January 25, 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 495 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 25, 1990 The House met at 11 a.m. Scenic Rivers System, and for other pur­ DO NOT FORGET COAL MINERS The Chaplain, Rev. James David poses; and IN CLEAN AIR DEBATE S. 1594. An act to revise the boundary of Ford, D.D., offered the following <Mr. POSHARD asked and was given prayer: Gettysburg National Military Park in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for permission to address the House for 1 Teach us, 0 God, a unity of purpose other purposes. minute and to revise and extend his that brings us together to do the good remarks and include extraneous work that we have been called to do. matter.) We admit our differences, our preju­ DENVER BRONCOS ARE GOING Mr. POSHARD. Mr. Speaker, this dices, and we pray for the gifts of the TO WIN THE SUPER BOWL year starts on a very down note for me spirit that free us to live lives that are and my district in southern Illinois. worthy of our responsibility. Bless the <Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was given permission to address the House Here is the headline in the Southern men and women here and the people Illinoisan newspaper: "Old Ben 21 of our land, unite the nations of the for 1 minute and to revise and extend world and every person of good will in her remarks.) Closes; 337 Left Jobless," 337 hard an attitude of common respect. May Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, working men and women whose lives we be faithful to do Your good will the Denver Broncos are going to win are being turned upside-down. now and evermore. In Your name, we the Super Bowl. Not because Denver­ All of us in my area know someone pray. Amen. ites are vulgar and believe "winning is who is personally affected. Two family the only thing." We do not just look at members of my staff are among those our past Super Bowl record. No, being put out of work. And we fear THE JOURNAL Denver is a compassionate city. We are this is the first dispatch of more bad The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ very worried about what will happen if news to come. amined the Journal of the last day's we do not win. Poor San Francisco will I know clean air legislation is a pri­ proceedings and announces to the become known as "Titletown USA." ority for this session. But I am here to House his approval thereof. San Francisco is not Green Bay, and I ask my colleagues to join those of us Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the think it would be very embarrassing from other coal States to modify any Journal stands approved. for them to continue to have the best legislation that puts even more people football team on the planet. The out of work. Denver Broncos are going to spare I support cleaner air, land, and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE them that embarrassment. water. But we cannot stand by and The SPEAKER. The Chair will ask watch these cleanup efforts be fi­ nanced on the backs of working men the gentleman from Illinois CMr. Po­ MAJ. EILEEN M. COLLINS NOMI­ SHARD] if he would kindly come for­ and women in the coal fields of this NATED TO BE FIRST WOMAN country. ward and lead the membership in the PILOT FOR SPACE SHUTTLE Pledge of Allegiance. They have worked too long for us to Mr. POSHARD led the Pledge of Al­ <Mr. HOUGHTON asked and was desert them now. Join me in standing legiance as follows: given permission to address the House by them, and standing up for them in I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the for 1 minute and to revise and extend this important debate. United States of America, and to the Repub­ his remarks.) The newspaper article follows: lic for which it stands, one nation under Mr. HOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I do OLD BEN 21 CLOSES; 337 LEFT JOBLESS God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for not come from Colorado, and I do wish all. the Denver Broncos good luck. Howev­ <By Norm Heikens> er, as New Yorkers are always looking Southern Illinois lost another 337 coal over the next hill to see what the mine jobs over the weekend, a harbinger of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE future will be, maybe it will be next $13 million in payroll draining from the A message from the Senate by Mr. economy. year the Buffalo Bills' year. That is Old Ben No. 21 employees received layoff Hallen, one of its clerks, announced not the reason I am here. notices Monday because the mine near that the Senate had passed without Mr. Speaker, the reason I am here is Sesser is closing. amendment a concurrent resolution of I have very exciting news. It is from In announcing the end of the 30-year-old the House of the following title: the southern tier of New York State. mine, Bill Hake, vice president of Old Ben's H. Con. Res. 228. Concurrent resolution to NASA has just nominated an Elmira, Illinois Division, said 288 union miners and express the sense of the Congress regarding NY, native, Maj. Eileen M. Collins, of 49 company employees will lose their jobs in the 25th anniversary of Volunteers In Serv­ the United States Air Force, to be the late March or early April. ice To America. first woman pilot of the Space Shuttle Hake explained that No. 21, the smallest The message also announced that of four mines Old Ben has in the state, had Program. become too expensive to continue operating. the Senate had passed bills of the fol­ This is not only great news for "There's still a little bit of coal left, but lowing titles, in which the concurrence Major Collins and our district, but it is we can't mine it at a price utilities are will­ of the House is requested: an important nomination for the ing to pay for it," he said, adding that the S. 319. An act to effect an exchange of future progress and development of mine lost money last year. "The mine has to lands between the United States Forest the Space Shuttle Program. be able to stand on its own, and it couldn't Service and the Salt Lake City Corporation On behalf of everyone in the south­ do that." within the State of Utah, and for other pur­ ern tier of New York, I wish Major United Mine Workers District 12 Presi­ poses; dent Jerry Jones said the announcement S. 1046. An act to amend the Wild and Collins the best of luck in her already came soon after miners' hope had begun to Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 by designating a successful career with NASA, and par­ inch upward. segment of the Merrimack River in the ticularly congratulate her husband Old Ben had been put up for sale last State of New Hampshire for study for po­ and her parents, Jim and Rose Marie summer by its parent company, British Pe­ tential addition to the National Wild and Collins of Elmira. troleum, in an effort to consolidate its oper- 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 25, 1990 ations, but was taken off the market just private sector, a new day is dawning economic development and save ailing before Christmas. for Benton Harbor. cities. I am confident that the success Employees hoped a purchasing company Over 2 years ago, I held an economic during this first year is only the tip of would have had coal contracts to keep the mine operating. development conference in Benton the iceberg. The future for Benton "We didn't know what was going to Harbor that was attended by more Harbor and its neighboring communi­ happen with the sale," Jones said. "When than 350 people. As my good friend ties will be bright due to the continued the sale didn't go through, there was a and colleague Congressman CURT hard work and dedication of these rumor there would be a pretty good-sized WELDON of Pennsylvania noted at this people who dare to make a difference. layoff in December." conference, the key to economic devel­ Their jitters were just beginning to ease opment is a strong alliance among when the announcement was made. education, business, labor and govern­ SAY IT IS NOT SO, MR. Union employees will be put on call-back .PRESIDENT panels, but already 400 to 500 workers are ment leaders. The message I hoped to on the list, he said. The problem is that no deliver with CURT was how our com­ <Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts asked new mines are opening. munity in Benton Harbor could pull and was given permission to address Salaried employees might be out of work itself up by the bootstraps and flour­ the House for 1 minute.) permanently. ish. Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Mr. "Some of the ones with less seniority and I am proud that the conference held Speaker, those of us representing con­ less performance will be looking for work," that day helped serve as a catalyst for stituencies in the Northeast were he said. the formation of the Community Eco­ Historically, No. 21 produced premium shocked to learn that President Bush coal.
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