Nadgee State Forest Compartments 84 and 85 Harvest Plan

Nadgee State Forest Compartments 84 and 85 Harvest Plan

LOCALITY MAP Compartments 84 & 85 State Forest:Nadgee No:125 EDEN IFOA EDEN MANAGEMENT AREA 23> Scale: 1:100,000 On FCNSW ³ unsealed gravel roads Go nna R o oanna BULL CREEK Ben Boyd NP o ad at Ro STEVENS CREEK O WONB d m Á la ive Á es D BOY WONBOYN LAKE ER Wonboyn Lake IV R R ! WONBOYN RIVER N Ro Y ar BO rab N r O Á W G o Á Á Á EDEN Á Á Á MERRICA RIVER IVER A R RIC MER R 8484 Á Á8585 Á P Nadgee NR Nadgee Wilderness Area R o State Forest National Parks Sealed Road G Emergency Meeting Point Major Forest Road Planning Unit Formal Reserve Minor Forest Road P Helicopter Landing Site Major Rivers Vacant Crown Land Informal Reserve Á Evacuation Route Freehold Water ! Towns & Localities Á Haulage Route NPWS Declared Wilderness PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version 53 54 55 56 69 69 Prepared By: Megan Costello ^^ Harvest Plan Operational Map ^ !^!^ Compartments: 84 & 85 ^ ^ !^ !^ X V!^ersion: 2 X PLANNING SUPERVISOR APPROVAL State Forest:NadgeeNo: 125 ........................................................................................ 23> APPROVED: LEE BLESSINGTON Eden IFOA - Hardwood Forests On FCNSW ³ unsealed DATE: 11/ 2 / 15 Map Sheet:Narrabarba 8823-2N gravel roads ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ 68 68 #úC9 ?ª! I !^ ð AE AD ð?ª! S2ð AG T B ú B ð ðL ð Q S3 D ð AF 67 ð ð 67 N G AC ?ª! ?ª! ð ð AA idge Roa C2 8585 ð ð XX B ú C10 K X^ ^ Y ?ª! XXXXX^ú S1 E ð R S ð ?ª!X ú ð Wú B ?ª! A ð ð ð C7X ð ð ?ª! J ÉÉ B ÉÉ ?ª! ð B P ^^ 84 X 84 ð ?ª! B Z V ð C ð AB ð U ð B 66 ð 66 ð O ÉÉ X ð ?ª! X ú C6 B F ?ª! B ^^ ð B ?ª! H ?ª! ð ðM Watergums Creek FR 65 ?ª! 65 LEGEND BOUNDARIES NON HARVEST AREA ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ FAUNA FEATURES DRAINAGE FEATURE PROTECTION (EPL State Forest Boundary Special Protection (FMZ 1) ?ª! Sooty Owl IHL 1 & TSL). NOTE: THE GREATER OF ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Compartment Boundary THE WIDTHS (BOLD) MUST APPLY Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) XX Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) ROADS Filter Strip Stream Exclusion Major Forest Feature Special Prescription (Zone 3B) X Yellow-bellied Glider (EPL) Zone (TSL) Minor Forest ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Feed Tree) Unmapped 10m Nil 64 EPL Standard Existing (Major) Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) EPL Standard Existing (Minor) ^^ Gang-gang Cockatoo 1st Order 10m 10m EPL Licenced (New Construction) 2nd order 15m 20m Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) !^ Southern Brown Bandicootn a 3rd order 20m 30m DUMPS & CROSSINGS !^ Long-nosed Potoroo Probable Rainforest & Exclusion Zone (20m) 4th order 20m 50m Loading Bay/Turning Circle # ð Probable Heath & Exclusion Zone (10m) Wedgetailed Eagle nest New Crossing ú ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo ú Existing Crossing Owl Landscape Southern Brown Bandicoot Habitat (Indicative) DRAINAGE NET HARVEST AREA Mapped LIC Drainage Slopes >30 (IHL 4) Nadgee NR Thinning Nadgee Wilderness Area MAP FEATURES Thinning (regrowth layer) Probable Rock & Exclusion Zone (20m) B Rocky Terrain NPWS Declared Wilderness Wedge-tailed Eagle Nest Exclusion Zone (100m) 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 National Park Estate Long-nosed Potoroo Retention Area Meters Contour Interval 10m 753000E 54 55 56 PDGF\ l cri ea\H tedP l wi\Nthd pd\CfF84a8c5\HtoP rEyD P84 r8o5 1t4ri\HaP lE Dve84rs85ion14 wwd 53 54 55 56ª?! ª?! ª?! Prepared By: Megan Costello PA Harvest Plan Operational Map 69 69 ^ Compartments: 84 & 85 ^ !^ ^ ^ Version:!^ 2 !^!^ ^ PLANNING SUPERVISOR APPROXVXAL State Forest:Nadgee No: 125 .............!^........................................................................... 23> APPROVED: LEE BLESSINGTON Eden IFOA - Hardwood Forests On FCNSW ³ unsealed DATE: 11 / 2 / 15 Map Sheet:Narrabarba 8823-2N gravel roads ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ 68 68 #úC9 ª?! I !^ ð AE AD ðª?! S2ð AG T B ú B ð ðL ð Q S3 D ð AF 67 ð ð 67 N G AC ª?! ª?! ð ð AA idge Roa C2 8585 ð ð XX B ú C10 K X^ ^ Y ª?! XXXXX^ú S1 E ð R S ð ª?!X ú Wú B ª?! A ð ðð ð C7X ð ð ª?! J É É É B É ª?! ð B P ^^ 84 X 84 ð ª?! B Z V ð C ð AB ð U ð B 66 ð 66 É ð O É X ð ª?! X ú C6 F B ª?! B ^^ ð B ª?! H ª?! ð M Watergums Creek FR ð 65 ª?! 65 LEGEND BOUNDARIES NON HARVEST AREA FAUNA FEATURES DRAINAGE FEATURE PROTECTION (EPL ª?! Sooty Owl IHL 1 & TSL). NOTE: THE GREATER OF ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉState Forest Boundary Special Protection (FMZ 1) X THE WIDTHS (BOLD) MUST APPLY ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Compartment Boundary X Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) Filter Strip Stream Exclusion ROADS X Yellow-bellied Glider Feature (EPL) Zone (TSL) Major Forest Special Prescription (Zone 3B) ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Feed Tree) Nil Minor Forest Unmapped 10m EPL Standard Existing (Major) Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) ^^ Gang-gang Cockatoo 1st Order 10m 10m 64 EPL Standard Existing (Minor) !^ Southern Brown Bandicoot 2nd order 15m 20m EPL Licenced (New Construction) Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) !^ Long-nosed Potoroo 3rd order 20m 30m i R 4th order 20m 50m DUMPS & CROSSINGS Probable Rainforest & Exclusion Zone (20m) # Wedgetailed Eagle nest Loading Bay/Turning Circle ð Probable Heath & Exclusion Zone (10m) ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo ú New Crossing Owl Landscape ú Existing Crossing Southern Brown Bandicoot Habitat (Indicative) DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage Slopes >30 (IHL 4) Nadgee NR Nadgee Wilderness Area MAP FEATURES Probable Rock & Exclusion Zone (20m) B Rocky Terrain NPWS Declared Wilderness Wedge-tailed Eagle Nest Exclusion Zone (100m) 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Long-nosed Potoroo Retention Area National Park Estate Meters Contour Interval 10m 753000E 54 55 56 PDGF\ l cri ea\H tedP l wi\Nthd pd\CfF84a8c5\HtoP rEyD P84 r8o5 1t4ri\HaP lE Dve84rs85ion14 wwd 53 54 55 56 69 69 Prepared By: Megan Costello ^ Road Plan Operational Map ^ !^ ^ ^ !^ !^!^ Compartments: 84 & 85 ^ V!^ersion: 2 XX PLANNING SUPERVISOR APPROVAL State Forest:Nadgee No: 125 ........................................................................................ 23> APPROVED: LEE BLESSINGTON Eden IFOA - Hardwood Forests On FCNSW ³ unsealed DATE: 11 / 2 / 15 Map Sheet:Narrabarba 8823-2N gravel roads ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ 68 68 #úC9 ª?! I !^ ð AE AD ðª?! S2ð AG T B ú B ð ðL ð Q S3 D ð AF 67 ð ð 67 N G AC ª?! ª?! ð ð AA idge Roa C2 8585 ð ð XX B ú C10 K X^ ^ Y ª?! XXXXX^ú S1 E ð R S ð ª?!X ú ð Wú B ª?! A ð ð ð C7X ð ð ª?! J É É É B É ª?! ð B P ^^ 84 X 84 ð ª?! B Z nc9 C V ð AB Á ð ð U ð B 66 ð 66 É ð O É X ð ª?! X o nc15 Áú nc16 Á C6 nc18 B Á F ª?! ^B nc21ð ^ Á B ª?! nm 25 Á nc26 ª?! ðÁ H ðM Watergums Creek FR 65 ª?! nc31 65 Á LEGEND BOUNDARIES NON HARVEST AREA FAUNA FEATURES ROADING FEATURES ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉState Forest Boundary ª?! Sooty Owl Special Protection (FMZ 1) Á New Culvert ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Compartment Boundary X X Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) Á New Mitre Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) ROADS X Yellow-bellied Glider Major Forest Special Prescription (Zone 3B) ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Feed Tree) DRAINAGE FEATURE PROTECTION (EPL Minor Forest IHL 1 & TSL). NOTE: THE GREATER OF 64 EPL Standard Existing (Major) Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) ^^ Gang-gang Cockatoo THE WIDTHS (BOLD) MUST APPLY EPL Standard Existing (Minor) !^ Southern Brown Bandicoot Filter Strip Stream Exclusion EPL Licenced (New Construction) Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) n a Feature !^ Long-nosed Potoroo (EPL) Zone (TSL) Probable Rainforest & Exclusion Zone (20m) Unmapped Nil DUMPS & CROSSINGS # Wedgetailed Eagle nest 10m 1st Order 10m 10m Loading Bay/Turning Circle Probable Heath & Exclusion Zone (10m) ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo ð 2nd order 15m 20m ú New Crossing Owl Landscape ú Existing Crossing NET HARVEST AREA 3rd order 20m 30m 4th order 50m Southern Brown Bandicoot Habitat (Indicative) Thinning 20m DRAINAGE Slopes >30 (IHL 4) Nadgee NR Thinning (rNeagdrgoewe tWhi ldlaeryneer)ss Area Mapped LIC Drainage MAP FEATURES Probable Rock & Exclusion Zone (20m) B Rocky Terrain Wedge-tailed Eagle Nest Exclusion Zone (100m) NPWS Declared Wilderness 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Long-nosed Potoroo Retention Area National Park Estate Meters Contour Interval 10m 753000E 54 55 56 PDGF\ l cri ea\H tedP l wi\Nthd pd\CfF84a8c5\HtoP rEyD P84 r8o5 1t4ri\HaP lE Dve84rs85ion14 wwd 53 54 55 56 Prepared By: Megan Costello Harvest Plan Forest Type Map Compartment:84 & 85 State Forest:Nadgee No: 125 69 23> 69 EDEN - IFOA On FCNSW ³ unsealed Map Sheet:Narrabarba 8823-2N gravel roads 68 68 úC9 166 169157 234+224 150 224 I 150 ð 157 AE 224 152 121 AD ð S2ð AG B ú B T 150 ð L ð ð 112 150 166 Q S3 D ð AF 67 ð 157 ð 67 N 156G 121 ð ð AA AC C2 157 ð ð B 85 165 ú C10 150 224 Y ú S1 E ðK 158c R S Wú ð B 169 A ú ð ðð ð X ð 112 C7ð J 150/123 É É É B É 1 ð B P 150 234+224 84 157 ð n 165 234+224 B Z 150 121 121 224 V ð AB C ð114 ð 150 U 112ð B 66 ð 234+224 66 É ð O É 157 234+224 156 165 ð 165 112/166 1ú57 C6 B F B ð B 234+224 ðH ðM 65 65 LEGEND Broad Forest Types Gross Ha.

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