INSIDE Director’s Notes . 2 I-95 Improvements . 3 Interstate 73. 4 US 76 Chattooga Bridge. 5 District News. 16-22 Assets Management. 24 VOLUME XXI NO. I SC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WINTER 2008 Secretary delivers historic State of the SCDOT address By Pete Poore engineering criteria and give a ranking. • All requests for highway projects, CDOT Secretary H.B. “Buck” no matter how large or small, must be Limehouse Jr. had already made his- documented in writing and submitted for tory when he was confirmed as the evaluation and prioritization. Sfirst Secretary of Transportation in South • Approved requests must be certified Carolina in August of 2007. In 2008, histo- by a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). ry was made again as he delivered the first Limehouse cited better financial man- “State of SCDOT” address to members of agement by the agency and better use of the Senate Transportation Committee on transportation dollars. “One of the first the morning of Wednesday Feb. 20. Lime- strategies I put into place was ‘Fix it First!’ house had been invited to make the address which shifts the focus from new construc- by Committee Chairman Larry Grooms. tion to preserving the large state highway Limehouse opened his remarks with a system that we have in South Carolina,” “snapshot” look at SCDOT. He noted that said Limehouse. The Commission agreed the agency is responsible for the 4th larg- and supported the idea that new money est state-maintained highway system in the should go toward protecting our invest- nation, with 41,500 miles of state roads, ment,” he added. including 8,337 bridges. Then Limehouse Limehouse noted that increases in fed- told lawmakers that SCDOT had turned in eral funding are being used for pavement a new direction in the time since he has preservation, bridge replacements and served as the head of the agency. projects that improve the safety of roads. He told the gathering that as the first He pointed to an additional $26 million Secretary of Transportation appointed by in federal funds awarded to SCDOT in Governor Mark Sanford, he has targeted the fall of 2007 because the agency was all of his efforts at making SCDOT more prepared with projects that were ready accountable and responsive to the needs of to move to construction within a short South Carolina’s citizens. “Since I became period of time. The $26 million has pro- the agency head in May of 2007, I have vided additional funding for 13 projects all worked with the SCDOT Commission to around the state. make us more efficient in the way we do Recent approval by the US Department business, particularly in the area of getting of Transportation for SCDOT to investi- the most for the taxpayer’s dollars. These gate private investment in public highways efforts, coupled with the new law that was another innovative financing tech- reorganized SCDOT and made it a Cabinet nique cited by Limehouse. “Public-Private agency continue to guide us in serving the Partnerships are no longer the wave of the ROB THOMPSON/THE CONNECTOR state better,” said Limehouse. He listed future. They have become today’s reality One of the projects on the priority list is the bridge replacement on Piney Grove Road several changes that have taken place at and a viable alternative. We are familiar over Kinley Creek in Richland County. The bridge is being widened to three lanes and SCDOT: with these partnerships in South Carolina, realigned over the creek. Looking over the project plans are, from left, Assistant District • Projects are prioritized based on engi- and we will continue to look at them. We 1 Construction Engineer Robbie Isgett, Richland B Resident Construction Engineer David neering criteria. Several factors including will also have the advantage of having the Rogers and Assistant Geodetic Technician Andrew Gresham. pavement condition, volume of traffic, and most active State Transportation Infra- safety factors such as crash/injury/fatal- structure Bank in the country, and we’ll He told lawmakers he has worked ity rates are considered. Every project, or continue to work closely with the Bank’s closely with his deputies to pursue cost See ADDRESS on page 8 requested project, is evaluated using the Board,” Limehouse said. savings at every level within the agency. Daniel Isaac, Charles Dalton, Sarah Nuckles selected as new SCDOT Commissioners Daniel H. Isaac Jr. Charles E. Dalton Sarah B. Nuckles SCDOT Commissioner SCDOT Commissioner SCDOT Commissioner PERMIT COLUMBIA, SC 1st Congressional District 3rd Congressional District 5th Congressional District US PRSRT POSTAGE PAID By Bob Kudelka members whose terms expired. had been Chairman since August 2007. NO STD Sarah B. Nuckles succeeded Bobby T. hree new Commissioners were sworn Jones as the Commissioner representing the 108 See COMMISSION on page 8 in and attended their first monthly 5th Congressional District. Jones, of Camden, Tmeeting in March, replacing outgoing had served three terms on the Commission and 2 SCDOT WINTER 2008 DIRECTIONS By H.B. ‘Buck’ Limehouse Jr. occurred would not have hap- The “State of SCDOT” ad- Secretary of Transportation pened without a lot of hard work, dress also covered the impact Act starting with the Deputies, and on 114 has had on us. When the bill n February 20th, I attend- down through every level of our was signed into law last June, ed the Senate Transporta- agency. this agency had to turn on a dime tion Committee meeting I would be remiss if I did not in terms of how our processes Oto deliver the first-ever “State of give credit to our SCDOT Com- worked. From the day the bill SCDOT” address. Members of missioners for the positive chang- was signed, all requests for proj- the Committee wanted a report es that have taken place. I’d like ects now have to be recorded. All on how SCDOT was progressing to thank our Chairman, Bobby T. requests must be evaluated ac- since I was put into the leadership Jones from the 5th Congressional cording to objective criteria and position of the agency in May of District, Vice Chairman and 1st each request has to be ranked on a last year, and how the SCDOT District Commissioner Joe Young, priority list. Reorganization Bill, signed into 2nd District Commissioner Henry Our Engineering staff had law last year as Act 114, was af- Taylor, 3rd District Commission- spent several months prior to fecting the way we do business. er Marion P. Carnell, 4th District Act 114 becoming law review- Here’s the short version of what Commissioner Hugh Atkins, 6th ing and finalizing all the criteria I told the Committee: SCDOT is District Commissioner Marvin that should be considered when now doing things the right way. Stevenson, and At-large Commis- evaluating projects, but putting Not only have we stopped waste- sioner Tee Hooper. the process into practice almost ful spending, we’ve taken steps to The Commission had already overnight required a lot of work H.B. ‘Buck’ Limehouse Jr. proactively save money that can resolved to get the agency back and a lot of record-keeping, but free up more funds for mainte- on the right track before last May the job got done!!! ey, but we’re just getting started. better. SCDOT has the advantage nance of our state highway sys- when they asked me to serve in The final point I made in the The job of using our limited fund- of having many smart and inno- tem. That’s a short statement, but the position of what is now the State of SCDOT Address was that ing wisely is one that goes on vative employees. In less than a it could not have been made with- Secretary of Transportation. How- all of what I was reporting to the every day. For example, many of year, with all of us working to- out lots of effort made by a lot of ever, the Commission left getting Committee was just a “snapshot the savings that were initiated in gether in the right way have done talented SCDOT employees. the job done to me, and they have look” at where SCDOT was in District offices will provide sav- many good things for SCDOT I may have enacted the poli- supported me every step of the February 2008. We have made ings for years to come. and the state of South Carolina. I cies and initiatives to get the ball way, and I thank each of them for some changes and we’ve already I know that our 2009 State of look forward to working with you rolling, but the savings that have their confidence in me. saved significant amounts of mon- SCDOT Address will be even as we make our state better. SCDOT receives top honors for recycling, waste management By Bob Kudelka washer solvent. We also make extensive efforts to buy recycled materials, including furniture he South Carolina Department of and office paper and products. In fiscal year Transportation (SCDOT) received top 2007, we reported that 25 percent of our total honors among all South Carolina state purchases consisted of recycled materials.” Tagencies during the 13th annual Recycle Guys • The demolition of the old bridges over Awards Program, the S.C. Department of the Cooper River provided SCDOT with the Health and Environmental Control announced opportunity to use the old steel and concrete March 4. in an innovative fashion. These materials “The annual awards program recognizes the were used to create artificial reefs offshore to top recycling programs, people and projects, enhance the quality of sea life along the South and allows us to recognize and thank those who Carolina coast.
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