0 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JUNE 30 1908 I I ARRANGE PROfiRA- MISS EDITH APPLEBY A BRIDE RABIES IS SHOWN Sheath Gown Thing of Beauty I EVERYTHING READY WAS TIMES BEAUTY CONTESTANT FOR FLEET TO SAIL Mf R JULY FOURTH UNDERMICROSCOPE Ambassador Takahtras View Rear Admiral Sperry Sends Final Notice to Naty Deparinent CHICAGO June 31 Bacon TakahSra timed reverting to his forms t t Japanese ambassador to the United You hav t a ouch historic tradition Before Departure S ftea mss his wife at th Union Sta la It those Co gressmoa say Roar Adortrfcl S Sperry oma- Joint Committee Decides on Animal Bureau Finds Dis ¬ Whew Cbrfe tiH here ysstarday for te first time Oh yaa to wad a ftttt yet you isles d rfa etilef of tile Atlantis fleet Details of Celebrations at ease Four Dogs Mi fourteen months while waiting for one of your lest fables and tsar it hM iMtftaad UM Nary Department that in the trait to Washington he tallied limb from Mesh all is Ja readiness for the bsaiaal ng or Municipal Building Examined- America hasnt enough historic tra TIM Miss Ross who your thin little tIM cruise to McNis Judy 7 and no fur I tens he declared Americans look history brooks say first sewed tile great ther eomcpeodeeo between the fleet too ttgtaly on the attempt to blot out Stars and Strip flag now why is Mae and the Nary Deportment will be a ce tfee beautiful tradition of petay Ross not to rest m pease In sary Eaeh K the boresuus ot the de WIL ARD The Bureau of Animal Industry has and the flag American only Japan would be any one parent baa lirtMiod lotMn pro LUNCHEON a spotted fox owner know it haxaktrl for terrier three things namely base- ¬ to deny the traditions of Japan That STMM of preprtta sad fleet i unknown which was at the busing Is the FEATURE OF DAY killed ball and politiC the spirit which makes Japan great at this ds drta tai be in Distriot pound after it had bit another Weighed down with tIN dignity of betterPiedshape to every way It dog used at the pound for watch pur ¬ But despite the barons efcamptoiiehlp official distinction it might have for this cruise ¬ of the traditional he declared In been supposed greetme than it was when It Jeft Hampton Roads poses for a year was received yester- favor from their that teat Invitation Committee Headed by day afternoon- of the Directoire gown a against the the ambassador and his wife had Deenaber r kimono parted yesterday when she stopped from The fine eoctrol eyatem wfeiefc A white fox terrier owner ua of the lewd Of tiN MNtedo the train was was Ah after her nineteen digs only complete on a few Mp De¬ Chap n Brown Named at khown which also killed at the that Dhactolre is a fetching Journey from Japan True ro a- last pound showing symptoms Of gown on a fetching woman We of cember i now thormwhly on after kahira showed signs of excitement when each one wed the Meeting- the rabies has been received for ex- ¬ Japan are coneerraiive but we love the train rolled in but when be saw of tb atxtMa battleships amination art and of course nature So put his wife and his little daughter Sic he The feed wIdeIr is now mobrlhhsg in post mortem In waited quietly for their approach Then San Praneico bay will in The uxaminations me down for the Direct with the the baron formation by Friday night both cases are said to point strongly kimono a bind second acid and baroness bowed low The final awaiting the ¬ the am baroness bestowed moment for OB At thefinal meeting of the joint com to rabies baeaador wbd na been learning slang reached and a morntmr aatltos Tuesday mittee on arrangements of from Congressmen btrdttke kiss upon the barons node nest the Board The microscopic examination of the The daughter perbaas fifteen did the- r of Trade and the Chamber of Com ¬ head of a dog received from Dr S are a new sentry he eon me That was alL merce the details of the program for E Hershey V S proprietor of the NO FRUIT VENDOR the celebration In honor of the opening Charleston Veterinary Hospital at of the new Municipal building Saturday Charleston V Va shows rabies This FOR PATENT CLERKS- were upon m<< Tl r dog died after biting a boy The BIDS FOR SIDEWALKS STABS HIS FIANCEE committee met In the rooms of th boy Is now taking treatment J 7 Hester and a atthe pleyes number of em Board of Trade forcer ospltal Plttsburg OPENED BY DISTRICT WOMAN WILL or tile Patent orac Deti The program will bogln it- The clinical diagnosis in the ease RECOVER- tIeRed the CoBimlMfcmtn Jw 9S5 oclock and laat until 1130 when to grant to f members of the two organizations and of the dog owned by Max Rosenthal n Italian fruit the prtvfteee of ¬ was sent to the bureau by Dr D Colburn Of- SIg his vie the apoclallr Invited guest and speak- ¬ Brothers Make Lowest Pair Served Term in ¬ trait emrt ill front of the er will adjourn B Buckingham V M D 9t Four- Prison To Patent Office m to the New street shows a ease Seventh street be Hotel where a luncheon will be served teenth northwest fer for Laying Down Cement gether tweea p and G 11 The evening program will of rabies This dog died with symptoms and Were to Have strwte fines e in to tart at 83i 1 m and 4 p and last until 11 oclock indicating rabies but did not bite anu SllQQQO Appropriated 9 from m to 445 p m one a Wed Today Tfce m Utlo ers soy tills would prove Decide on Program- BIds > cement sidewalks In the Dte- CrazjA for love or a woman with of great convenptssto iesr as times The official program decided on this WOMAN LAWYER trfct for the next fiscal year were open- ¬ whaw ho hid sewed a term te prison rely on the Italian for hs purchase or morning was as follows ed n Ute District Butttng today that aM made dMpecatq UN patio y be fruit at mush thus said to take home a m Musical selections by with them In the 9950 the WINS 30000 FEE of the CbUmrn Brothers of Wa htnaion cause of the womans refusal to give Cant G Marine Band being lowest bid was cents- him money H Williams of the rSrat the Their K Walter T Beekbam thlr- says that to such a 9J5 Singing of The StrSpaD ed CHICAGO June A Chicago wom ¬ a square yard for sidewalks wtthln the tyrour years of age drew a moor privilege would b a Banner Marine Band special from e distinct violation chorus ot city 118 sidewalks out- pocket ¬ of police regulations which pro and entire audience with hate of an attorney has just received a fee limits and for ids and made a desperate at- limit tbe occupancy guns Is Mary Miller side the city Units tempt to of public in twentyone 80000 She Miss E kill Blanche Davis thirty the anon ecL In justice to t 1000 Invocation by the Rev RoM successfully prosecuted a suit on The other bidders and their prices years old fruit vend IFishbum who tber A h mroinuioada that were Rudolph S Btome tAl within Cut sad rtaohMl about the BOCk face the P mJon be led which recom ¬ 1005 Address by Commissioner H B behalf of tbe grandchildren of tbe late mendation is approved JF Atotrlbtttlon or the city and SL1S outside the city Drew dad minds the womM sM aco- by Major Sylves Macfartend William Bross for the A Paving ter and Commisaiooer 1026 Addrea Secretary George B by decedent ahehan L44Llfi Cranford ekws to this pr unent JUtbo n in Cortelyou the MOW estate left the Compaq tl15 and R J Beall Con- e provMons of will a wio eoadlrtoa oetora at the A 1035 Musks selected Marine Band Under the the the struction Company tIc TIM Emerswier Hoapttal say Staple Test Which Any 1040 Address by Representative Van estate was to be held in trust until the formal awarding of this contract win today that she I Vechten Olcott District House Cbmmlt not be made days say pt well Reader of This youngest of the grandchildren reached tor several TIN on Paper May Try xteclo50 The sum of nMR for new cement attack the wYOman which oc Address M A Browne on be MatS JOHN A DUNBAR the age of thirty years That was the curred at an eAr y hosts this morning Qjalf sidewalks is Included in the District > of Board of Trade construction placed upon H by Asariah appropriation bin for the year mashed tile end a romance of the I o you know whether you are 1100Recitation The StarSpa gJed Wh Was Miss Edith Appleby a Times Beauty Girl who contest- ftcal It rf haTe = T Gait the administrator is estimated that arproxtmaUty 72IW under world which plan- ¬ kMotir hid Banner by Charles B Hanford ed suit for Immediate distribution it had been flaw you triedtrythe simple 1110 Addreas Chapin Brown on be the square yards will be mid under this ned would culminate today mar- ertryour test ol 1 The suit which was flied by Mss Mil- ¬ in the setting aside wine a fljalf of Chamber of Commerce contract riage of the couple r for or Muslear selection America officiating in the presence of a small ler last September was based on the Sues Ms release tyfont hours llae Marriage to A Dunbar claim of perpetuity She argued from the District jail Backham lad A sediment or set to tbe urine Marine Band chorus and entire a John party of relatives and tortmafe friends that be a 1Mft with relatives at SSL M a diseased condttfon idlencg Mr Mrs Washington under the construction of the trustee CLOTHES REDUCED- street Science PROGRAM and Dunbar left estate might never be northwest He left the hairs has today furnished proofs EVENING Takes Place This immediately ceremony up- ¬ the distributed last night with his three TIM t t all tb your 8 0 p m Fireworks in White Lot after the and among the heirs it was Intended brothers that biool on te AT HAAS COS four met the Davis woman and the heeds in fact all that can be done 30 to 11SO Illumination of the Ave Afternoon- their return win make their home benefit brothers tried
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