this is the ideal “Tailored Living(904) took 645-0885 by Kevin Gray, Inc. and built by ft elevation. Impeccable, quality vacation home or rental property. ­ pristine oceanfront lots in the care of everything. Elwood Collier, this oceanfront home with spectacular views sought after estate section of Ponte Features new roof, 2 new AC units, home reflects the merging of throughout. Vedra Blvd. This incredible lot sits no HOA, and is being sold furnished. <RXUVSDFH'HŅQHG They areTailoredLiving.com the Must mention ad. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/31/19. beach living and architecture! 5 bedrooms, 6 full / 2 half baths comfortably protected at 27
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