F.No. 1O_85/20l 1_rA.Irr Government of India Ministry of Environment, porests & Climate Change (IA-III Section) Indira paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 3 Dated: 2Ta November, To 2015 The Joint General Manager (C&C), Airport Authority of India, Rajiv_Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 3 Subl 'Developmeat of Dholera Greenfield International Altport, ln Village Navagam of District Ahmedabad (cujaratl by Akport authority "of Iadia - Environrnental Clearance - reg. Sir, This has reference to your application No. AAI/C&C/ WR_3L /2015 /627 dated o8'06.21015 and subiequenl- letter dated st.oe.zois, above-mentioned it" proposal to this Ministry for gra.rl of Environment""u-itti"g cleaiance (-OCJ- in prm- the provisions of the Enviroriment Impact Assessrn"rrt piaj Notification, -of 2OO6 under the Environment (protection), Act, 19g6. ?'- The proposal for 'Development of Dhorera Greenfierd laternational *.Ll{j-j" ylr".g" .{1"_1e"m of Dt"tri"t Ahmedabad (c"ja*ailt Afr;; o{ (AAI) was considered by the Expert Appraisal io--itt". l"^lo,":rqAU) ln the Jngia [t Mlnlstry for Inlrglfucture Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects,'in its 150u,-m";tilt;"1; on 29ft - 31st July, 2015. 3. The delails of the project, as per the documents submitted by the project proponents (PP), and a.lso as informed during the above said EAC meetlng, are reported to be as under:- The project was accorded roR vide letter No.10-gs/201 1-IA.IiI dated o1.10.2014.!i) Brlef:. The project involves development of Dholera Greenfield Intemationallitt Airport in Village Navagam of District Ahmedabad tCu:arati UV tirpg{^Athgrjty of India (AAI). The sitl of proposed airport is located o., Xf,r"." No' 10o, Pe.iki in Navagam vinage, Tehsii olanduka in Ahmadabad District. lTp-ort r.eference point for the proposed airport is T2olg27" E longitude 22o21'35" N Latitude. !_iiil The proposed Airport covers an area of 3525 Acres (1426.523 ha) which is State Govt. land. {i"t lhe proposed airport will have 2 Runways, O6LI24R, Length of 2910 m in Phase-I, and, O6R/24L, Length of40OOm in phase{I. 1Y) The proposed airport will have 2 parallel Taxiways of length of 2910m in Phase-I and 40OOm in phase-[. 0d )? EC,DhoLE Inttutionar airp.fr ,:e" r or s ("i) Terminal building will have capacity for 600 domestic and 600 international passengers. The area of terminal building will be 2S2OO sqm in Phase-I, additional areas of 12600 sqm in phase-Il and 37g0O sqm in phaseJll respectively. !!il Total water requirement will be 198m3/day which will be met by Narmada water supply available in the area/ deep bore we1l. (viii) waste water generated from the proposed airport, will be treated in well designed sewage Treatment Plant (STp). Treated waste water will be reused in HVAC (66 k1/d), flushing of toilets (7O kl/d\ and greenery & landscaping (40 k1/d). Treated water will not be discharged outside ofthe proposed airpoit. - ' (i"t Power requirement during operation phase will be 6 MW in phase-I, 2 MW in Phase-ll, a-nd 2 MW in Phase-III. (x) Air conditioning requirement will be 1700 tons in phase{, 650 tons in Phase-II, 2350 tons in Phase-ili. F1l ATF Storage will be 3500 KL at the airport for refuelling of Aircraft. (xii) In air-conditioning system, lightings and building construction materials eners/ conservation measures will be adopted at the proposed airport. Approx. 357o energr saving is estimated by adopting ener$/ conservation measures. T-o nos. 250 kW capacity solar power generation units (500kW) are also proposed at proposed Dholera Airport. (xiii) Greenery and landscaping will be developed on g11go sqm area within the proposed airport. About 1500 indigenous plants, shrubs and grasses will be planted on the open area of the proposed airport. (xiv) Parking area at the proposed airport will be 1440O sqm (for 140 Cars) and green belt/ landscaping area will be 8118O sqm. (xv) The proposed Dhoiera International Airport will follow corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guidelines as applicable. (xvi) Municipal waste generated from the proposed airport will be 950Kg/day, which will be coilected, segregated and disposed as per Municipal Solid wastis (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000. (xvii) Coastal Regulation Zone (High Tide Line) is minimum 5OOm away from the boundary of proposed airport as per study carried by Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai. (xviii) Investment/Cost: The cost of the project estimated is Rs. i37g crores in three phases. (Phase I - Rs.661 crore, Phase II - Rs. 152 crore and phase III _ Rs. 565 crore). (xix) Forest land: No forest land or private land is invoived in the proposed airport. (:o<) trIildltfe issues: There is no sensitivity arda like Wildlife Salctuary, National Park, Bio-sphere within 15 km distance from the proposed Airport. (xxi) There is no court cases/violation pending with the project proponent. (>o<ii) Publtc Hearing was held on 10.04.2015 at the site of the propoied airport near Navagam village. During public hearing, local people welcomed the proposed airport project. (xxiii) Employneat Potentlal: During construction phase of proposed Dholera airport, 25O persons per day will get direct employment opportunity while about 9OO persons will get indirect employment opportunity. During operation phase, about 6OO persons will get direct employment opportunity while aboui 22OO persons will get indirect employment opportunity. (xxiv) Benefrts of the Project: (i) Decrease in air tra-ffic load at existing Ahmedabad Airport as its capacity will be exhausted in next 6-7 years; (ii) fast and safe connectivity for Dholera Sln; (i1i) improvement in al1 weather air Ec-DholeE rnremarion.r Airpo " y paa. 2 or I connectivity of the region with rest of the state and country from strategic and commercial point of. view; (iv) savings in .travel time to DSIR; .(v) incrEase in economy as it will boost investment in DSIR; (vi) generation of more revenue to the state, hence more development of the region; 1vii1 development of tourism in Kutch. and Saurashtra Region; {viii) increaie in employment opportunity; (ix) more business opportunities to boost local handicrafts and (x) imirovea quriiqi of life for people ol the region. 4. The proposal was considered by the EAC and recommended for grant of Environmental Clearance in its l50fi meeting held on 29*'- 31"1 July, Z"OtS. es per the recommendations of EAC, the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change hereby accords Environmentai Clearance rDevelopment to the above_ mentioned project of Dholera Greeufield Interuational Aitport, in Vlllage Navagam of Dlstriet Ahmedabad lGuJarat| by Airport Authoriiy of India under the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and amendments thereto and circulars issued thereon and subject to the compliance of the following specific and general conditions: A, SPECIFIC COITDITIONS: (i) 'Consent to Estabiish'shall be obtained from State pollution Control Board under the Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1981 and the Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1924. (ii) The PP shall submit the site clearance certificate from Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), before commencement of work at the project site. (iii) The Project Proponent shail pump out water at lower side of the diverted drain, if required for maintaining free flow, and shal1 ensure proper drainage at all times, to the satisfaction of the State Irrigation Department. (iv) Sewage and other liquid ellluent generated from the airport including from the existing terminal should be treated according to th" norms hiJ down by the State Pollution Control Board. The treated sewage shall be recycled for flushing/ gardening. proper Dual plumbing shafl bC provided. (v) The solid waste generated shall be properly collected, segregated and disposed according to t}re provisions of Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2OOO. The project proponent sha11 make provisions for drinking water at convenient places for passengers and also at the cafeterias as to reduce generation of soiid wastes including pET bottles. (v1) Instaliation and operation of DG sets shall comply with the guidelines of CPCB. (vii) Parking provision shall be provided according to the National Building Code of India, 2O05. (viii) Water conservation frxtures shall be provided and water balance shall be maintained through verifiabie metering for fresh raw water, recycled as well as rain water harvesting. (ix) Necessary permission shall be obtained for drawing of ground water from comp€tent authority prior to construction/ operation of the project. I Ec-DhokE r,@.irsnr..1rF ,, W rbae r ors (") The landuse around the Airport complex shall be regulated through a plar to control irnau*rorized development which may create problems in the operation o[ Airport, (xi) The wastewater from hangers shall be tested for presence of heavy metals, if any, and shall be treated in STp. The treated waste water shali be used for gardening/ flushing, (xii) Rain water harvesting shall be provlded to recharge the ground water. (xiii) Energr conservation to the extent of at least 20% shall be incorporated including water conservation (reuse/recycle, rain water harvesling and water efficient fixtures) and other green building practices for virious buildings proposed within the airport complex. The pp shall consider ECBC Guidelines 2009 to achieve energr-rfficiency. The energr conservation measures shall be subject to periodic veiification by de competent Energr Conservation/Efficiency authofity in the State. (xiv) The project proponent shall prepare a detailed traffic management plan to take care of increased vehicular trafhc which should also cover/ ciearly delineate widening/increasing the existing roads and associated road infl3str3cture approving/ installation of road safet5r features,/ pedestrian facility/ F0B/under passes etc (that can be done by carrying out road safety audits).
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