PakoraPakora Bar Bar Menu Menu VegetableVegetable Pakora Pakora £3.50£3.50 HaggisHaggis Pakora Pakora £3.95£3.95 A fusionAVegetable fusion of potato, of potato, Pakora onion onion and caulifland caulifl ower ower £3.50 SpiceSpiceHaggis Haggis Haggis Pakoraserved served in a in fused a fused Indian Indian batter, batter,£3.95 piecespiecesA infusion a traditional in ofa traditionalpotato, Indian onion Indian Batter and Batter caulifl served servedower wherewhereSpiceSpiced East Haggis EastHaggis meets meets served served West West in in a a fused fused Indian Indian batter, batter, where East meets West with withpiecesPakora Pakora in sauce a traditional sauce Indian Batter served where East meets West with Pakora sauce PunjabiPunjabi Tapas Tapas Punjabi Tapas ChickenChicken Pakora Pakora £4.95£4.95 Try Tryour ourPunjabi Punjabi Tapas Tapas giving giving you you the the Chicken Pakora £4.95 Try our Punjabi Tapas giving you the Drinks List BarbecuedBarbecued chicken chicken in a spicein a spice batter batter with with spice spice opportunityopportunity to choose to choose different different Pakora Pakora Drinks List Barbecued chickenchicken inin aa spicyspice batterbatter with with spiced spice opportunity to choose different Pakora Drinks List oniononion and Pakoraand Pakora sauce sauce withoutwithout the theindulging indulging onionsonion and and Pakora a Pakora sauce Sauce without the indulging NonNon Alcoholic Alcoholic MilkshakesMilkshakes Individual Platter for one £7.95 DraughtNon Alcoholic Drinks Strawberry,Milkshakes Chocolate, Vanilla £1.95 IndividualIndividual Platter Platter for for one one £7.95£7.95 DraughtDraught Drinks Drinks Strawberry,Strawberry, Chocolate, Chocolate, VanillaVanilla £1.95£1.95 Fish FishPakora Pakora £3.95£3.95 (3 choices)(3 choices) CocaCoca Cola, Cola, Lemonade Lemonade and and Diet Diet Coke Coke GlassGlass of of Milk Milk £1.25£1.25 Fish Pakora £3.95 (3 choices) Coca Cola, Lemonade and Diet Coke Glass of Milk £1.25 FreshFresh fi llet offi llet haddock of haddock marinated marinated in lemon in lemon Half Half Pint Pint £1.50 £1.50 Pint Pint £3.00 £3.00 SmallSmall Milk Milk £0.75£0.75 IndianFresh fispices llet of withhaddock Pakora marinated sauce in lemon PlatterPlatter for fortwo two £12.00£12.00 Half Pint £1.50 Pint £3.00 Small Milk £0.75 IndianIndian spices spices with withPakora Pakora sauce sauce Platter for two £12.00 (4 choices)(4 choices) Canned Drinks (4 choices) CannedCanned Drinks Drinks Mushroom Pakora £3.95 Coca Cola £1.60 AppletiserAppletiser £1.85£1.85 MushroomMushroom Pakora Pakora £3.95£3.95 PlatterPlatter for forfour four £18.00£18.00 CocaCoca Cola Cola £1.60£1.60 Appletiser £1.85 Fresh mushrooms marinated in the original (AllPlatter Pakora for on four menu) £18.00 Diet Coke £1.60 LemonadeLemonade and and lime lime cordial cordial £1.75£1.75 FreshFresh mushrooms mushrooms marinated marinated in the in originalthe original (All Pakora on menu) DietDiet Coke Coke £1.60£1.60 Lemonade and lime cordial £1.75 Masala spices with Pakora Sauce (All Pakora on menu) Coke Zero £1.60 FreshFresh orange orange and and lemonade lemonade £1.85£1.85 Masala spices with Pakora Sauce CokeCoke Zero Zero £1.60£1.60 Fresh orange and lemonade £1.85 Masala spices with Pakora Sauce J20 £1.85 SodaSoda water water and and lime lime cordial cordial £1.75£1.75 menu J20 £1.85 menu J20 £1.85 Soda water and lime cordial £1.75 menu Irn Bru £1.60 BottleBottle of of Still Still water water £1.60£1.60 IrnIrn Bru Bru £1.60£1.60 Bottle of Still water £1.60 Diet Irn Bru £1.60 BottleBottle of of sparkling sparkling water water £1.60£1.60 DietDiet Irn Irn Bru Bru £1.60£1.60 Bottle of sparkling water £1.60 Traditional Curries 7up £1.60 FreshFresh juices juices £1.35£1.35 TraditionalTraditional Curries Curries 7up7up £1.60£1.60 Fresh juices £1.35 GingerGinger Beer Beer £1.60£1.60 TraditionalTraditional Chicken Chicken Curry Curry £6.95£6.95 ChickenChicken Balti Balti £7.50£7.50 Ginger Beer £1.60 Barbecued chicken cooked into Barbecued chicken fused in a hot BarbecuedBarbecued chicken chicken cooked cooked into into BarbecuedBarbecued chicken chickenchicken fused fusedfused in a inin hot aa hothot a medium based curry sauce Indian Pickle. Nice and spicy a mediuma medium based based curry curry sauce sauce IndianIndian Pickle. pickle.Pickle. Nice NiceNice and andand spicy spicyspicy 175ml 250ml BeersBeers & & Ciders Ciders WineWine 175ml175ml 250ml250ml ChickenChicken Bhoona Bhoona £7.50£7.50 ChickenChicken Jaipuri Jaipuri £7.95£7.95 Draught Pint ½ Pint Stowells Chardonnay £3.25 £4.25 Barbecued chicken served in a tomato Chicken Tikka cooked with mushrooms, DraughtDraught PintPint ½ ½ Pint Pint StowellsStowells Chardonnay Chardonnay £3.25£3.25 £4.25£4.25 BarbecuedBarbecued chicken chicken served served in a tomatoin a tomato ChickenChicken Tikka Tikka cooked cooked with with mushrooms, mushrooms, Tennents Larger £3.10 £1.70 Sowells Liedfraumilch £3.25 £4.25 based curry sauce onions and peppers in sauce TennentsTennents Larger Larger £3.10£3.10 £1.70£1.70 SowellsSowells Liedfraumilch Liedfraumilch £3.25£3.25 £4.25£4.25 basedbased curry curry sauce sauce onionsonions and andpeppers peppers in sauce in sauce Budwiser £3.10 Stowells Chenin Blanc £3.25 £4.25 BudwiserBudwiser £3.10£3.10 StowellsStowells Chenin Chenin Blanc Blanc £3.25£3.25 £4.25£4.25 Stella Artois £3.25 £1.80 StowellsStowells Merlot Merlot £3.25£3.25 £4.25£4.25 Chicken Tikka Masala £7.95 Chicken Karahi £7.95 StellaStella Artois Artois £3.25£3.25 £1.80£1.80 Stowells Merlot £3.25 £4.25 ChickenChicken Tikka Tikka Masala Masala £7.95£7.95 ChickenChicken Karahi Karahi £7.95£7.95 Miller £3.10 WineWine Spritzer Spritzer £3.25£3.25 The traditional and most loved dish Chicken Tikka fl amed in onions, peppers MillerMiller £3.10£3.10 The traditionalThe traditional and mostand most loved loved dish dish ChickenChicken Tikka Tikka fl amed fl amed in onions, in onions, peppers peppers Tennets Ember £3.10 £1.70 of Great Britain. and tomatoes in a red curry sauce TennetsTennets Ember Ember £3.10£3.10 £1.70£1.70 of Greatof Great Britain. Britain. and andtomatoes tomatoes in a inred a redcurry curry sauce sauce BellhavenBellhaven Best Best £3.10£3.10 £1.70£1.70 HouseHouse Wine Wine 175ml175ml 250ml250ml RoastedRoasted chicken chicken pieces pieces Guiniess £3.25 £1.80 Halian White £2.95 3.95 served with a creamy, lightly spiced, Chicken Madras £6.95 GuiniessGuiniess £3.25£3.25 £1.80£1.80 HalianHalian White White £2.95£2.95 3.953.95 servedserved with witha creamy, a creamy, lightly lightly spiced, spiced, ChickenChicken Madras Madras £6.95£6.95 BlackthornBlackthorn Cider Cider £3.10£3.10 £1.70£1.70 HalianHalian Red Red £2.95£2.95 £3.95£3.95 tomato based sauce Hot and spicy with the original Madras tomatotomato based based sauce sauce HotHot and andspicy spicy with with the theoriginal original Madras Madras PinotPinot Grigio Grigio £2.95£2.95 £3.95£3.95 spices fused to perfection BottlesBottles Rose Blush £2.95 £3.95 spicesspices fused fused to perfection to perfection Corona £3.10 RoseRose Blush Blush £2.95£2.95 £3.95£3.95 Chicken Korma £7.50 CoronaCorona £3.10£3.10 ChickenChicken Korma Korma £7.50£7.50 Peroni £3.25 Barbecued chicken cooked in a Punjabi Chili Chicken £7.95 PeroniPeroni £3.25£3.25 BarbecuedBarbecued chicken chicken cooked cooked in a in a PunjabiPunjabi Chili Chili Chicken Chicken £7.95£7.95 Becks £3.10 coconut and cream based sauce Spicy hot chicken, barbecued then BecksBecks £3.10£3.10 Hot Beverages coconutcoconut and creamand cream based based sauce sauce SpicySpicy hot hotchicken, chicken, barbecued barbecued then then Morretti £3.25 HotHot Beverages Beverages tossed with fresh chili and onions MorrettiMorretti £3.25£3.25 tossedtossed with with fresh fresh chili chili and and onions onions Barcardi Breezers £3.10 Pot of tea £1.25 per cup in a rich sauce BarcardiBarcardi Breezers Breezers £3.10£3.10 PotPot of of tea tea £1.25£1.25 perper cupcup in a inrich a richsauce sauce Smirnoff Ice £3.10 Espresso £1.35 SmirnoffSmirnoff Ice Ice £3.10£3.10 EspressoEspresso £1.35£1.35 All the above dishes are served with a helping of rice or chips. Specialty Tea £1.50 All theAll above the above dishes dishes are served are served with witha helping a helping of rice of orrice chips. or chips. SpecialtySpecialty Tea Tea £1.50£1.50 All the above curries can be ordered as either Lamb, Prawn or Vegetable. Cappuccino £1.95 All the above curries can be ordered as either Lamb, Prawn or Vegetable. CappuccinoCappuccino £1.95£1.95 Spirits, Liqueurs & Malts Hot Chocolate £1.75 Spirits, Liqueurs & Malts HotHot Chocolate Chocolate £1.75£1.75 Latte £1.95 All Spirits £1.95 LatteLatte £1.95£1.95 AllAll Spirits Spirits £1.95£1.95 Irish Coffee £3.95 Martini £1.95 Irish Coffee £3.95 Chilli Factor MILD MEDIUM HOT HOT Martini £1.95 Americano £1.45 Chilli Factor MILD MEDIUM HOT HOT Brandy £2.25 Americano £1.45 Brandy £2.25 Liqueur Coffee £3.95 Sherry £1.95 LiqueurLiqueur Coffee Coffee £3.95£3.95 SherrySherry £1.95£1.95 Café Au Lat £1.60 Liqueurs £2.95 CaféCafé Au Au Lat Lat £1.60£1.60 LiqueursLiqueurs £2.95£2.95 Port £1.95 PortPort £1.95£1.95 Malts £2.95 MaltsMalts £2.95£2.95 All spirits are measured at 35ml All Martini,spirits are Sherry measured and Port at are35ml measured at 50ml Martini, Sherry and Port are measured at 50ml BEST WESTERN SideSide Orders Orders BEST WESTERN Naan Bread £2.25 Curry Sauce £3.50 Naan Bread £2.25 Curry Sauce £3.50 Boiled Rice £1.95 Indian Green Salad £2.95 s Boiled Rice £1.95 Indian Green Salad £2.95 s Spiced Onions £2.25 Chips and Curry Sauce £3.25 G Spiced Onions £2.25 Chips and Curry Sauce £3.25 GE Argyll Street, Dunoon, Argyll PA23 7NE7NE, ScotlandScotland hotelEs Argyll Street, Dunoon, Argyll PA23 7NE, Scotland hotels Please advise your server of any food allergies or special dietary requirements at the time of ordering and we Tel (01369) 702059 Fax (0 1369) 704483 Pleasewill advise try our your very server best of to any accommodate food allergies your or needs.special dietarySome products requirements may contain at the timenuts.
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