_.,-------==-_._--~---~---.--~,_.-.---~-~"'"-~..."'.~--_._-.- Vol. 24 No.5 Florida Atlamie University, Boca Ratoll, NorMa October 23, /975 INSIDE: Alternative Energy Sources Pages 6-7 Senate Candidates Page 1 Fall Concert with Stephen Stills? Page 1 H '··1 .~' Po1 a'·' ·Hi (I) ~n' ,'< ·"1" I:J:J tt Cl,/,j-9 f~ !ii~ i~s.!~ ;;~ii;l ig:~~ ~ ! ;: ~::1 ~ ~; ~ CO) iii I .... r : n! i j:l ! !: ,~ 0, r g·3,••• ..• ".. ",' , .•~ ' "1[' ~ ~~'o I, ~ '&'!' ! (D 3:0 .. 53 :Q'1t Io:lZ ':\' fl!. ::I'" ... It. VI Qg Ill!.!!' ". c g ~.I(l<ll; .. ~g:» z.~. £111 .. ! g -a 3ol:-~.~!"i,iii ~"Ct -~ III • !j''«!Im ~ ~I 'I·, 1" ••,g. .,. -, .. ~R"!7!i1 III:It ,- O.,.. : § .§' !3~!. !'l!~t : :.,n;l; : ~~ ~f&~ .., :D""t .. o 1i,'<I::~ ~ ;. ~) I [, oil l' I.!. _ ~ ~/,jN31t(~,p 'I R " ~'·'&H-Ji~·_ '0 o.'\2 .... Ii • f o~ i=~ ~li-< ~~) 8j~ ::l::lir''''­ i"Im .,. I. .' I,'... ·L· '" i.. ~ii~8;;'''iil c .. ~ 5 ~o2.; ~§2.i 2!!5i i!1~i1 '1/ 1. IA !II!!!J ~! 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Hl!.~ ,\"H 'l~iS iH " ,.~i;.~·~~ ~q.ii~ Ii ..I n::,"~ _.!i! a. ~ II a:l ~ 5:l:l I J J ~li m?t' :"tll~~lIl 0 i fltll-!: » Q ~I,I il~, ~i· :DO ell_Ill l":D:J;O:' .. '!I!g- "i, , c !!?o <z " If! ... n Z-m) :2 ] i;'s!~:H ~ j§ll "I Q ~.3'3no N •• ' ~ ~ It\ o "5< &. '8 o ••rnfn;;t, \1/ 1'~H~ ,~~h ld lU .h "0 Z I CIl _2 ..._ ..-.._• ....-n.••711 Rat Commission \ a.,. "N" ..ZCU'" ''We II.en·t ' "nS'." ....... this ....n ... ""phau~ A P.eeident·. Conwnissioo gaong '0 laka " """'ole -.. on the Rathskell&< has '-" just 10 e"p1o<e the ..~ _Utbllshec:l by Studenl Body to lin ARA Rathak.... -.l P<esident. Jim H...~. Its __.,,1 to do 11 """"""" P ~ is 10 conduct II ge,"ng _ -'-.,;,j f biIity study thlll ...... i.... Fufle<_ Presdent Cr_ """ _tigate &lte....,,_ in ma.... at<eoa<ty said "I will ~ agement 01 the Ral. 1"- ptol)OlSSl once II ~ Ih<ough the PfOC)aI ctt.onaIt.... Chop Fulle<. e,,-SB Presidenl """",..........cr O;.ecto<. He along n. Food Service A{p-. "";th " len·..-oboe< c0mmis­ .......... be.-n, the U..-.-..., sion, end Sigma Deltll Pi bust­ lind ARA SIlIV>Cee t......... ~ ..... fraternity. plan .o ..... rvey Augusl 1978. but " .he Rathskeller facilil..... III cancella.ion c....... "'-Y bo campu_ aCrose the country ";Hected by ei''- pe...... et Iny ,~. '0 dela.mine whal SYSlam is mo., succes.fully being Fuller racai".d po.iti.... implemented. loedbllck I.om .tudents in Fullor e"plaln. tnat the rO"'POOse to his guest article in Commluion·. linding" _ill the October 16 Js.sue 01 tlIo firsl be prOsenled to Student SUN, commonting, "i '!link ~ Ga"ammont. then to student is time 8Omobody lJtOOd up OI'9"nizatlon. 10' endorse­ and &aid i, I. time lor • President Creech Meets chang.:' He U'g... any SlI> mont. to the Food Se....ices Advisory Commluee and uiti­ dent. """'0 are interested in With Dorm Students mololy Or. Creech. the cause to contllct him. ..... CAR...NNl! ""LLER ;. lhe current SIa'e of lhe ha.deet hit. peying the full t .._....-... econorr/y. Bul th8 majority of coa 01 t~ college eduea­ To ~tnlte ., thaI _ .he .eeponeibility. C<ee<::h .... ... KCeAil*o:' FAU J>mst.­ _ 10 f_, • that Aorida is Vic••Pr••rdent Michel• Rat Improvements denl Gienvvood Creech end trvV>g 10 f"..-.oe its suns .........--.Ied that FAU ;. II ~ Vlc.-P,••idsnt Ken".elh ...... wi1h"""_, ben. u~ then some ..... ...,... AZCU... ~ _tty edd<eaed "II ""'1 be dontt:· he .'-'ts might !h;"k. "We Sun St.lf_ .. Ittudents al the dorms. conlends. ''Tex <--.ue dn:Ips _e unu.............ccealul in Conce<n _ stUdenl discontenl about the Rat hIlS rirI'm .... ..,., days of attracting "We heve ." open door QUict<ty .. ....., ~ of ....-.g U~ oHiciels mosI doeeIy ....ted to the siIuaIion. policy 10 INtV laculty. SIatf. (W leG • no" As • ......, of the high faculty." he <eceIIs. Itt.......:· he ~. n. Ia>I "'ap, FAU _ fO<COd 10 "We ....... • surprisingly The ...... InvoMng lhe extension of doe;ng haulS hIlS '-' ~ ..-tinl;J. epoo .....ed by Donn toWn $'100.000 hom !he budget "<gil numt>. of laculty who cleared up by the resfJrrection of a _ Could. or- the Nloio_ur­ ~ fo<!hie,,--. ....... '-" eeIec1ed to be Janua<Y 10. 1976 I.om Ge<ri FrtlZifl<. Director of _ UrW.sity .,..,...I~ts Cen'... to Louis Gently. Director of Auxilia<v ~ .., lion "s ct-tce 10 list_ .0 SlUdents .,., eIso e.wpec1 .0 !he Nlltional I~ lOftVIhing you -..1 .... to I\Jirion to keep on ..-.g until SCience Foul'>dIIlion. '0 .-va Police Chief. B. McGinnis. '-:. if _ fo< :lO"" of ItteiI" _ -.-.. in --...,;"g pro-- C4"'" ....._ in on 'wo ____.Ion. "5•.-... ..­ 1-* ""'. cornoo in fa< l'l>e..-no stlll_: "Since the Ra.hakaIIe< me., ......' ~ Iago cr~ ~......, ~ f(W the f"..-... f>IIIY up 10 30%.- ..oct e.e.:to. lunding:' a, th8 no""", UC closing haulS of rnldnlght and un cia! eq_ lell et FAU. One Qui of ."Ie .tudents _ W"-! qUMIioned fOl' his a.m.. I p.opose thllt they be allowftd to , ........... open up 10 onI aplnlon on apen visitation. hau. beyond the UC dosing time ... The one hau. Iee-r C<ooch ..id. "r pe<s<>nally should p.ovid. ARA _h enough 11e"lbility depending on tt. don', care wn.1 lhe visitation cro-d. _ithOUI backing lhem inlo II sel cloelng Ii...... WId at n asa del Qirf"'"--' ....... I1me "";U ptovkle security "nd cu.,....-s with • policy ;. fo. upper divi:sion and o<adt.ollUl etudents. ma"im<Jm closing lime ISunday _ Thu"tday 1:00 II.m. and Friday - Saturda., 2:00 8.m.). "I came hom a school ,hat had ii, and it didn'l VVO<k. Ths dlrecli".. In tho memo hallO neve' been put into ellect. They boys _anted it. and the G.ntry e"p1elns that thor.. has been "no oHlcial .equ8S1 from girl. didn·I." ho chuckled. IIn"bod... to oureu. _ith ARA that Ihey prOlllde IIfltenalrunenl.'· C'OOCh and Michel$ onEIt II such a .equ_' _.e made, he ,"II""", the reques' would 1ItI..
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