Opinlon Tutoring F~us............................+..................... -.a uua Arts Entertainment ........8 S~~S....................... 10 CIzI-c-Cifi~...................12 erward Volume 24, Number 1 Hlghline Community College Octobers 1984. Interim system corrects library privacy violation .c In a six-week period between JulyI and August 15. Griffin stated that figures on the- total cost of the undertaking were Higtrllns Library'. vidstloa of publh Disdomu~ PhOtO/SCOlT CRUEGER UfEWZ&We. .. To ald in the camplition of the pro AS far as a permanent computerized "We want to make sure that a sys solutlon to the problem,"said den. "we - jcct, the library hlred members of the system mffin d0esn.t foreseeIn. tem .like that would encompass more will continue working with the new ll- KlngCounty Work Training Students stallation In the Immediate future. "If I than just checkaut capabUities"he saM. bfary director. in hopes of finding an program. 'They did the bulk of the typ wereto guess, I'd say that we could 'Further plannlngwlllbe needed" ultimate system. 7he money used to ing and assssted the library techniclans antlclpate a computerizedsystem In Neal Allen, former HCSU Exscutlve apply and maintaln the Interim system in removal of the books and otherjobs; about two yeam" Council Chairman. who last spring for. should have been used for a final sob saldGrlffln. "I washappy with their Robert McFartand, Dean of lnsttuctlon mally brought the problem to the Soard tion.but we are excited about what Wok" said that "he hopesthe Immediate prob.of Trustees thlnks that the long term we* accomplished." GinnyHansenalsoacoundlmember When asked about how the ovmaU km of confldentisllty Ls taken care of. solutlonofamputertzedsystemmight prq/ect went. G~ifflnstated, "It was a bit and thar additional planning must be have beenless expensive than the one lastsgrinEs.expFessedthesamethoughts. hectic, but I thlnk that the system will done before a computemxl system is imposed. "It's a blg improvement, but we were work I feel very gositwe aboutit." wlopted" "we were mmng for a pemranknt hoping for an Ultifmte solunon? S-andABoard faces major budget decision , byJONATWoooR ' decide whether or not to take money from exrstrngstudentoganitatlons, and our Mus, then our fund balance would i fmthe fund belance and put it Into lessrevenueasaresultddecteased havedlmlnlshed from SIt8.000 to The Service and Activities bosrd Ls :thersa+asbud@ttocovertheencu~ enrollment. (S a A monies come from a S168,ooo. Then U we stayed within our facedwithadnandaldedsknttmtcould branccscenledoverortorequirebud- fee paw by students when they regis budget agaln this year with a SIQ.ooo Impact some college actlvitlts and pro get 'managers to handle the encum- ter). deficit,then we would be downto &a- brances inthe& current budget wlth no Mackintosh added, "We had a SS,ooO $14Q.W." 6eCaUSetheS6Ahsdadeficltof addltloiral help. shodall In expected revenue tNs year. Mother problem compounding the SQS18 In the 1883.198+ acadtmkyear, &xording to Mackintosh, "FUght now the major poMem In our $~,ooOdefkit. I situation are plans to expand the stu- thebudgctcommitteemustnowdeclde wemaUyarenotbokingat~SshsrBOo was surprised to learn that the money dentlounge and actlvitles building, how to mnage the deficit to affect the ddicit as.@ maJor pmbkm.'pdmarlly was not forwarded along with the bud- bullding a The problematlses from the smalkst number of paoplc, acceding to .., because We have a e fund balance st. budget committee's desi= to use the Student Actlvlties , Coordinator. Bruce ~e)dS17a+raoo..thappenad This deficit budget request was ap reserve, 01 fund balance, monies to do Mackintosh. was that not all the money had been proved by the Resident ofHlghllne Cos- this. Mackintoshstated that ifthey begin At the end of the lQ63-84budget year ' spent at the end of the budstt year. I*. Dr. Shlrley Gotdon, and the Board to dlg deeper Intoreserve funds, It gives therewere encumbrances totallng 'There had ban money set aade (the of Trustees, basad on the condltion that them less money to expand the building S18m. An encumbrance is a charge encumbrances) waltlng for all@the bllls it be a one time only occurrence. "It isn't falr for our S and A budget whlch has been shown or mnted to come In andthem It would have been Another condltion forthe acceptance members to haveto pay (withtheir foron the budget, but has not been spent." of the budget was that a study be con- reserve budget) for last year's expendl- spentyet .... 6ut Mackintosh added,"This year we ducted thlsyear to establlsh some fund- tures when they thought they had spent These charges were tmnslemd Into have some potential problems. The nor.Ing priorities If as a result of the study themoney already. especiallywhen the 196+.85 budget. but the money to malprocedure would be to takethe the S and A budget has to cut SlQ.oOo. theyhad plans on the expanslon of cover themwas not instead movlng Into money out of the reserve and move it then Mackintosh fears they would have building 8. But we may decide to go the fund balance. The fund balanceIs a Over to this years budget. That may be to cut some programs. He added that It ahead and spend the money out of our reserveaccount created from excess In fact what wlll happenagain. The was because they were not ready to do reserve budget andJust bite the bullet.It revenue from prevlous years. The1883- ploMems are that this years budget wasthat thb year that theyrequested unpaid is hard to say what the councllyill do: 84 unusedmoney was put into thls budgeted at a S 1Q.oOo deficit, meaning bllls be transferred to thls year's budget. The S a A budget committee is coma reserve at the end of the budget year, that our expected revenuewas S I9,ooO allowlng the budget committee time to posed offour students from student June 30, mlslng the fund balance from less than what we expect tospend." begin discussions on how to deal with government: Neal Allen, David Lee. AI s 178*uoto s 18?.+67.So even though According to former Executive Coun. the deficit.' pmks, and Ginny Hansen. There are the budget ended at a defkit, the mecll ViceChaInnan AI Rooks. this defkit "We havea large -we, so we have also two facultymembers, Ed Morrls grew. resulted from funding a new wrestling some freedom to do thls". Mackintosh SeeSaA-3 Nowthe budget commlttee must program,increased budget requests added .**If we would have pald forall of " c "". ... Expansion of parking gives students space by LWKCAS hlC1X)NALL) sonrelong needed paved walkways around the campus, and a small park- I%r)ung a vehiclc- has never been a ing lot for ttw auto strop. brightspot in most students' days at "The money also went to the making Highline, but with thc expansion over of some pav4 pathways throughout the the summer of the south lot.it may be a campus. including the Performing lvts bit easier now. Center. and a driveway leading from Approxinratclp 1 12 spjts were crc*. the front of the Student Center to the atcd tby ttrc construction. that officially entrance of theArtist Lecture Sld&" kgilr1 June' 15and was Icntativcly corn. That will give anybody performing there. pkted onSept. 15. ,%meminor work particularly musicians a place to bring still remains on the lot. but Dirt.?ctor of equipment more easily to the building Facilities and Oprations Phil sell was Various other spots were provided with I very pleased with the way the contrac- pathways also." Sell explained. tors trandkd the maim undertaking. The money for the project was pro "They (the contractors) starttvl job. the vided by the Parking Lot Fund. in exist- and didnot stop until it was very nearly ence since Highline's opening in 1961. completed:'said .Sell. **Uninterrupted me fund comes from parking fees ac- construction doesn't alwayshapwn. SO cumulated since that time. buta pottion I am happy with the wayit turned oul." was needed every yearfor maintenance The total amount of student parWnf3 of the lots. "That includes painting of the space lines and repairingof curbs." Sell spots now stands at 1,363. including the . ". spaces provided by the Midway Drive- f?Oted. Sell also noted that theeast entrance "Many people don't know about the In. Since the expanded portion of the lot :WWythe biggest benefitof the pro will be a help to the Metro bus drivers, parking over there," saidScU. -1'think it's jcct was thc installation of new entran. was in a primarily student area. faculty who before had a difficult time navigate easier to walk from Midway. than from ces for the south lot. located east and and staff parking availability remains the ing the sharp turn to the bus stop. the southor north lots. which both have west of the original etrtrance/exit. same. The total number of on campus When asked about possible further uphill paths to the campus.". spots for students and staff is now at 'The two sets of entrances were put expansion of Highline's parking lots,Scll The spokesperson from chapman's in, because the c,riginal set up was poten. I,7 17. Thefigures from the office of stored. "There really Isn't anywhere elseoffice noted that thefee is the same 'for tially hazardous." explained Sell. "Cars Campus securityChief, Jack Chapman. to expand because people are walking parking at the drive-in asit is for the lots were going in and coming out at the The cost of the project was a seem. a long way to thecampus as it is." on campus. Parking permits are avail- Same place, and that was dangerous. Chapman's office and Sell both en. inglyhigh s 108.W. butas .c;Cll ex.
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