Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 05/14 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 22. Februar – 10. März 2014 1. Merkel-Besuch in Israel Merkel is a welcome guest, especially given the fact that anti-Israel boycotts have become quite fashion- Zusammen mit ihrem Kabinett ist Bundeskanzlerin able in certain circles in Europe. Her government Angela Merkel Ende Februar zu den fünften […] is still closing the floodgates to the boycott deutsch-israelischen Regierungskonsultationen movement." nach Israel gereist. Aus Anlass des 50. Jubiläums Dan Margalit, IHY 24.02.14 der deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen, das nächs- tes Jahr ansteht, trafen sich deutsche Minister mit Question marks above Germany ihren israelischen Amtskollegen, um diverse Koope- "Germany […] is gearing up for change. […] rationsprojekte zu planen. Unter anderem wurde President Joachim Gauck gave the first signal [say- angekündigt, dass Deutschland Israel zukünftig in ing] that there are individuals who use Germany's Ländern ohne israelische Botschaft konsularisch guilty past as an excuse for avoiding action and for vertreten werde. indolence.' […] Die Gespräche zwischen Merkel und dem israeli- Social Democrat Frank-Walter Steinmeier […] schen Premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu wurden claimed that Germany could not remain 'off the field' von beiden Seiten als positiv und freundschaftlich in political affairs. […] Over the next several months, beschrieben. Dennoch war unübersehbar, dass die we are probably going to see Germany expand its beiden Regierungschefs in vielen Punkten uneins military base -- both in terms of its operational capa- sind. So betonte Netanyahu, dass ein Boykott Isra- bilities and the ability to act. els den Frieden zurückwerfen würde, während Mer- In principle, we could view the shift in a positive kel den anhaltenden Siedlungsbau kritisierte. Deutli- light. […] But there's a catch. […] cher wurden ihre Differenzen bezüglich des irani- It would be unwise to disregard the signs that Ger- schen Nuklearprogramms. Während Netanyahu den many's moral and practical responsibility to the Europäern "Fehler" in ihrem Verhalten gegenüber Jewish people is undergoing a shift. […] dem Iran vorwarf, verteidigte Merkel die Verhand- Even though Merkel never hesitates to reiterate her lungen und mögliche Lockerungen der Sanktionen. commitment to Israeli security, sometimes it seems as though she is justifying it in the spirit of 'saving Under Merkel, boycott floodgates stay closed Israel from itself.' In other words, she disagrees, "At its core, her visit is meant to bolster economic occasionally using blunt language, with the policy of ties between Israel and Germany, not to feed the Israel's current elected government." pollution of political disagreement. […] Zalman Shoval, IHY 20.02.14 In the international relations lexicon, friendship does not always imply unanimous accord, and Merkel's Welcoming Germany Israeli hosts must take into account that beyond "In the eyes of many Israelis, Germany’s Holocaust supporting two states for two peoples, the German legacy disqualifies the Germans from expressing chancellor would also like to see Jerusalem split into anything but wholehearted support for whatever two capitals. […] Israel should value her friendship policies a given Israeli government chooses to pur- and assistance, even though she disagrees with sue. Jerusalem over such issues. […] The attack on Schulz launched by Netanyahu and Bayit Yehudi head Naftali Bennett, for instance, 1 was undoubtedly fueled by the knowledge that lash- "What motivates Germany? We think that because ing out at a German politician […] would be received of the Holocaust we deserve everything, but there's well by Israelis, who tend to harbor anti-German a limit to the guilt feelings. […] sentiments. […] Germany in truth fulfilled Chancellor Adenauer's Instead of caving in to populism, however, both pledge to Ben Gurion […] to guarantee Israel's se- sides – Israel and Germany – need to tone down the curity over and above the reparations." rhetoric and try harder to adopt a clear-eyed view of Yoel Marcus, HAA 28.02.14 indisputable realities. […] After the US, Germany is probably Israel’s greatest Enemies? A love story ally." "One would have to be blind to depict the arguments JPO 24.02.14 Editorial over the settlements as a nadir in Israel-Germany relations, just as their cabinets are meeting in a Germany escaping its past by lecturing Israel format that is unprecedented in Germany. The entire "Ceremonialism has been taking over relations be- German cabinet […] came to Jerusalem. Both sides tween the two countries for a long time now. Too invest enormous effort in strengthening the close often, it amounts to hollow statements on both sides special relationship between the two countries, and about the duty to 'remember but forgive'. […] both want that relationship to continue for many The question which should have been asked […] is more generations. Consider this precedent: This whether Germany has done enough to justify trust- time, nobody will visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust ing the 'land of the criminals,' or has it focused its memorial. Neither the Germans nor the Israelis want efforts on causing people to forget the fact that it to look backward anymore. Both sides are laying the used to be the 'land of the criminals,' by diverting the foundations for a better future." attention from the relations between Germans and Gil Yaron, HAA 27.02.14 Israelis – to relations between Israelis and Palestini- ans. Merkel in Jerusalem: A different kind of meeting If Germany is indeed investing so much effort in "Merkel recognizes the Jewish State, she has said achieving a durable peace to secure Israel's future, so and says so openly. In the rest of Europe they what practical steps has it taken to make the Pales- are scared to take a stand, lest they be perceived as tinians and Arab countries cease their endless anti- unfair to the Palestinians. […] Semitic incitement […] ? Or is Germany's only con- Next year, we will mark 50 years since the estab- tribution to peace telling the Jewish state what more lishment of formal Israeli-German relations, while I, it must do in order to satisfy the other side's claims?" as a third generation of the Holocaust, still have a Eldad Beck, JED 24.02.14 hard time hearing German. I believe her when she says she wants to strengthen the ties and that she Israel and Germany: From the Holocaust to the wants to listen to us. But Europe is busy with its own Palestinians internal affairs. The struggle over the very character "One cannot erase the memory that hangs over this of the continent makes more of an impact than a most unique of relationships, nor can one base them feud over language. We are just in the way – a re- strictly on that memory. In other words, Israel cannot minder of what was, a mirror to what is." deny the Germans the right to criticize its behavior Yoaz Hendel, JED 05.03.14 towards the Palestinians. From conversations I had in Germany recently I 2. Umsturz in der Ukraine learned that Merkel is willing to stand beside Israel completely on all issues except for one - the Pales- Auch in Israel dominierten der Umsturz in der Ukrai- tinians. […] ne und die russische Intervention auf der Krim für Merkel has said many times in private conversations einige Tage die Medien. that Netanyahu is not always honest with her about Dabei lag der Fokus insbesondere auf der amerika- settlement construction. She believes that it is up to nischen Reaktion auf das russische Vorgehen, so- the prime minister to prove his intentions, and re- wie auf den Auswirkungen der Revolution auf ukrai- store the mutual trust between them. nische Juden. So war es in den vergangenen Wo- Shimon Shiffer, JED 24.02.14 chen in der Ukraine zu einigen antisemitischen Vor- We do not rule the world fällen gekommen. In den russischen Medien wird der rechtsnationale Charakter von Teilen der ukrai- 2 nischen Opposition betont. Andererseits gehörten And what exactly have the Europeans or the Ameri- auch einige Juden zu den pro-westlichen Demonst- cans done so far for the sake of the pro-Western ranten am Maidan-Platz. camp?" Boaz Bismuth, IHY 20.02.14 Putin's audacity, Obama's timidity "Russian brazenness in Crimea is a direct result of Putin exercising caution in Ukraine crisis American fecklessness. […] The Russian invasion of "Russia's global situation is bad. It is only pretending the Ukraine is what happens when America is in to be a world power: Its influence in the world is global retreat. […] declining. Apart from a veto in the Security Council, Obama […] seeks the weakening of the United it has nothing to offer its friends. The Russian mili- States on the global stage as a good and necessary tary is not only lagging in technology, at least two outcome. […] He explicitly views America's past generations behind the US Army. […] global performance to be arrogant and high-handed; Putin knows that and is therefore exercising caution to be militaristic and not completely moral. […] His in his attitude towards the Ukrainian crisis." path, then, has been to 'fundamentally transform' Sever Plocker, JED 02.03.14 America's place in the world; […] to drag America down from its imperious perch. What Ukraine can learn from Israeli-Palestinian It is no wonder, then, that Putin fears Obama not at conflict all, and feels free to re-take the Ukraine without "This somber unfolding of events is not only due to serious repercussion. […] the recklessness of […] Putin, but also the incompe- Alas, we can expect similar impudence and defiance tence of Western leaders. […] from the Iranians and Turks, too." The Western blanket critique of Russia will foster David Weinberg, IHY 02.03.14 inflexibility in the Ukrainian leaders, and, on the basis of unconditional US support, allow them to US security guarantees are worthless overreact in a way that does not serve the interests "Ukraine has been abandoned to its fate, whether of any of the parties involved.
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