Monmouth Count}1* Ortmt • Market l'laoo All the iNow» of Thrt IletlRtot'ii Clnulfled BED BANK . ' , Department— and Surrounding Town* Whoro Uie Heller Xtnda Told Fearlessly and Without BIM. the Buyer. lamed Wceklr, Enterad u Sacond-ClMl MmtUr «t lh« Poit- ^VOLUME LIV,. NO. 44. offl« «t Dad Bank, N. J, under th» Act at March «, 1870. RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1932. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. FAIR HAVEN'S BUSINESS. Farland Is a candidate for re-election. • ># Show Tonight Pupils to Dance at Politics Boiling, Ho will bo opposed at tho primary Mishap Causes Republican Club Political, Scraps l'crmlsslon Given to Legion Auxiliary lectlon by Charlc3 I. Young, who ' to Sell Popples. ives near Hazlet. Raymond Mason, jnMiddletown at Fair Haven Carlton Theater Over in Holmdelwho lives at Centervillc, has filed a Unusual Damage Has Hot Meeting At a meeting of the Fair Haven i —— commissioners Monday night por- etltion for tho Democratic nomlna- Harmony in th<v Republican Auxiliary of Fire Company tomlsslon was granted to the American Mabel Coleman's Dancing Class- A Hot Scrap on for the Demo- Jon for township commlttcemart. Ho Mailbox, Fire Hydrant and Street Edward Boughton Explodes Po« ' Hold Minstrel Show ai an An-Legion auxiliary to sell popples at es'to Present Closing Recital cratic Nomination for Atpeu- will havc no opposition" at tho pri- Stop Sign Damaged When litical Bomb by Demlinclm& vB«nk», but There Will be Two Fair Haven on Saturday, May 21st. mary election and ho la reputed to Contests Among the Demo- niversary Event—Party for 'Chief of Police Joseph Herdon was Friday Night—About Thirty- or and for Republican Nom-havc tho support of Mr. McCampbell. Cars Collide—Firemen Called That Prosecutor Tumcn Re. crats for Township Office*. Auxiliary Tomorrow Night. Instructed' to begin collecting ven- Five Children to Take Part. ination for Committeemen. For a number of years there has to Extinguish Blaze. ' sign—Resolution Opposed. dors' 'licenses May 1st, been a sort of an "unwritten la.w" In 1 onsen May 1st. The spring recital of the Mabel The political pot is boiling InJHolm- David Rubin, drlvjng a Buick -Asplrants-for Mtddlotown township :j?he_ ladles ...aujaiJary_gfi_Uw._E.a!£ Holmdol township to tho-offect that A. verbal bombwas thrown Inla ^plication—from-Guernse;—-Tolomon^alfdrrg TOhoorwill BeTrtia- dcl township. TheronT McGampTjell, colipo owned by TluBIrfbrotHorsT'ot offices are as followB, the asterisks Jayon lire coihpany will hold a min- tho Republicans should havo one the nieetirig of tHo T6ung"Mch'n Re- " Curran, Jr., for a permit to carry ,xt Frjaay> nignt at the Carlton who is tho owner of Ramanessln Long Branch, was slightly injured Indlcatlnit candidates for rc-clpotlon: strol ahpw tonight at Mechanics hall member of thc township committee publican club at Red Bank laat Indicating cai revolver was referred to tho poll ^ ,eater_ Mrs, Coleman's classes, con- farm and who is seeking re-election Monday morning when thc car which Republican!. • - at that place. It will bo, tho first comrnittce. Mr. Curran has rent , „-, thirty pupils, have and that all other township ofllces Wednesday night by Edward Bough- tlng nbout as asaomblyman on tho Democratic he was driving and a Chevrolet car ton of Linqroft, whojo a. jllstlco, of Two townihlp; coraraltt««m«n—«C»tl T, minstrel's over hold by-tho organiza- .h. «,ni.nm R T»nii. ,„.,...„.„ , jen ^ork,ng hard ln'orde-r to per. should bb occupied by DenVocrats. At the William B. Potts residence ticket, is the chief political pot boiler owned and driven by Julius Hemmcl- , Groiilnier of L»on«nlo, »EAtyu4-lI. Mor. tion.' Mrs, Eula HansBon will bo In- present Mr. McFarland la. the only tho peace. It was not a largely at- ford of Headden'j Corner. the river bank. ct an entertaining spectacle. Most there. farb of Jersey City collided at thotended meeting,, only about 25 per- Itoad auperviioi •TbomM B. D»y ofterlocutor. Tho identity of tha six . g republican holding office In the town- corner of Maple avenue and Bergen "end mon" wilt bo kept a Secret un- h0 danccrB are aa chlldrcnn Mr. McCampbell has very pro- sons being present, but what it ' East Kaaniburs;. ggrossman i Williai? m H. Sutphlp n than th0 danccrB are °" " ship, He Is not doing any campaign- place. Kubln waB removed to Rlv-lucked In BIZO was moro than offset Two jiifUoH- of ,th« reset— •Edward til their appoaranco on the stage. vl th naVB alrcadv appeared nounced ideas about taxation. He ing, but a number of his friends are, '%ouKhton olSUncroft, Albert J. Buck of n tthh o bborough ofllclal fllll s ffo r endod i , ii at various times, ervlew hospital, whero ho was trcat- by arguments and excitement. Those in tho performance besides S r0 thc pub o thinks that the present tax system is Including not only Republicans but -ed.Jor_two.cuts on his haa,d.-.i.,.._^... -Leonardo. .; . :. _ ___ ing• the,proposed federal bmfori_x costumes used In the-roclta. -.Mr.-BouBhton_tricd to. Introduce a- - Mrs. Hanssbn" aro Mrfl." Hazel SrilltU, th naVB alrcadv appeared be wrong in many wnys and~hc has in- somo prominent Democrais. wider and" deepeceper channel In the »„„cr„o designeA^,^*d b*„y MrMrsa . r-Colemaninm»nn nnan.d Hcmmelfarb was proceeding cast resolution calling upon Jonas Tumen Two township commltUomen—Anthony Mrs. Alida, Davison, Miss deraldlne bi t i ti troduced several bills in tho legisla- W.-Oibaon of-Bolford. Chrlit J. Flcko of Shrewsbury river. Bho also composed the dances. ture to'reduce taxation on farm lands Stress 13 being laid on thc fact that on Bergen place and Rubin waa driv- of Asbury Park to resign aB proBe- Smith, Miss Marlon Emory and Mlas Bills amounting to $712.43 were the amount of money raised for local ing north on Maple avenue. The im- cutor. Tho resolutions commlttco of Milton Tark. J. Paul NaiiBhton o£ Port Melissa Llttlo, who will bS soloists; Tho entertainment will be given be- and on lands occupied by houses. Monmouth. ' , paid, together with wages of $108.80 tween tho Wo shows at tho regular taxes in Holmdel township last year pact of the crash threw tho Buick tho club refused to permit tho reso- Bond auporvlBOC—Joacph L. Early of Mrs. Caroline Harvey and Mrs. Syl-for thoso hired under the unemploy- Mr. McCampbell la leading a fight was less than within the memory of rar on top of a lire hydrant and tho lution to bo considered but gavo per- Leonardo, William J. Doylo of Eait Keam- evening performance through thc via Atkinson,'who, will give a duet; ment relief program. to deposo Alex L. McClces, tho pres- tho oldest residents of the. township. Chevrolet car up on tho sidewalk in mission to Mr. Boughton to malto re- bure. flenjaroln W. Mills of Port Mon- and Mrs. Tholda Snydor, Mrs. Edith courtesy of John Rcinhard, the mana- ent Demoeratio assessor of Holmdel --• mouth, . gerr and will conBlst of exhibitions of Mr. McFarland's friends claim that, front of tho Shell gas station after, it marks on the Bubjecti- Tho-Lincroit Two Juatlcea of th« peace—Frank Me- Crozior, Mrs. Hazel'Kirk, Mrs. Hclon township. Usually Mr. McCicea has he Is largely responsible for this fine had Btruck a pole bearing a "stop justice of tho pcaco acccptod tho In- l/ ballet, toe, tap and acrobatic num- Mantli of Kant Keamburg, Richard J. Curry Moxloy, Miss Gladys Taylor, Mrs. Ad- been unoppoBed both at primary elec- record. Btreet" sign, and .broke it. A mall vitation. Ho criticised Mr. Tumcn 'of Ltonardo.. ' \ ^... dle CrOBS, Mrs. Evelyn Mlnton,, Mrs bers. Tho number of solos is re-tions and at general elections. This Holmdel Has A stricted becauso of the limited time No .small part of this low tax rate, box was also knocked from a polo fon not having taken action against All tho eleotive positions In thoAnna Brltton, Mrs. J. Kaufman, Mrs year he will bo opposed at tho pri- ond broken. Sheriff William O'Brien, former township- are now held by Republi- Esther England, Mrs. Etta Hobrough at tho disposal of tho class. The mary election, and if ho wins ho will Mr. McFarland's friends say, waa due to the purchase of a. gravel pit ad- The Chevrolet car, after turnlrrg Probation Ofllcer Frank TcnBrook cans. Tho leaders of that party find Mrs. Bessie Tallman," Mrs. Emily Honolulu Visitor program to bo presented follows: have to face a contest next November and Justice Harry M. Burlc.of Free* causo Xo&. gratification in that there Joining tho Hlllcrest school. Mr. Mc-on its side, caught on fire. An alarm Davison and Mrs. Viola Sickles. Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the Cat: against a Republican opponent. from box 54 at the corner of Maple hold. Mr. Boughton alleged that dis- will bo no contests lor ofllcea at the MicKiea Jean Smith. Marjorle. Holmes Farland waa.ono of tho prime movers There wilt bo several specialty num- Charles H. Martinson/ Back at Nomination" petitions for assessor avenue and Irving place brought out crepancies had occurred in tho ac- coming primary election. Among tho bers, including a saxophone solo by ^Minnies In making thin purchase. That It waa counts ot these thrco oliiclalo and His Native Heath After Having Jean VauBusklrk, Leigh Pcnntngtor were filed last week by Mr. MeClcoa n good investment for tho township the lire department under Chief Ned Democrats chief Interest centers lit Miss MellBaa Little. : Olara Coleman that Mr.
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