• l20 BAR (KELLY'S l BERKSHIRE. BANKERS-continued. Coombes & Cooper, I3 Castle st.Rdng Beale Geo. Richd. Croft rd.Wallingfrd Hedges, ·wells, Morrell & Co. Walling- Eckett Caleb, 16 Northfield rd.Readng Beasley Charles, Oxford road, Windsor ford Bank, Market place, Walling- Fitchett W. Cookham Dean,Cookham Beckett Joseph, U:ffington, .Faringdou ford; draw on London & ·westmin- Giles William, Twyford R.S.O Bedford Mrs. Mary, Winkfield,Windsr ster Bank, London E C Gomm Fdk. 3 St. Mary's butts,Readng Beeson George Thomas, Broad Hin- Lloyds Bauk Lim. (branch of) (\Ym. Hawkins G. 29 Southampton st.Rdng ton, Twyford R.S.O Warren l>lis5, manager), Market pl. Ruse Fredk. Boyne hill, Maidenhead Bennett Benj. Wantage rd. Reading Faringdon; hours, 10 till 3 except King Jas. Cheapside, Sunninghill,.Asct Berry Mrs. E. 6o Oxford rd. Windsor tue.sday, IO to 4 & >'>aturday Io to 1 Lavington Fredk. London st.Faringdn Berry Jas. 54 Cheap st. Newbury draw on hE-ad office, 72 Lombard st Lea Misses Prudence & Elizabeth, 74 Betteridge Jas. 85 Bedford rd.l:eading London E 0 Northbrook street, Kewbury Biddle Miss Elizabeth, Sulhamstead London & County Banking Co. Lim Lewis Charles & Reuben,Oholsey R.S.O Abbots, Reading (Waiter Oockell, manager), High st. Parsons F.Cookham Dean,Cookhm.S.O Binding Robert, Clewer fields,Windsor .Hungerford; (Richard Dale Let> Redwood William, Mill st. Wantage Bird Mrs. Fanny, Bracknell rd. Wink- manager), High st. Maidenhead; Rolfe H. Lower grn. Inkpen,Hungerfrd field, Bracknell (Isaac Westcombe, manager}, Mar· Rolfe Thos. St. Leonard's rd. Windsor Blackwell W. Bagnor, Speen, Newbury .ket pl. Abingdon; (Alex. Mitchell, Smart & Som, 44 Cheap st. Newbury Bolton Thos. Oold Ash, Newbury mgr. ), Market pl. Newbury; (Edwn. Stevens Reuben, High st. Bracknell & Booker Mrs. Mary Viner, Letoombe Charles Morris, manager), 13, 14, lE 10 Broad street, WDkingham Regis, Wantage .& 16 Market pi. Reading; (J. G. Taylor lYm. Queen st. Maidenhead Bosher David, Calcot, Reading •Greenwood, manager), High street, Walden E. 74 Peascod st. Windsor Bosley C. Hart st.Wood st.Wallingford Wallingford; (Alexander Sinclaii Waiter Sl. 68 Northbrook st. ~ewbury Bosley Joseph, London rd. Newbury Bradley, manager), Newbury street, Webb John, 12 Bath street, Abingdon Boucher Thomas, London st. Faringdn Wantage; Joseph I!'. Hoddinott, Boulton Tom, Thatcham, Newbury manager), Qpen 9 to 4 daily; 9 to I BATH PROPRIETORS. Bouncy W. C. 9 & II Mount st.Raadng .thursdays; 9 to 5 saturdays,55 High Boddy J.River side, Windsor & at Eton Bowsher F.6o Southampton st.Readng ~treet, Windsor; (E. C. Morris, Grand Hall Swimming Baths (Miss Bowyer Mrs. E.Mt.Pleasant,Bracknell "Reading, manager), open tuesdays & Gladys E'velyn, proprietress), Mar- Brambley Stephen, Bray, Maidenhead fridays from II till 3, Market place, ket street, Maidenhead Brinn William James J. 44• 46 & 48 Wokingham; draw on head office, 2r Maidenhead Baths(Mrs. N. C. Thomp- Castle street, Reading Lombard street, London E 0 son, proprss.), East st. Maidenhead Brooks William, Cholsey R.S.O London & Provincial Bank Limited Newbury Corporation Public Baths, Brown R. Letrombe Regis, Wantage (agency) (F. A. Tomkins, manager}, Northcroft lane, Newbury Brunsdon Fredk. G.34 Soho st.Readng open monday, thursday & saturday Reading Corporation Public Swimming Bullock George, Whistley-in-Hurst from 9 to 12, Sunningdale, Ascot; Baths (Wm. R. Horsley, attendnt.), Twyford R.S.O ' ~raw on head {)ffice, 7. Bank b';lild- King's Meadow road, Reading Bunce Frank, Mill street, Wantage mgs El 0; & Glyn, Mills, Curne & Reading Turkish Baths (Hy. H. Rus- Bunce H. R. West Hanney, Wantage Co. Lo_ndon E C sell, manager),Greyfriars rd.Readng Bunce Robert, Tubney, Abingdon Metropohta~ Bank (of E!lgland & Sturgess Alfred, I79 Orts rd. Reading Burningham F. Oldfield rd.Maidenhd Wales) L1m. (~lex. McNeil, mngr. ), BATH CHAIR MAKERS. Burgess G. E. 84 Castle st. Reading open 10 to 4 daily; wednesda~ 10 to Burgess James, Little Hungerford, I ; s~turday Io to 5, 18 Fr1ar st. Willis & Son, Thames side, Windsor Hermitage, Newbury J1eadmg; (Alfre~ Edward Bonb~rrg, BEDDING CLEANER. Burton Fredk. Hoe Benham, Newbury manager), 3 H1gh street, Matden- . Bush Wm. Moffatt st. Maidenhead & bead (a,.,.ency),.., (Herbert s · .A.dams. • Street T. R. 169 London rd. Readmg B uss H . S u lh amst ea d .n'bb ot s, R ea d"lng agent), Pangbourne, Readmg; BEDDING MANUFACTURERS. Butcher Mrs. Mary, 92 Great Knollys draw on head office, 6o Gracechurch B Ch ( tt , ) B th d street ReadinO" street London E 0 arnes ar1 es ma re~s , a r . , , R ·d & o' (N ·1 ) Th t w· d Maidenhead Thicket Maidenhead Butler & Sons, 85, 87 & 89 Ohatham el do. evl ew, ill" amesDs . lll &- Sparrow Frederick Hariey & James I28 street, Reading sor; raw on 1ams eacon. & 129 Frear, street Readmg. ' B u tl er Ohar 1 es, co Id A sh , ,..,1.,ew b ury LoM a~c h e~~Ot & Salfor d B ank L Im. ' Butler Charles, Rose st. W okingnam ..a· n donJ & O & Co h d ffi BEE FARMER. Butler Edwd. 0. Park st. Maidenhead olmon s . ea o ce B 1 J h B . ht 11 W 11" f d , 4- & King stre~t. Reading;' Wo_?dley Wm. World's end, Beedon, Butt er W~ll?• r1g B":ed , taRm~d·?r 3 5 · Ch D N ewbury u 1er 1 1am, I 8 n ge s . ea mg (b ranch es ) (Lew1s ar1 es ucrocq, ,-, 1 d" M M ( ff) D t Ab d m ana er) Market place W okin - BEE HIVE MAKERS. '_)a a me rs. · 0 ray on, . ng n g ' & . ' g Castle Samuel, 2 Queen st. Abmgdon barn; open tues. fn. II.30 a.m. Flood T A 6 Donnington rd Reading Ch G H 8 & S · f d R 0 & ( · · · apman eorge . ro pnng t o 3 p.m.. T wy or · s · :; open Webster Walter Benjamin,The Apiary, ardens Readin tues. & fr1. II to 3), W ellmgton Col- Binfield Bracknell g ' g . · lege Station S.O.; draw on Wil- ' Chapman Thos. II6 Km~'s rd. Read~ng liams Deaeon & Manchester & Sal- BEER RETAILERS. Chart Frdk. Wm. 57 Hosier st. Readmg ford Bank Limited, London E 0 Abdy George, Shippon, Abingdon Ch~lds William, Oakley Grn. Windsor :Stephens, Blandy, Barnett, Butler & <A.bery Mrs. Sophia, Swiss cottage, Ch~vers G. 57 Northbrook st. Ne~bry Co. (John Robert CoDk, manager); Ticehurst road, Reading Chwers Jn. Chas. Calcot, Read~g head office, I Market place, Read- .A.dams William, 73 Cheap st. Newb•1ry Church ~a;ml. 40 Lon~on st. Rea~mg ing; (branches) (Hy. John Mount, .Albury Mrs. Elizh. Basildon, Readill6 Clacy W1lham, 19 Hosier st. Readmg manager), 45 High street, Maiden- Alcock S. 9I High st. Maidenhe.J.d Clapp Robert, Sparsholt, Wantage. head; (Charles Phillips, manager), .A.ldred S. 52 & 54 Silver st. Reading Clark F. 19 Chatham street, Readmg Bracknell; draw on Lloyds Bank Alexander Henry, Inkpen, Hungerford Clarke Mrs. Elizh. Ascot hth. .A.scot Limited, 72 Lombard st.London EO Alien David, London street, Reading Clarke W.Broad Hinton, TwyfordR.S.O Wallingford Bank (The), see Hedges, Alien E:ct.ward, High street, Windsor Cleverley Henry, Cold Ash, Newbury Wells, Morrell & Co .Allen James, Oxford road, Windsor Cocks Charles, 12 Rupert st. Reading Woodbridge, Lacy, Hartland, Hibbert Allen Thomas, Woodlands, Hungerfrd Coles Mrs. A. 466 Oxford rd. Reading & Co. (branch), 30 High street, .Allnatt P. H. 52 Leopold rd. Reading Collins Jas. Knowl hl. Twyford R.S.O lVindsor; draw on Glyn, Mills, Allsworth Mrs. Martba, Goldsmith la. Colyer Mrs. Elizabeth, Theale,Reading Currie & Co. London E 0 Wallingford Cook John, Upper Basildon, Reading .A.pplin Edward, Spital, Wind-or Cooper E. 24 Great Knollys st. Readng BARGE BUILDERS. Atkins Henry A. Wood st. Wallingford Cooper Mrs. Martha, 6I Bartholomew .A.very Thos. G. I8 Watlington st.Rdng street, Newbury See Boat & Barge Builders. .A.yres George, Queen's road, Reading Copperthwaite Hy. Burghfield,Reading BARROW MAKER. Bacon Albert, Marsh Benham, Stock- Cotterel David, Theale, Reading cross, Newbury Cowler Wm. Holyport, Maidenhead .!nstiss Geo. Oxford rd. Windsor Bailey George, Winkfield, W:hisor Cox Edwin, Steventon R.S.O BASEMENT LIGHT ENGNRS. Ballard W. 27 De Beauvoir rd.Reading Cox Frederick, Bray, Maidenhead Barlow .Alfd. Holyport, Maidenhead Cox J. J. Newbury st.Lambourn R.S.O St. Pancras Iron-Work Co. Limited, Barnes F. 37 The Terraee, Wokingham Cox John W. 29 Victoria st. Windsor Pancras road, London N W Barr Mrs. Ann, Hawkridge, Newbury Cozens William, East Hagbourne, Barrand J. 39 Chatham st. Reading Didcot R.S.O BASKET & SIEVE MAKERS. Barrett R. Upper Lambourn} Lam- Cripps Richard, Sheet street, Windsor .A.ttwDod Hugh, Woolhampton,Reading bourn R.S.O Cracker Mrs. Sarah, Tilehurst, Readng Ball John, I04 Bartholomew st.Newbry Batt Philip, Kintbury, Hungerford Croft Thomas, 4 Willow street,Reading U>ok David John, II High st. Reading Baylis Geo. 99 London st. Reading Crook Mrs. E. M.3r Weldale st.Readng .
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