B V; W-* PP|jl ■ - , W- Wfæ ’ : ■' ■ ml ■BHBR8BR SATURDAY, J UN* 26. 1637. PAGE FOU» MONTANA OIL AND MININO JOURNAL member that King Solomon used to "Use Just been bit by a dog and ‘T «ent my husband to the hos­ P take his pick and go to bed.” I’se worried. I hear whenever a pital because cd bis knee.” L dog bits yon, whatever the dog has, “Did he hare -water on H?” • • • • • . “No; his private secretary.” For Sale—Pure Bred Milking you got.” /-Aonla 'Journal shorthorn ball. Ready for service. "Boy, then you have a right to • • • • • —Owendboro (Ky.) paper. worry.” "Last night my boyfriend gave me Sap He’s got something Giere. "Why?” a quarter for every kiss I gave him.” «ESTABLISHED 1921 PUBLISHED WEEKLY • • • • "That dog Just bad eleven pups!” "Why are yon telling us?” s I Bat» all kind Nature doth bestow, • • • • • “I thlought maybe you could tell Owned and published by the Montana Oil Journal, a Montana corporation. me where I can buy a yacht.” it will amalgamate below. "What dreadful language your Address all communications to 618 First National Bank Building, K the mind says so, it shall be so parrot uses.” • •••••• I But If you once begin to doubt Great Falls. Montana. O. I. DeSCHON. publisher "Yes. My husband bought the Son: Daddy, what Is the différ­ The gastric Juice will find it out. ence between seduction and nape? • • • • • bird in town and drove It home In SUBSCRIPTION RATES: bis car. He had three blowouts, Daddy: It’s salesmanship, son. V Year In Advance—Canada and Foreign Subscriptions 32.50, Colin courage conquers sauerkraut. 32.00 Per ...... and engine trouble on the way." salesmanship. Per Year. 31.25—6 Months. Foreign 31.75—6 Months. "Doesn’t It strike you that’s a Published Every Saturday, queer harp that new woman angel Second Class Matter, April 23, 1921, at the Poet Office at is lugging around?” asked St. Peter Entered as with a perplexed frown. Great Falls, Montana.—Under Act of March 3, 1879. Little Audrey had a baby brother “That Isn’t a harp. It’s a radio Oil & Mining Journal endeavors to insure the honesty named Oaka. One day her mother set,” answered Gabriel. “She’s en­ The Montana joying her husband’s howls from and trustworthiness of every advertisement■ It prints Band BH avoid the told her to go upstairs and bring of all advertisements containing misleading statements Oaka down. Audrey laughed and Station HELL.” publication ...... I laughed, because she knew dhe : or claims. couldn’t carioca. Some men smile in the evening, 4 T 70 gasoline ! ' Some men smile at dawn. SSai u ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION But the man worth while Perplexed Oriental: “Our childlen Is the man who can smile utofuel , velly white. Is velly stlange.” A I has not yet made an appearance. __ ... „ When his two front teeth are At the Sign of Better Motoring / The Texas company has some 22 j Wel1 • • • Occidents w 11 happen. gone. | i HEILAND RESEARCH geophysical crews at work in var-1 **'***.,. (Continued from Page One) ions parts of the United States, buti "There is nothing new about the “Tell me, papa, what is a con­ olaeed by American firms using none in Montana. W.P.A.” remarked J. Edgar Pew. sulting physician?” more advanced methods. Also, The ----------__------------------------------- “The whole idea antedates the “He is a doctor who is called in '3 VAisn Texas company bought the basic BUYS DRILLING MACHINE ! Christian era.”^ at the last minute to Dinare the r t patents in Germany and only recent- Commercial gas production is Is a "How’s that.’ he was asked. blame.” ]y all manufacturers and licenses fact an(j development of oil produc- “Well, If you have studied your have been compelled to pay royalties tjon jn Saskatchewan is almost a Masonic history, as you should Jailbirds are tihe offspring of to The Texas corporation. certainty, in the opinion of A. Stan- have,’ replied J. Edgar, “you 11 re- larks, bats and swallows. Dr. Heiland was offered a chair ! ley Smith of Regina who was a as head of a department of geo-1 visitor in Great Falls this week. His! m -r- T physics at the University of Colo- ; company. Northern Royalties, Ltd., ! ~y »ill 2n L'ili*!- LiLiLEi ! I II! If mm v rado with permission to do outside jS drilling in the Pawee Hills at j MMHS work. Thus the Colorado instltu-1 Reserve. He came here to buy a tion has been the center of geophysi- Lydecker machine with which he! cal science in America, built around | wju replace present equipment. His j Dr. Heiland. test is eight miles from a shallow I Methods Are Improved well which gives evidence of! GEOPHYSICS ARRIVES IN MONTANA gas Earlier methods dealt chiefly j structure and of the presence of with gravity, utilizing the pendelum, sas m the fold, Smith says, torsion balance and vertical comp- mant gravitometers. These instru­ CALL, FOB BIDS 0>' STATE Oil. Passing through Conrad one day this tion discussed the various types of geo­ great Standard of Indiana who not only ASD GAS LEASES JFLÏ 14. 1937 ments measured the attraction of week we saw the start of one of the physical instruments. While the several guaranteed the world that there would is hereby given that the Stale gravity due to some in the earth. Board (<t Land commissioners of the ; most historic events In the oil history instruments find use in particular dis­ never be any oil produced In Montana, These were quite successful in the state of Montana will receive bids at open ; of Montana: tricts, It is believed that the reflection but he also agreed to drink all the oil I hnt failed elsewhere. 1 competitive bidding at the State Land salt domes but . 1 office in the state Capitol at 2 o’clock., THE START OF THE GEOPHYSICAL method is by far the most important here ever produced in this state. He is a bit There followed the development of ,, M Wednesday, July 14. 1937. for oil j SURVEY IN NORTHERN MONTANA. in Montana. Briefly, this is the prin­ behind on his drinking and at last re­ the se|sroic method, first utilizingj*nd gas leases on the following described' One of the most completely equipped ciple and method, as we understand it: ports was in safe refuge in South America, m the “retraction” method whereby j lands: and most (modem geophysical toutljits A shallow hole is drilled to approxi­ Then they told us that rotary drills Subdi­ the operators set up mineature vision S«*-. Twp, Acres I in the United States this week began a mate surface water level. In this bole is wouldn't work in Montana. They work earthquakes with explosives and ] All 1« :>N :svk survey in the center of the Hw<vtgrass placed a charge of explosives. Record­ fine in the soft shales of every other measure the earth tremors with de- 2. W* :u. :-.i: :-i > Arch, on a structure near Conrad known ing machines which will measure vi­ oil state but they won’t work in Montana, 8W lo Hcate seismographs located at con­ wj 36 :r.N : brations, are set up at various intervals. we were told. But as we lived to see êt El 12 -.'.N 4W : 2i • as Midway structure. siderable distances, around the arc The Board reserves the right to reject Geophysical methods have brought In a These recording machines are similar oil produced in Montana, we have seen of a circle. This method was fol­ any and all bids. majority of the new oil fields discovered to the device used to record earthquakes rotaries successfully used in this state, lowed by the "reflection” system, For further Information apply to; and the earthquake principle is applied. although that is a development still NANITA B. SHERLOCK. in the last decade. Geophysical methods wihereby the instruments are set up Secretary, State Board of lend have found oil fields in areas in Cali­ When a shot is fired, the vibrations trav­ in its infancy. closer to the shot holes and repeat­ Commissioners. Helena, Montana. fornia, the Midcontinent and the Gulf el downward until they strike a hard They told us that whereas every other ed man-made "quakes” are measur­ 1st Publication June 2ß Coast where ordinary methods of ge­ surface from which they are reflected developed oil state finds its greatest 2nd Publication July 3 ed at relatively short distances 3rd Publication July 10 ology could find no evidence of struc­ upward. oil pools BELOW the lime, that such which are accurately surveyed out IN THE MONTANA OIL JOURNAL ture. Just as Montana watched other The recording instruments register the could not hapen in Montana. Yet we so as to "cross section’’ a given states bring in the greatest oil pools in instant of the explosion and thereafter have lived long enough to see some oil area. the world by deep drilling so has Mon­ measure the speed with which the vibra­ taken from the Devonian—BELOW the Many Crews Working tana watched other states profiting by tions are reflected to the surface of the Madison lime. And that is something There are some six geophysical FREDRICK C. PLATT the use of geophysics and until now has earth. The speed of wav© transmission for the future. crews at work in Wyoming at the done nothing about it. None of the major is proportional to the density of the For years they have been telling ns present time.
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