- Weather "^ DistriDUTion Mostly fair today, tonight and WffBANK Distribution Today tomorrow. High bolh days about 80. Low tonight, 68. See weather I Independent Daily f 15,750 and tides, page 2. ^ MONDAY THROUGH FBIDM—1ST, mt JREGISTER 35o PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 49 Issued Dally. Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 7c PER COPY at the Post Oilico at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act or March 3, 1ST9. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Challenge To West Lumumba Is In Berlin BERLIN (AP) — Com munists eVected an iron curtain against West Ger- mans inside Berlin today. Chief of State In a new challenge to the West, the East German re- J ESBSiSS 5BHS.I !!!£S!Jf!B!!liaj j§ ;ime forced West German visi- tors to got red-stamped passes Belgian for entry into- the Communist sector of the divided old capital. The.move defied the four-pow- er agreement for free movement Radio within the city — an agreement that even the Russians have re- spected since the four powers NEW SCHOOLS — This is an architect's conception of the two new intermediate schools now under construct- took over in the summer of 1945. Reports ion in MiddletoWn. The schools are on Murphy Rd. and Middletown-Lincroft Rd. The new buildings will cost Ludwig Erhard, acting head of the West German government in $1,168,949 to construct and are part of the Board of Education's three and three-quarter million dollars building the absence of vacationing Chan- BULLETIN program. The Lincroft school will eventually become the township's second high school. cellor Konrad Adenauer, rushed by plane to West Berlin. Ha BRUSSELS (AP) — Premier charged the Communists with Patrice Lumumba announced committing "a striking breach of today that he has assumed the Nero Named law." functions of chief of state and Erhard, who is vice chancellor now commands the army, the May Settle Strike Belgian Radio reported. To School and minister of economics of the Eonn government, was met at The Congo premier announc- PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Opponin- g a trip to New York and do the coupling and there may Tempelhof Airport by West Ber- ed Monday night that Joseph timism mounted today for a set-a tour of the PRR network. be some shifts or places in theBoard Post lin Mayor Willy Brandt. They Kasavubu no longer was presi- tlement of the Pennsylvania Rail- Chief Issues system where the car inspectors' went into an immediate confer- dent of the Republic. road' Strike as both union and FAIR HAVEN — Michael Nero Some 15,000 members of Quill's only job would be the coupling. of 111 Grange Ave. was named to ence. This was after Kasavubu had management negotiators assem- union and 5,000 members of the 2. The unions want to "provide Three major West Berlin news- dismissed Lumumba as pre- bled for a joint meeting after fill a vacancy on the Board of System Federation, all non-oper- for a continuity of employment Education here last night. papers suggested that the Com- mier. being summoned by a federal ating employees, are on strike. of (mechanics) helpers — and munist action be' met by strik- . In a communique today, mediator who indicated both sides do not demand a helper for each The appointment, made by The chief issues arc: Peter de K. Dusinberre, Jr. ing at Communist trade with Kasavubu said the votes of the were closer to an agreement mechanic." The railroad says it West Germany. than ever. 1. The unions want the rail- president, was unanimously rat- Congolese House of Represen- wants to be able assign mech- tatives and the Senate, which road "prohibited from extending anics such tasks as cleaning up ified by the board. Mr. Nero Drastic Limitation Francis O'Neill, chairman of coupling and uncoupling of air will replace Robert King, who upheld Lumumba in separate the National (railway) Media- around a work bench if there are The Telegraph, close to Brandt, votes, had no validity, the ra- hoses by trainmen to prevent has moved to California. said in a front page editorial, tion Board, called the negotia- further layoffs of TWU car in-no available helpers, who nor- dio reported. tors to the joint session after mally perform this job. Mr. Nero resided in Red Bank"The first thing to be discussed spectors. The railroad says that and served on the Board of Ed-is a drastic limitation on trade Senate President Joseph Ileo, talking last night with union of- both categories of workers now (See STRIKE page 2) appointed by Kasavubu as the ficials. ucation there from 1949 until he with East Germany." VOLUNTEERS REPORT —Volunteers for the army of Al- moved here in 1953. new premier, is forming a gov- His action came as pressure The travel restrictions went in bert Kalonji, provisional president of the secessionist ernment, the president said, A graduate of Red Bank High to force at midnight and were grew from industry and public School, he received his bachelor Eastern Kasai "Mining State" in the Congo, wave en- and will present it to parlia- officials to end the walkout which gradually tightened at main ment for a vote of confidence. Air Raid Sirens of science degree from Newark crossing points between the two listment papers as they arrive for training at Camp is beginning to cut into the na- tion's economy. Some groups College of Engineering and sectors of the city. Simonet, near Elisabethville. Trainees for the army, president of Shoreland Construc- urged government intervention. Their Elimination a Possibility East German police, who ap- right, welcome newcomers with hand claps. LEOPOLDVILLE. the Congo tion Co. parently did not get their in- (AP)—Flushed with his oratori- Meanwhile, the chief negotia- WASHINGTON - A sugges- tack or natural disasters.* Mr. Nero was sworn in last (AP Wirephoto by radio from London) cal triumph in winning over a tor for the two unions on strike structions until hours after the tion by a Middletown, N. J., If successful, the government night and assumes chairmanship restrictions went into effect, be- hostile senate, Premier Patrice reported for the first time that man may provide this nation a believes the device can even- of the building and grounds com- some progress has been made. gan enforcing the measure this Fi'oin Jockey Quit; Lumumba has told the United warning system that will elim- tually be installed in millions mittee, previously held by Mr. morning by making spot checks Nations to yield control over "The Pennsylvania Railroad is inate the need for air raid of American homes. King. He also will serve on theof persons crossing the zonal the Congo's radio and airport moving in the right direction," sirens. In the Oct. 11 test in Char- finance committee. border. or leave the country. said Edward W. Wiesner, chair- The man is Karl. F. Wihtol, lotte, an early warnings station Mr. and M,rs. Nero have four man of the System Federation The action by the Soviet satel- Emboldened by the 41-2 confi- whe heads Wihtol Industries, near the North Pole will flash daughters, one in Rumson-Fair lite regime had the effect ol Pier Assessment dence vote the Senate accorded Union which has joined the Trans- an engineering firm in Eaton- a mock warning to Air De-Haven Regional High School and port Workers Union in seeking making West Germans get "pass- him, Lumumba moved swiftly town, N. J. fense Command Headquarters three in Knollwood School here ports" to cross into East Berlin. toward a showdown with the UN work rules changes to insure job More than'a year ago, Mr. in Colorado Springs, Colo., He will run for a full three- security. The West Berlin city govern Congo Command. Wihtol said he did not believe From there the warning will be year term on the board at the ment of Mayor Willy Brandt Brings an Appeal It was the first public com- an adequate warning system transmitted to Charlotte. next school election. Toward Showdown charged the move was part of "a In rapid succession he: plimentary remark made by a could be devised by the use of planned long-term campaign sirens. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The Charles J. Hesse, Belford 1. Accused the UN of obstruct- union official since the strike be- which considerably sharpens the county Board of Taxation re- former owner of the pier, testi gan on a bitter note Sept. 1 and $5 Electronic Device situation." ing his government by closing served decision yesterday on antied it was "a monstrosity lefi airports and radio stations and idled all of the PRR's 72,000 em- He said that similarities of Says Tax Inequities New Crisis by the railroad." Ho said then ployees from New York to St. first aid squad and fire com- appeal filed by the Monmouth called for Withdrawal of UN West German diplomats in Park Jockey Club protesting a was no salvage value to thi forces unless the command Louis. pany alarms made the purchase structure. of air raid sirens a "ridiculous Washington suggested Nikita $122,050 assessment on its steam- changes its policies. Counter-Proposals waste of money." Keep Industry Out (See CURTAIN, Pg. 2) boat pier here. Monmouth Park provides 2. Threatened to "break off re- Wiesner's negotiators worked In place of the sirens, he The club asked that the assess steamboat service from New lation.-, with the United Nations, Into the early hours of the morn- ment be lowerd to $25,000—the York to the pier during the track Great Britain or any other coun- suggested an electronic device MARLBORO — Old subjects problem we won't be able to season.
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