NOTESFaculty and Staff 2019 LaGuardia Community College / CUNY Articles and Books Leslie Aarons published the book chapter “On for LaGuardia (Pearson Publication Company, 2018) the Disadvantage of WikiLeaks for Life” in WikiLeak- and (with Kevin Mark, Ian Alberts, and Sunaina ing: The Ethics of Secrecy and Exposure ed. C. Cotton Singh) titled General Chemistry I (SCC 201) Tutorial and R. Arp (Chicago: Open Court, 2017). package (Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2018). Allia Abdullah-Matta published five poems: ti- Alice Baldwin-Jones co-authored (with Ira Har- tled “North Geography” in Promethean: The Official rison, Deborah Johnson-Simon, and Erica Williams) Literary Journal of the City College of New York (April a book titled “Charles Preston Warren II, Pioneer Mil- 2018), Vol. 46, pp. 14-16; titled “J-train Geography” in itary Forensic Anthropologist, Scholar and Applied Promethean: The Official Literary Journal of the City Scientist” in The Second Generation of African Amer- College of New York (April 2018), Vol. 46, p. 17; titled ican Pioneers in Anthropology (Illinois: University of “Digital Study for Saints...” in Selected Writings from Illinois Press, 2018). the MFA Program in Creative Writing (November Darren Barany authored a book titled The New 2018), pp. 13-14; titled “Scar” in Mom Egg Review Lit- Welfare Consensus: Ideological, Political, and Social erature & Art (December 2018), Vol. MER VOX Quar- Origins (State University of New York Press, 2018). terly, Issue Winter, http://momeggreview.com/ Rajendra Bhika co-authored (with Eric Hofmann 2018/12/15/allia-abdullah-matta-poetry and titled and Ellen Quish) a book chapter titled “Critical Junc- “Scarred” in Mom Egg Review Literature & Art (De- tures: Professional Development in an Evolving cember 2018), Vol. MER VOX Quarterly, Issue Winter, ePortfolio Landscape” in High-Impact ePortfolio http://momeggreview. com/2018/12/15/allia-abdullah- Practice: A Catalyst for Student, Faculty, and Institu- matta-poetry. They also co-authored (with Rani tional Learning, first edition (October 2018). Varghese and Hye-Kyung Kang) a book chapter titled David Bimbi co-authored (with Juline Koken) a “The Ladies’ Salon: Building Intellectual and Personal book chapter titled “Selective vision: How Discipli- Collective(s)” in Uncommon Bonds Women Reflect on nary Frames, Funding Streams and Social Policy Race and Friendship, eds. Kersha Smith and Marcella Shape Research on Sex Work” in Handbook of Sex In- Runell Hall (New York: Peter Lang, 2018), pp. 185-197. dustry Research, first edition, eds. S. Dewey, I. Amit Aggarwal published three articles: titled Crowhurst, & C. Izugbara (New York: Routledge, 2018), “Nanomaterials Eased Exogenous Contrast Agents pp. 33-41. for MRI” in Nanotechnology Letters (December 2018), Habiba Boumlik published three papers: (with Vol. 2, Issue 2: pp. 1-2; (with Christopher Farley, Phyllis Van Slyck) titled “Undergraduate and Gradu- Sunaina Singh, Aaron Dolor, Philip To, and Alexander ate Collaboration: Building Ties at both Ends of Uni- Falber) titled “A structural Model of Nitro-Porphyrin versity Experience: The Case of Morocco and New Dyes based on Spectroscopy and Density Functional York” in Writings on COIL Courses, Programs, and Theory” in Journal of Computational Chemistry (July Projects from Session Presenters and Contributors 2018), Vol. 39, Issue 18: pp. 1129-1142 and (with Sebas- (April 2018), 2018 COIL, pp. 207-220; (with Reem Jaa- tian A. Thompson, Sunaina Singh, Alejandro P. Adam, far and Ian Alberts) titled “Interdisciplinary Connec- Joao P. C. Tome, and Charles M. Drain) titled “Com- tions Across the Curriculum: Fostering promising the Plasma Membrane as a Secondary Tar- Collaborations between Freshman and Capstone Stu- get in Photodynamic Therapy-Induced Necrosis” in dents through Peer-Review Assignments” in Interna- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (October 2018), Vol. tional Journal of Higher Education (April 2018), Vol. 26, Issue 18: pp. 5224-5228. They also co-authored 7, Issue 5, pp. 61-74 and (with Reem Jaafar and Ian two books: (with Kevin Mark) titled Foundations of Alberts) titled “Creating a Network between Com- Chemistry, SCC 110 Revised lab Manual custom edition munity College Students in First-Year Seminars and LAGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ing, and Renormalization in the Tangent Family” in Proficiency on Discourse Appropriacy in Oral Task Conformal Geometry and Dynamics of the American Performance” in Task-Based Approaches to Teaching Mathematical Society (November 2018), Vol. 22, Issue and Assessing Pragmatics, eds. Naoko Taguchi and 12, pp. 271-314, https://www.ams.org/journals/ecgd/ YouJin Kim (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018), pp. 2018-22-12/S1088-4173-2018-00327-2. 248-263. Kai Chun Chuang published an article titled “We Thomas Fink published eight articles: (with Cas- are Pilots, not Horses: Performing Professionalism sandra Callaghan and Denise Duhamel) titled “Ex- through Resistance from Taiwanese Commercial Air- change on Denise Duhamel’s Scald” in Dichtung lines Pilots” in Departures in Critical Qualitative Re- Yammer (January 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 1, http://dich- search (September 2018), Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 60-87, tungyammer.wordpress.com; (with Charles Bern- http://dcqr.ucpress.edu/content/7/3/60. They also co- stein) titled “Exchange with Charles Bernstein on His authored two other papers: (with Bernadette Marie Recent Poetry, Poetics, and Criticism” in Dichtung Calafell) titled “From Me to We: Embracing Coperfor- Yammer (February 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 2, http://dich- mative Witnessing and Critical Love in the Class- tungyammer.wordpress.com; (with Leila Rosner and room” in Communication Education (January 2018), Mark Young) titled “Exchange with Mark Young on Vol. 67, Issue 1, pp. 109-114, doi:10.1080/03634523. His Recent Poetry” in Dichtung Yammer (March 2018), 2017.1388529 and (with Joelle Cruz, James McDonald, Vol. 3, Issue 3, http://dichtungyammer.wordpress. Kirsten Broadfoot, and Shiv Ganesh) titled “Aliens in com; (with Judith Halden Sullivan) titled “Exchange the United States: A Collaborative Autoethnography on Judith Walden-Sullivan’s Writing/Thinking on of Foreign-Born Faculty” in Journal of Management Gadamer, Poetry, and Composition” in Dichtung Yam- Inquiry (September 2018), doi:10.1177%2F10564926 mer (April 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 4, http://dichtungyam- 18796561. mer.wordpress.com; (with Richard Kostelanetz) titled in Capstone Courses using Writing Assignments” in John Collins authored the book chapter “Cata- “Exchange on Richard Kostelanetz’s Poetry” in Dich- Cogent Education (November 2018), Vol. 5, Issue 1; pp. lyst In Action Case Studies of High Impact ePortfolio tung Yammer (May 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 5, http://dich- 1-14. They also authored (Doris Grey) a book chapter Practice” in Structured Advisement and Career Dis- tungyammer.wordpress.com; (with Melissa Mantilla) “Morocco’s Islamic Feminism: Contours of a New The- cernment via ePortfolio, eds. Bret Eynon and Laura titled “Exchange on Patricia Carlin’s Second Nature” ology?” in Women and Social Change in North Africa: Gambino (Steriling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2018), in Dichtung Yammer (May 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 6, What Counts as Revolutionary?, eds. D. Gray & N. Son- pp. 57-69. http://dichtungyammer.wordpress.com; (with Leila neveld (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Carrie Conners published an article titled “‘Ping Rosner) titled “Exchange on Hank Lazer’s Thinking 2018), pp. 119-142. Ping Ping/ I Break Things’: Productive Disruption in in Jewish/N 20” in Dichtung Yammer (June 2018), Vol. Richard Brown published an article (with the Working-Class Poetry of Jan Beatty, Sandra Cis- 3, Issue 7, http://dichtungyammer.wordpress.com and Joseph LeDoux, Daniel S. Pine, and Stefan G. Hof- neros, and Wanda Coleman” in The Journal of Work- (with Araceli Rojas) in Dichtung Yammer (November mann) titled “Know Thyself: Well-Being and Subjec- ing Class Studies (June 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2018), Vol. 3, Issue 12, http://dichtungyammer.word- tive Experience” in Cerebrum: Timely and Provocative http://workingclassstudiesjournal.files.wordpress.co press.com. They also published seven poems: titled Articles on Neuroscience (January 2018), m/2018/06/jwcs-vol-3-issue-1-june-2018-conners.pdf. “Yinglish Strophes 21 and 22” in Barrow Street (Jan- http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/2018/Know_Thyself__ They also published seven poems: titled “Home uary 2018), Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 37-18; titled “Subprime Well_Being_and_Subjective_Experience. Shopping Fantasy” in The Hunger (2018), Vol. 2, Mortgage Bargain Lot 2 and 3” in Broadsheet (May Olga Calderon published an article (with Angelo https://www.thehungerjournal.com/home-shopping- 2018), Vol. 5, pp. 10-11; titled “Questioning 1 and 2” in Kolokithas) titled “A How-To Guide on Bringing Un- fantasy-carrie-conners; titled “Markings” in Cloud- Talisman (March 2018), Vol. 46, https://talismanmag. dergraduate Research to Community and Technical bank (June 2018), Vol. 12, p. 21; titled “Negotiations net; titled “Dented Reprise 16” in Otoliths (February Colleges” in ASM Journal of Microbiology & Biology Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel and United Steelworkers 2018), Vol. 13, Issue 48, http://the-otolith.blogspot. Education (December 2018), Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 1-6, of America” in Kestrel (2018), Vol. 39, p. 24; titled “Res- com; (with Tom Beckett) titled “Dali Etudes” in doi:10.1128/jmbe.v19i3.1642. olution: New Year’s Day, Moundsville, WV 1986” in Otoliths (August 2018), Vol. 13, Issue 50, http://the- Cheri Carr published an
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